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Misha got up and fully unbuttoned his jacket before he took his cup of tea and brought it back to the kitchen. He sat back down in his usual seat afterwards. "So... we got any idea where we'll all be going yet? Or are we still looking into that?" He asked no one in particular. Misha propped his arm up on the chair and rested his chin on his hand in a slightly bored fashion as he waited. 

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"We should figure out a way to reobtain the key before we lose track of its location." Hikari said as she sat down on the couch as well. "You know what would be great? A milkshake." She said with a laugh.


Nora on the other hand arrived at Xevera (which looked similar to Rome). There were absolutely no Skyscrapers, and all the buildings were pretty much the same level except some buildings that were larger than others. It was still night over there, around 3:00am while Novarius was 9:00am in the morning.


Nora teleported into the city at a back alley. She used to have a house nearby but she sold it since she needed the money and Nora rarely comes and stays since she's always traveling around from country to country with her powers.


She usually sleeps on rooftops of skyscrapers or buildings that are out of reach and sight or if she was lucky, on a nice and comfy bed, but she doesn't really mind. Nora has been doing this for years after becoming somewhat of a criminal, causing chaos and sometimes killing if she needed to.


As she went out onto the streets, she noticed people eyeing her and her two swords since they were glowing with power. "This isn't gonna do.." She mumbled before she started walking a bit faster and turned a corner. She teleported up and searched the area for a place to sleep. She spotted a four story building and landed on it before she sat down and closed her eyes with her two swords closely to her.


She was woken up by a bird that flew in front of her face with its wings in her face. She waved her hands and shooed it off before she stood up and said "Fuckin' birds.." Before looking around. She noticed the bright sun shining upon the entire city. It was a glorious sight to behold as the streets were crowded with people shopping for all sorts of weaponry.


Even though she wanted to check it out, it would be dangerous to be walking with these swords without a scabbard to hide the magic infused within. She hopped down and broke the fall by teleporting right before hitting the ground and headed towards the closest weapons shop which sold all sorts of blades, including daggers, long swords, spears and other types of weapons similar to those mentioned.


"Would you happen to sell a scabbard that would fit a blade of this size?" She asked before holding out one of the blades she had, showing it to the shopkeeper. "That's a very interesting sword you have there, young lady. Let me see if I have one in the back, dear." The shopkeeper said before walking into the storage room, which contained a lot of stuff, including scabbards that fit her two swords. He went back out and placed down three different sized scabbards and asked her to try them out. Nora picked the one which looked like it would fit perfectly, and it did. "I'll take two of these." Nora said politely. The old man responded with a "Of course" before taking another one out of the storage room. She took out her wallet and paid him before sheathing the two swords into the scabbards located on her back and waist.


She started walking towards a place to eat something but before she could do that, three men blocked her path. "Is there something I can help you with, sir?" She said with a slightly annoyed tone. "The swords. Hand it over." The leader demanded. Nora looked into his eyes and said "Good luck trying." before she unsheathed her blade and teleported straight past him, slicing the head of one of his buddies that were with him before reappearing behind them. "What do you think?" She said before turning around and cutting him in half. On contact, the blade shocked the living soul out of him before causing him to implode.


"Who sent you to kill me?" Nora asked the last man standing with her blade pointing straight at his throat. "I-I.. We didn't mean it! We only wanted those swords because they looked like they were worth a fortune.." The man said before kneeling down and apologized, begging for her to spare his life. Nora disappeared into thin air and headed out of that district before she gets in deep trouble. "Why do men always like to pick on me?" She asked herself without expecting an answer.


