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open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]


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Pine shrugged away the hoof on his shoulder, he looked up took in the rest of the scene, though mostly he focused on Radiance. None of it made sense, why was she still alive? What had happened here? It didn't matter, his father was dead and given the knife in his throat and her words she had killed him. Pulled the knife out glaring at her, "you're a monster," he pushed away from this pushy bastard of a zebra, he gestured at the dead recruits "my father was right the whole guard is nothing more than monsters climbing ranks over the corpses of poor ponies that didn't know any better!" Looking back at Radiance, "you got my brother killed and know you've killed my dad," then back to the Zebra, "and you have the nerve to say I should join you after you tell me the guards going to take away the only home I've known? What was the lively hood of my family, all I have left of them?! Fuck YOU! Fuck you BOTH!! Fuck all of this!" He jammed the dagger deep into one of the barrels as he yelled, yanking it back out to stab several more times before collapsing next to it. The extremely strong smelling liquid poured from the wounds in the barrel, Pine had tears on his face as he sat next to it. With a shaking he reached up to a shelf grabbing an empty mug and filling it from the pouring stream. "Just kill me or send me to Tartarus, whatever you're going to do. I don't care anymore, I don't have anything left."




The ponies that Tempest's claws struck seemed to flash silver with no gratifying give of flesh or red splash of blood, the bites squeezed them and the ponies screamed but the teeth didn't penetrate they're hide and instead of a warm metallic taste across his tongue there was a shocking tingle. Suddenly a barrier formed around Tempest himself, it floated him into the air and threw him back out of the castle the way he had come in. A silvery field cover the hole he had created.


"Let's not damage a treasured landmark anymore than you already have, I also don't appreciate you trying to invade my castle or kill ponies that have sworn their lives to me." A unicorn stallion stood somewhat further down the castle wall, he was walking away from the main gate towards Tempest. He wore no armor his fur an off white leaning towards gray, his mane was purple and his cutiemark a shield surrounded by stars with a scroll at its center. He seemed to be shimmering though in squiggles and jagged lines of different colors all across his hide, his aura was an immense silver but these lines through it were the auras of others lacing through his own. Tempest could now see that all the other guards seems to be coated in the aura of this stallion as well, it was the magic that had been protecting them.


Oath Taker's voice was a heavy growl, "well creature do you really think you can take the lives of ponies I've sworn to protect? Do you think the vows to fight for one another break as easily as stone? This is my keep, my realm and here enemies break at my feet before the blood of my brothers may be spilled."

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Xena smirked slightly, and gave a guttural growl. "While the castle may be a landmark for you, it is a sign of terror for my kind and those who followed us, not that it was really yours in the first place. Of course, that was a long time ago, and I can see that many things have changed. Unsurprisingly, Celestia isn't one of them." He said. The beast then sighed slightly, and turned his full attention to Oath Taker. "I suppose I should give you a name, seeing as most ponies don't exactly know their own history. My name is Xena, the last of the aura beasts. I have lived through the annals of history and have stayed on the sidelines for to long. Now, I am here for retribution. Those who are not loyal to... my friend or pose a threat to his plans will burn while a new age of Equestria rises from the ashes." With that, the aura beast disappeared back into the amulet and left only Tempest.


The bat pony stretched slightly, and smirked. "Hello, Oath Taker. It's been a while. I see you met Xena."

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Radiance rolled hey eyes at Pine's comments, "your father poisoned me and all these soldiers you see dead here. When I was the only pony standing, he sent eight to capture me, while being completely nullified by his poison. I agreed to surrender on the condition that my recruits were unharmed, after all it is me they wanted. I tried to save their lives the only way I could. The poison took me, and when I woke, I found all the guards dead in a corner, save these two. Your father had the nerve to have one of the living ponies slaughtered in front of my face. Then to cap it off, he had this poor unicorn's horn shattered in front of me. Do you know what that is like? That is the most painful thing that could be inflicted on any living thing by over a hundred fold. Anger burst through my veins and power even I didn't know I had surged through me. I overpowered this petty magic inhibitor, and lashed out with all my might at the ponies that had betrayed me. Next thing I knew, they were all dead. And I am the monster? What would you have me do, curl up and accept the most painful death imaginable? To let the treachery dished out upon my recruits left unavenged?"


