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private 1x1 with Unicorncob (rp)

Catpone Cerberus

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Oliver shrugged. "Fair point. Alright then, here we go."

He began to change form in front of her, lowering in height and his arms and legs reaching equal length. Fur grew all over him and his face began growing a muzzle and pointed ears.

When he finished, he looked like a young brown wolf.

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When Oliver said go, Jenna put one of her hands behind her back and seemed to be prepared to react if need would arise, but could anyone really blame her, she was alone in a empty building with a guy she had never met before, anything could happen. She looked uncomfortable as she watched Oliver transform, there was something off putting to see the changes from so close, but she didn't move, and she was still holding her hand behind her back. When the transformation was ready, Jenna spoke, still holding her hand where it was, "That was unexpected, and slightly disturbing." She didn't know what she had expected, but this wasn't this, though she still wasn't as surprised as somebody else would be, after all, she knew things many others didn't. She continued with careful tone "Can you like...speak in that form?"  

Edited by Simply Cerberus
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The wolf tilted his head, an ear cocked at Jenna's reaction. He was expecting her to be a bit more amazed, so he was a little underwhelmed.

"Disturbing?" he asked, blinking. "What do you mean disturbing?" Obviously he could speak in this form.

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"The transformation itself, hands and legs getting smaller and muzzle growing out of your face." Jenna explained, "It just looks so unnatural because...you know, humans are not supposed to be able to do that do that." she threw what looked like a concrete spear on the floor next to her from behind her back and brought her hand back to her side "Sorry, you were probably expecting different reaction." she sighed "It's just that I have studied these things for a while now, and nothing really surprises me anymore, because nothing makes sense." she had seen enough proof that Oliver was trustworthy enough to talk to, she was glad to finally meet someone in similar situation to her. Jenna rubbed her neck awkwardly "Oh, I probably should show you what I can do, it's only fair."

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Oliver's ears lowered in disappointment, hoping that she'd be a bit more impressed than she looked. Then again, she was used to magic so she probably wouldn't be that surprised, he figured.

"Oh, right," he said and turned himself back to a human, still clothed. "Let's see!"

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"Aright, here we go." Jenna said as she rose one of her arms, at first nothing happened, but soon from the floor rose a concrete hand that picked up the spear Jenna had dropped and gave it to her, before disappearing back into the floor. Jenna then brought the spear in front of her, and it suddenly just lost its form, and it was left hanging from Jenna's hand like it was rope, yet it still was clearly made from concrete. She then tied a knot to the concrete-rope to show that it acted just like a rope would, before throwing it to the ground, it no more acting like a rope after it left her hand, as it kept it's form like something made of concrete would when hitting the floor. "There it is in a small scale." behind her a concrete chair rose from the ground and she sat on it "I can also control gasses and liquids, only requirements are that I touch the thing I want to control, and that  I know what it is." suddenly there was wind inside the building, and from the way how the dust moved with it, it was safe to assume that it wasn't coming from outside. "Case and point, I'm moving the air around us now."

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Oliver's eyes widened at the display, and he grinned as the air blew at him from Jenna's controlling it. He was starting to well up with excitement from seeing actual magic before his eyes. Not just stage tricks but proper sorcery.

"That is so cool!" he gushed.

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Jenna shrugged and stopped moving the air "Thanks" she thanked with a smile "Though it kinda loses it's coolness when you can't really do anything with it." "I can only do small magic tricks and cool myself on hot days without causing too much attention to myself." she sighed "That's part of the reason why I'm alone so much, I don't want to risk anyone seeing me doing something like this."

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"Yeah, I know what you mean," Oliver agreed with a nod. "I can't do my thing in public either, people might freak out about it since they can't do it too. I dunno why, it's not like I wanna hurt anyone."

He shrugged. "Either way, yours is pretty awesome!"

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Jenna leaned back in her concrete chair "People just fear what they don't understand, it's survival instinct." "They also fear what they can't control." she then realized something. "Speaking of control, you said earlier that you're not allowed to show your ability in public." she looked at Oliver curiously "Does that mean that someone is keeping an eye on you?" 

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Oliver shrugged. "Well, not all the time. I mean my parents will likely find out that I showed you, but you're like me so I think they'll understand."

