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Greetings, forum. With my love of MLP, and my knowledge of coding, I am working on a game with ponies. It's all in lua, using love https://love2d.org/. There is an early version to download, but you'll have to change the file to a .love. I plan on making some sort of role-playing game with it, possibly with online-multiplayer (right now there is only room for local multiplayer, even though there is nothing to the game). You fly Rainbow Dash with wasd, q enables fast flying, e disables it. rbd.zip

Oh, and fluttershy is disabled at the moment. Enjoy!!

Edited by Pinkie Hooves
  • Brohoof 2
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Seems like a cool idea. The sprites are a bit rough, but they work. About them though, perhaps you can conglomerate them into a single image, and use surface offsetting to draw different parts, instead of 1 sprite per image? And, you should probably try including the Love framework with your game, license allowing; if you can't, you'll need to provide a setup guide in the readme (which you also don't have yet, it seems).


Excited to see what comes out of this. B)

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Looks like something easily doable in Scratch. It's probably simpler, too.


Lua's already pretty simple, to be honest (Scratch is one of those learning tools, not very viable for a game meant to be distributed professionally or semi-professionally). I wouldn't suggest it, since that's a lot more for users to have installed for the game to work; a Lua interpreter + Love2D is a pretty small set of requirements. Heck, you could even bypass the Lua interpreter and use some JIT or Lua native compiler instead, and then just pack in Love2D with it.

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Lua's already pretty simple, to be honest (Scratch is one of those learning tools, not very viable for a game meant to be distributed professionally or semi-professionally). I wouldn't suggest it, since that's a lot more for users to have installed for the game to work; a Lua interpreter + Love2D is a pretty small set of requirements. Heck, you could even bypass the Lua interpreter and use some JIT or Lua native compiler instead, and then just pack in Love2D with it.


You CAN convert it to EXE, JAR, or even APP. http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=82730

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You CAN convert it to EXE, JAR, or even APP. http://scratch.mit.e...ic.php?id=82730


Indeed, but that would still have to pack the Scratch framework with it (as part of the binary), which is rather large ;)


EDIT: and, while this isn't yet a large project, switching languages during development provides a huge drawback and longer time spent coding, especially if he knows how to work well with Lua+Love already.

Edited by Ashbad
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OH wow forgot about this. Yeah sprites are meant to be basic... I think I made some improvements on this........ Should I post them?


Might as well! Did you happen to compile them into a single spritesheet yet, or are they still all separate?

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No, but i know how to. I'll work on that.

This thing has some messed up collision detection, i think. That will be fixed, too. OH and love is included in this.



I feel embarrassed to say this, but I have Norton controls on my computer, that doesn't allow me to access any "File Sharing" websites, like mediafire. It's fine with Dropbox though; could you possibly upload it there? (I mean, It's a cinch to remove these controls, but it wouldn't go long unnoticed by my dad if they were removed..) If you do that, then I could access it, and I'd be more than glad to test your game and and look over your code, giving suggestions for optimization.

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Not bad.


Looks too much like G3 ponies though, gah!




btw anyone who says this could be done in scratch obviously knows nothing about computer's (i mean no offense to people who say that)

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, there's not much optimization to be had from what I can see; it's tightly done so far. One thing I did notice is that each pony has a complete code re-write for movement, stats, etc. I really suggest using some OO principles by having a Pony superclass and have only minor differences for each pony in their own class that extends it (a lot less code for you to have to write!). OOP is definitely possible in Lua, while not right out of the box, with Metatables and Metafunctions it's rather simple and cool. http://lua-users.org/wiki/ObjectOrientedProgramming


As for not being a "computer person" for suggesting Scratch for the job, I agree that it's a weak idea, but it definitely is more than possible to do in that language/framework. I just don't think that you should drop from a semi-professional programming language to a casual children's one for this project.

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