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open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]


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Jade Heart.


Jade smirked.


Of course, it was an awful plan - pitting two evils against each other in the desperate hope that the lesser would emerge victorious... what then? As bad as Celestia was, the prospect of an eternal night didn't appeal to jade any more than the solar goddess's rule.


"I agree with the mage." She said in a matter-of-fact tone - mostly to spite the thug known as Bone Breaker - as she glanced to make sure that both had heard her. "If none of you will listen to reason and allow a benevolent and skilful leader on the throne, I would at least favour one who actually has the capacity to lead."


She reclined again, eyes wandering to their host. Dangerous yes, no doubt... but perhaps there was more to this brigand than met the eye. Who knew? Much as she would like to know, she doubted that she would ever see beneath the mask or hear him speak words which were not carefully considered. A shame really: it must be a truly fascinating pony beneath the bravado and unnecessarily overemphasised persona... for better or for worse.

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Lady looked over to Merdyn and nodded slowly. She agreed with him on most of his points, but she believes there would be a better idea. The young queen must become the next ruler of Equestria. She simply must, there's so much at sake for her...and her kind. She allowed the ponies to bicker and fight until she finally had an idea she believe will work. First she must get the attention of everyone else.


Lady tapped the table with her hoof, very hard and loudly in order to get everyone's attention. "Calm yourselves down, you're acting like children!" Lady stated as she flipped her mane slightly. "We can use the Luna plan to our advantage, but in a whole different persecutive." She said in her normally seductive tone, with a slight purr this time. The beautiful disused mare surely proud of what she has to say.


"Why place all of our magic and trouble in trying to bring her back and controlling her when we could spread her influence through different means?" She questioned with a slight grin on her muzzle. "Ponies need want Luna and we need a puppet; why don't we get a gullible idiot or one of us, and we make the public believe he or she is a disciple of Princess Luna herself? Somepony is able to speak to their ruler of the night who is trapped by unjust means on the moon and demands her subjects to rebel against her sister in order to stop her treachery? So that they may live with the disciple as their ruler and that she may see her kingdom flourish from the night sky?" She said as she sat back down. "I believe it is a good idea. All though, if one of us will be the 'face' of this rebellion he or she must understand they are truly not ruling this kingdom alone or unsaved." Lady said as she looked over to everyone. "This puppet must be either generally unknown or liked by the public. We must put on a show, and make it look real." She said as she took the last sips of the wine. "And if we're using someone else, we must make the puppet believe they are really it."


"So, what you all think?" She asked everyone as she laid back in a smug fashion.

  • Brohoof 1
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Tempest sighed slightly as he sat on the couch. "I'm sorry. I guess I got a little to excited." He said, laughing slightly. The bat pony then went into detail about everything that had happened to him ever since Luna was banished. He told her about the raven pony and the ponies he had brought together, and the fact that he had been one of them. He even told her a bit about Xena's amulet, and the aura beast it contained. After this, he went more in depth about what he had planned in order to bring back Luna. "It might seem far fetched, but I think it may be possible."

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The bird pony cocked it's head so only one glassy lens stared at her. "Radiance, you've got it wrong; you don't get to ask that question now. Now your only question gets to be, 'what can a pony like you do?' To which I respond, 'I can kill one or two Guard Recruits in front of Celestia's Commanding Strategist.' So which one do you like more? I'll let you're favorite live."



"Tempest, it all sounds so strange... and I never got any letter. But I do believe you if you say that this Raven pony is really making these plans, he must be doing it and we must not let evil beings like them have Equestria, of course I'll follow you!..." A bit of uncertainty flashed across her face, "It's just do you really think we can do it? Free Luna from the moon I mean, I know we can find others that feel like we do about her. She changed my life, if she ruled things would be different, they would be better, I would kill to get her back, to repay my debts to her. But we aren't unicorns and your aura magic is for battle, how do we free her? We'll need a lot of allies."

