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private The Land Of Power


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Moon Beam looked at Aries, a bit agitated.

"Well, it seems to follow me as well. But, a piece of advise for you, Mr. Up-Tight: Why not loosen up a little bit? You might sound a little less arrogant." she snapped, then looked to Steel. "Don't get into too much trouble. I'd really love to see you again." Moon Beam smiled, then flew off in the direction that the carriage had gone.

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Aires sighed "how am I being arrogant?"aires asked letting his horn show

Steel just shrugged "I don't know but let's see what we can find out about miss moonbeam she seems Interesting" steel said as he watched her fly off "she can fight rather well and She wasnt shaken by death jester"

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Moon Beam soon caught up with the carriage, and decided to fly below it. She didn't want Hank or Celestia to know that she was there. What she really wanted was some time to think, so she stayed a good distance away from the carriage. However, there wasn't much she could think about other than Steel and Aries. They just seemed so interesting to her.

"The way they fought was pretty amazing. However, could help if there was a little less blood. Blood is totally scary-making." she thought, realizing she was even thinking in fluent pretty now. 

((by the way, just so you guys know if you didn't already, "pretty speak" is from this book I read called "Uglies" and theres this whole series but, my point is, when it says like, "she smiled a pretty smile", its just something from a book, sorry if its confusing or anything lol))

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Steel and aires took flight aires shot a tracker at moonbeam it hit he back very softly he hoped that he had gotten it on with out her noticing "alright steel the trackers on" Aries said

Steel nodded "good now you go on home I'll tail her and see what I can find out I'll let you know when it's time to switch" Steel said

Aries nodded and flew home

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Moon Beam was flying peacefully, smiling as her thoughts wandered. Suddenly, she felt something on her back. She flew up to the carriage, and focused on the side of it. A small, red, misty ray of light extended from her shoulder to the carriage. This would keep her flying safely beside it. 

She then turned her head to look at her back, and saw the tracker. Her eye screen came into her vision, and told her that it was Aries' tracker. She shook her head, then looked forward again, letting her eye screen fade and making the misty ray of light disappear. She then flew back down away from the carriage, and began thinking again, not worrying about the tracker.

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hank and celestia are hugging each other on the carriage as they sigh "that was really scary." said celestia as she looks up and sighs. hank smiles "thanks celestia. for the AI chips." he said with a smile. Celestia nods "your welcome. so later. i can take you to the new land." she said



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Steel seen moonbeam notice the tracker but ignore it as he flew he pulled out his pad and quill and took a note about it "very interesting indeed" steel said "but with her fighting skills she could be useful for the purge and she Doesn't mind death" steel disc to himself

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Moon Beam stopped flying momentarily, then quickly began following the carriage again. She knew somepony was behind her, she could feel it. She slowed down slightly, slowly falling behind the carriage. 

Suddenly, she turned quickly and shot towards the pony behind her. She reached out her hooves, hitting the pony in the shoulders, and flew down, pushing him. When she finally had him pinned to the ground, she noticed who it was. 

"Steel? Okay, don't do that. I really don't do well when ponies follow me. I can sense when they do, which makes it worse. What were you doing anyway, stalker?" she asked, laughing. She moved off of him, then reached out her hoof to help him up.

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Steel was impressed he would have been more impressed if she would have realized that it was a trick of spawns magic steel flipped and pinned her down as the one she had pinned faded out of existence "I'm not following I'm observing" he said as he wrote on his pad and flipped it shut "now then carry on" steel said

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Moon Beam raised an eyebrow at Steel.

"Observing? Okay, that sounds just a bit weird." she said. She looked back at the carriage as it got farther and farther away. "Yeah, I might want to catch up to that. But no more 'observing', okay? If you want to know anything about me, all you have to do is ask, weirdo." she giggled, then flew off to catch up with the carriage.

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Steel took off after her "but ten you can lie and deceive that's why I observe actions don't lie" steel said "so many ponies lie one can never trust what they say" steel said

Aries Had made it to their house as was laying in his bed just relaxing waiting for steels call

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"Well, I'm no liar. Buuut I bet you think I'm lying about that. However, it's true. I rarely ever lie. I kind of can't, actually. But that's a completely different story." Moon Beam said. As she flew, she would occasionally look up at the carriage, making sure she was still below it, just in case it veered off in a different direction. 

