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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private On a Day Like Today


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I sighed almost wistfully as I looked behind me at my old hometown, Manehatten. It was going to be a long while before I would return to the city. Still, what I stood to gain was worth the cost of leaving the familiar.


I was a part of the experimental "Luna's Travelling Writers" program that the College of Language in Manehatten University had started this year. The idea was that the university would pay for the living expenses of the participants' lives on the road, so long as the school received a share of the profits from any writings they sold in their travels. I was hoping this would be my chance to get inspired. I was, in short, being paid to see the world, and I was going to make the most of it. Not to mention all the ponies I was going to meet on the road, and I was sure there would be plenty.


I planned to traverse the whole of Equestria, from Appleoosa to Trottingham to Ponyville and everywhere in between. I was going to be the talk of the nation!


But first, I conceded, I needed to get something to eat. By this point I had trotted down several miles, so I stopped at the first diner I saw off the side of the road. I fixed my mane, adjusted my trusty scarf, and opened the door to head inside. I called out in my most profound, booming voice, "Hello there, everypony! I am Dusty Quill, and I am one hungry unicorn!"


Most of the ponies in the diner barely looked at me; those who did quickly shrugged me off. I saw it was lunch hour, so the diner was nearly full. Looking around, I saw that one of the booths was only seating one pony, so I trotted over and sat across from them. "Mind if I sit down?" I asked. (This being where anyone can jump in, whoever wants to be at the table or whatever) 

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I looked down at the menu, not really wanting to pick it up just yet. The book in my hooves was much more interesting. It was titled 'Everlasting Treasures', and I had been reading for the past few days. It was very hard to put down at times.  

"I have been sitting here a while. Why not?" I thought, then placed my book on the table. Picking up the menu, I saw many varieties of foods. My eyes widened. 

"Well, that looks good." Almost everything on the menu looked absultely delicious. I looked up, glancing at some of the other tables. They all had different items from the menu. Seeing the food almost made my mouth water. 

Looking back down at the menu, I saw something that caught my eye. It was a salad with little pieces of fruit scattered across the top.

"That looks scrumptious. I think I'll get-"  My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a stallions voice. I looked up, seeing that he was a unicorn. He looked pretty nice, and sounded nice, too.

"Uh, no not at all. Go right ahead. But, if you are going to sit with me, I might as well know your name." I said, smiling brightly.

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"Name's Dusty Quill. Most just call me Dust, usually," I say brightly, sitting down and smiling. I look around at the diner and the first thing I notice is the decorations. The place is just like the diners one would see in those old flicks from back in the day, when gangster ponies would sing and dance and proclaim how tough their pompadours looked. I giggle inwardly as that realization sets in. The black and white tiles slightly reflect the glow of the brightly shining neon signs that hang from nearly every inch of wall. In the corner, a jukebox is playing The Rolling Scones' classic hit "Sympathy for the Discord," which topped the charts a few years before I was born. I rock slightly back and forth to the beat in spite of myself. Several ponies are dancing and the atmosphere of the diner is pleasant. I call out to the waitress, "Miss Waitress! An order of your finest hay fries, if you would please!" I then turn to my tablemate again. "Well I'll be, if it isn't 'Everlasting Treasures'! An old favorite of mine, I'll have you know!" I chime cheerily. "What was your name again?"


((By the way, this is the only time I will be OOC if I can help it, but Star Catcher (the one you mentioned before) is not in the character database. Some info in the planning thread about him/her would be awesome))

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"Well, I don't believe I ever gave you my name in the first place. But, I'm Star Catcher. You can call me Star, though, if you'd like." I said, smiling brightly. 

"Dusty Quill? Now, where have I heard that name before?" I wondered, looking down at my book. Remembering that Dust had said something about it, I picked it up and looked at the back cover. Quickly, I glanced over at Dust, trying my best to be descrete about it. 

"So, you've read this?" I asked, lifting the book slightly. "It's one of the best books I've read in a while actually." Then, before either of us could say anything else, a waitress came over with an order of hay fries and set them in front of Dust. She then turned to me and pulled out a small notebook and pen. 