Dancer listened to Radiance, and took note of what she said, but that wasn't important now, that could be dealt with later. He stepped forward assuredly, even though Pine was armed. "No I do not ask you to take up the Guard. The spirit fights it's own battle. There are many honourable battles. What does your spirit fight for, lad? I ask you to share my roof, my fire and my food so that your spirit may grow strong and fierce. Dancer's spirit battles for those unable to fight. You have something. A chance for a new start. A start to do anything you want. If your spirit stays true, Dancer will fight at your side, if you will have Dancer." 

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Dorado almost didn't notice the pony right in front of him as he opened the door, but once he did he steeped back in surprise. This sudden meeting was completely unexpected to Dorado, but it was even more surprising that it was with a pony he hasn't even met yet. Did the Raven tell this pony about him? Perhaps he was sent here by him. But why? Dorado observed the pony. The feathered coat was a bit odd. Maybe he was an acquaintance of that Raven after all, since they both seem to have taste clothing. Overall Dorado wasn't happy about this sudden suprise; he'd rather run into Lady then some weird supicious stallion he never met.


Dorado tipped his at at the stallion however he didn't exactly speak in a friendly manner more of a serious tone. "Hola..." he paused for a moment look him over. "So who are you, how do you know me, and what do you want?"

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(Sorry if it wasn't clear I meant for Dorado to find the stallion while wandering the hotel. He's actually standing outside Lady's door and deciding whether to knock or not.)


"Hmmmm? Oh yes, you don't know me, I am Topaz." He gave a deep bow, "I know you through friendly association of the darkest kind. As for why I am here I came to speak with the young widow; are you here to meet with her as well? You may of course see her first if such had been arranged, I still need to gather some courage to enter her parlor." The young stallion nervously rubbed one foreleg against the other as he looked again at her door.


Suddenly his eyes went wide as he realized something and turned back to Dorado, "though Golden One my message should be applied to you as well. I came here to give warning as you are not from these lands so you deserve fair chance to flee. This storm you find yourself caught in, that of my murderous flock-" he played with the feathered cloak, " you need not be consumed by it."


(Oh also Topaz's eyes which I enjoy imagining are based off Mystic Topaz)post-21236-0-55296100-1403558881.jpg



Oath Breaker lifted an eyebrow at the creatures now pony appearance, "I'm sorry soldier I don't remember your name, I had many under my command as the title of Grand Commander implies. Though you must accept my deepest regrets to see you controlled and puppeted in such a manner by an evil entity that seems to now call you home." He looked Tempest over, and gestured inside, "if you can keep it suppressed I have unicorns skilled in divination that may be able to help you free yourself."


From the front gate Shadow Shield emerged and started towards them. On the wall all the unicorn guards had once again charged their horns and all the Pegasus readied weapons.



Pine ignored Dancer and focused his horror and fury on Radiance, "You! You Bitch! You Lying BITCH!" He jammed the knife into another barrel and another liquid poured down the knife to join the blood and alcohol on the floor. "My father would never do that! He was even willing to forgive you, when he learned you were invited to that meeting he said maybe he was wrong that maybe you did care about what was happening to the guard, but you showed up and proved him right all along! You were presumptuous enough to ask to meet one on one and when I warned you about the dangers you dragged those recruits into it! My father only did what he had to, after you left he went to beg for away to save them!!"


Pines eyes went wide and he was suddenly chilled with a realization stared between the dead guards, Radiance and his fathers body. "He saved you and tried to save them didn't he... Your lying because," he looked over at Dancer, "because he's here. That meeting was something horribly illegal, that's why you wanted it to be one on one. When it couldn't be private you ran like a coward seeking protection from whoever it was." He was grinning like an idiot at her thinking he had figured it out. "Was it Oath Taker? He had my father save you and then you killed all of the ponies that helped you so no one could know. You're a TRAITOR but too much of a COWARD to let anyone know." He sneered up at Dancer, "she's going to kill us now unless you're quicker than her. I have proof of what I've said, my father kept books on his meetings, no one knew but he did." He stared wild eyed at Radiance, "one look at those books and I'll ruin you," He looked back at Dancer, "that's all I want to live for now, justice for my father. He wasn't a good stallion but he wasn't a monster like her."