Edited by Torrent505
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Tempest nodded, and thought for a while. An idea tnen popped into his head, and the bat pony nearly flew into the air. "While it's true that the moon is Luna's prison, but every prison has an opening. This one just happens to be spiritual. I should be able to get to the moon via aura projection. It won't take to long, but we'll need a base of operations. The castle in the everfree forest should do nicely, after we take care of the guards. I wonder where my letter went, though." The bat pony then shrugged. "So, I guess you can work on finding allies while I pay a visit to the everfree forest and guide Luna back." The bat pony couldn't help but wonder where his letter went. "I think it's best if we leave now."

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Radiance tilted her head back slightly and laughed, a rich harmony that echoed through the room. When she spoke, her voice was full of mirth. "tsk, tsk, tsk. Is this the fate of our relationship? A fake smile, a hoofshake and a dagger behind the back? Such a shame and such a waste. How easy it could be for us to come together in a way that benefits us both. Together we could accomplish the impossible."


Radiance continued, but her voice instantly became dead set and serious, "we could negotiate and barter all night long, but that would be boring and a waste of time. You have already decided what you will do. If you kill another of my recruits, you might as well kill me. I cannot trust a pony so willing to slaughter those who have dedicated their lives to the defence of Canterlot and Equestria. I cannot work with a pony I cannot trust. Keep both recruits alive, or kill me. I'm hog tied and castrated, you will never have a better chance."


"As you no doubt already know, Celestia has her hooves deep into the Royal Guard. If you wish to have the support of the Royal Guard, your best and only choice is me. What have you decided?"

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Patience simply sat and listened to the ponies around her talk for the time being, she didn't really have much to say as of yet because honestly. The plan was good and she didn't even need to pitch in so there really wasn't anything for her to say. So her only words as the meeting went on where a quiet thanks and small smile at Barrel as he came in with their drinks. (And her bottle!) Now it didn't even matter as far as the meeting went, this was a pretty decent day either way. Though Patience did lean away from Bone's as he threatened the Mage that he'd just stated was powerful, she was all for intervening but was this really a good plan? He was threatening what he just said was an Archmage in what should have been a safe zone???..... It was all good anyway, Raven had it in hoof. So while Patience nodded her respect for the Raven's swift action she simply spoke up with a quiet tone, uncaring if she was heard as she didn't have too much to say anyway. "Kinda with the emerald eyed diplomat on this one, i'm not much for caring who's in charge as long as they do a half decent job of it. Plan as you will, i'll see what i can do whatever you ponies decide."

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@Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride


Bone Breakers heart sunk as Dorado didn't say anything to support him, he didn't even speak up at all; instead that other mare he had spoken out against jumped to support the mages side. Then Patience spoke up supporting the mare and he knew he'd soon have a domino effect against him, but a way out came from an unexpected source. Lady purposed her own plan to use the Luna supporters without truly involving Luna and instead merely string them along.


He had to divert attention from himself and his blunder and her plan wouldn't require the Mage, so no pony would miss him when he disappeared later. Still leaning forward he turned his head to look at Lady and let the aura fade from his horn, "I can get behind that plan, it doesn't possibly trap us under another Alicorn's reign and we really don't need to look far for a simple minded pony we can lead around by his nose." Bone Breaker looked pointedly at Tempest's empty chair, "the kid there certainly had passion and such an obvious blind devotion that if he thinks he's doing something for Luna's sake he won't even question it. Being one of Luna's ex-royal guards would give him legitimacy and that passion will gather followers and if we can't control him his death would be as a martyr and only strengthen our efforts. At worst with that plan we can always find a new puppet figurehead." He looked to the Raven as if to seek permission, best to act subservient.


The Raven merely shrugged, "at least both are actual plans. I have no problem supporting multiple efforts and awarding those who succeed first. By all means try all paths available to you."



The Raven turned to Double Barrel, "stop treating both of them." Double Barrel hesitated and the Raven's voice came loud but emotionless, "Now!" Double Barrel let his horn go out.


The feathered fiend turned it's head back to Radiance but began a slow canter over to where the recruits lay. "You're right of course, together we could accomplish the impossible. But some things need to change first, for one you need to be able to make the hard decisions. You seem to be a slow learner though. That's alright, I used to be a teacher and I was especially good at getting slow students to understand."