"Oh, I had totally forgot to order. I'll be getting the garden salad with fruit, please." I said quickly. The waitress jotted my order down, then nodded and walked away. 

"Somepony's a bit anti-social.." I thought, opening my book and continuing to read. 

"So, what brings you here? I don't believe I've ever seen you around this part of town. Are you new?" I asked, glancing up at Dust. Obviously I knew I had heard his name somewhere else, so he couldn't be completely new. However, I thought that making small talk would make the situation less awkward. 


((Oh yeah, sorry about that. I'll give you a quick description in the planning thread now.))

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"Well, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Star," I say with a grin and a very slight blush. "And yeah, I have loved that book for years. In fact, I met the author while I was studying at the University of Manehatten a couple years back. He signed my copy, which is older than I am. I regret to say I left said copy at home, but it's good to know that somepony else appreciates his genius. I particularly love the climax when Rosepetal tells- WAIT! You might not be that far!" I exclaim with a furious blush. "I don't want to spoil the ending! I've already said too much! I'm sorry! I ramble!"


I take a few breaths and try to make my face less red. "Sorry, I just let like this around cu- I mean fillies I li- I mean other ponies," I say, correcting as I go, reddening more and more with every passing second.


I find salvation in my hay fries, burying my face inside the tray and attempting with all my might to disappear into the greasy abyss. That effort ultimately fails. After a moment, I raise my head  back up. "To answer your question, I guess you could say I'm new around here, but I grew up in Manehatten only a little ways away from here, so in that sense the place isn't totally unfamiliar to me."

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After a couple days of traveling to my next DJ location, some food sounded amazing so I trotted up into a dinner and got myself a sandwich. I was glued to my sandwich in front of me murmuring words to myself as I took a bite. My headphones where covering both ears with a faint noise of music being heard from them. "When they bring you down...drag you to ground...I will pick up." I loved my music and was trying to mimic the words trying to get inspiration to an upcoming gig I had in a couple weeks.


Just so happens a stop in the song I was listening to allowed me to hear a pony yell out some words. I of course took a glance to acknowledge whoever it was and raised an eyebrow to a stallion. The stallions name was Dusty Quilt? or maybe is was Dusty Quake? The headphones definitely made it hard to hear. He looked to be about my age but the thought soon left my head as the music started up again in the headphones and my eyes soon went back to starting down at my table occasionally closing them to bob my head to the beat or tap a hoof on the floor or table.

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"I see. I've grown up moving around a lot, after we moved from Cloudsdale. So, I have actually been all over Manehatten. I just recently moved here, in the first place of my own." I said, smiling proudly. "However, I really want to travel, instead of staying in one place, you know?" Then, the waitress came over with my salad, placing it in front of me. 

"Thank you." I said smiling. Once she walked away, I was about to dig into the salad, then remembered the stallion seated across from me. I blushed slightly, then gently poked at my salad, trying to get some of the lettuce. 

Looking up, I caught a glimpse of a pony in another booth. She was wearing an awesome pair of headphones, and bobbing her head. I figured she was really into the music she was listening to by the way she was acting.

"Those are like, the coolest pair of headphones I've seen in a while. I wonder where she got them..." I thought aloud, turning towards Dust. "Hmm, if she isn't gone by the time I leave, I should ask her." I said, then giggled. "Anyway, have you ever thought about traveling?" 

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"Thought about travelling?? Miss Star, for the next few years I will be doing little but travelling! And I'm being fully paid for, as well! The University is paying for me to participate in a new program called 'Luna's Travelling Writers' which basically is a way for young writers to spread their work all across Equestria. In my case, I intend to use it as an opportunity to inspire my work in writing so that I can have something that I can be proud of. To make the most of that, I am going to travel all across Equestria! My plan is to do, see, hear, and otherwise experience the whole world! I will meet the most interesting ponies, go on adventures, and get into just enough trouble to fuel my writings! And since you intend to travel, I would like you to be the first to join my Team of Interesting Ponies! What do you say?"


By the time I had finished my rant, I was standing on top of our table and had managed to create quite a scene of myself. It was only when I stopped talking that I realized where I was standing. I glanced at all the staring ponies, gave them a friendly wave, and sat back down.


