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Steel rolled his eyes "I'm not mean nor evil in fact is spent years trying to purge equsetria of evil "I don't care that he hates but he will show respect to us as living creatures or he won't be one" steel said "and I've been alone all by life since I was seven to be exact so being alone does not bother me"

He glares at him "if your trying to purge equestria of evil. then kill me. from where i was from. i was known as the destroyer. ive been alone for nearly 1000 years until i met celestia. if you want to purge equestria of evil. then might as well as kill everypony. we all have done evil. even yourself."



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Steel looked at him "you changed your ways I target those that keep doing evil I warn them if they keep going them I end them and that's one less pony doing evil and I know I'm guilty of evil I kill ponies almost daily but I do it to better equestria and to make it safe" steel said

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hank sighs "equestria shouldnt be perfect. nothing can be perfect. so just stop killing innocent ponies." he said "only kill the ones that need to be killed. not the hardheaded ones or the ones that do it because they have to. i had to steal from stores when i first came here cause i was living on the streets."



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"I think about the circumstances before I even give them a warning it's only those that are evil by choice that die" steel said "had I been alive when you first came to equestria I would have looked into you and your life" steel added

Aries stepped in "hank you don't know us and what we do therefor you cannot pass judgment" Aries said

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"I think about the circumstances before I even give them a warning it's only those that are evil by choice that die" steel said "had I been alive when you first came to equestria I would have looked into you and your life" steel added

Aries stepped in "hank you don't know us and what we do therefor you cannot pass judgment" Aries said

he looks at steel "giving a warning is not pointing a sword at another ponies throat ready to kill. he isnt evil by choice. you know how ponies treated me? they treated me like i was dirt when i was here. i couldnt fit it. i despised ponies from how they acted. you should stop assuming ponies are evil from what they say."

Hank looks at aries "i dont need to know. killing innocent ponies just because they say things because they never seen a non alicorn. you all kill ponies that do minor things. what this alicorn did is nothing to what i seen. to what i have done.. and to what i can do." he said and glares "maybe you all should be the ones who shouldnt pass judgment."



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Moon Beam decided to sit down and watch the argument for a while, as well as Violette and Lune, even though he was still at blade point. However, Moon began to get angry about mid-argument, and it simply got worse as it went on. Finally, she figured it was time for her to step in and hopefully stop it. She walked up to Steel, gently pushing him away from Lune and pointing the dagger away from anypony. She then glared at Hank slightly, but with more of a blank expression than any anger.

"You know, Hank, I can see exactly where Steel is coming from, seeing as I am a pegasus as well. What Lune here said was very disrespectful, and very unecassary. I don't find it okay, no matter who or what he is, or who or what he has or hasn't seen." she said, the anger in her voice becoming more obvious as she spoke. "And I don't much care for the way you have been talking to Steel either, since he makes a severely good point. So, why don't you look at this from our point of view, and tell me how you would feel." Moon then turned to Steel, her expression and tone softening slightly. "As for you, what you did wasn't right either. I understand your anger, but killing, injuring, or hurting ponies for their opinion isn't okay. I get you are like, Mr. Assasin, just like your friend over there, but still, he's an innocent pony.  Frankly, both of you were in the wrong." Moon Beam said, looking at the both of them. "You were, too." she turned to Lune, giving him a dirty look. "And, we are related, so I'd like a bit more respect from my cousin." 

Lune looked at Moon for a brief moment, but mainly kept his eyes on Steel, still a bit afraid of the stallion. Violette, on the other hand, was simply watching everything unfold. Once she noticed Moon Beam was done, she stepped up to the group.

"Well, I'm glad to find out that you are part of our family." she said with a smile. "I'd just like to know how, wouldn't you?" She looked from Lune to Moon Beam.

"Yeah, I guess I would. Is there a library or something close by that might have our family tree?" Moon asked.

"Yes, I think so. Do you know, Lune?" Violette looked over to him, waiting for an answer. However, he was still staring at Steel.

