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Steel smiled "I'm hard to find I don't like it when a pony can track me down I've made enemies on my life time" steel said "and no I prefer to keep my wings moving " and I'm not really I just try and keep ponies safe while avoiding death nothing interesting there"

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"Pfff, yeah, sure." Moon Beam laughed. "Alright, I'm going to do the mind link, but you have to stay still, okay? This is kind of power-draining, so I need to be able to focus." she said, with a serious look on her face. "Are you ready, Steel?" she asked, standing up on her little green cloud.

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Steel nodded "yeah I'm ready" steel said as he waited then he jerked back "wait I don't think this is a good idea moonbeam" steel said remembering spawn he didn't know what could happen of she did the link it was something that had never came up before and wasn't going to risk her life

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Moon Beam stopped suddenly, right before she was about to do the mind link. She looked at Steel, shocked and confused.

"Why not?" she asked, a bit worried.

"What if he thinks I'm weird or something? What if he never wants to talk to me again?" she thought, her mind going crazy. "Why do I always think of the worst case scenario..." she thought, letting her head hang a bit low. That's how she was, always over-thinking things.

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"There are things I can't tell you moonbeam if live to have a mental link but I can't" steel said he dug in his bag and pulled out a small crystal necklace "here when you need to see it talk to me or just want to know where I'm at just think of me while holding the crystal" steel held out the necklace and pulled out a similar one " they're linked"

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"Well... You know, you could've pulled these out earlier." Moon Beam said, taking the necklace and pulling it over her head and around her neck. She looked down at it and held it gently in her hoof.

"It's so... bubbly.." she said, admiring the way it glimmered in the moon light. She looked up at Steel, a sort of disappointed look on her face. 

"I guess we should go now." she said, sighing. "So, I'll talk to you later. Don't miss me too much, got it?" she said, winking jokingly. She then jumped off of her cloud, making it disappear. She turned and began flying away, but stopped and looked back at Steel.

"Good night, Steel. I hope I see you soon." she said, then flew off, landing in front of the castle not too long after.

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Steel smiled as she flew off he out the necklace back in his nag not expecting her you use it he flew home and seem Astrid asleep on Aries lap and smiled "I take it she had you telling stories again" steel said

Aries nodded "indeed"

Steel sighed " I wish there was Someplace better for her to grow up living here with all the hate and danger isn't good for her" steel said

Aries looked at him "there is always home"

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Not really caring about guards, Moon Beam walked into the castle. She looked around, gawking at the giant room she had just stepped into. 

"Celestia! Hank! Hey, I'm here!" she called. She turned around, hoping that the guards wouldn't come after her. She shrugged, then began trotting through the castle, waiting to find Hank and Celestia. 

Before long, she found herself staring at the necklace again. She grinned, watching it shine. 

"Later, maybe." she thought with a smile, then began walking again.

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Steel smiled "that's a good idea Aries pack your stuff we're done purging this land there's nothing we can do" steel said

Aries nodded and put Astrid on the small pillow on the floor and he grabbed his things steel went to his room and grabbed his stuff as well as Astrids

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celestia and hank heard moon beam as they walked to her "hello. welcome to the castle." she said "i was going to show hank this world for alicorns." she said "do you want to come?" she asked her and smiles "lets go." she said as she brought up a portal "after you two." she said with a smile as hank walked through



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Moon Beam stared at the portal as Hank walked in, then looked at Celestia. 

"I.. I don't know about this. I mean, you kind of just told me about this "World for Alicorns". And going there is kind of a big decision." she said, looking down at the necklace, then back to Celestia. "You can't just throw something like that at me and expect me to be all like 'Okay let's go!'. I need time to think about this, you know?" Moon Beam gave a sort of awkward smile, and backed up a few steps.