Edited by Torrent505
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Tempest laughed slightly, and sighed. "Oh, I assure you that I'm by no means possessed. Xena and I have a mutual agreement. I gain his power to use as I wish,which you have clearly already seen,and he gets a body to call home. I guess you could say that we've become close friends over the few months that we've known each other."He said, putting a strong emphasis on 'close'. "Also, I wasn't under your command. I just happen to remember you from a few small conversations. My name is Tempest." The bat ponys expression then grew slightly darker and he formed a aura sword and sphere in his hooves. "As I have said before, though, we both have a common goal, and I really don't want any more loss of life. Your little organization could still be of use to me, excluding the fact that you've already given me enough magic to get to the moon via a astral projection." Tempest then laughed darkly.


(I sent you a new idea via PM. Might as well bring in another character that is truely on Tempest's side.)

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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@@Torrent505,@@AnonBrony,  @@Scribblegroove


(Sorry if it's short. XD)


It was surprisingly late for Lady. She was a bit angry at the fact that meeting took more time then she expected, but it was highly satisfying for her at the same time. The young queen accompanied by her wizard companion entered the hotel. In her normal pony disguse, the burgundy and black unicorn trotted into the hotel. She alerted the front desk that she's arrived. She then went upstairs, and to her room. Once she was there, she saw Topaz and Dorado at her door. Lady blinked in surprise, she didn't expect the honey colored stallion at her door. She rose a single brow in curiosity.


"Hola! Hello there." She said in a slightly loud vocal tone in order to make her presence known. "Sorry I am late...I lost track of time. I apologize immensely." Lady told Topaz and Dorado in her usual seductive tone. Lady turned her attention to Topaz, who she apparently had not seen before. "Alright...I'll need to speak to the both of you in a timely fashion." Lady said, addressing to the both of them. "I shall speak to him first...then I shall speak with you, Dorado. I apologize but this is a matter of priority. Merdyn. Make nice while I speak to this gentleman over here...alone."  Lady opened her door and pulled Topaz in. Once they were inside, she closed the door behind them.

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@@Lady@@Torrent505, @@Scribblegroove,  


Dorado began to laugh after Topaz spoke to him. "Hahaha was that suppose to scare me off? Topacio, a brave pony such as myself will not be scared away so easily. I will continue riding this 'storm' as you call it. I do not know why you do not wish for me to partake in it, but El Cuervo wants me to, and I'm sure you must follow his word, sí? And if you are too much of a wimp to talk to Lady, I can always deliver the message for you- oh never mind, here she comes now." Con ese mago... He thought angrily. "Buenos días señorita." He would say with a bow. After she spoke to them he would respond. "As you wish señorita, but I do no think it would be a long conversation with this stallion here."


She closed the door and left him and the mage outside. He would take a quick glance at him but averting his look. He was hoping he would leave and not be around when Dorado speaks with Lady. He does wish to speak with her alone. Seems everyone does. As he waited he thought about something Topaz said. He called Lady a widow. That would of meant she had been married before but lost her husband. Dorado pondered who this stallion was and how he died. More important he wondered how Topaz knew that. Did they know each other?


He glanced over again at the mage to see if he left. "Not to be rude but you can leave now. I was going to speak with Lady alone so you do not need to be around for that."

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"That is a tall order, it'll take time," Spurious Latent finally spoke as the two sat there in silence for some minutes after the discussion. Standing up from the seat, Spurious Latent walked along the tall bookshelves in search of a book. After a while, Spurious Latent continued, his voice filled with respect, "And by time, it'll take the recruits a while before they can truly handle death. Green leaves are never going to end life with precision or time." Suddenly, Spurious Latent picked up the book he was searching for from one of the shelves and returning to his seat. "Training can only prepare one so far... it certainly won't prepare a green leaf to kill."