"I can get like that sometimes. Usually somepony just cuts me off, so it was weird that I managed a whole rant like that.."

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By this time I have finished my sandwich and my belly was full. I leaned back in my seat lazily as the last song finished in my headphones. Right when I placed them on my neck, me and a bunch of other ponies gave a look to the ranting pony now waving like he just won an award or something and sitting back down. "This part of Equestria sure has its interesting ponies" I thought to myself as I turned back once more in my seat and gulped down the glass of water. After chugging the water I sat around for awhile, glancing at all the ponies within the diner.


All each had there own little world, almost as if each table had its own little bubble of conversing. I didn't mind sitting alone. I had my music always handy to listen to but I listened to all the songs I have 20 times since this trip. It was getting boring to be quite honest.


I ran a hoof through my mane watching the purple and yellow colors mixing with eachother until my hoof was suddenly stopped by a knot. "Oh really? Not today" I thought as I put pressure on the knot trying to break through it. There was success in getting out the knot but....the sudden release of the knot caused me to pop myself in the nose with my hoof.


"oooooo....ooww" I quietly said as my eyes started to water up. I hated getting hit in the nose, it always made my eyes water up making it look like I was a wimp. I could only sniffle and rub my nose to try to stop it from continuing.

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I watched the pony as he went on his rant, trying not to laugh. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle when he had realized what he was doing and sat down. 

"Well that was interesting." I giggled, taking a bite from my salad. "And about joining that 'Team of Interesting Ponies', I'd be honored. Traveling is one of my biggest dreams, and to be able to fulfil that dream with a pony as nice and amazing as you would be absolutely bubbly!" I said, smiling brightly.

"Dang, this pony is so cool and just, well, interesting. And, he's kinda weird, but the good kinda weird. I like that." I thought, taking another bite from my salad. It was quite delicious.

"So, you'd really let me travel with you though? Like, I don't know, it just, seems so unreal that I'd be able to do something like that.." I said, looking up at him with a dreamy kind of look in my eyes. It was true, it did seem so unreal that I could actually travel and do something I had always wanted. No pony ever really fulfilled their dreams unless they were rich, and I was no where near rich. 

I ended up looking over at the pony with the head phones just as she hit herself in the nose with her hoof. "Ouch..." I said, rubbing my own nose, almost feeling a kind of sympathy pain. 

I figured, since she was now free to talk with the head phones around her neck instead of on her ears, I should take the opportunity.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I mean, unless you want to come with me. I'm just going over to talk to that pony with the head phones." I said, hopping out of the booth and over to the other pony. 

I walked up, smiling. "Hey. I saw you hit your nose. You okay?" I asked, again feeling the sympathy pain. My eyes began to feel hot, like they were about to start watering. I blinked, trying to get the feeling to go away. Once it was mostly gone, I looked back up at the pony. However, my eyes went straight to her head phones. I couldn't help but look, they were amazing.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get those head phones? They look awesome, and seem like they work pretty well. I was thinking of getting myself a pair." I said, looking back up at the pony.

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I looked up to the seeing the concerned pony and nodded wiping my eyes "Ya I'm fine, I'm guessing you seen me hoof myself in the face" I said with a small giggle finally getting over the annoying pain. I sniffled a couple more times before hearing that the pony was interested in the headphones around my neck. I smiled as she finished. I finally had was doing something other than music, talking to another pony.


"Oh no I don't mind at all, I got these at a Vinyl Scratch concert awhile back. She signed them herself" Taking the headphones off my neck a place them near the pony and pointed to a bunch of scribbles on one side barely making out her name "She is my idol hoofs down" I said getting excited letting my inner fan come out. "I hear they only give these kinds of headphones at concerts but I'm sure there are awesome ones you can get just the same" I said getting up leaving a couple of bits for the meal I had earlier "Go ahead and try them on, I bet they would look amazing on you as they do on me" I said finishing with a smile. "By the way, whats your name? I seen you know that one stallion over at your table" When I finished I took a glance at her cutie mark consisting of white and yellow stars. A thought shot into my mind "This pony might be a superstar, or an actor or....don't judge Spacer, you can ask about it later"

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I looked at the head phones in awe. They were pretty awesome before, but being autographed by Vinyl Scratch herself made them even more awesome! I couldn't help but stare, looking over the scribbles over and over again, not able to take my eyes off of them. 