The Raven crouched over the two recruits it's feathered cloak covering them. When is rose up again a trickle of blood was running down both their necks, a small cut at each of their jugulars dribbled away their life blood and with each slow beat of their hearts the small stream briefly became a little fountain. "It's usually just a matter of getting the student to pay attention and take the questions seriously... I'm not going to kill you Radiance, I already told you whether you like it or not you work for me now and I can make this as painful as it needs to be. Now would you like to re-answer my previous question about these two or should I move on to my next lesson for you?"


(Would Radiance's cermonial armor have a ceremonial or elegant dagger as a part of it? Because if it did the Raven would have probably been using it. Just a little extra detail to add insult to injury)

Edited by Torrent505
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Radiance stared at the bleeding and dying recruits disinterested and without emotion. She had witnessed far too many acts of both to feel anything from them. To Radiance, they had become tortured clichés without meaning. She spoke in a dry and bored tone, "then you are a fool. Well? I am waiting. It isn't like I am going anywhere."


((Radiance definitely does have a matching ornate/ceremonial dagger to match the armour. However, like her sword and shield, it is bound tightly to her allowing her to conjure it from and banish it to a separate realm easily. To gain access to the dagger, the crow would have to figure out where Radiance keeps her weapons bound.))

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Athena looked uncertain, "the moon is pretty far away Tempest and don't get mad but I kept in contact with some of the other night guards, some of the ones that joined the rebels; I-I thought about joining them too, especially if things kept going how they have been for me. The rebels have their base of operations at the Everfree Castle, Night Commander Shadow Shield and Grand Commander Oath Taker are there. The only reason I stayed away is they want Equestria in the hooves of the normal ponies and have no interest in returning Luna."


She went over to a desk and flipped open a notebook, "I have all the friends I have made because of Luna and I can contact them. They might support us but I don't know if they'll listen to me."



The Raven let out a heavy sigh, "before you said you couldn't trust me because I'm willing to slaughter and who I'm willing to slaughter. I'm willing to kill for my cause, but you won't even make a hard choice to save a life. Who is more evil?-No need to answer it's rhetorical, instead allow me to continue my lesson."


The Raven turned back to the recruits hesitated for a moment then moved to the Pegasus Stallion and opened it's throat the rest of the way with it's obsidian feathered knife. As the blood pooled it turned to Double Barrel, "you have five minutes to get the other one completely stable and awake or I will drag your only remaining son down here and kill him before your eyes. Starting now."


Double Barrel paled but jumped forward his horn lighting and moving close to the mare his horn almost touching hers. "You idiots don't stand t'ere slack jawed help me!" He yelled at the unicorn thugs who gathered in close to add their magic to his.


The Raven turned to Ice Breaker, "fix up that little hole in her neck."


The Raven returned to Radiance's bedside. "So example two of what a pony like me can do: I can choose to save a life that even Celestia's strategist would abandon for dead. I can do great evil or good should I choose. Now I still you need to show me you can make a hard decision. Maybe you'll make it if it has more to do with you, are you that selfish? I know just the thing and I can give you another example of what a pony like me can do: I can take out the eye of Celestia's Commanding Strategist. So hard decision time, which eye do you favor? I'll let you keep it." The Raven held up the obsidian feather knife it was still slick with the stallion recruits blood.

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((sorry I felt this post was out of character. I checked with Torrent and he said it was all right for me to change it.))


 A grin slowly spread across Radiance's face. She never broke eye contact with The Raven. "As I have already said, an eye for an eye. You already owe me quite a few eyes, are you sure you want to take one more? I am not a pony you want to be indebted to. As for which eye I favour, my right one seems to always see a little more."

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The Raven leaned back, it's chuckle was eerily quiet in volume, "so you can make a hard decision... Thank you. In return I can tell you another thing a pony like me can do: give mercy. You might see more with the right but I'm certain you'll have a broader vision in the future if I leave you both your eyes."


