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private A New Future (1x1 RP)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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@@Miss Reaper,


(OOC: Yay! :D I totally miss that show sooo bad.)


Rainbow had a smile on her face until she realized that one of her clouds was on B-4. "Hit..." She said as she placed a hit marker in the hole of the cloud. One more hit and that cloud would be down and out. Rainbow still remained calm.  

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(OOC: I knooow, right?)


Ariel giggled again in a bit of delight when she got another hit, those little wings of her again fluttering happily for a few moments. She then looked at Rainbow eagerly, awaiting her to make her next move and state her next guess; all the while thinking again on how enjoyable she found this game to be.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"D-7". Rainbow stated as she continued to look at the remaining clouds. She still had all of her clouds. Meanwhile Thunder Dash was watching a news report. A cart had overturned in Ponyville injuring two ponies. "So glad they weren't foals." Thunder stated as he continued to watch.  

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(OOC: Can we, like, skip to the end of the game and decide a winner or something? I don't know about you, but this is getting a tad tedious for me, ehehe. xD; )


"Hit," the filly stated with a little sigh, placing a red marker on another of her cloud pieces. Then she stated her next call in more of a questioning manner, more guessing than placing any strategic thought behind her guesses. "A-4?"

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@@Miss Reaper,


(OOC: Kay, I'll skip to the end after this last post. Plan to have Ariel win.)


"Ugh, hit. You're pretty good at this." Rainbow complimented as she placed a hit marker on the stormcloud. Thunder Dash had finished watching the newsflash and changed the channel.  

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Ariel seemed happy upon hearing this; she hadn't expected to do so well to begin with, but now it seemed like she actually had a chance of winning! Having never truly felt successful in anything, even such a relatively minor victory would indeed make her even happier.

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@@Miss Reaper,


The game went on and soon...it was a dead tie. Rainbow's heart was pounding. She only had one hole left in her golden cloud. "Uhm....E...5...?" She said hesitantly, hoping it was a hit so she would take the win. Thunder was watching on. "You got this Ariel." He said. Blitz and Storm were also watching. 

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All it would take was one hit, to finish either one of them off. Ariel was now intently focused on the game, trying her best to seize the chance of winning. She then felt a surge of confidence as she happily stated, "Miss!" Though, on the inside, she was breathing a little sigh of relief. Then, going in for what would hopefully be the final hit, she called out, "C-6!"

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Ahh!" Rainbow screamed when she saw that what Ariel called was the last hole of her golden cloud. "Ariel you did it!" You won!" Thunder cheering. "Great game Rainbow!" Blitz cheered. Rainbow had a smile on her face. "Wow...I didn't know you were that good at battlecloud!" She said to Ariel giving her a nuzzle.  

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"I... I did it! I won!" she squealed when she realized that for herself, which was followed by a joyful giggle. With the remark from Rainbow, the filly said with a smile, "I... didn't know I was that good, either!" Her first time playing ever, and she had won the game! If anything, it made the young pony feel incredibly good about herself.

Edited by Miss Reaper
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@@Miss Reaper,


"Wow...you're such a natural Ariel!" Thunder stated. "And who the hay did Ariel's parents think they were? Such monstrosites..." Thunder thought to himself as he continued to celebrate with Ariel. "Now all you gotta do is try to beat Uncle Blitz, Storm, and Dad." Rainbow stated.  

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"Yeah! I'll take you all on!" she giggled in a bout of self-confidence, happily fluttering her wings so that she hovered a little ways above the ground. She looked to each of her family members, smiling brightly. And to think, she was so different when Thunder first found her; scared, timid, self-doubting, among other things that had mostly been a direct result of her parents' abuse. Now here she was, giggling and smiling and laughing, being happy and enjoying her foalhood as a young filly her age should.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Careful now Ariel. You don't want to be what is called prideful. Pride is a good thing to have, but being prideful is a bad thing. When ponies are prideful, it can result in a loss. It's great to have confidence, but don't let it turn into pridefulness." Thunder warned. "Yeah, I have that issue too. "But you gotta totally love that enthusiasm." Storm Rush stated.  