I picked up the pair of head phones, still staring at them as they were in my hooves. I took her offer to let me wear them, sliding them over my ears. They pushed at the flower a bit, but it stayed in place, as it always did. 

"Woah, they are so comfortable. I bet they sound amazing." I said, smiling. "Oh, and my name's Star Catcher." I slid the head phones off, looking at the autograph once more. 

"I met Vinyl once, but I didn't get to see her for very long. It didn't matter to me though, since, you know, I was meeting her. I've never gotten something autographed by her though..." I laughed, giving the head phones back to the pony. "Oh, I never got your name, did I?" I asked, then looked back over to Dust. 

"Ah, I kinda left him over there. I don't want to keep him waiting too long." I said, then looked back at the pony. 

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(OCC: I don't know if this RP is dead or not but I will post anyway XD)


"They are amazing when that bass is cranked up!" I said fist hoofing the sky. "It doesn't take much to make me shake my plot" I smiled giggled at myself and looked at the pony Star Catcher was referring to in the booth as I placed the headphones back around my neck.  "I wouldn't mind meeting your friend its thats cool, I was just about to get going. I'm on my way to a DJ gig I have down the road. You both should totally come" I gave a big smile "It's not so often I see ponies I have met at my gigs. Names Spacer by the way" I said walking with her back to her table. "Thats a cute flower you got going on in your hair" I was hoping that wasn't too random. I was random at times when I got excited over something but tried to keep my cool. "Is there a reason why you have that particular one in your mane?" I said as I flipped my mane to the side uncovering my face better smiling. My mane always seemed to get in the way of my face. I haven't met a stallion in awhile so had to make the best first impression I could.

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"I'd love to go, that'd be totally bubbly! But, I have to see if it's alright with Dust, first. He invited me to be a part of this thing he's doing. He's like traveling and writing and whatever, and I don't know how soon he would want to get that started, you know?" I explained as we walked over to the booth. 

"So Spacer is a DJ? She's so down to Earth, though. Well, at least I know she's not one of those bubblehead pop-star kind of ponies." I thought. 

When Spacer asked about my flower, I pointed to it. "Oh, this? No, not really. It's just the color. It's because of my cutie mark, since it has white and yellow stars. I like to put a yellow flower in my mane so it matches the white and yellow scheme." We got to the booth, and I waved at Dust. Then, I sat down on my side of the booth, pushing in a bit more. I tapped the spot next to me, inviting Spacer to sit down. Naturally, I began talking again. 

"But, this one time, I went to this awesome party, so I wanted to dress up real nice. I ended up braiding a little bit of my tail and had it wrap around. Then, to match my color scheme, I tucked a few buttercups in the braid. Pretty bubbly, huh?" Then, I looked at Dust, then back to Spacer. "Oh, sorry. Dust, this is Spacer. Spacer, this is Dust." I said, smiling. 

"Oh, and, Dust. Spacer has this gig she's going to, and she wants us to go. You think you could postpone our trip until afterwards?" I asked, looking at him with my best puppy dog eyes and pouted a bit, like a filly asking its parents for ice-cream. "Please?" 

Edited by DashieHeart
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"I understand" I said with a smile. I listened to her explanation on her flower and couldn't help but glance back and forth from her face to her cutie mark and back to her flower. "Thats awesome! Would I look good with a flower like yours? Maybe a flower in a yellow or purple color" I motioned to one of my ears folding it down before I seen that she patted a spot next to her. I slid in next to her bumping into her as she finished her story. "I need to get my tips of fashion from you!" I replied putting a hoof around her "Very bubbly but very unique! I'll be sure to bring you to my next party" I gave a wink before turning my attention to the stallion across from the two of us. "Hello Dust" I said with a big smile "How about it? A nice relaxing night out" I said scooting next to Star Catcher and gave my best puppy eyes along with her folding my ears back "Pretty please Dust? I promise you both won't be disappointing" My eyes glimmered "SAY YES SAY YES!" I was screaming in my head. Not only would I be performing for a bunch of ponies, I would be performing for my new friends! I hoped they found me friendly.

