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private 1 x 1 "The Artifact" with Rising Shine


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Stellar Nova was not the type of pony for staying in one place too long. She always travelled, with her saddle bag of books and potions, never in a specific direction or place, but just travelling. It just so happened that on this very night, she had arrived to Ponyville. She looked up at Compass, a brilliant star, in supernova, and thought back to when she was just a young mare. It had saved her, when she had become lost, and now she used it to lead her everywhere. Compass was her beacon, a light that illuminated all the other constellations, and led the way for Stellar. 


Stellar found a small patch of even ground just outside the town, and conjured up a small tent for her to sleep in. She crouched, and wriggled into the small khaki tent, and snuggled into the blankets that lay neatly inside. With a shrug of her shoulders, the saddle bag slipped off to her side, and she took out a heavy purple tome titled "Mythological spells of Equestria," and begun to read. 



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Rising Shine was on his way for his daily routine, short before going to sleep, a little walk, not so far from home ... Ponyville. During this time, he usually not meet a pony on his way. He start to walk slowly, feeling the fresh air on his fur. While walking , he recognize a tent nearby.




Wondering, why somepony would put a tent outside from Ponyville, he walks closer to it.



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"And the land of Equestria was darkened for several.." Stellar looked up from her book, upon hearing a voice outside her tent. Her ears perked up, as she listened intently. 

"Hello?" She heard the voice again, it was closer now, she heard the crunch of grass from a hoof. 

"Come no closer stranger!" Stellar replied, she let go of the book with her magic, and it fell to the ground. She turned her head to the entrance of the tent, readying her horn. "I am armed." 

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Rising hear somepony talking to him, that she is armed and ready to attack. He take few steps back, then start to talk again.


"Hey, I'm not your enemy, don't worry. I was just wondering, why somepony sleep close to Ponyville in a tent. I was on my daily walk here during this time, when I recognize the tent. I was just wondering, I'm not here to hurt you."


Rising takes again few steps away from the tent, then he stopped and wait for a response ... or for an attack.

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Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Stellar heard the voice respond, and she crawled out from under the tent, her horn casting a small orb of light through the dark of the night. "Well neither am I, but if you provoke me, I cannot guarantee your safety." She thought for a moment. "What are you doing out here, what is the problem?" 

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"Don't worry, I'm not a pony like that, I don't provoke so good I can."


Rising is happy, that it is just a unicorn, no monster or something. He hear her again talking.


"Problem? I have no problem, just walking here and wondering, why you are outside the town in a tent. I mean, it isn't really warm during this time. Just wanted to know, why you not sleeping in town ... hey, actually, I never saw you before, who are you?"

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"My name is Stellar, and you wouldn't know me, I'm not from around here," She said to the Pegasus.

"..and I'm quite fine out here, I have spells to keep me safe and warm." The Pegasus was shivering in the cold of the night, and Stellar brightened her horn's light, which pooled more warmth out. He stopped shivering. 

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Now, where I mentioned the cold air outside, I start to shiver a bit. She say her name and use her magic. I feel warm now, stop shivering.


"Thank you ... uhm, Stellar. Well, I should mention my name too, right? Well, my name is Rising Shine, obviously living in Ponyville."


I start too laugh a little.

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Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Stellar laughs nervously along with the newly introduced Rising Shine. "Well, nice to meet you Rising Shine, but I should be getting some sleep now." She said feigning a yawn. "Maybe I'll see you tomorrow, I might pass through the town, depending on where I decide to travel. Good night!" 

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Rising  would say, that she can sleep by him, but he realizes, that she can care for herself.


"Okay, we see then ... mayby. Night Stellar."


Rising turn around, ready to walk, when a pony bump into him.


"Ouch! Hey, what was that?!"


Rising watch to a pony. The pony stands up, look nervously and continue running.


"What the hay? Ow, my hoof."

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Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Stellar watched as the trotting pony ran hoof first into Rising Shine, the pony fell to his knees, but got up quickly, and galloped away, disappearing into the night. Rising was injured,

"My hoof!" He exclaimed. 

Stellar approached him, no longer weary of him, or holding up her feign of tiredness. Under the light of her orb, she could see the a dab of blood on his hoof, and the large object which had hit it. She ignored the object for the moment, going to Rising to examine his injury. "Hm," Stellar thought out loud, the cut was was only small, but it looked deep. Using her magic, a bandage hovered out from the saddlebag within her tent, and wrapped itself around the injured hoof.

"That should stop the bleeding for now," Stellar said, once it's stopped I'll give you something so it doesn't scar."

Then Stellar turned her attention to the object, it was made of a dark metal substance, and had engravings, and symbols that even Stellar did not recognise. She picked it up with her magic, and it hovered in the air above so that Rising could see it too. 

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Rising look to his hoof. Blood is there, he start to feel dizzy. Stellar comes to him, start to look to his hoof and put a bandage on it.


"Wow, thank you, Stellar."


Stellar use her magic to put a object from the ground. Rising start to look on it, wondering what this is.


"What is that thing? Must fallen from the pony who bumped into me."

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Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"I'm not sure what it is," Stellar replied her tone full of curiosity. It was nothing like she'd ever seen. The object was made up of interweaving cogs, and plates of metal with many unreadable engravings. As she drew closer to it, she nudged it with the edge of her nose. The object answered with a small whisper, it was like the rustle of a forest of trees, and the collective voices of a thousand ponies merged into one. The sound sent a shiver down Stellars spine, and the object wavered as her magic hold seemed to weaken slightly. Then the object began to move, the cogs all begun transforming, clicking into place, it began to get smaller as the cogs grinded against each other, and the engravings glowed. It morphed from the size of a ponies head, to that of an apple. Stellar could sense the magic emanating from the small, metal box, and she felt an overwhelming urge to keep the box, and hide it from Rising's prying eyes. "Well that was interesting, but I should be getting some sleep now," Stellar said smiling cutely "Can I keep it? The box I mean." Already her saddle bag was at her side, waiting for the box. "Please?" 

