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private A New Adventure (1x1 RP)


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When she heard Embers saying that,Lightwing started to blush and to feel mutilple things...

W...What's what I'm feeling..Is it...Love?

She touched Embers's face wih her nose,and his noses were touching

"I don't know...What to say.Except,maybe.."

She gave him a little kiss on the lips,and quicly moved a bit away

"So...How did you felt? :blush:

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Embers face was still blushing really hard as lightwing kissed him, but now somehow he was blushing even more. He smiled and looked at her with a grin on his face "Well, Really good" He said with a chuckle as he almost sat down, he stood there, staring at lightwing

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Lightwibg was blushing like mad.She kissed him!!After saying all those days that she wasn't going to do it...

I KISSED HIM!!!HOW AM I SO MAD???But,externally,she was smiling

"I've always said this...Is better to try something and fail,that nover try it.Kissing you was one of those ocassions..."

She started to play with her mane

"Did I offended you?"

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Embers was staring at lightwing with a smile on his face. as if responding to her asking about offending him, he leaned in and kissed her another time, then took a step back, as he was now blushing like mad as he looked down at his feet in a awkwerd way as he waited

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Lightwing then blushed and smiled at the same time

"I'll take it as a no..."

She got up,and tried to erase all that blush from her face

"So...If you like me,and I like you,that only means one thing..."

She gulped down,and started to talk

"We...we're in...in.."

The words didn't wanted to left her mouth

"In love!!"

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Embers stared at lightwing, a smile slowly creeping over his face as he stared at her "Yeah...I guess so" He then thought of the next thing, and the blush returned to his face in full force "Well lightwing...would you like to be...my...my....somepony?" He asked slowly as he looked at her

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Lightwing stood up for a long while.Did she really wanted to be involved on a relationship?

One part of me doesn't want to,but...

Then,she took a decission.She started to blush like a mad

"Well Embers,my answer is..."

She took a deep breath

"My answer is...Yes..."

She blushed even more,reachong the point of being really hot

Lightwing stood up for a long while.Did she really wanted to be involved on a relationship?

One part of me doesn't want to,but...

Then,she took a decission.She started to blush like a mad

"Well Embers,my answer is..."

She took a deep breath

"My answer is...Yes..."

She blushed even more,reachong the point of being really hot

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Embers was also feeling really warm, even thought that it had started to snow, landing on both his and lightwings bodys. He smiled as he looked at lightwing "Well, that settles that, I guess we should head back home before it gets too cold" He said with a glance at her

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Lightwing noticed too that it was being a bit late

"Yeah...We should leave and go to home"

She was going to spread her wings,but then,she thinked again,and folded them,just to follow Embers's rythym

"So...Do you have any idea of how relationships work?Because,i'll say the truth,i don't have buuuuuucking idea..."

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Embers smiled as he looked over at lightwing "Nope, not really, exept after a year or so, if they love each other enuff, they would get married..." There he went another time, blushing like mad as he looked ahead of him. He shook his head "Nope, I have no bloody idea"

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Lightwing smacked him lightly,without hurting him,and then she started to giggle

"Marry?We've been together for like...20 minutes,and you talk about marry?"

She laughed a bit,and then she kissed him

"I know only 1 thing about relationships.Kisses are good :3 "

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Embers smiled as he looked over at lightwing, blushing slightly as he looked at lightwing with a raised eye "Well, I never said that we would marry right no,w you know..after a few years if we still feel the same way" He said with a shrug as he looked at the house as it came into view. He smiled and yawned

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Lightwing blushed too,and then she smiled at Embers.

"If we feel on the same way on...a year,i'll be happy to marry you,but until then!"

She poked his nose with her hoof

"You'll have to wait :P "

They started to see the house,and then she increased her walking speed more and more,until she reached the house before Embers

"...I'll never be able to fix that...!

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Embers opend the door, making his self some hot coco as he was cold and sitting down next to lightwing with a smile on his face. Today had gone better then he thought it would, and he was going to re-ward himself with a hotcoco and cookie. He glanced over at lightwing "Want some?"

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Lightwing started to laugh when Embers asked her if she wanted hot coco

"Let me answer with another question...When I don't want hot coco? :lol: "

She picked up her diary,and started to write on it...

Dear Diary.Today it had happened a wonderful thing!!!I have an special somepony,and he's no more and no less than Embers!!

She was giggling,while writting on the diary

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Embers chuckled as he made some coco, setting it infront of lightwing, who seemed to be laughing and giggling lots. He shruged this of in his mind, not much caring what she was righting, most likely something about him. He smiled as he took a sip of coco and nibbled his cookie

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When Lightwing ended from writting,she saw that Embers has already ended from making the food,and that he was eating it not

"Wow..You improve for moments..."

She toon her cup of hot coco,and started to drink from it.She was drinking it fast,but,unlike another times,she didn't got burned by drinking it too fast

"Mmm...Delicious as always :3 "

She picked up a cookie,and started to nibble it

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Embers chuckled as he looked out the window "Awww, thanks, I never really did learn how to cook, just read...I guess you could say I didnt really have a childhood" He said with a chuckle as he looked over at lightwing with a smile "How about you, how was your filly days?

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Lightwing then remembered her childhood,like if it was yesterday

"Well,it was like any other normal childhood on Cloudsdale,you know...School,Weather Factory,Surviving the Rainbow Fact....I mean,Learning of how to buck clouds,etc..."

She took another sip from the choco

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Embers chuckled as he looked around the house "Huh, I guess thats a better thing then me" He glanced over at her "The best I have had is this, and that was givin to me by you" He said with a smile as he looked at her, then leaned back in his chair as he ate the rest of his cookie

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Lightwing was drinking from her hot coco,until,suddenly,she sneezed


The force of the sneezewas so strong,that she got backwards,and crashed on a box,revealing a spear and a sword.Lightwing was surprised that she still had those things on hwr house

"Wow...I thought that i've lost them long time ago :3 "

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Embers stared at them "Oh man light...Wow, you still have thease things? Oh yeah, I did give myn to you" He said with a chuckle as he walked over, looking down at the box with a sheepish grin "Its been a loooooooong time, hasnt it old friend?" He said with a smile

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The sword doesn't respond,and the spear neither

"Oh yeah...When we fixed the world,after the Firestorm,their powers faded.So,neither of them is alive again..."

She picked up them,and put them on the wall,over the library

"Hmmmm...It fits well...Very well..."

She sat on the sofa

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Embers sighed and shook his head before glancing back over at lightwing "Aw man, I really liked my sword, she was almost as crazy as me" He said with a chuckle as he walked over, sitting down next to lightwing while drinking the rest of his hot coco, then pulling out a book

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Lightwing then stood up for a second...

"Nah...I really hated that spear...But it knew really well how to kill worms :3 "

She continued her reading,while eating hot coco

"Silly Embers!There's not a pony as crazy as you,and you're not as crazy as me ;3 "

She shiws hwe wings,and crashed on the floor without reason


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