"Uhm, I think it'd be nice to walk around a bit first anyway and get to know this place. It seems so majestic." Moon Beam said, looking around dreamily. "Come on!" she shouted as she flapped her wings and rose into the air, grabbing Steel in the process.

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Steel pulled away from moonbeam "I have to get my daughter home before she wakes" steel said taking her off of Aries he placed her on his back

Aries rolled his eyes "if guy think we'd waste our time dealing with such minor offenders you are foolish" Aries said before turning "my home is this way steel" he said

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Steel pulled away from moonbeam "I have to get my daughter home before she wakes" steel said taking her off of Aries he placed her on his back

Aries rolled his eyes "if guy think we'd waste our time dealing with such minor offenders you are foolish" Aries said before turning "my home is this way steel" he said

hank looks at Aries "well. it seems like it as your friend here threatened to kill a pony for his opinion. maybe you all should think what your doing before you act. i know ways to get you in trouble. big trouble. Celestia has been worried about you all from what you two are doing.."



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Aries rolled his eyes "trouble you try to threaten us with trouble?" Aries said "we do mkt care about trouble and as for steels threat he nearly said he was going to teach him respect you assumed killing and about celestia and her worrying she dose not matter to me or steel" arris said "now good day" Aries made it clear that he was done with the conversation

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Aries rolled his eyes "trouble you try to threaten us with trouble?" Aries said "we do mkt care about trouble and as for steels threat he nearly said he was going to teach him respect you assumed killing and about celestia and her worrying she dose not matter to me or steel" arris said "now good day" Aries made it clear that he was done with the conversation

hank smiles "thats why there was the sword to his neck. well celestia does matter. she knows what you are doing to ponies. i dont see why you want things to be pure. you cant do it. your not pure yourself. you two know that.." he sighs and looks at the alicorns 



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Aries corrected him "it was a dagger for one and if steel was going to kill him he'd be dead already and I know we're not pure but that part comes later once we've dealt with the rest of the evil them we purge ourselves" Aries said "and as fit celestia I don't give a buck if she knows she does not control me it steel if she did then we'd be like you one of her little puppets"

((Steel is just a Pegasus))

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"Alright! Why don't you two just shut up?! I'm done hearing the back and forth with this stupid situation." Moon Beam said, landing in between the two ponies.

"So, you are both going to shut your mouths, and leave each other alone. Do I make myself clear, kids?" She said, smiling a bit as she said "kids", trying to lighten the mood a little. "But, I would like to explore some before we get all serious, so Steel and Aries will go on their way, Hank and Celestia should go somewhere far away from those two, and I will go explore. I would love if you came with me, Violette, but Lune can do whatever he feels like, just stay away from Steel." As she said this last part, she shot a look at Steel. "Later, we can find a library or something and research our family. Is everypony okay with that plan? Well, it doesn't matter if you aren't, because that's what we are going with. Got it? Good, okay."

"Lune, want to come with us?" Violette asked, turning to him.

He simply nodded slowly, then flapped his wings and flew over to Violette, hovering near her.

"Alright, let's get going. Everypony stick to the plan so there won't be any more fighting." Moon said, then took off. Violette and Lune followed soon after.

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Steel and Aries flew off heading home they laid Astrid down so she wouldn't get disturbed steel kissed her forehead and closed the door to her room with a sigh

Aries went into the kitchen and made some sandwiches for him and steel


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Aries corrected him "it was a dagger for one and if steel was going to kill him he'd be dead already and I know we're not pure but that part comes later once we've dealt with the rest of the evil them we purge ourselves" Aries said "and as fit celestia I don't give a buck if she knows she does not control me it steel if she did then we'd be like you one of her little puppets"

((Steel is just a Pegasus))


hank glared "im not her puppet!" he yelled at them and sighed "i think we should really just stop fighting.. lets try to work this out."

"Alright! Why don't you two just shut up?! I'm done hearing the back and forth with this stupid situation." Moon Beam said, landing in between the two ponies.