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I had been sitting in severe, crimson-faced embarrassment for quite a few minutes, stewing in my own self-beratement for long enough that the world had more or less moved on without me. By the time I realized I was being spoken to, I leapt out of my seat and cried out in a much-too-loud voice, "YES! THAT SOUNDS LOVELY! I WAS TOTALLY PAYING ATTENTION! I mean, yeah, music sounds lovely at the moment, haha," I tried desperately to recover. "Heh, sorry about that. The name's Dusty Quill, and I promise I'm not as crazy as I look," I say to Spacer, looking at her apologetically. "Mostly I just don't moniter everything I say or do, so I just sorta let my body go on autopilot for long periods at a time. Then I check back in later to see what has happened while I wasn't paying attention and realize how much my autopilot needs fixing. This mostly manifests in the form of rambling. Which... I'm.. doing right now..." I come to the realization as I speak. I try to do something that doesn't involve making noise, so I hastily shove a few hay fries down my throat. While I revel in the joys of greasy delicacy, I wonder to myself, How in Equestria do these two fillies even tolerate my presence? Not one thing I have said so far has made sense. It's a wonder they can stand to be near me, let alone talk to me and even smile at me. Either it's my lucky day, or at least one of us has gone crazy. Maybe both. Thinking this, I chew and try to avoid saying anything that could lead to a ramble. For the moment, the greasy hay halts my stream of words.

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I plopped down back in my seat from the outburst eyes blinking but soon after I laughed and smiled "Its okay Dust, I don't judge on the first hang out" I said with a wink. "I'm glad you guys want to come to my music concert, its not often I see new friends at a concert since I travel so much." I looked at a clock with in the diner and seen it was getting close to the time where I had to leave to set up my equipment for the concert. "As much as I want to stay here and talk I must be going to get ready for the concert" I got up from my seat and looked to Dust and Star Catcher "If you guys want to I can give you the grand tour of the backstage, you can be my VIP's" I stated adjusting my headphones. "What do you say? You two would get front row seats to my musical madness" I giggled and picked up a hay fry from Dust's plate and popped it in the air in an attempt to catch it in my mouth. It missed completely hitting her cheek and fell to the floor. "uh I meant to do that" I said rubbing the back of my head. "Sorry for the waste of a hay fry, make sure the other fries don't see a friend go to waste" I said jokingly with a giggle.


I didn't get a lot of time to meet my new friends but from the looks of it they both seem like pretty friendly ponies. A mare who knew her way around fashion and a stallion that spaced out at times....cute I thought as I waited for a response. I can't wait to show these ponies a great time.

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"Hah, sweet! I knew you'd say yes!" I exclaimed, then took a victorious bite of my salad. I looked at Spacer as I chewed happily, trying my best not to laugh. I watched as Spacer got up, then finished my large bite of food.

"That'd be totally bubbly, like, crazy bubbly. I like the way you think." I said, sliding out of the seat and standing next to her. I smiled at her, then looked at Dust. He looked a bit nervous.

"Oh, wait. You think I'd have time to go back to my place and change? I mean, it's not too far from here, and I fly fast. But wait, would I have time to do my hair?" I touched my mane with my hoof, then looked at her. "I probably sound like such a diva right now, don't I? Sorry, I'm not usually like this. I just want to look nice, you know?" I said, looking over at my salad and my book. "Well, I need to bring those home anyway, so I'll fly quick and do that, and then I'll meet you at the place. Sound good?" I asked.

I looked over at Dust, who still looked pretty nervous. "He's a pretty awkward pony, isn't he? Awe, that's adorable.." I thought. "So, what's your plan?" I asked, sliding next to him.