Cryptical Code nodded his head. "That is understandable and correct. You have something planned to fix that?" It was certainly true that even training won't prepare one to kill another sentient being. Unless they manage to pick out ponies that were psychopaths. That was something that they were trying to avoid, as strange as it sounds, they want emotional ponies that will be able to act with both good will and ill will and not a murderer. There was another reason that required more social means than moving in the night and ending lives. 


Spurious Latent opened the large book and flipped through pages slowly before replying, "Murderers, we'll use murderers as subjects for our agents to kill. We'll control the environment where they begin their hunt. They'll finish the blows, we're aid with scratches. We'll use each murderers' history to fuel hatred and false vengeance for each recruit to use to strike." 

Edited by Demirari


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Topaz wasn't used to being touched let alone dragged somewhere, but he wasn't one to complain or fuss. Instead he seemed to gaze about the hotel room inquisitively before his eyes eventually meandered back to meet Lady's. He grinned and gave a small bow, and realizing he had ignored her at first to look about he room he started by saying, "Apologies Young Widow, I've never been in a spiders web before and my curiosity gets the better of me, though it looks quite common." He furrowed his brows realizing what he had just said and shook his head. He started to get a little flustered, "I mean no offense by that of course! Do please excuse me I'm not known for manners and I've never met royalty before or a changeling for that matter. I'd hate for you to see me as a fly while I am still in your parlor." He bowed again, "I should start with an introduction, correct? My name is Topaz."



Oath shook his head obviously not believing what Tempest thought about himself, "Did you know a stallion freezing to death feels warm? Of course you don't think that thing is controlling you, puppets never see the strings that hold them until they are cut free."


Shadow Shield came to a stop beside him, and Oath commented to him, "this stallion says his name is Tempest, is that the colt you were telling me about this morning?"


Shadow nodded, "yes, sir."


Oath glares and suddenly forms a bubble barrier around Tempest, "Well temPEST I take you don't understand the position you're in, all members of the royal guard were under my command that includes you. I had that position because I am the strongest and most dangerous warrior in Equestria. I take it from what you've said and what I've heard from my second in command that you think you're doing what's right but really you've only doomed Luna to suffer and thrown Equestria into war, something that hateful little creature inside you probably delights in. You talk as though you have the upper hoof but you don't, you need to give me a good reason to let you live right now or I'm going to kill you."

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Tempest simply laughed for a few minutes, before he sighed. "You are a fool to believe war could have been prevented. Maybe you should ask your second in command about that. He seemed to actually enjoy entertaining the notion when I spoke with him the other night." He said, smiling darkly. "I will not have a debate on where Xena's moral compass points, but know this. Celestia made the same mistake long before Discord became the creature we know him as today. I also have no doubt that you were one of the more powerful guards, but times have changed as have I. In light of newly received information,however, I have a proposition. I join your rebellion and no longer threaten your orbinization, and considering my previous actions, ask for nothing more but for Xena to stay within my mind, despite your current belief. " The bat pony then shrugged, not really caring if they accepted his offer. It would give him time to plan his next move and take out the only factor that could really tribute to his downfall without as much bloodshed.

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Merdyn had accompanied Lady to her hotel. He wanted to make sure she would get there undistrubed, and up until now that had gone fine. But now there were two stallions knocking at her door to come in. He definately didn't enjoy that. Even though he had initially decided he would proceed with his researches after bringing Lady to the hotel, he changed his mind now.


"I'll be right here..." He simply said, and left it at that. After Lady's conversation with the two stallions would be over, they could go visit cryptical code and discuss a few points that were vital to their plans. He ignored dorado and grabbed a roll of parchment out of his coat. He let if float in fron of his face. He rolled it out and revealed a pencil that was inside it. He began to write things down, making sure that Dorado wouldn't be able to see what he was doing. Even though he was simply passing time, he wouldn't want to spill anything to Dorado, even if he wouldn't understand a thing of what he was constructing on the piece of parchment.