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Steel sighed "that's the thing I've been lied to to many times I can't trust a word Anypony says especially if I just meet them"steel said he had trust issues and had them for a long time but he wasn't always untrusting there once was a time in which he found it easy to trust

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soon enough the carriage reaches canterlot castle as they go to land. once they land, they both got off and they went inside the castle to have a talk. as they walked celestia smiled "hank. its time to know about a land. that alicorns go to stay." she said with a smile "They live there, but certain alicorns leave."



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"Oh, they're landing! Move!" Moon Beam said, pushing Steel behind some trees. She tumbled over him as they hit the ground. She got up and looked at him, blushing a bit.

"I don't want them to know that I'm here yet. I want to talk to you more." she said quietly, and smiled. "Trust issues? Okay, listen to this. I have this curse, and like, it used to pretty much control my life. But, I finally learned how to control it. However, now it kind of won't let me lie, unless it's life or death. But yer again, you probably don't believe that do you?" she said, giggling. "You could test me if you want, you know?" 

Edited by DashieHeart
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Steel scoffed "if you are lying it's pretty good" steel said after he stood up "but it Doesn't matter really I sit care of you can lie at all or not even if it's to save your life it's still lying and thus can't be trusted" steel said "but you should go you have friends waiting for you" steel said

Aries was almost asleep when he felt something land on him he opened his eyes to see it was Astrid ((hope you don't mind me adding her)) she looked up at him "uncle Aries where's daddy?" Astrid said

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"Well it's only because my curse likes to protect me." Moon Beam said in defense. "But wait, I don't want to go yet. I want to keep talking to you. I mean, unless you want me to go.." she said, pouting a bit on her last sentence. She looked at the castle, then back at Steel. 

"Oh come on don't leave yet!" she thought.

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Steel half smiled "trust me you don't want to get involved with me" steel said "you've got fiends and ponies that care about you and as far as they know you're still fighting the order so they'll be worried about you"

Arris smiled at the little filly "he's working"

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"But, I'd much rather hang out with you. You seem so much more interesting anyway. I mean, you do things like, what you did back there!" Moon Beam argued, standing up.

"Whatever. It seems like you'd prefer if I just left you alone. You probably have much better things to do than talk to me." she said, lifting into the air and flying towards the castle.

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Steel took off after her "I do have better things to do like keeping you and everypony else safe if love to just stay and chat but ponies lives are always on the line" steel said "and thank you but im not interesting" steel kept pace by moonbeam

Astrid sighed "when will he be done?"

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"Yeah, sure. You just want me out of your mane so you can get back to 'saving ponies'." Moon Beam said, turning over and flying upside down. A very light green mist appeared around her, which was there to help guide her so that she didn't accidentally fly into something. 

"I get it, Steel. I'll just be on my way. And actually, yeah you really are. Most other ponies don't fight crazy orders and death jesters. You are a pretty unique kind of stallion." she said with a smile, then flew a bit faster. She began spinning, and closed her eyes, letting the mist guide her around.

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Steel sighed and turned a hard left and headed towards his home he liked at the moon and sighed as he flew he wasn't going fast at all In fact a foal would crawl faster them he was flying

Aries smiled "soon Astrid would you like to here a story" Aries asked

Astrid smiled and nodded

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"Wait, Steel. Before you go off to save somepony's life or something, would you mind if I did something?" Moon Beam asked as she stopped spinning, flying normally now. She flew towards him and was soon in front of him. 

"It's nothing too serious. I just want to be able to talk to you, without having to search everywhere to find you. It's a kind of mind link type thing. But, I'll only do it if you want me to. I just really don't want to lose touch with you, you know? You're too awesome to never talk to again." she said, giggling.

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Steel smiled "sure but part of my supposed awesomeness comes from my illusive nature" steel said

Aries smiled "how about I tell you of my home Astrid it's a land full of alicorns and with so many there ponies like celestia and Luna and me aren't special we're just normal everyday ponies and ponies like you and steel are the special ones " Aries said

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"Illusive nature? Do explain." Moon Beam said, leaning to the side and laying on the cloud of green mist, propping her head up on her hoof. "See, you are pretty interesting, Mr. Illusive Nature." she said, giggling, then proceeded to get more comfortable on her misty cloud. "Want one?" she asked, pointing to it.

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