He glanced around awkwardly. "I mean, magic and all. Different kind of magic. You know what I mean."

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"Oh, I see, though I don't see how they would find it out until you tell them." Jenna pointed out, she was curious if Oliver's parent shared his gift, but she figured that Oliver would have told that already if it was the case, "For me, you're the only one who knows about this." she kept a short pause "Or well, that's not entirely true, there was one person who got to experience it more closely that anyone wished for.....but he is no more."

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"That's true I guess," Oliver said with a shrug, not sounding particularly worried about the ramifications.

Though, what Jenna said next made his eyes widen with alarm. "No more? What happened to him?"

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Jenna became visibly uncomfortable "It's....better to be forgotten." she hesitated a bit "Let's just say that new found powers and strong emotions don't mix too well." she rubbed her neck "I don't know why I even mentioned it." she kept a short pause before sighing and looking towards the roof "But well, since I started, in short, it was case of self-defense" "Let's leave it to that"

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"Oh... I see," Oliver muttered, nodding slowly in understanding. "I think I get what you mean. Kinda reminds me of why I'm not allowed to use my powers in public. Not just because of people seeing it."

He shrugged. "But anyway, it's not that important!" He said with a grin.

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Though Jenna was curious, she didn't ask what Oliver meant, after all, it was only fair since her explanation was rather vague too, and she could guess what he could mean anyways.But there was something else she wanted to ask, "Um..so, I thought about something and I have a question." "I was just wondering that, since you can turn into a wolf, are you part wolf?" "What I mean is that....do you have better senses than normal humans, or other non-human skills, and do you have habits, personality quirks or things you like that are....wolf or dog like." she wanted to ask it, even if she was pretty sure it was the case, because it would explain few things about Oliver, but she didn't want to assume anything.

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"Oh, yeah actually," Oliver said with a grin, glad that Jenna was showing interest. "I have a good sense of smell and I can track anyone's scent as long as I get a good smell of it. I'm also kinda strong too."

He looked into her eyes. "What about you? Do your powers do other stuff for you as well?"

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"I see" Jenna nodded understandingly, Oliver didn't tell everything she asked about, but it was good enough "For me?" "Not that much really, only thing being my bodily-coordination." "It's far superior to other humans and animal, because that's what allows me to control material outside my body like it was part of me"

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Oliver nodded slowly, still grinning in admiration. "That's pretty cool! I bet having powers like that is pretty useful, huh?"

He looked around the warehouse. "There's a lot of room here, you could use it for practice."

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"Besides getting stuff from other side of the room without getting up and the ability to do some magic tricks more easily, not really" Jenna mentioned "Because I can't really do anything else without raising unwanted attention." she pointed out. She nodded at Oliver's second point "That's exactly why I have the key here in the first place." "I told the owners that I needed a place to practice my weapon handling in peace." "And they gave me the access here."

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Oliver blinked, eyes widened with surprise. "Wait, so the owners know about your powers? And they're okay with it?"

He gasped as something came into his head. "Do they have powers too? Are they like yours?"

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"No" Jenna denied "Like I said, they think I practice weapon handling, you know, swords, staffs and things like that." she looked thoughtful "But your question reminded me, I wanted to ask if your parents shared your ability." "Though I guess the answer is probably no, since you haven't mentioned it"

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"Oh, my parents?" Oliver muttered, blinking. "Oh yeah, they have the same thing I do. They have better control over it and they don't want me using it outside until I can control myself better."

He shrugged. "I'm pretty okay at it now, so I dunno why they won't let me yet."

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"So, some abilities are inherited." Jenna said mostly to herself "So I wonder if I have inherited mine or if I'm first in my family tree." "Because I know for sure that neither of my parents has any abilities." she paused like she realized something and looked at Oliver with sheepish smile "Sorry about that, I sank in my thoughts again." "I just have been trying to figure out where my powers came from and how do they work for a while now, but it's pretty hard to study something that shouldn't exist"

Edited by Simply Cerberus
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"Ooh, so your parents don't have your powers too?" Oliver guessed, looking quite curious. "Weird, I always thought they came from their parents, and they got it from their parents and all that stuff."

He blinked. "Do they know you have powers?"

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