The knife slipped back into it's feathered cloak, "you might not be so bad of a student after all Radiance. Hopefully you're learning a little here, cause this war that is coming, and I'm not talking about the civil war, I'm talking about my war, I can assure you it will not be civil but terrifying. My war against Equestria will cause so much pain, you'll have to make hard decisions, I want you to remember the sooner Celestia falls the sooner my war ends. You already work for me and I can show mercy-"


"Ha! I got her stable and conscious!" Double Barrel fell back away from the recruit looking half dead himself, the other unicorns stumbled back as well looking exhausted.


She laid against ground on her side, her chest rising and falling very shallowly and not strong enough to lift her head but her eyes where open if somewhat dazed, she was facing towards Radiance's bed and in a horse groggy voice she managed a, "Ma'am?"


The Raven was looming over her before anypony else could blink, her eyes went wide as she tried to comprehend what this horror before her was but she didn't have time to even process it as anything more than a nightmare. The Raven's hoof came down on her horn shattering it against the cellar's dirty cement floor. Her scream was so high pitched it was like needles in the ears of everyone in the room, sparks flew from the jagged stump as she convulsed, trying to run laying down, her body wreathed in crackles of discharging magic causing seizures and tremors where ever they touched. Finally, thankfully, her eyes rolled back and her scream ended in a mixed yowl and whimper, still her chest continued to rise and fall with her breathing, her right forehoof twitching every so often and occasional sparks flickered from what remained of her horn.


"Beautiful," the Raven muttered barely audible; it's head slowly turned to look at Radiance, a strange gleam seemed to be shining out from behind it's lens making the bird things eyes glow. It continue as if the interruption hadn't occurred at all, "-or I can be more sadistic than you could ever imagine. It all depends how long you let the war last..."

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Tempest sighed, and nodded. "That raven pony told me about that." He said. "It's good that you were keeping tabs on them. As for distance, let's just say that time and distance are a lot different on the spiritual plane." The bat pony then stood up. "As for leadership, let's give them something to believe in. Contact anypony who may serve our cause. I'll find you when we're ready to move to the next part of the plan. If you want, you can come with me."

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Radiance felt nothing as The Raven put away his dagger. No relief. She felt even less as he shattered the recruit's horn. Another tortured cliche that held no meaning. "So it goes." Radiance glanced up at The Raven and asked in her bored, dry tone "so, what now?" 


((You win a cookie if you get the reference. Hint: it is related to my signature.))

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Athena raised an eyebrow, "come with you? I thought you needed me to contact the others and raise support?" She moved a bit closer to Tempest, "vhy would you need me with you?" Her snout was close to his as her red silted eyes searched his for explanation, finally she pulled away smiling, "vhere ever you think I need to be, I'll go there Tempest. So vhere do you need me to be?"

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Tempest shook his head and blushed slightly. "You never know." He said, slightly nervous. "Anyway, just contact your friends and meet me at the midnight castle (or whatever the castle in the everyfree forest is called) in a few hours. Also, be safe." With that, Tempest trotted outside, and flew into the air.

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Dorado saw as the room started to become divided. It wasn't much of a division however; most sided with the mage. Bone seemed the be the only one to suspect the mage and distrust. Dorado wanted to side with him... but the way things were going that would of been unwise. Then Lady spoke her mind. Dorado smiled as she spoke. It was wonderful plan too she came up with. Dorado liked it much more than Merdyn's . Then Bone suggested that bat pony to be the puppet and Dorado agreed entirely.


"Sí... Sí... I like this plan. It could certainly work too. Worst comes to worst most ponies will just ignore our ...Lunar Prophet. Sí, un profeta... the messenger of la Diosa de la Noche. Through his words... perdón, through "Luna's" words... we gain power and we can use it to do our biding. I am certainly in favor of this.

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The city guard patrol unit made their way down the cobble street; six ponies two of each race. To their left was a tavern it was boisterous and seemed to be leaking smoke. The name on it read Angel's Share.