Xevera is nothing compared to other large cities in like Lightlyn City or Novarius in terms of things to see and do. Nora landed on the highest building in sight which was around eight stories in height with pillars to support the front part of the building. Her phone started ringing so she took out of her and answered the call. "Hello?" Nora said. "I need your help now, Nora." A man replied. She instantly recognized who it was. It was her close friend, Nicky. He sounded half dead when he spoke. "Where are you, Nicky? Is something wrong?" She asked before he said "I'm in Archwa-" The connection to his phone cut off before he could finish. There were gunshots before the call ended, which got her worried. "Hello?!" She said in hopes that he'll reply, but that wasn't happening anytime soon. She tried calling him back but his phone didn't even ring.


"Arch.. Arch.. Where is Archw- Wait a second.." She took out her phone and looked at the map. She spotted a place called 'Archwave' located within Arconium, and pretty close to Novarius. She hopped up and headed straight towards it by teleporting in the general direction. Knowing that she was an esper and that the area restricts all magicians and espers, she had no choice but to sneak in and find out what happened to her best friend.


(Since I've got nothing better to do during my ride back home, I've decided to have a separate side-story for this RP. If you feel like being part of it, post in the PM. The quality of the posts won't be as good compared to the main story, but the lack of posts have motivated me to create a completely new adventure for Nora. Now that that's over, tune in for the next chapter of Nora and Nicky next week!)

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Finally, after the longest 5 minutes of Zeke's life, the pot of coffee was brewed. Zeke found the biggest mug he could find, which was a large black porcelain coffee cup with the words, "I only need 1 cup" emblazoned on the side. He poured the full pot, gently into the mug, which received about 1/4 of the coffee from the pot before becoming too full to move without spilling. Misha asked some sort of question, and Hikari walked in answering it, but Zeke didn't hear it. He could only hear muffled mumbles of another language. Zeke picked up the mug, not even bothering to doctor the coffee up with any extra additives, and began making his long gruling journey to the Leather reclining chair that was unoccupied in the den area where everyone else was.

Zeke plopped down in the chair, still only wearing his boxers, and began to sip the  coffee. The bitter coffee was a bit hard to choke down, and Zeke was begginning to wonder if maybe two and a half scoops of coffee grounds was a bit too much for a pot. But, he stopped second guessing himself when he immediately started to feel reinvigorated. His cognitive functions began to return back to normal. And even though his eyes still looked as dead as ever, he was feeling the effects of the coffee only after two swills.

As his cognitive functions began to restore, he started to feel more and more aware that he was mostly naked in front of a girl he hardly knew.  

Is it okay for me to be in my boxers here? She hasn't seemed to notice. I suppose as long as nobody is offended here I should be fine. Zeke thought as he took another sip of his coffee. 

"So... what's goin' on here" Zeke mustered. His body and mind still ached from the overusage of Limit Evolution. 

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"Wondering how we're going to get the key back and milkshakes apparently." Misha explained after Zeke sat down. He looked over to the side at Hikari. "We talking about some vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry? Or are we talking about some serious buisness sprinkles and Oreos milkshakes here?" He asked with a grin. "I'm pretty sure we don't have the stuff to make any here but there might be a place around the city if you really want." He finished before he leaned back into the couch in a relaxed position.   

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"A simple strawberry milkshake would be enough to satisfy my needs for a refreshing beverage in such warm weather." He replied Misha. "I doubt a milkshake is gonna fall out the sky for me any time soon, so I'll be heading out." Hikari hoped that everyone could get out of the apartment and explore the wonders of Novarius instead of sitting around in the apartment. Breakfast would be nice since she's famished.

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As she begins to see movement in the main room, a bleary-eyed Lily drops the half-empty can of an energy drink with a caffeine concentration that was illegal in three cities. The can falls next to three empty and crushed ones, presumably consumed over the course of the night. She waves for the group to gather around, "Found key... In the middle of nowhere, a little shack with a big underground base below it... Near Archewave... Also finished gifts for Hikari and Zeke because they were nice to me... Going to sleep now..." She unceremoniously collapses onto her keyboard and starts to sleep as the caffeine crash hits her like a train.

