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private 1x1 RP


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Rain smiles but nudges her to be quiet. Then motions to Shining Armor as he continues. "Both the Gryphons and Dragons have come to the border of Equestria. .." He goes on about protection and how the Guards Agents and Other royal officers have to protect all the citizens.


Rain whipers to Light "Cadence reported that the Crystal Empire has been having some problems"




Meanwhile, Xeno sighs and lies down on the grass


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing knew inmediatly what was going on

"Peace Destroyers...There's going to be a meeting here,on a few days,with the highest entities of both racesbut there're a lot of Dragons and Gryphons who doesn't want the peace,so they try to hostigate us,and cause another war..."

She stood up again

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Rain noded understanding the situation and pulls Light back down. "Pst! Sit down light! Shining Armor is still talking" He whispers.


Shining kept going on and on about how all officials groups have been split into 3 groups. "We must! Must! Defend! Make Peace!"


All the other officials looked sort of bored as they murmured a bit in reply


Rain whispers to Light "Shining Armor always goes on and on" He rolls his eyes


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing woke up as a reply

"And how are you going to protect the aerial part?"

She points to the Crystal Empire map

"The Crystal Empire has great defenses,yeah...But,what about the aerial part?Both Dragons and Gryphons can fly,and a great part of the guard is composed by Unicorns and Earth Ponies.And as far as I kniw,Dragons can resist magic,so we don't have much defenses."

She sat down again,while every officer looked at her with surprised eyes

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Rain rolls his eyes and points to the 3D map on the wall. "We don't train Wonderbolts for nothing" He winks and smirks at Light. "You were saying Lightwing?" All the ponies in the room chuckled and looked at Light. Rain sits back down and shoves her lightly then whispers "Smart one" He gives a smug look


Shining Armor chuckles and continues with his speech

Edited by RainDash S. Dragon


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing is still hearing Shining Armor's defense plan

"Oh my god...why can't him be more specific?He's all the time "Defense defense!!!",but he didn't sugested a defense plan..."

She still watched at how Shining Armor still said "Defense!!Defense!!"

"And...What's your plan exactly?Captain Armor?"

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Rain rolls his eyes and gives Light a nudge "Just listen Light" He puts a hoof in Light's mouth "Go on Commander Armor"


Armor keeps talking about how to defend against the intruders "We block here here and here" He points on the map



Meanwhile Xeno wanders back to his dorm room to study for his next exam


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing then noticed something wrong on his plan...

"Did you forgot this point?"

She pointed to the northwest part of the map

"If an attack is dealt here,they could easily enter on the Empire,without any difficulty"

She pointed then to the air

"They still have more firepower on the air than us,so we need to reinforce the sky force,and I don't think that the Wondervolts are enought.They're not trained to this type of wars"

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Rain puts hoof in Light's mouth. "Let him finish Light" He giggles and playfully puts her in a headlock.


Shining Armor glares at Rain and Light seriously. "Light and Rain! please keep quiet before I finish!!!!" He turns to the others and keep going "Ok so we set up all along the border" He points all around the empire walls "sky patrol will be in the air"

Edited by RainDash S. Dragon


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing stood up,and waited until Shining Armor ended from explaining

((I just donnt wanna talk more because i don't have more ideas,slo i'll use a filler.This is not very accepted on the RP?community,but when is not possible to continue,it cam be used to make space)(

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(Got it. You can make another character you know)

Rain sat back down and looked at Shining


Shining Armor kept explaining how the best way to defend and attack was to have different squads from different locations "Land Squads will consist of Earth and Unicorn ponies. The standard Air force and the Wonderbolts will cover the air. Now...any questions? " He asked looking around the room


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing stood up this time,Even if she tañked,he would ignpre her,so...Why to talk?





The eastern part of Equestria is wideñy known for be the place where the dragons live,but,nopoky knows his ways to live,or even how they live...

The dragons are a very intelligent specie,contrasting to the other ponies's opinions.They tend to live alone,but they're divided for its age.

From the youngest lizard,to the oldest Elder,the dragons has a strucure of rules,even when they're divided...

But there's a race of dragons,respected by every other one.

They live on the highest mountain on Equestria,The Mountain of the Death,and there only can live the most elder dragons,nornally their leaders...The name of that race is...The Wyrmstride


On a mountain,near the Mountain of the Death,,a red dragon started to roar to the wind.At his side,it was a...Earth Pony(?)

"Be ready,Firkragg.On a few days,the dragons will be at Canterlot,on Equestria,to negociate with the Gryphons"

The dragon seemed to respond,and talked

"But...What about the sabotages that some dragons are making on Equestria?

The mysterious pony talked again

"The Wyrmstride laws doesn't allow us to intervent,unless another dragon is killed on combat..."

The pony has moved out of the shadows,to reveal a pure black pony,with a long,long white mane,holding a spear on his back.

"I know...

"For now,we can only wait until the elders give us permission to travel to Equestria..."

He jumped on the dragon,and sat on a saddle,and then he took the reins,and the dragon spread his wings,to fly through the sky

"I'll not allow any death...I swear it for the Dragon Knight's code..."

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Shining Armor nodded. "In that case I'll assign partners. RDSD you will be with Light in the east sector of the Empire. I give you two control of the newest recruits" He walks to both Rain and Light and whispers "Good luck with em. Your gonna need it"




Xeno and all the other recruits had began to line up for their first misson.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing smirked at him

"Hehe...Better that they'll need luck"

She winked an eye to him and then she left the room with Raindash




The dragon was still flying through the skies.The pony nade her stop with the reins

"Stop!!!You should rest...you flew for a while"

The dragon flew down and then the pony jumped to the floor...The mist was covering all the place

I really hate the mist...