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"Haha, plan? I don't know the meaning of the word," I say with a smirk, putting together my usual, more self-sure persona. "I usually just go with the flow. In this case, the flow is moving in two directions, and I'm not sure I'm welcome in either case. So unless one of you protests, I think I will just look around the area, make my way to the music hall along a very slow and most likely indirect route. Maybe run into some trouble, if it should so hap. Or maybe I'll finally get inspired to write some," I say with a thoughtful look at nothing in particular. "Yeah, maybe I'll do that. Write a sonnet about you two, perhaps," I wink in an attempt to seem charismatic. I then stand up and button up my vest with some magic and toss my scarf around my neck. Nudging my glasses a little farther up my snout toward my eyes, I suddenly turn to the pair before me and with great feeling and a confident, victorious grin I proclaim, "Today is the day I start my career as a writer! I can't afford to forget that! Starting today, I'm going to take Equestria by storm, and I'm glad I can count on you to help me make that happen!" With that, I start toward the door. As I get to the doorway, I stop and turn my head around. This time my expression is sincere, almost solemn. "Really," I say quietly, "thank you so much. I had no idea there were ponies like you two out there in the world." I catch myself, and my grin returns as if it had never left. I open the door.

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I gave Star Catcher a smile with my eyes close "Of course you can go home and change party don't start till...." I glance around find no clock and laughed "till the sun goes down!" I said pointing a hoof out the window "You got plenty of time by the looks of it" I said with a giggle.


Listening to Dust I understood and nodded to him "Your welcome, I'm glad I could help you with your writing Dust!" I yelled at him as he opened the door to leave. "If your not busy don't forget my party slash concert!" I quickly added. I almost sounded as bubbly as Star Catcher I thought to myself as I was overwhelmed with excitement.


I looked back to Star Catcher "I will see you tonight new friend" I said winking and backing up to the opposite entrance to the diner "bring you and your bubbly self!" I got out before I knocked over a plant catching it in mid fall "heh....yaaa cya!" I sat the plant back up straight and hopped out of the diner. Spreading my wings, I took off into the sky and headed down the road landing in front of the building my gig was being held at and popped inside.

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I leave the restaurant, ducking politely as Spacer flies over my head to jaunty on over to her gig. Watching her for a second, I shake my head a bit and start walking in that general direction, meandering and ambling at a leisurely pace. I walk along the edge of the road, and while doing so I admire the gardens that line the road on either side. In particular, I notice a few plants out of which grow the same type of flower that Star Catcher wears in her mane. I smirk, then pick one and place it in my mane the way she does. I giggle a little bit to myself, and then walk for a little while, this time pulling out a blank scroll from my bag and readying my writing spell. With that spell, I don't need a pen or quill to write; I simply magic the words onto the paper directly. I considered for a moment, then started writing:

Star Catcher

A lake. Water, ripples, sunlight reflecting.

A flower. Its petals spin lazily on the water's surface.

A bubble. It rises from the bottom of the lake, and tickles the flower by rising under it.

A second bubble. A third. A myriad of little bubbles, rising, constantly rising.

Small on their own, but each prods and pushes the flower gently, spinning it.

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, and each spins the flower, to its delight.

The flower, pretty and precious on its own, is made more beautiful

By its little legion of bubbly bursts of joy, laughter, levity.

Each bubble promises relief from pain.

Each petal promises a brighter, better tomorrow.

At the flower's core, a small, lovely life that waits for the day its legion of bubbles

Will carry it away, away, away, into the great Maybe.


I sigh and roll up the scroll. I wonder if she will like it, but decide to wait to show it to her. Writing that has drained me a bit, so I decide that is enough for now, even as ideas about what I can say about Spacer race through my head.

  • Brohoof 1
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I smile as Spacer and Dust talk, then leave the diner. I didn't get much time to say anything else, since they both left quite fast.

"Those two sure made my day a lot more fun than I expected it to be." I thought as I sat back down in the booth to pick up my stuff. 

"Oh wait, I need a tray for this.." I said, remembering my half-eaten salad. I walked over to the bar, and looked at the pony behind it. "May I have a tray for my salad? I am in a bit of a rush." I asked. She looked at me, then turned around and grabbed a tray. She pushed it onto the bar, then immediately turned around and went into the back room.
"Uhm, thank you!" I shouted, then quickly trotted back to my table and got my things. Soon, I was flying out the door at top-speed. I was headed straight for my apartment building, happy as ever. 

"I can't wait to see Spacer and Dust at the concert! It's going to be absolutely bubbly!" I thought, not realizing the smile that had secretly spread across my face. 