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Misha perked up in his seat a bit when he heard Lily said she found out where the key was. However his giddy expression quickly turned to dismay rather quickly. "Oh god no." He groaned, drawing out the 'no' for a few good seconds. Almost looking angry now he simply commented. "It's in Axoana... literally any other place would of been better than that. It's bad experience central for me. Everything about that place has been out to get me since I stepped foot in it years ago." Misha explained. "Gonna get fuckin' sand all over my clothes now, that's for sure." He grumbled, now talking more to himself than the group. 


(The Esper went to Archewave, but she dropped the key off at a base by Xevera in Axoana. Gonna pretend you said that instead.)

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 "If we can find someone who's willing to fly a plane that's large enough to carry all of us over to the coordinates that Lily mentioned, we can ask him to drive by and possibly parachute down to check this place out."  She finished before standing up and headed towards the front door. "Anyone wanna tag along? Gonna get something and eat and maybe a milkshake if possible." Hikari asked no one in particular.  

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Once again returning from his occasional reveries, Shane decided to look around the apartment building for a replacement pizza slice. After several tireless minutes of searching, Shane came across one large gilded dresser. "This must belong to Misha," Shane thought to himself. "Well, maybe he has pizza in here I could borrow," With the justification out of the way, Shane opened one of the drawers. Shane was both surprised and unsurprised at what he saw: a huge ass cache of golden weaponry. Removing a golden and black sword from the case, he raised it above his head Shane yelled to the heavens, with all of his strength, "MISHAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT IS THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?"

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Misha gave a wave to Hikari. "I'm just gonna hang out here for a bit so I'll pass this time." He said. "Hope you find the best milkshake money can buy." He added with a slight grin. Before he could flip on the television he heard Shane from behind him. With a curious look he turned around and saw what he was holding. He grew a rather sour look, but it didn't seem to be at Shane, and more at the sword itself. He got up and slowly walked over. "Speak of the devil and they shall appear." He said as he picked the sword out of Shane's hands and leaned up against a table nearby. To an expert, it would be easily classified as a Xeveran custom weapon. 


It was a mostly black Katana styled sword with all the metal parts besides the blade made out of gold. It had a golden yellow cord wrapped around the sheath, some sort of small runic symbol inscribed on the beginning of the sheath in gold, and lastly a golden snake ornament in between the handle's wraps.


Misha twirled the weapon in his hands as he started to talk. "A sword, in the most basic sense." He replied. "My Half-Xeveran partner made it for me as a gift a long time ago. It has been my personal mission to learn as many combat styles as possible, so it gave me an excuse to have her teach me another one. I probably wouldn't carry around the secret sword cane at all if it wasn't for the lessons. She even modified that too." Misha explained before he unsheathed the weapon and then shrugged. "However they sadly came to an end prematurely, so I haven't really done much with it since then." 

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Shane considered Misha's words as he took in the craftsmanship of the Xeveran weapon; truly it was a sight to behold. Shane unconsciously wondered how well it could slice up a pizza. His attention shifting to the maker of the weapon, Shane asked Misha, "Who is this Xeveran person? Could he or she help us out? Maybe we should try to find them!"

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Misha's already somewhat grim look seemed to worsen after Shane's question. "Kali Shujaa. Level four vibration Esper. Finding her wont be hard, however getting them to help would be impossible. Seeing she's been dead for almost five years now." He stated. "She turned on me and it was either I die or she does at that point. It's a battle I shouldn't have won but I managed to cheat death. There were two swords, but at the time I... well I didn't know what else to use as a gravestone."


After a few seconds Misha looked over to Zeke. "You got an interest in swords by any chance Zeke?" He asked, looking over to the bedroom door. "Sayaa you any good with swords either?" He called out.