"Me too...me too..."

The pony and the dragon started to walk through the field

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Rain followed Light out of the room as the others chuckled as they went. "Wow they'll be lucky not to kill each other" One pony laughed "you know they have a long history" Spitfire slaps the officer "Seriously! This is no laughing matter" He looked stunned but said nothing



Rain kept up with Light "Light...this is gonna be hard! You have any idea how hard new troops are to train?! It's a living nightmare! And we also have to defend!" Rain started to worry as he walked beside his partner.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing gave him a smile

"Trust me...I'll have stopped from fighting,but i didn't lost any instinct"

She walked with his partner to the Training Grounds





They were still walking through the mist,until a third dragon,this time a blue one,arrived and talked to the red dragon

"We need you both.The elder is calling for you"

Both pony and dragon responded


He quickly jumped on the dragon's back amd then the dragon flew to the Mountain of the Death

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Rain rolls his eyes and walks beside Light nervously "I...I..I'm not worried. I just..well." He stutters while looking at the troops as they walk into the Training Camp.



Xeno and all the recruits turned their heads to look as the 2 officials made it down the path. He sighs and gritted his teeth when he saw Lightwing


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing saw the two recruits.She recognized one of them,but she didn't even looked.She wanted to give the impression of a true officer

"What's your names,recruits???"






When the pony reached the Mountain of the Death,there was waiting an elder blue dragon...

Good to see you again...

"Me too,Elder Azuregos.But,why did you called me here?"

The dragon started to explain...

As you know,on a few days,i'll reunite with the leaders of the ponykind,Celestia and Luna...

"Yeah...I've told of that before"

Then,the dragon's face turned serious

But we have a problem...There're a group of dragons,who are going to attack one of their main cities...The Crystal Emprire,as they know it...

The pony reaced then

"And what do you want me to do?"

The dragon buffed and continued speaking

I need that you and Firkragg travel to Canterlot,the maik citie of the ponykind,and to help the princess on their defenses...

Thw pony then took a step forward

"But,why I have to travel there?"

Because the ponies doesn't have the power to defeat a full grown dragon.But you...

Then he points at his spear

You have a weapon who can break our scales easily,and that will help them...

He wanted to reply,but he knew that Azuregos was right,so he simply left

"I'll protect everyone...I,as a dragon knight,i swear it!"

He junped down on the mountain,and then Firkragg picked up him

"Firkragg!!Be ready for a long travel!!!We're going to go to Canterlot!!"


The dragon started to fly as fast as he could to Canterlot...

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Rain rolls his eyes and walks up next to Light. "You gotta gather them first" He whistles and shouts. "ATTENTION! FRONT AND CENTER!"


All the Troops got into a line and stood silent. He nudges Light. "Take it away partner" ;) He whispered


Xeno narrowed his eyes




Dust swirled across the Gryphon Kingdom.


Fang, a warrior stood over on a cliff. 2 days had passed where the Gryphons had been training hard.


"It has begun" He spoke


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing started to walk next to them

"Do you think that you can protect the ponykind???"

She threw a training sword at one of the recruits

"New recruits are always bragging about that they know how to fight.Show me then your ways"

She stood up,and stayed strady,waiting for one of them to attack





After a long travel,Canterlot could be seen on the distance

"Firkragg!Start to slow down...I don't wanna anyone scared from us..."

Firkragg nooded and slowed down,until he stopped on a mountain next to Canterlot

"We'll wait until later..."

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No pony steps forward and Rain rolls his eyes.


Xeno grits his teeth and steps forward one step


"Maybe we should show them how it's done" Rain whispers to Light




Fang looks up at the sky and picks up his sword and sheathes it.


"We must create peace or else....This won't end well. All races will be wiped out by fighting" He says solemnly


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing nooded and then picked up the sword

"Just as a simple revision of the fighting basics,i'll fight against the other official"

She puts herself on an offensive pose

"Come when you want..."

She spreaded her wings,ready to avoid any uncoming attack from him

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Rain raised an eyebrow and lowered his voice. "Ready?" 


He lunges himself at Lightwing in an offensive stance and hits her head on.






Fang looks over all three lands


"The Ponies, The Dragons, and the Gryphons, they were suppose to live together in harmony*


"Fang, Time to for the meeting"


Fang turns around slowly "Father?"


"Still thinking about the peace?" Fang's father asked? 


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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The pony then jumped again on the dragon

"Ok!!At this time,it shouldn't be anyone at the canterlot garden!"

They started to fly towards there



Lightwing quickly jumped and uses her wingpower to launch herself towards Raindash,until....



Both Firkragg and the pony were crossing the Training Grounds,amd then they stopped from flying there



Lightwing was going to deal a strike to Raindash,when a dragon landed on the middle of them.She gave the strike to the dragon,bit the sword simply broke

"A...A dragon?Here...?How canbit be possible?"

She was trying to think,until she noticed that a ppny was actually riding the dragon

"What the..?"

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Rain stood up simply and bowed. He suddenly remembered the dragon. "Greetings. Welcome to Equestria. This is Officer Lightwing. And I am RainDash Snipe Dragon. Son of Thunder Dragon. My father knew you well Sir Firkragg. He turns to the pony. " Forgive me, for I don't know who you are. However I understand you come to make peace"


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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