Behind his cowl he smiled in content. His plan was truly starting  to take shape now. He was impressed with himself. It would take a genius to figure out what he was planning. His excitement was fueled by his thoughts of Lady as well as the idea's that were floating around in his mind. How would he make them take shape? Who would he have to pay a visit. Who would he have to eviscerate? Who would he have to consult for his scheme to work? All those questions were slowly being answered, while at the same time a drawing of a pattern was starting to take shape on the parchment.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Once they entered the room. Topaz would soon notice that it the room she had chosen was a lover's suite. Quite large in it's shape, the carpet covered in velvet and the walls painted the same as well. The furniture bright pink, with a dark brown small library on the left side. A large heart shaped bed in the middle, with the windows covered by the dark purple curtains and a small day bed on the side. The queen simply trotted to the bed, and flopped on. She then got herself in a comfortable laying position and looks over to her guest.


"I am Lady." She told him as her lion tail curled to the side. "Thank you for the introduction. I expect you to keep my true identity a secret while your in and out of my parlor. There's nothing worse then a pony that speaks honesty." She simply told him as she levitated a glass of apple cider over and begin to take small slips. "Now that we have that settled...could you care to tell me how you found out that I am a changeling...and why you're here. I am a very busy queen you know. I have ponies to feed on you know. Can't skip a meal." The queen told him honestly as she flipped her mane.

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Oath let the barrier around Tempest disappear and sighed shaking his head. He looked a bit harshly at Shadow Shield, "Go back inside maintain a high alert and keep everyone on guard, Celestia may still try to make a show of force today."


He turned back to Tempest and then walked past him, "come for a walk with me. You have some power and potential but you spoil it with your misbeliefs and rash actions. If you wish to have any place in my army I need to better judge you and see if you can accept the truths of what needs to be done."




"Of course I know you're name Lady. I merely dislike common names, Widow suits you as well no? As for your secret, it is safe with me; don't fear that I speak the truth for I often speak it without honesty or simplicity, I am often taken as mad or a strange rambler." Topaz wandered over to the library to try and inspect the books though he kept stealing glances at the queen as if scared to look for too long.


He used his magic to fiddle with a couple of the books. "As for feeding it would seem the Golden One and the Dark Dreamer are lining up outside to be your flies, so I doubt you shall miss breakfast... And my knowledge you should not be surprised, there are very little happening in Equestria that my compatriots and I don't know. These going ons have been building for decades, I myself am the youngest of the feathered fiends. It's the topic of them that brings me to why I am here, I wish to give you fair warning. It was mere convenience that you were in Equestria, you can be spared their ire. When Equestria has been burned you need not be among the ashes." Now his gaze had locked with hers, is madly colored eyes boring in to her as if seeing inside her very soul. "My advice to you would be to leave; you are a queen wherever you tread but I fear you stay you will be tread upon and trampled."


He finally looked away, "of course maybe you're strong enough and I under estimate you, the future is uncertain but I know it is dark."

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Tempest nodded slightly, and simply followed Oath Taker. His plans were falling into place, and soon he would have exactly what he wanted. All he had to do was get the rebels to trust him and get Luna back. After that, all he had to do was simply wait out the storm. "Perfect." He said. He didn't have any intentions of actually severing ties with Athena, despite what the rebels thought.

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Lady simply raised a brow. "Feathered fiends you say?" She questioned him with a slight anger in the tone of her voice. It was obvious that he didn't appreciate his advice. A queen changeling like her going to take orders from a pony? Never going to happen, she is superior compared to him. By the way he talks to her, he should know as well. Once she finished her wine she placed the glass in her hooves. "You do underestimate me. I hope you understand that you're in the spiders nest." She told him in a very bold tone of voice as she got up from her place on the bed. "Now I suggest you tell me directly, to my face. What these 'feathered fiends' are, or else we shall have problems Topaz." Lady commanded him. She stomped her hoof on the ground to assert her authority, like a true queen she made made sure her pawns stay in line.


"And I'm pretty sure you you do not wish to anger me while your in my polar." Lady suggested to him. "Tell me, in detail, why should I leave, when I have my own plans for these lands?"

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 (Hmmm I'm not sure where I am meeting them Torrent so I'll start with him in Manehatten)


"It was a cold dark night. The lone stallion and his Brush were on their way to get assigned their next job. The stallion was excited and anxious. He hasn't had a job in a while." 

"Why are you narrating again?" His brush responded. 