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"Actually, yes. My parents are Xeveran, the lessons were... mandatory. My mom is... she has a bit of an unfortunate fate that places her in a position in which looks are important. One of the many reasons I ran away." She levitated the sword over and lightly ran her hands over it. "Very, very nice. Akira, examine." Her swordsman froze into being around her doll. He turned it over, and nodded, "A well made, if guady blade. Now, if you would consi-" He dispersed instantly, Sayaa catching the blade before it came down.

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"I see." Misha commented. "Seems your encounters with Axoana must of been just as unsatisfying seeing you ran away. I guess I got the sword out of it at least..." He continued. "A gaudy blade indeed, Kali knew my taste I suppose. I'm curious though, what was Mr. Freeze there about to ask?" He finished as he lightly took the sword back from Sayaa on the way to sit back down on the couch once more.

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Feeling slightly disappointed, Hikari left the apartment and headed out of the main lobby after a quick ride down the lift. She took out her phone and searched for restaurants nearby that have good reviews. Hikari was well aware of her surroundings, and confident enough to be looking at her phone as she jaywalked cross the street. She found a restaurant just a few blocks away from where she was at so she decided to head over there and check it out. "Gosh, I'm starving.." Hikari mumbled as she felt a slight pain in her stomach for not eating anything before going to bed yesterday.

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At this point, Zeke was fully awake now. Even though his body still ached, as if he had fell down a large mountain and managed to hit every cliff and craggy rock on the way to the bottom. But his mind was awake, now, and that was the most important thing. MIsha, asked a question about swordplay, while talking about a katana-like weapon that Zeke thought looked awesome. 

"I am not really trained in anything. If I want to learn something, I kind of just do it. My fighting style is just common sense mixed with superhuman levels of agility and speed. And if my powers aren't activated during a fight then, again, I just use common sense. My fighting style is more along the lines of street-fighting than anything. So, no, I don't know how to use a sword, but I don't think it would take me long to learn it" Zeke replied


Feeling slightly disappointed, Hikari left the apartment and headed out of the main lobby after a quick ride down the lift. She took out her phone and searched for restaurants nearby that have good reviews. Hikari was well aware of her surroundings, and confident enough to be looking at her phone as she jaywalked cross the street. She found a restaurant just a few blocks away from where she was at so she decided to head over there and check it out. "Gosh, I'm starving.." Hikari mumbled as she felt a slight pain in her stomach for not eating anything before going to bed yesterday.


"I need to take a shower and get dressed first, before I go out in public. I am hungry, though. So I could join you later, if you would like." Zeke replied to HIkari

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"You probably could, it's not that hard to get into. You just need a good teacher." He replied. "My default style would probably be boxing myself. I obviously use my hands a lot due to the runic tattoos so it felt right to me." Misha propped the sword up against he shoulder and thought. "My personal advice however would be to stick to whatever your best at. And whatever can be used with it. I'll get a lot further with magic and fists then I'll even get with just swords by my guess. Learning other ways of fighting is just my own hobby, I've never been a model train builder kind of guy so it seemed fun." He said with a chuckle. "Kali was so good because her own Esper power worked so well with swords. As a Vibration Based Esper one of her abilities could send vibrations through the sword and turn her superior strength steel into a makeshift chainsaw. Allowing her to cut through other weapons if they try to block." He finished. 

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"I see." Misha commented. "Seems your encounters with Axoana must of been just as unsatisfying seeing you ran away. I guess I got the sword out of it at least..." He continued. "A gaudy blade indeed, Kali knew my taste I suppose. I'm curious though, what was Mr. Freeze there about to ask?" He finished as he lightly took the sword back from Sayaa on the way to sit back down on the couch once more.


"Me to go home. For the one thousand, billionth time."


Feeling slightly disappointed, Hikari left the apartment and headed out of the main lobby after a quick ride down the lift. She took out her phone and searched for restaurants nearby that have good reviews. Hikari was well aware of her surroundings, and confident enough to be looking at her phone as she jaywalked cross the street. She found a restaurant just a few blocks away from where she was at so she decided to head over there and check it out. "Gosh, I'm starving.." Hikari mumbled as she felt a slight pain in her stomach for not eating anything before going to bed yesterday.