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"Oh..." Ariel slowly lowered herself the short distance to the ground, folding her wings as she stared down at the floor. "I-I'm sorry..." she said, apologizing though it wasn't really something that warranted an apology; just like that, she had fallen into an old habit - apologizing for the sake of apologizing, if only to avoid the wrath of two certain ponies.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It's alright. We all like that sometimes. You don't have to be upset about it." Thunder stated. "But I've joked on Blitz about it the last time we went bowling." Thunder stated. "Do you know what bowling is?" Thunder asked Ariel as he helped Rainbow put the battlecloud game away.  

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It took a few moments for Ariel to get over her relapsing moment of self-deprecation. After doing so, she looked to Thunder, her ears flicking up in curiosity when he mentioned bowling. She wasn't familiar with too many games or anything of the sort; it was likely well-known at this point the reason why. " N... No. What is that?" she asked.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It's a really fun game." Thunder stated. Blitz changed the channel. The PPBA(Pony Pro Bowler's Association) championship was on. "Hey check it out! The championship is on." Blitz stated. "And there's the champ, Jeff Letrotski himself." Rainbow stated. "See those pins there? That pony will roll the ball down the lane and try to knock them over." Thunder stated. 

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Ariel fluttered her wings and hovered towards the television - apparently making a new habit of using her wings whenever she could - before sitting in front of it and watching to see what this sport/game known as bowling was all about. It was clear that she naturally had a curious mind, interested in finding out about all she possibly could, as she looked at the television screen intently.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Jeff Letrotski stood on his hind legs and picked the ball up. "Most novice bowlers push the ball their muzzle. Some even have a small bucking style they do, which severely lowers the accuracy. I prefer Jeff Letrotski's style." Thunder stated. Jeff then took three steps forward, swung the ball back in his two front hooves and rolled it down the lane. "See how he let go of the ball, now it's gonna hit the pins." Thunder stated. The ball zoomed towards the pins and knocked them all down. "That's a strike! He knocked all of the pins down." Thunder stated. 


(OOC: You get a cookie if you can guess where Jeff Letrotski's original name is from.) 

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(OOC: Pff, if it comes from sports, I have no idea. I hardly follow sports at all, so no cookie for me, lol.)


Ariel watched the bowler on the television closely, particularly interested by the way he stood on his hind legs and picked up the ball. She tried to mimic him, raising up onto her hind legs and spreading her little wings to try and keep balance. Though, she couldn't keep balance for long. She fluttered her wings madly when she started to lose balance, trying to keep from falling flat on her face. She managed to get safely back into a sitting position, and looked towards the television once more as she resumed watching the bowling.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder helped Ariel stay balanced. "You'll get it." He said. "Here, watch daddy." Thunder stated as he got up and stood on his hind legs perfectly. He then took a few steps forward and backward. He then went back to help Ariel stand on her hind legs. "Most foals either muzzle the ball or do a small buck, but I wouldn't suggest bucking it." Blitz stated.  

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Ariel stretched her wings out again to try and keep herself balanced, wobbling for several moments before she managed to steady herself. Standing on her hind legs alone was tricky enough for her; she didn't think she would be taking any steps on hind legs like that anytime soon. "I think I'd just stick with the, um, muzzle thing..." she admitted, finding that the other method would likely be a little difficult for her.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"That means you're gonna need a very light bowling ball. How about all of us go to the bowling ally for some fun. Does that sound like a good idea?" Thunder asked. "Hay yeah!" Rainbow stated. "Totally awesome! I so need a break." Storm Rush stated. "Count me in!" Blitz stated. "What da say Ariel? Ready to go?" Thunder asked.  

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"Yeah! That sounds like fun!" she exclaimed, her expression brightening. Again, she fluttered her little wings, lifting her small body up and hovering at about the others' eye levels; she seemed to still be savoring the idea of having wings, where she hadn't had any for nearly the entire eight years of her young life. Also, she seemed to simply like doing that whenever she was happy or excited.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder gently caught Ariel and put her on his back. He then opened the door. "Hang on!" Thunder stated as he took to the skies and dove down for Ponyville. Blitz, Rainbow and Storm followed behind. Thunder had his bowling stuff already as the bowling ally, kept in a locker. 

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