"So, you are both going to shut your mouths, and leave each other alone. Do I make myself clear, kids?" She said, smiling a bit as she said "kids", trying to lighten the mood a little. "But, I would like to explore some before we get all serious, so Steel and Aries will go on their way, Hank and Celestia should go somewhere far away from those two, and I will go explore. I would love if you came with me, Violette, but Lune can do whatever he feels like, just stay away from Steel." As she said this last part, she shot a look at Steel. "Later, we can find a library or something and research our family. Is everypony okay with that plan? Well, it doesn't matter if you aren't, because that's what we are going with. Got it? Good, okay."

"Lune, want to come with us?" Violette asked, turning to him.

He simply nodded slowly, then flapped his wings and flew over to Violette, hovering near her.

"Alright, let's get going. Everypony stick to the plan so there won't be any more fighting." Moon said, then took off. Violette and Lune followed soon after.

Hank looks at moon beam and smiles "well. we should really just try to get together. maybe if they just try to be nice and not threaten ponies to death, then it would be better." he sighed and waves at moon and heads to celestia as they walk around



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Moon Beam heard Hank's comment before she got too far away, and turned toward him quickly. She glared at him, her eyes receiving a tint of red due to her sudden anger.

"And why don't you just try to not be so up tight with your high- and- mighty-ness!" She snapped, yelling loud enough for anypony in the area to hear her. "You aren't better than anypony else, and you sure dont have the right to tell ponies how to live their life and talk about how supposedly 'evil' they are! I'm not sure if you know this, but you aren't perfect. And also, you don't really have much right to tell anypony to do anything, because last I checked, you weren't an alicorn anymore. So why don't you think twice the next time you want to tell somepony how to live their life, huh?" Moon Beam stared at Hank for a while, the redness in her eyes, which had intensified while she was telling at him, started to fade away.

She turned towards Lune and Violette, sighed, and began flying away before Hank could reply. She was slightly upset with herself for bursting the way she had, but was also glad she got it off her chest.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. Just, my anger gets the best of me sometimes, and its not pretty." Moon said to the alicorns.

"That's alright. I mean, I'm just grateful it wasn't towards us." Violette said, chuckling a bit.

"And, I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to say everything that I did, I've just, never seen anypony like you, or Steel. I'm not exactly used to it." Lune said.

Moon Beam turned her head to look at him and smiled.

"It's all good, Lune. No hard feelings." She said, then banked quickly and flew upwards.

"Time to touch the clouds." She said, quoting her father.

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Hank glared "I know I'm not perfect. No pony can be. I am still trying tomake up for my evils." He said "I'm just trying to keep ponies safe. I am known as the destroyer for what I have done. Ponies still fear me for what I do." He said and sighs "well. Lets just start over.."



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  • 4 weeks later...

Moon Beam, Violette and Lune were high in the clouds, the only thing they could see being their white fluffiness. Laughing, smiles wide, each of them took turns kicking clouds or flying above them or skimming their tops with their hooves or wings.

Moon Beam was laughing, smiling, talking to the two alicorns the entire time, seemingly happy. However, her mind was a storm of thoughts and worry. She kept thinking about Steel and wondering if he liked her or not, what he thought of her so far. She continuously was trying to push these thoughts aside, labeling them as stupid and childish. However, he always found a way to stay on her mind, and she didnt completely mind.

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Steel and Aries ate then steel stood and walked to the door " I'll be back I'm going to get done flight practice in" steel said then shut the door he took flight and flew full speed doing Barrel rolls and shot stops hard turns and worked on erratic flight patterns he flew high into the air and flew full speed going down he began to spin at top speeds and hit a cloud pulling it with him into a funnel he barreled right past moonbeam and the alicorns without realizing it

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Moon Beam was flying ahead of the alicorns, winning a race they had engaged in about a minute ago. She was smiling, wildly impressed with herself for flying faster than an alicorn.

Suddenly, a figure came down through the clouds, causing Moon Beam to stop abruptly. She flew back a few feet due to the wind the figure had caused. Whoever or whatever it was had been flying extremely fast.

The two alicorn slowly came to a stop next to Moon Beam.