"Heh, what a joke, like anything angelic could be in a place like that." One of the city guard remarked.


Another snorted, "like you drink anywhere Hicks. You wouldn't know it but this place usually has it's fair share of city and royal guard."


A third spoke up behind the two leading the patrol, "Eeyup, I drink there sometimes, it's alright. What are we patrolling over here for anyways?"


"Castle called it in, something suspicious about a light show. They weren't certain about it though, so we get called in. The fireworks came from somewhere in the area."

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Tempest landed in Ponyville and looked around. He noticed a few ponies who he knew were loyal to Celestia, and decided not to go near them. He just simply trotted towards the everfree forest, that is until he saw one of the guards assult a mare, "I don't think so," He growled. The bat pony then fired a aura sphere at the guards, knocking over the can to try and distract them. "If you're going to fight, might as well make it fair."


(@Torrent505: I guess you can control the guards. This shouldn't take to long, though.)

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(I didn't get the reference :/ what was it?)


(10 minutes post capture)

The city guards spread out and started interviewing ponies in the area, while some of the witnesses seemed uncertain and even strangely jumpy, the guards assumed this was merely from being interviewed by city watchstallions in the middle of the night.  Nopony seemed to have seen anything suspicious, though they could confirm the light show had come from an alleyway next to the Angel's Share Tavern.  Two guards went into the alleyway to search for anything out of the ordinary, two stood watch over the street corner and the final two went inside to speak with the owner of the establishment.


After a few moments they all convened back at the street corner. 


One of the ponies investigating the alley, "Nothing strange in the alleyway, at least nothing that shows it was anything more than a few drunks putting on a display for fun."


Hicks the groups commander, "The owner had nothing to report either, he said that there had been guards in and out of the establishment all night and he feels his building's one of the safety in the city.  Even offered us free drinks.  We refused of course but maybe I will come back and try this place out."


The pony that had joined him, "The mayor was even in there, smoozing it up with potential supporters for the next election.  Poor old stallion probably doesn't even realize with Celestia settling into the city there probably won't be one."


Hicks again, "We can probably report this as a mistake, whatever signal they were looking for it wasn't here."




Their were only a handful of royal guards in Ponyville, they were stationed there to try and keep the Rebel army from taking advantage of the residents.  So far they had not been well received, it turned out that the rebels so far had only been kind to these backwater ponies.  Stress between the Royal Guards and citizens was at an all time high.  But that could all change, Trim Weight had just spotted a report thief, that was apparently plaguing the town nearby apple orchard.  The mare was trying to act causal and avoid drawing attention to herself,  Trim Weight drifted from his unit some and when he was next her he lashed out.


The mare went sprawling, Trim Weight began to make his proclamation "Moonshine, under authority-" a growl and a barely audible voice came from one side and he swung to face it.  The rest of his unit didn't hear the voice and turned to face the loud clatter from behind them; Trim Weight however kept his eyes on the strange bat thing that had growled at him.  He tried to put as much authority into his voice as possible, "Citizen, halt where you are.  Come any closer and you will be charged with interfering with an arrest and aiding a criminal."

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Tempest smirked slightly, and trotted forwards. "That's rich, coming from Tia's lapdogs." He said. "So tell me, are the charges placed upon me now really going to make a difference, considering that I once served under Luna. To be honest, Celestia would've had me arrested eventually anyway, like she did with most of the night guard." The bat pony then began to laugh slightly, as two aura spheres formed in his hooves. "I am the Grim Reaper. I am death, the ultimate weapon. I am Tempest Sol." With that, the bat pony launched the projectiles, and formed two swords in his hooves.

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(Radiance's Present time)


The Raven cocked it's head as if confused, "Oh come now Radiance, don't look so bored.  What we just did was beautiful, but maybe you just don't understand the context of it.  I told you before I used to be a teacher, well my subject was history and oh you can learn such wonderful things from our past.  For instance in our last war with the Griffon Kingdom they experimented with breaking unicorn horns, learned all sorts of things.  Even gave it a name, 'Serrweet Chirupt', it roughly translates as 'Final Embrace'.  Isn't that just too perfect?  The magic all comes rushing out, it's a backlash that's there studies showed to be more painful than anything you could do to any other creature.  The more magic potential the unicorn has and the more magic it has used in it's life the larger the backlash.  If a unicorn is powerful enough and has used enough spells in it's life the convulsions can kill them."


