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The dragon simply bowed

I know perfectly who's the girl...

Suddenly,he croaches and let the rider to jump down.He was wearing a blue armor,with a helmet resembling a dragon's head.





She recognized the dragon.It wad Firkragg,one of the red dragons,and mount of a Dragon Knight....


She flew next to them

"If you're here,that means that this mess is more serious than anypony thinked..."




He jumped and then he told all the conversatuon with the elder

"I've came here on an official mission of the Dragon Knights..."




"Then that means that the dragons are really trying to attack us..."

She turned to Raindash

"Do you know what are the dragon knights?"

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Rain looks at the Dragon then back at Lightwing. "Yes I do. My father use to know them well" He walked up to the pony and bowed "I think you may know him. Thunder Dragon trained along with the Dragon Knights" He looks away and winces. "That was before I got to the age of 10.. then" Rain sheds a tear as he bites down hard. His mind goes into a Flashback. However he snaps back to reality. "Oh sorry everyone"

Edited by RainDash S. Dragon


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Dreamspace then asks something to Firkragg

"Do you know someone with that name?"

The dragon started to think,and then shook his head

[bSorry.Maybe you're thinking on another one.I don't know someone with that name...[/b]



Lightwing then came next to Dreamspace,not as a friend,if not as an officer

"Is a pleasure to have a Dragon Knight on our side..."

She turned to the recruits

"Do you have any question for Dreamspace?He'll answer every one of them..."

Edited by Lightwing
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Rain nodded. "Sorry, Thunder was my father's real name. He had a code name when he was training with the Dragon Knights." He turns to the Dragon, "You were still young when he died" Rain then turned to the pony and bows "its an honer to be working with you. I hope we can create peace soon"


Rain dimisses the Recruits so they could talk alone




Fang started to fly as the sun started to set over the horizon

Edited by RainDash S. Dragon


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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The dragon nooded again at Raindash

Sorry,but on my 300 years of life,i've never met a pony with that name...And the code name,it goes against the dragon knight's code,so maybe you're thinking wrongly...

The pony then nooded at them both

"It's a pleasure to serve this cause.Me and my spear won't let anyone die..."

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Rain narrows his eyes. "My father was there. How would I know your name then? He was a good stallion" He sighs and looks away "that is before I slit his neck..Anyway..he was there and I remember you too. "Dragon" isn't my last name by coisidence. You may not remember but I do"




Fang started out over the mountain


"Next stop Canterlot" he mutters


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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The dragon simply stood up,but,really...

Because i've told you all before...

He was talking telepathically to Raindash

If you ask anyone here who am I,he or she'll be able to recognize me.That's my power as a red dragon

He simply moved next to his rider

Oh,and your father?Is impossible that he could be a Dragon Knight.

He points with his head to Dream

This colt is the first to ride a dragon on more than 500 years,so watch out for your words

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He narrows his eyes and sighs. "He wasn't a Dragon Knight. He only knew them personally. If he wasn't there, how do I know all this info?" He looks at the Dragon "Sorry Forgive me if I may be speaking a lie but I swear that I have seen you and known your name. The Dragon family goes way back in time"


Rain suddenly gasps..."Oh my....it was my other half.....He was some where I wasn't and since our minds are one..." He mumbles too quietly for anyone to hear.






Fang lands silently in the castle courtyard and watches the ponies and dragon talk.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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The dragon responded one last time I know it because I know it,simply

He flapped his wings and moved his tail

"Sorry for his behavior,but he tends to be a bit...arrogant..."

But on that moment,Firkragg felt that they weren't alone...

Whoever you are,you have one change to let us see you...

He pointed to where Fang was hidden

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Rain rolls his eyes and mumbles "Yeah yeah, I know stuff that you don't" He turns to Lightwing and whispers "Man that Dragon is so....blah!."




Fang came out without shame and nodded, "I have no intent to stay hidden" He replied coldly and stared straight ahead that seemed to pierce. His eyes were ice blue and were emotionless from the looks.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing whispered back

"He'll be arrogant,but he never lies,so be careful..."

She approaches Dreamspace and waits for the Fang one to appear




The dragon then approached Fang,and he read his mind to know his name

Who are you exactly,Fang?And why were you spying on us?

The dragon gave him a stareand then he folded his wings

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Rain whispers back "this guys gets on my nerves, I can't believe we have to work with him!"