"What happened? Why'd you stop?" Violette asked.

"I dont know. Something flew straight down in front of me." Moon Beam answered as she flew down through the clouds. Violette and Lune followed her.

"Lucky it didn't hit you." Lune said, flying faster to catch up to Moon. "How fast was it going?"

"Pretty fast. From the looks of it, if I had been only inches farther, I could've been seriously injured, or possibly even killed. However, thats not the case. Im fine. I just want to find out who or what that thing was." Moon replied as they emerged from the clouds. As soon as they were out, Moon Beam saw the figure, still flying at extreme speeds. She decided to watch, and possibly follow, the figure that now seemed to be a pony.

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Steel slept flying down and right before he hit the ground he leveled out and shot up into the sky again he didn't see moonbeam,lune or violate he went into a barrel roll and right out of it it a hard right turn it was almost a 90 degree turn followed by another dive

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The three each stood on a cloud, watching the pony as he flew. Moon Beam watched with great intensity, studying the pony. Soon, she realized that it was a stallion who seemed to have a lot of experience flying in difficult situations due to his skills.

"He is flying quite fast. And well I might add. Must have trained, or was a gaurd. Could be anything honestly, hes just so strategic in his flight patterns. Is he a Wonderbolt? No, they dont have them in this place..." Moon thought aloud.

Both Lune and Violette looked at her briefly, then at each other, both with looks of confusion on their face. However, they decided not to question her, and went back to watching the stallion and listening to Moon, trying to figure out what exactly she was talking about.

Suddenly, Moon Beam realized something about the stallion. At first glance, you wouldn't have noticed his lack of a horn. But as Moon watch's him carefully, taking every detail of him and his flight patterns, she noticed he was missing a horn, meaning he was simply a pegasus, not an alicorn. Knowing that Steel, Astrid, and herself were the only non-alicorns to step foot in this land, she had a feeling she knew exactly who it was.

"Thats Steel!" She shouted, then hopped off of her cloud and nose dived towards the ground, propelling herself to go faster with her wings. Gradually, she gained speed, and as she neared the ground, she quickly banked d leveled out, flying sideways. She turned to fly straight, then flapped her wings hard and shot upright. She saw Steel flying towards her, and spun slightly so that she flew straight past him.

"Hey, Steel!" She yelled as she passed him.

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Steel was surprised by moonbeam and said "hey" as she flew by he did a dive bomb and banked left and went after her he was beside her "what's up" steel said with a smile he was glad she had shown up he enjoyed being around her he wasn't sure why thought

Aries went I bed

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"Aw nothing. Just avoiding being killed by extremely fast objects barreling through the clouds." Moon Beam said, flashing him a grin.

She loved seeing him happy, which she had realized would be a rarity considering the cold attitude he gave almost verypony. However, that just made making him smile even more special to her.

Suddenly, she got an idea. Smirking at Steel, she flew closer to his side as they gradually got higher. She moved in front of him and turned so that they were face to face.

"Follow my lead. Do everything that I do. You have to trust me. And dont worry, it'll be fun." She said.

Moon Beam put her hooves on his so that each hoof was flat against the other. She smiled at him softly then pushed his hooves, causing him to tilt backwards as she tilted forward with him. Soon, they were upside down, flying back toward the ground together. Moon giggled, and closed her eyes and her wings, letting herself fall. A smile slowly crept onto her face as the wind whipped through her mane.

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Steel followed her lead and as they fell he closed his wings he smile had faded as the altitude dropped in case Anypony could see him he wasn't a fan if ither ponies for the most part and really didn't like others seeing him I'm any way besides a cold hearted merc

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Moon Beam opened her eyes when they were only about two miles above the trees. She looked down, then at Steel, taking note of the cold expression on his face. She tilted her head a bit, but didnt question it. Not now at least.

"Open your wings!" Moon Beam yelled as she simultaneously pushed Steel upwards and also opened her own wings.

Now, the two ponies were flying, level to the ground below them, Moon Beam flying upside down and under Steel. She looked up at him, a wide smile printed on her face.

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