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private A New Future (1x1 RP)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Keep trying." Thunder encouraged. Storm rolled his second ball and left one pin up. "Man! That's wrong!" Storm said frustrated. "Bowling can be frustrating sometimes, especially when you miss a spare very close." Thunder stated as he watched Blitz get up and prepare to bowl. 

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Ariel nodded, having already figured out for herself that bowling wasn't too easy, and that it could be frustrating; especially when she had rolled a gutter ball with her very first turn. She kept quiet and continued to watch, curious about observing the techniques of each of her family members.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Blitz put his ball down, aligned with the pocket. He then gathered some telekinetic energy and made the ball spin in place fast. He then let out a surge of telekinetic energy and ball shot off heading straight to the pocket. It knocked down all but one pin. "Oh come on! I swear to Celestia's mane I thought that would be a strike!" Blitz said a little angry. "It's okay Blitz." Thunder stated. 

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Ariel's eyes widened slightly when she saw Blitz's technique, quite amazed at the telekinetic ability he showed just then. And it certainly was an interesting technique to use for bowling. At the same time, she knew that she would never be able to reproduce such a technique, since she hardly had such energy for herself to wield.

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@@Miss Reaper,


(OOC: Playing Candy Crush right now :P)


Blitz went for the one pin and nailed it dead on on his next shot. "Nice one Blitz." Thunder stated as he and Blitz gave each other a hoof-bump. "Ariel, it's your turn again." Thunder stated as he motioned Ariel to get up so she could bowl her 2nd frame of bowling.  

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(OOC: Haha, I've heard of that game, but have never played it. :P )


Ariel got up and trotted to the lane, taking her ball and setting it down. She glared at the pins again as she focused on how she could push the ball just right. Then she gave the ball a push with her muzzle, watching as the ball rolled down the alley and knocked over about four pins. Delighted at this, she retrieved her ball once more. By what was most likely an unfortunately lapse of judgement, she attempted to mimic Thunder's technique, unsteadily getting up onto her hind legs and picking up the ball. As expected, she soon lost balance, as well as her hold on the ball, and the ball rolled into the left gutter as she was left lying face-down after having fallen flat on her face.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Maybe...you should practice before you try that..." Thunder stated as he picked up Ariel gently and made sure she was okay. He checked all around her body, making sure there were no cuts, scabs, or bruises. "Good...you're still okay." Thunder said as he put her down. "I think you should stick to muzzling until you get the hang of standing on your hind legs." Thunder suggested.  

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Ariel looked up at him, giving a slight whimper as tears formed in her eyes. While she hadn't hurt herself seriously in any way, she felt silly for having tried such a stunt without practicing - in fact, she felt as if she practically humiliated herself, even. But of course, that was her own lacking self-confidence coming back once more, bringing about that issue.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Don't worry. You'll get it. All it takes is practice and time." Thunder said encouragingly. "As I said before, just stick to muzzling for now." Thunder added as he waited for Ariel to get in her place to bowl the next ball. Blitz, Rainbow and Storm were watching as well.   

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Ariel nodded, sniffling and wiping her eyes before she went to go try again. Going through the same process of retrieving her ball, setting it down and eying the bowling pins, she then gave the ball a push with her muzzle. The ball rolled down the alley, and this time knocked down a few more pins, leaving only two pins.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Nice!" Thunder said happily. It was then Rainbow's turn. She got up and placed her ball on the ground. She then bucked it, but hit dead center and left up a 3-6 split. "Ugh!" She grunted. "That's not good." Thunder stated. "You bet it isn't!" Rainbow said angrily as she went to get her ball off the returner. She then bucked it with a curve. The ball curved and took out one pin. "Good try Rainbow!" Thunder cheered. 

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Ariel continued to watch, still observing the techniques of her family members and trying to learn the finer points of the game known as bowling. She was quiet, but that was merely because she was making mental notes, as she was so used to doing in most situations. Observing, and taking note of things she thought to be significant; that was the way she was used to.

