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private Destiny of Equsetria

The Cynical Lone Wolf

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"Ok, so stay away from Weeping Pegasi, is that all we need to stay away from" Luna said looking around the room. "So Doctor when is your birthday" Luna said trying to start a conversation, so that the stuation won't be too bad, while they are trying to get way from the Weeping Pegasi.

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Twilight looked around and was thankful those statues,aliens, or whatever were around,but the questioned needed be asked

"Why are they here Doctor? I mean they have to have a reason to be and not be here out of random, I mean I am student of goddess and I can why,but it felt they are also after something else", Twilight asked

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The Doctor ignored them for a moment while he fiddled with a couple of dials. "Ah there we go." The lights came on and the sheer enormity of the room was revealed. ""They're here because they want to be where we are. If they get in here then they'll be able to travel the entire universe and not be stopped by anypoy or anything." The Doctor said. :And where we are right now, this very room is the TARDIS." The Doctor told them.



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"Wow, it's bigger on the inside, how does it do that, I mean it's like impossible, wow" Luna said very surprised and likes the TARDIS. "Wow, just wow, so Twilight what do you think, do you have any say in this" Luna said still amassed about the TARDIS, then started walking around the TARDIS.

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"Well by deducation it is not bigger inside as you said. Instead we are in a dfferent universe, a pocket one. I have to say this universe is amazing!", she said with a smile.

She went to the control panel to observe it

"Okay but what is this place called? It must have a name", she asked 

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The Doctor's jaw fell to the floor. "Wha? Is she always like this?" The Doctor asked Luna. "Who are you and how do you know about Time Lord Science?" The Doctor asked Twilight as he hurriedly fiddled around with the dials and sent the TARDIS rumbling. "We're just moving don't worry about anything. Now, the name of this place is TARDIS. T-A-R-D-I-S. Do you know what it stands for?" The Doctor asked Twilight. He shot Luna a look, saying that she shouldn't say anything about it.



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"Oh its just lastest scientific theories", she said with pride,"And I dont know what TARDIS stands for,but I can guess."

Shen then looked around and at the controls and tohught for at moment,"Actaully I really can you please please me Doctor and what is a Timelord exactly?"

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"Well that's Twilight, but I do believe that it's bigger on the inside" Luna said quietly not knowing what TARDIS stands for, but curious about the meaning. She didn't say anything because the look the Doctor gave her a look saying not to say anything, so she just remaned quiet.

Edited by LunaFlower226
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"Latest scientific theories? Okay then. The TARDIS stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. A timelord is an alien. I'm one of them. Does that answer your question Twilight?" The Doctor asked her. When the TARDIS landed every pony there could feel a jolt. "Seems like we've gotten out of the library." The Doctor said calmly.

Edited by XANA



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Twilight went to the doors, went out of them, and realized they are in the outstricks of Canterlot.

"But this si-scienciftically impossible", she said wth gasp and realized and she looked

"Wow that just look smaller",she thought tilting her head a little,"And blue does goes with but still I heard about a Doctor before but where?"

(Adding to the overall plot.)

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Luna was still being quiet, but the fact that they can move to a different place was amassing, she didn't know what to say. Luna steped out of the TARDIS and walked around it, and looking at where they are. "Doctor, how did we get over here, this is amassing" Luna said.

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"Wow, calm down Twilight, I heard what the Doctor said about the TARDIS, so what books have you been reading lately, are they interesting" Luna said, now wanting to talk a about books instead, because she wants to read more book, but not information books.

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"There's a library in the TARDIS as well. If you want, I can show you where it is." The Doctor told them. He stood kutside the TARDIS with the others and looked at Canterlot. Why are the Weeping Pegasi there? This question kept going around in his mind while he looked at the city.



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Twilight looked inside the TARDIS,but something went through her mind as much as wanted 5o go th libary she couldn't.

"I'm sorry Doctor,but I cant't becuase knowing myself and who knows how may years will pass once I go in there, once I get started. I know time machince,but still. I have studies to keep up with Celestia", she said

She then walked towards Canterlot not knowing that the angels myseriously vanished without a trace of being there

(Okay retiring Twilight..for now. Xana time to switch Doctors,please do so by next page.)

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"Where ...? Nevermind. Hey, Luna, you want to go on an adventure in the TARDIS with me?" The Doctor asked Luna. He stood just inside the TARDIS and watched Twilight head back to Canterlot. "If you come with me then you'll be able to travel through time as well." The Doctor said as an afterthought.


(I'm going to wait until Luna posts.)



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"Time travel, that sounds amassing, I have nothing better to do in Canterlot, and the TARDIS has a library, so I would love to go time traveling" Luna said very happy then started to walk back into the TARDIS. "So, where are we going to go" Luna asked very excided.

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The Doctor closed the door behind her. "We can go anywhere and anywhen. For now, I've set the dial for random." The Doctor said. He pulled the lever and off they went.


TIME SKIP (The 9th Doctor has just regenerated into the tenth.)


"Okay. I knew that planet was bad!" The Doctor said as he galloped into the TARDIS.



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"Wait for me Doctor" Luna said running in to the TARDIS. "So now what do we do" Luna asked. "What about the others that's stuck on the planet" Luna asked feeling sorry for some of them, as in the one that were nice to new ponies. "Well I think I'm going to go the the library" Luna said then started walking that way.

Edited by LunaFlower226
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The Doctor scratched his head and fiddled with some dials but he didn't activate any of them. "Luna, if you're going to the library then look up a creature known as flesh-eaters. They are what's causing problems with the population. Actually, I'll come with you. It will be faster if the both of us work together." The Doctor said. He closed the door just before a flesh-eater could get inside. He then followed Luna to the library.



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"Ok, flesh-eaters now lets see, where is the book, hey Doctor what's the authors name, if I know the name I might be able to find the book faster" Luna said looking at the Doctor. "So, do you know the authors name or not@ Luna asked Turing around to try to find the book again.

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"Author's name. Right." The Doctor said. He racked his memory and remembered waht it was. "One of the authors names ia Mitigolar Hurasmiuth. That's a mouthful. The Doctor told er the name andbthe went into another section for some more information. We need a couple of.books and then we'll have torea them quickly! The planet doesn't have long!" The Doctor shouted from somewhere in the library.



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"Ok, well that makes it easier for me to find the book" Luna said sarcastically. "Ok so where are the books, where would they be" Luna asked herself kind of loud like so that the Doctor could hear her speak. "Doctor why do you have so many books, I mean really it's bigger then the Canterlot's library" Luna said.

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The TARDIS then begun to act funny and going to a random destintion flinging hrough the time vortex, flinging Luna and The Doctor left and right, it was heading towards the 4,000 years in the future to Equestria II in the Orion Galaxy.


Meanwhile ponies were knelling to something

"He coming", a myserious pony said

The ponies then come altered

"Where?", one of the ponies asked

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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The Doctor was going to answer when the TARDIS began to rock and fling him and Luna around the library. "Okay I did not do that!" The Doctor shouted as he tried to find footing. H managed to get himself flung out te room and down the long corridor all the way to the control room. "Woah!" The Doctor smashed into the control panel and tried to find when and where they were heading.



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