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Steel finished getting his stuff and picked up Astrid "alright aires Led the way" steel said

Aries nodded and made a portal appear "after you steel" Aries said

Steel nodded and stepped through and was surprised to be in Canterlot castle looking at moonbeam celestia and hank

Aries was behind him his horn showing he sighed " I think I should try again" Aries said

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celestia looks at steel "um.. hello.. i was just going to visit the land for the alicorns. hank already went through. i was seeing if moon beam wanted to join us and see how it is." she said with a smile and looks at the portal "do you two want to come with us?" she asked as she walks to the portal 



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Aries looked at her "that's where we was trying to go my magic isn't the greatest with portals and teleporting" Aries said

Steel nodded "if you could help us there that would be great"steel said he was still clad in his many weapons and was surprised that nopony said anything

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Moon Beam looked over at Steel and Aries, eyes wide. She sort of smiled, happy to see Steel again, but forced herself not to.

"Well hey there, strangers." she said with a giggle. "Who's the little one?" she asked, looking at the filly on Steel's back. 

Moon Beam looked Steel over, taking note of the many weapons all over him.

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Steel smiled "she's Astrid my daughter" steel said as the filly stirred on his back she slowly woke up groggily and hadn't noticed where she was at yet

Aries nodded to moonbeam he noticed necklace and using his magic he grabbed the one from steel bag and thought about moonbeam and sure enough her necklace began to glow "just as I thought" Aries said as he placed it back into steels bag

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Moon Beam nodded when Steel told her that the filly was his daughter. Then, when the necklace began to glow, she looked down, then back up at Aries.

"Just as you thought? What do you mean?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh great, what does Mr. Mysterious have to say?" she thought.

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Aries looked at her "well me and steel both carry necklaces like that thy identify the wearer and then all you have to so is think of that pony and depending on what you want it'll do different things we carry these when we are protecting somepony if you look Astrid has earrings like the necklaces when I seem that I figured steel gave you one" Aries said

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Moon Beam nodded again, then smiled. 

"Well yeah, he did." she said, then looked at Celestia. "So, about going to this World of Alicorns.. I still don't know if I'd really want to. I mean, I have a lot here, you know, where everypony is more like me, and not giant, powerful alicorns who could kill me in an instant. I don't even know if this place is real..." she said, taking a few steps back and turning away from the group. 

"I'm going to need some time." she said, then lifted into the air and flew off.

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Steel flew of after her "hey wait up they won't be able to kill you with me around and I know it's real it's where aires is from" steel said "besides I think they'll be really Interested in us non alicorns because according hi Aries they've never really seem ponies like us"

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Celestia frowns "well. I hope you think of coming."


Meanwhile, hank sees all of the alicorns surprised at how much are there as he looks around quickly putting his hood on hoping not to scare any of the alicorns as he looks at a mare and waves "hello." He said



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Moon Beam stops flying suddenly, and turns to Steel. 

"It's not that I'm afraid of them hurting or killing me, that was just me babbling, I guess. It's the fact that I kind of like it here, where I'm not insignificant." she says with a sigh. "Well, I mean, mostly..." she looks down at the floor, seeing her and Steel in the tiles' reflection. 

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Steel flew closer to her " moonbeam here there are many like us if you go there they will not find you insignificant they will look at you full of wonder because there we're the special ones" steel said "but if you wish to stay here I'm not going to try and force you to come" steel then turned and began to fly down

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Celestia frowns "well. I hope you think of coming."


Meanwhile, hank sees all of the alicorns surprised at how much are there as he looks around quickly putting his hood on hoping not to scare any of the alicorns as he looks at a mare and waves "hello." He said

Crimson heart turns to Hank and looks at him in confusion, "Um, h-hello... Where are your wings and horn? Or, did something happen to them?" She shakes her head and kicks the ground, "Where are my manners? I'm Crimson Heart, what's your name?" She looks around, trying not to focus on her embarrassment.

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Moon Beam watches Steel, then after a moment, decides to follow him.

"No hey. If you're going, then so am I." she says, flying in front of him to stop him from flying. "I feel better about going now that I know you are going to be there." she smiles, then begins to fly back to the others.

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