He turns to the ponies "Greetings, I represent the east side of the Gryphon Kingdom, He turns to the dragon "Who I am is not for you to know, All you need to know is that I bring no harm" His mind was cool and unreadable. His ice cold eyes sent a shiver down Rain's spine.





Even though everypony had been dismissed so they could all talk in private, Xeno had been listening all along from a hidden location


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing then comes again near Raindash

"Trust me.He'll hsve that personallity,but he's a powerful ally,and he would never betray us..."



Firkragg stared at Fang

You'll need more than a cool mind to avoid me,Fangy...

But then,Firkragg noticed another presence on the courtyard

I know that you're here!!!So exit not,whoever you are!!!

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Rain rolls his eyes, "I sure hope so" He watches the Dragon and Gryphon talk





Xeno doesn't come out





Fang doesn't change emotion and stays completely cool "Why would I want to avoid you? I thought you wanted peace too, Plus I'm not really into thinking with my mind" 


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing whispered back

"Trust me.I've worked with them before,and they're very loyal."




Firkragg was still noticing that pressence,so he said a last thing to Fang

"Just don't stab us on the back,or I'll kill you with my own claws..."

Then,he flew where Xeno was hidden,and the force of his wings uncovered his hiding spot

"Why are you spying on us?"

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Rain rolls his eyes and whispers "Oh okay, if you say so" Although he was still skeptical about this.





Xeno was caught by surprise as he tried to make a run for it




Fang didn't have any change in emotion as he cooly said "What good does it do if kill you all? It doesn't make sense. I make peace" 


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Firkragg nooded at Fang's opinion

"Im the first here who wants peace,but sometimes you have to learn to fight for the justice...And to not kill everyone who oposses to it."

He said one last thing befofe turning to Xeno

"Sometimes,a simple word can change the world.And your attitude doesn't help on creating a better world..."


Then he turned to Xeno,and blocked his escape

"Why you were spying on us?Last warning..."

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Fang doesn't seem bothered by anything the Dragon said. "My attitude is determined" He countered "My attitude is no better than yours" He keeps his cold look and turns to the others




Xeno started shaking..."I....I...was....I..." He tried to be tough but couldn't


Rain walks over to them "Whoa watch it Frig. He's no spy." He turns to Xeno "Who are you? " He said in a gentle but stern voice

Edited by RainDash S. Dragon
  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Firkragg was still stwady,without making any move

"Trust me.If he was a spy,I would've tortured him on a moment..."

He leaned over him,and guessed his name

"His name is Xeno.He wanted to see us simply,without any bad





Dreamspace approached Fang,and stsrted to talk with him

"The Gryphon Kingdom is involucred too?That means that we're fighting a common menace..."

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Xeno began to shift nervously


Rain softened his look "Dude you should be back in your dorm, we have alot to do tomorrow" He said to Xeno


"But sir, I want to help!" Xeno explained


"You can help by going to bed"




Fang turned to Dream and bowed in respect "Yes. Tis an Honer to be working with your species" Although he still showed no emotion


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Dream then called for Firkragg

"We should leave for now.We need some rest..."

They flew away,and then Lightwing came again

"So,Raindash...Any questions abiut them,or We can follow with our normal routines?"

She was waiting here,standing with a smile on her face

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Fang does a quick bow and flaps his wings "I should get going too. I will return later"




Rain waves goodbye to them the turns to Light and rolls his eyes. "Oh that Dragon gets on my.nerves !!! can you believe we have to work with a jerk like him! It's bad enough we have to train newbies!" He huffed feeling a bit frustrated


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing made him shut up

"It's not only him.It's the Dragon's nature,and he can't do nothing to fix it.But if you,or me,or anyone is in danger,he'll come to the rescue..."

Then,she gave him a stare

"And I have a question...How the hell could your father talk to an order who was extinct until 3 years ago?"

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Rain blushes madly and looks down. "Look Light, I know we're really really good friends and that us and Frozen have been through sooooo much, but I made a vow I wouldn't tell who my father really was." He sighs "All I can say is, he was out of this world strong but he's gone now" Now let's go check in on our troops


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Lightwing was still thinking on what Firkragg said to Raindash

"He'll be arroganyt,but he never lies.So he said that for a reason...a reason that you don't wanna to tell,or you don't know.."

But then,she had an idea about how to know that thing

"If you don't tell me that,I'll ask to the oldest of all the dragons when he comes..."

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