"Oh cuz It's fun to narate hahahaha! So where was our job again?" He said giddily 

"Manehatten." The brush responded unamused

"Manehatten eh? Heheheh say how long has it been since we were here Brushy? A Year? Five Years? A Century?"

"2 Weeks"

"Bwahahahaha! Ohhh don't be silly Brushy, I know I haven't tasted Manehatten blood in a looong time. Come on. We have job to dooo! Hehehee"


The stallion, wearing his brown cloak with  the hood up and saddle bags fulls of various supplies paper and scrolls, arrived in the city and walked it's dimly lit nighttime streets. Some of the nocturnal ponies of the city were out but they payed no mind to him; he just trotted through the city happily, with an eerie smile on his face, occasionally chuckling and talking to what appeared to be a brush only to have himself respond for it.


(In case you didn't notice, 'Brushy' the brush isn't talking. He is responding for it. So he is actually talking to himself the whole time, but he thinks the Brush can talk. Did I mention he was insane?)

  • Brohoof 1
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Spurious Latent watched from the villa's balcony at the fresh recruits down below. Studying each one to the best of his ability, he smiled in amusement as the Agents started instructing each recruit how to properly use a knife which was given to each one of them before hand. Observing as each one either arrogantly or fearfully used the knives incorrectly, he sighed at the tearful sight. It'll take weeks or even months to forge a respectable force out of the lots below. 


Casting away the scene below, Spurious Latent reentered the silent villa and walked down its many hallways. While to the normal eye it seemed to be an average corridor, to the trained eye, they can notice the many carefully concealed arrowslits along the walls. The villa itself wasn't as defenseless as it may seem at first glance, it has many hidden defenses designed to remove the invaders in the false illusion of safety. From the hidden traps along the floors to the hidden arrowslits designed to cut down the invaders till they are to be able to be properly dealt with in a straight on confrontation. 


Stopping before the armory, he unlocked the locks that safeguard the armory from any potential thieves. Walking into the large and imposing room, he scanned the many shelves and tables for something useful. Already deciding on his decision, he picked up a knife, a rapier, a tranquilizer (ammunition too of course), and finally a couple of nets. Having already researched his potential targets, he made his way to the exit of the villa.  


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The Red Light district of Manehattan was thick with smoke, mares dressed in lingerie and revealing outfits lounged on building balconies and near business entrances trying to entice passerby's in to try their 'wares' or come 'relax', strange how the slightest amounts of clothing to put emphasis on certain regions of the body was considered more perverse than complete nudity; in less frequency their were also big stallions or feminine looking ones calling out in similar fashions.


A rather bored looking white unicorn stallion with pristine hair and manicured hooves waited in the back office of the Golden Heart Hotel for the Artist to arrive. Word had come from Canterlot less than an hour ago and the artist was the closest available 'professional' to handle the job; it would be an interesting meeting but Heart Breaker wasn't the type to look forward to meeting pony like 'him'.




Topaz laughed and looked dreamily at her, "oh, she asks what we are... Nothing truly exemplifies how far we have fallen more than the fact creatures can no longer simply look at us and know what we are. We are the last of our kind, like you are a last of your kind, maybe that's why I feel a kin to you. Unlike you though we seek vengeance, for we cannot save our race and that motive is why you should run, because anyone in our path, friend or foe will only suffer. It is the path we have chosen."


He adjusted his feathered cloak some and turned toward the door, "I will be leaving now dear Widow. I have said my piece and while I am a fly in your very parlor do not mistake my timidness for fear of you, it is fear of the ravens that circle high above us. My brothers and sisters could make me wish for your worst torture as a sweet relief, just for speaking with you. They would inflict far worse on you for the same reason; so believe me when I say you will not try to stop me." He started toward the door.

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As he moved throughout the city the Brush guided him to his meeting spot. They eventually entered the Re Light district. Still acting giddily and with a crazy smile on face he trotted through, occasionally observing the ponies around. After a few observations and realization the smile disappeared.


"Brushy? You sure this is the right place?" He whispered to the brush.

"Yes. We are supposed to meet him in a Hotel around here."

He paused for a moment. "Is... is our client some sort of pimp?"

If the Brush had eyebrows it would of raised one. "I don't think so... why?"