A circle glowed on the ground, and Sayaa appeared, always there for the food. There was a tag on the floor where she'd been that quickly disintegrated. She hooked Hikari's arm with a smile, "Soooooooooo, you mentioned shakes?"

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"I kind of just count on luck to get me through most of my battles. I don't really think a teacher is my style." Zeke said to Misha. Zeke put down the empty coffee mug on the den table after finishing the last few drops. He stood up, stretched is arms out, popping his arms, and neck. "Well, I think I am going to take a shower now." Zeke said. 

Zeke went to his room and opened his bag, pulling out a white band T-shirt with the words Coheed and Cambria in a gothic font written on the front. Zeke checked his phone and noticed it was going to be a hot day today, so he grabbed a pair of black shorts as well. Zeke took his wallet and articles of clothing to the bathroom and turned the water on, waiting for it to get a bit warm before taking off his boxers and stepping in. Washing his body with some generic bodywash, and his hair with Suave rainforest shampoo and conditioner. After rinsing off, and making sure he had washed all of the product from his hair, he stepped out and and grabbed a towel. After drying off he put on his T-shirt and black shorts. He then put his phone and wallet in his pockets and stepped back out into the den, still a bit damp from the shower. 

"So, I am heading out, anyone else want to come?" Zeke said.

Zeke texted HIkari with a, 'Where are you, we are heading out' while waiting for an answer from the people in the den

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By the time Zeke had returned Misha had put back his sword and was resting on the couch with his eyes closed. He came to and looked over. "I suppose I might as well tag along now that everyone seems to be going. I haven't eaten anything either." He commented as he got up and grabbed his cane. Misha simply just waited at the door for Zeke until he gave the command to roll out.

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Hikari was pleasantly surprised when Sayaa magically appeared beside her from a teleportation spell of hers. Before she could say hi, Sayaa hooked her hands around Hikari's left arm. "Oh hey, Sayaa! I was just thinking about you." She replied with a smile. Her phone buzzed a bit so she took it out with her right hand and texted Zeke back. "I'm three streets down from the apartment. Turn left and you'll see a restaurant which serves breakfast." Hikari sent the message and placed her phone back in her pocket. Both of them walked into the restaurant and sat down in one of the empty tables. "Anything special you'd like to eat?" She asked Sayaa.

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Zeke and Misha took the elevator down to the lobby and exited the building. They then walked down the street to the specified location that Hikari gave Zeke. They arrived at a diner with the name of Sherri's. Zeke and Misha headed into the diner and found the table that Hikari and Sayaa were at.

"Fancy meeting you two here." Zeke joked, "Mind if we take these seats?" Zeke asked pointing at the two chairs on the opposite side of the table from the girls.  

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"Why, of course, Zeke!" She replied to him with sarcastically. "Jokes aside, we still have to retrieve that key, and if we don't, who knows what might happen to Cynrador?" Hikari said with a semi-serious tone. "And if I ever see that teleporting esper again, I'll make sure she doesn't leave without a broken bone." She mumbled.

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Sayaa shrugs at the question, "Milkshake would be nice..." She sat next to Hikari and smiled innocently at Zeke. "And we already found the teleporting esper. Our only problem is that she's a teleporting esper with an army behind her." She draws magic symbols in the air for fun and sits back.

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Zeke sits down on the opposite side of the table from the girls. 

"Did I miss something?", Zeke asked, sitting down, "I thought all we knew was where it is. Was there more intel I was told about?"

Zeke opened up the menu that was on the table. The idea of a milkshake actually sounded good to Zeke so he looked through the milkshake section. There was something called pie shakes. Apparrently it;s a milkshake made with a slice of any type of pie that they sell their. It sounded kind of weird but Zeke wanted to try it. I think I'll try the banana creme shake.

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