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@@Miss Reaper,


It was Thunder's turn again. Thunder got on his hind legs and picked his ball up. He then stepped up to the approach. He then took three steps forward, swinged back and swinged forward hard. The ball curved out and hooked back in. "That's it!" Thunder said as the ball collided with the pins. It was another strike. "Double!" Thunder cheered happily.  

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"Yay! Way to go, Daddy!" Ariel cheered, jumping up and fluttering her wings, hovering for a few seconds before lowering herself. Of course, she would always cheer for him, and cheer the loudest; at least, as loud as she could manage. She then settled herself down and resumed watching.

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@@Miss Reaper


It was Storm's turn to bowl. He stepped up to the approach and put his ball down on the lane. He then kicked it. It curved and only left up 6 pins. "Ugh, spun it too much..." Storm said to himself as he waited for his ball to return on the returner. "Straight on Storm." Thunder stated. 

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Ariel just kept on watching, noting once that the kicking/bucking technique really did lack some accuracy and could give less than satisfactory results if one wasn't careful. It was about accuracy, not power; though power did help some, she had noticed. She kept taking these mental notes, hoping to learn more about bowling and become better at it as a result.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Storm Rush put his ball down on the ground and bucked it again. The ball curved and knocked down all but one pin. "Ugh, not agan!" Storm Rush said a little annoyed. "That was robbed." Thunder stated as he waited for Blitz to get up and get his ball so he could bowl. 

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Ariel still continued to watch, keeping quiet and making mental notes. Normally, a young filly like her may have let her attention wander by this point, but Ariel was as focused as she could manage to be. While waiting for it to be her turn again, she simply kept observing her family members, trying to pick up on anything else she may have been able to learn about bowling.

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@@Miss Reaper,


It was Blitz's turn again. He stepped up and placed his ball on the ground. He gathered some telekinetic energy and made it spin again. He then gathered more and released it, causing the ball to curve out and hook back in right in the pocket causing an explosion. Blitz got a strike. "Yes!" He said as he jumped up.  

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Ariel watched Blitz with particular interest, still so fascinated by his technique using telekinetic abilities. No matter how many times she saw it, she would still be impressed by his use of those abilities. She smiled when he got a strike and cheered for him, "Yay!" Though, the cheer was quieter than when she had cheered for Thunder; closer to Fluttershy levels in terms of volume, in fact.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Alright Ariel, you're up. It's your third frame, seven more to go." Thunder stated as he gave Blitz a hoof-bump for his strike. "I know bucking gives the ball more speed, but it lowers accuracy. Muzzling is the opposite of that. Maybe start a little farther back and run while you push the ball forward. That way, you'll get more speed, plus the great accuracy, thus you'll knock more pins down." Thunder stated as he waited for Ariel to get her ball. 

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Ariel nodded, acknowledging what he said as she went to retrieve her ball. She set the ball down, eyed the pins, and then took several steps backwards. After a pause of a few moments, she ran forward to hopefully give more momentum to the ball as she pushed it. The ball rolled down the lane, and knocked down five pins. The filly smiled, encouraged by this as she went to retrieve the ball from the ball return. She repeated the process, watching the ball. Four pins fell immediately; the last remaining one wobbled, but almost seemed as if it wanted to stay upright. But soon, it toppled, joining the rest of its fallen fellows. Ariel giggled, happy that she managed to get a spare.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Yay! You did it Ariel! You got a spare!" Thunder cheered as he waited for Rainbow Dash to get up and get her ball. Thunder had his hoof out for a low hoof. Rainbow went up to the lane and bucked her ball. She knocked down six pins. "You gotta sleeper back there." Thunder stated.  

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Ariel happily gave him a low hoof before she returned to watching. She watched Rainbow, again resuming her habit of keeping her silence, until Thunder made his remark. "Sleeper?" she echoed curiously, uncertain of the term used in that sort of context.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It means there's a pin hiding behind one of the pins that you can't see. If Rainbow wants to get this spare, she'll have to hit the pins directly." Thunder explained. Rainbow took her position and bucked the ball. The ball curved and hit the pins directly, knocking the sleeper down as well. "Yeah-heah! Woo!" Rainbow said happily. "Great job Rainbow!" Storm cheered.  

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