"Well," He look at his surroundings again as he continued to walk with the brush. "these mares around here look like they would sleep with a cow if I paid them enough. Which makes me think the only ponies with enough money to pay us around here would be procurers. I guess that wouldn't be so bad. Might get to kill a prostitute hahaha! That would definitely make for some interesting art! Hahahahahahaha!"

"Quit the maniacal laughter. The Hotel is right over there."

"Hmph. Maniacal laughter. That was more humorous laughter if anything... my maniacal laughter is much more dramatic." 


He approached the hotel, quickly taking a breath for bursting in through the front door. "GREEETINGS!!! THE ARTIST, HAS ARRIVED!!! How was that for a dramatic entrance Brushy?" The brush would fly up to his ear and whisper 'You've done better' to him. "Hellooooo? Anypony heeeeereeeeee?"

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Oath Taker seemed to be enjoying his walk with Tempest, he had remained silent merely enjoying the sounds of nature; they must have walked at least two miles before he final spoke to Tempest, "I guess this is far enough, any deeper and I'll need to put up a shield to stop some fool creatures from pouncing at us every two minutes." He walked over to a rather large rock in the sunlight of the clearing he had stopped in and sat down. "So tell me Tempest, what has happened in the last year to Luna? I want to hear your point of view for what happened."




While many of the ponies in the red light district would have happily slept with a cow for the right price, the sight and sounds of this very strange stallion talking to himself quickly made most of them try to avoid eye contact and most were not will to try and to pitch their product to him, especially with way he was talking... But those ponies that could see him enter the Golden Heart Hotel felt they better understood why this stallion was here.


In the back office Heart Breaker jumped as the idiot came in the front door yelling; many of the mares in the hotel lobby had jumped and were now eyeing him curiously. One mare started towards him, "hey stud, so you're an artist? I really like art myself, I bet we'd have a great time if you let me play with your brush." she gave him a coy smile and a wink.


"Hey artist back here come into my office so we can talk business." Heart Breaker now stood behind the front desk in the doorway to his office. "And Lace stay away from him, you're barking up the wrong tree anyways, he likes brushes and only likes his own brush at that... He's also on the entire districts black list maybe you should try to memorize that." The mare known as Lace recoiled from the artist as if he was something poisonous.

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Tempest was slightly surprised and wasn't exactly expecting that type of question. "You mean aside from being sent to the moon, becoming jealous of her sister because she wasn't receiving enough acknowledgement for her work and generally felt underappreciated, and becoming the 'monster' you claim her to be. Not specifically in that order, though." The bat pony then sighed and sat against the rock. "Seriously, though. I wouldn't be where I am today without Luna. Before I joined her guard, I was in a... dark state of mind. I literally had no sense of what I wanted my life to amount to.I knew what my special talent was, defending those who were unable to do so, but I didn't know how I was going to put it to use. The police were to low on the ladder for me and I didn't exactly like the attention Tia's guards garnered, but it's not like I didn't have any other option, until I saw Luna for the first time when I went to sign up for the royal guard. After that, the rest is history. I guess you could say that I'm taking her side in all of this, seeing as how I have a undying sense of loyalty and basically owe it to her for giving my life meaning, at least from my perspective." Tempest then smiled slightly and seemed to relax. "I was always admired the beauty of the night more than the mistress of the day. That, however, is beside the point. I believe it's time we get down to business."

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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"Heheheheheh." The Artist began laughing. He looked straight at the mare for a moment, his bright red eyes filled with darkness and smiled devilishly. "Yes Lacey, I'd do as the stallion says, if you wish to stay alive hehehehehe" After a moment The Artist went into the stallions office still smiling creepily. "I'd take it you're my client?" He paused for a moment. Then suddenly he sprung close to the stallions face and started speaking frantically, but not loud enough for all the others to hear. "So what's the job huh!? Assassination maybe? Torture? Perhaps you want me to frame someone for murder? Ohh do I get kill one of those mares out there? What is it? What is it!?" There was madness in his eyes, that the stallion can very much see. He began to speak normally. "I haven't had a job in a while, I'm just very... very eager heheheh."

Edited by AnonBrony
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