It leaned over Radiance and reached out running a feather covered hoof gently over her restrained horn, it's touch was light and teasing like a lovers.  "do you think if I broke yours it would kill you?  Mmmm, what if I broke Celestia's?  Do you think it would unleash the power of the sun as a backlash?  Some terrible Firestorm to sweep across the land and wipe out Equestria completely... It would be wonderful."

@Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride

Double Barrel came into the room and whispered something in the Raven's ear. The Raven's reply was loud enough for the others to hear, "ah yes good, go down there make her comfortable begin treatment instantly any help you need it's yours. I'll be down there waiting for you and counting the second until treatment stats do hurry." The old bartender left the room at a gallop.

The Raven turned back to the room, "Good news, Radiance as been detained, I'll be taking care of her so we won't have to worry about her as a threat in the future. For now it seems we have two plans laid out before us, as while as personal endeavors on the side. I give all avenues my full support. Please do continue or do you feel it is time we adjourned and discussed in private and at later dates?"
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Radiance looked up at The Raven and sighed, she had hoped that this meeting would have been more interesting. "Do you really doubt my knowledge of the past? I am of course aware of Serrweet Chirupt. Do you not think that I have not seen such a thing before, have not done such a thing before? When you have seen as much pain, violence and death as I have, it loses any fragment of meaning."


Radiance ignored the touch of The Raven. "You wish to break Celestia's horn, that is rather amusing." Her face displayed no emotion. "Of course, under normal circumstances, you shall never have that opportunity. After I am through with her, perhaps I will present your curious hoof the opportunity to threaten Equestria by smashing such a pony's horn. Perhaps I shall break any semblance of her sanity, and convince her that to stop the omnipresent rebels her horn must be torn apart."


"The desecration of my horn would surely kill me. I would suspect and outburst of light so extreme as to pain or perhaps even blind anypony in the area. Who can say what would happen to my bound personal armoury? If the initial event did not kill me, the hell fire that would be my insanity, that would surely break forth would kill me and any I could take down with me. Even now I can feel the emptiness, the throbbing, convulsing void threatening to consume my entirety. Yes such a thing would kill me. But of all the topics we could be discussing, this is by far the most boring topic I can think of. So, what next?"


((it is a reference to a Kurt Vonnegut novel, Slaughterhouse 5.  The Main character suffers from post traumatic stress disorder after world war 2. He dismisses any deaths within the novel, whether it be of his best friend, worst enemy, an animal, a bug, a machine, with "so it goes." My signature "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" is what he wanted his tombstone to be inscribed with.   

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Trim Weight simply didn't understand what this pony was talking about, Celestia hadn't had any of the night guard arrested. All the night guard had been given the chance to re-swear their oaths or to receive a dishonorable discharge, Trim had been a night guard before and he knew honorable ponies who had chosen both routes. It was the dishonorable ones that simply walked away like the rebels. That's it, this pony had his facts all wrong he had to be some poor delusional rebel.


He was only able to come this conclusion as the first aura sphere hit him square in the and he went flying as two ribs cracked and he was knock unconscious when he hit the ground. Three of the other ponies in the units responded by drawing spears and charging at the bat pony. Two unicorns stayed back as support, the first shielded another pony from the second aura sphere and the second unicorn started firing magic projectiles of his own at Tempest.


Moonshine, the mare the guards had been trying to arrest, took advantage of the distraction and ran for the forest.

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Tempest rolled his eyes, and charged at the spear ponies. "This was unavoidable." He thought, as he brought the three spears together with his swords, and twisted his body so that his opponents were disarmed and the spears were sent flying into the street. He was hit by the magic, but it was absorbed into his aura, increasing it's strength slightly.

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