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searching Looking for 1x1 Romance


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As the title states, I'm looking for a 1x1 romance RP. I only do MxF and only have male OCs. I do play other characters, such as canon, but there are some restrictions. No OCxCanon, and the main 6 can't be a part of the romance. In this regard, I prefer playing as either Celestia, Luna, or Discord. I'll play Shining or Cadance, but since it defeats the purpose of a romance RP if they start off in love we'll have to backtrack quite a ways in their relationship. Plot is best figured out and collaborated privately.


I don't really have high post expectations. Good grammar please. Using the shift key, periods, and commas in all the right places and you'll be fine. Lines of text I can get up to 10 at times, however I average around 5. During slow moments of dialogue I can dip below that. I expect around the same, but it's not a super hard set limit.



No godmodding, nothing op, no mary sues, all that.

-I don't like alicorn OCs, but if you can convince me that they aren't a godmod or a mary-sue I'll be okay with it.

-I'm also fine with other creatures (changelings, gryphons, bat-ponies, ect.) so long as they can be in a relationship with a pony.

No crossovers.


Either post here or PM if you're interested. I prefer if this RP is done through PMs, because it kind of defeats the purpose of having a private 1x1 RP if the entire board can see it. If there's anything I missed or you're wondering about, just ask.



I don't intend to turn this RP into a lemon or anything.

I'm known to occasionally dip into some grimdark stuff, so be wary of that.


Edit: Yes, another one of these.

Edited by Marformation

"I had hoped to yo over a lesson with you..." -My icon

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Not talking about anything hardcore. Just that when an RP is nothing but all romance all the time it gets a bit dull after a while. Just something to keep the RP interesting.

"I had hoped to yo over a lesson with you..." -My icon

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I would like to have a romance RP with you. I'm always up for one. Hope I'm not too late.  

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