Once I got to the building, I noticed one of my windows was open, and I flew inside. I sighed as I landed, looking around. 

"Home sweet home..." I said happily, flapping my wings and flying towards the kitchen. As I flew by, I threw my book on the coffee table, causing it to slide off the table and onto the couch. 

I opened the fridge, still in the air, and placed the salad on the top shelf. I quickly turned and bolted toward my bedroom. I flew in and closed the door with a slam, but I didn't have time to care. 

I lighted down near the closet and flung it open, looking through every piece of clothing I had. 

"Okay, since it's a concert, I'll straighten my mane... and how about some bracelets? Hmm.. So much to choose from... And I don't want to look totally fashion-missing!" I said, thinking aloud to myself. I looked out the window. "I have time." I said with a smile, then went back to searching through my closet, wildly throwing things aside.

Edited by DashieHeart
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"Ya plug that in there" I said to a pony setting up the wiring for the lights and speakers. It was getting closer and closer to showtime but it felt like the minutes were hours as I trotted back and forth throw the dance floor to the entrance then back. I decided that the worker crew wouldn't want me to make a trench from walking back and forth so I headed to the room with my name on the door and fell into the couch provided inside.


Starring at the ceiling I went through the beats and tunes I have been listening to the past couple weeks and threw on my headphones to cancel out the moving of equipment outside. As much as I wanted to rest my eyes they kept opening to look at the time to see if the minute hand moved at all and every time it didn't move i murmured horsefeathers. I glanced over to the table to see a glass of water. I sat up to grab it and gulped it down getting water droplets down my chin. Wiping off my mouth I leaned back in the couch and tapped my front hoofs together trying to be patient and concentrated on the music soothing her ears.

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I trot up the road and see a 'Welcome to Manehattan' sign. "Ugh, finally. I've been travelling for days." I shout in relief. Having left Ponyville for a while, to see what else Equestria has to offer. "Oh, that diner seems nice, i'm bloody starving." I change the song on my iPony to Duality, by Slipknot. " I think some celebratory headbanging is in order for finally getting here." I say to myself as the music starts playing.


Once I get to the diner I see an empty booth. I pull my headphones down to my neck, music still blazing, and look at the menu. A mare comes over and asks for my order. " Can I have an iced tea and a six egg omelette please." She leaves and after a while brings my order over to me. " Thanks." I dig into the omelette, after a few minutes i've eaten all of it. " Bloody 'ell, I was hungry." I take the bottled ice tea, pay for the meal, and leave. " Okay, now i've had some food, I think i'll go to that concert starting in a few hours." I slowly trot towards the venue for the concert. " I'm sure Vinyl would have loved coming to this with me, maybe she should have came over with me." I say sadly to myself. " I'm gonna miss her and Derpy while i'm away."


Once I get to the venue, I realise i'm early by at least three or four hours as no pony else is here, except of course the ones helping with the equipment. I walk to the ticket booth. " Hi mate, can I got my VIP ticket here. Would you be able to let me in, I wont cause any trouble while no pony else is here."


(OOC) i ended there because i dont wanna have the bloke at the ticket booth saying the wrong thing.

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"Totally bubbly..." I say, looking at myself in the mirror. I had straightened my mane and tail and parted my mane so that it was slightly in front of my face on one side, then added my usual yellow flower. 

My outfit was simply a few gel bracelets of all different colors on one hoof, a light and dark green striped tie that was loosely tied around my neck, and a bow of the same color at the base of my tail. I also had a few diamond earrings in. 

I admired myself in the mirror for a few more minutes, smiling at my great work.

"Alright, I should get going, I guess." I said, thinking aloud. "I could fly around and maybe find Dust while I'm out." I walked over to my door and opened it slowly, looking back at myself in the mirror one more time.

"Dang, I'm good." I said, then flapped my wings and flew through the living room and out the same window I had entered through. I flew around for a little while before seeing the place that Spacer must be having her gig at. I lighted down in front of the place, seeing another pony at the ticket booth. 

"Hey. Here for the concert I see. Me too. I'm really only here because my new friend is playing, and she wanted me to be here. I bet it's going to be absolutely bubbly." I say to the pony, smiling brightly.

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