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Rising look prying to the thing, that changed so fast.


"Uhm, what? Uh, well, if you can, uhm, start something with that, I'll be sure, you can have it, Stellar."


Rising don't know, what was going on ... one say in him, that she could handle that, but the other half say, that this could be really interesting.


"Uh, well, I go the now. With my hoof, I better fly back."

Edited by Rising Shine

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Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"Alright, I might catch you around," Said Stellar she watched Rising fly away into the distance. Scanning the area to make sure no other ponies were around, at such an outrageous hour, she cast a cloaking spell on her tent, causing it disappear from view. Then she crawled back inside, and she too disappeared from the night. 


Stellar played with the box between her hooves. She wanted to understand it, she promised herself that she would visit the Ponyville library in search of information about the box, she hoped she didn't bump into Rising though. She was afraid that he would want the box himself, and steal it from her, she couldn't have that. No, the box was hers. She smiled to herself, and let the light from her horn fade. The box was hers

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"Mayby see you around then."


Rising start to fly back to Ponyville, still thinking about that box. What was that on this box, that make him so prying. Something inside him say, that this is his box. Otherwise, that box could be dangerous and he is normally not the stallion for big, dangerous adventures ... but still.


Rising open the door to his house, closing it behind him and walk to the bedroom. He lie down on his bed, still thinking ... why is he so interested in that box ... what is it about it, that he want?


"Mayby I search for that tomorrow, just in case ..."


He laying on his side, closing his eyes and start to snore ...

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Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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With the arrival of dawn, came the songs of the birds, and the heat of the day. Stellar woke to the exhaustive heat which had consumed the space of the tent. She groaned, as she crawled out into the cool fresh air of the day, and shook the knots from her ruffled mane. A small breeze cooled her, and she sighed with relief. Then she remembered the box, she reentered the stifling heat of the tent, and searched her blankets for the box. Where was it? She felt worry, and anxiety fill her. It had been here last night! She'd concealed the tent with magic! Then she spotted it, half-hidden beneath a crevice amongst the blankets. 

"Thank Celestia," She huffed relieved. She picked up the box, and was about to put it in her saddlebag when she realised that she didn't want it to be hidden away, out of her sight ever again. Almost in reply, the box clicked to life. A small mumble, and a collection of inaudible whispers that wafted out of the box, as it begun to expand. First the two plates at the top snapped open, and then the bottom. The cogs clicked, and morphed before her, until the box had become a necklace. A beautiful ruby necklace, with a chain embroidered with the same symbols which had adorned the plates. She hung the necklace around her neck, and smiled with glee. The ruby hung proudly from her neck, matching her other ruby jewelry bracelets that were around her hooves. She exited the tent with her saddlebag on her back, collapsed the tent which disappeared as abruptly as it had been conjured, then she started her walk to Ponyville, hoping to find a book on the very necklace which hung around her neck, and hoping not to bump into Rising on her way there. 

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YAWN! Rising wakes up with an loud yawn. He rubbing his eyes, before he stand up from his bed.


"My hoof feeling better now."


He stretch his body, before walk downstairs to the kitchen. He take an apple, before he remembered the box. He still want to know, what is so special on it.


"Better make my way to the library ...."

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Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ponyville was bustling with activity, ponies were out on the streets talking, buying, playing. Stellar tapped a small filly on the shoulder with her hoof, she turned away from her friends and looked at Stellar curiously. 

"Would you happen to know where the library is?" Stellar asked purposefully. 

"THAT WAY!" Replied the filly loudly, and then she took off with her two friends laughing. She followed the directions of the filly until she found the library. The library which was inside a tree. 

"Well, That's interesting," Stellar remarked as she entered the trunk of the tree, and into the hub of the library. 

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Rising eat his apple complete, thrw the rest from it into the trash. He make his way to the front door and open it. He walk the way to the library, when he see a tail, disappear inside the library. Rising think, that he saw this tail already from somepony ... Stellar!


"Well, same thinking I guess. Mayby she knows more about it, then I thought."


Rising slowly move to the library, close to the door and looking carefully inside it, hopefully find out information about the box, without getting spotted. He realize a necklace on her, that wasn't there in the night.


"Strange ..."


"HEY RISING! What are you doing?!"


Sometimes, fillys can appear in the worst moment.


"Uhm, ah, just standing her."


Rising leans on the library tree, hopefully, they think, he just relax there.

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Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Stellar heard the sound of shouting just as she entered the library, she didn't know what all the commotion was about but she wasn't very interested. She went straight to a bookshelf and begun scanning the titles for something relevant to artifacts. 

"No.. No..No," she said to herself as she dismissed the irrelevant books. "Is there anything here that explains this artifact?!" She demanded under her breath. She sighed, she might be here for a while. 

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"Oh, okay!"


The fillys running away, continue there playing. That was close. Rising look through a window, but it looks like, she still didn't notice me. The window was open and she look to the books. Rising climb through the window, when nopony looks to him and sneak under the table, tying to be quiet as possible. Rising just have to know more about that box ...

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Stellar scrolled through a book labelled 'Strange objects of Equestria' and let out an exhausted sigh. "None of these books have anything on this thing," The book slammed shut with a muffled slap, and she pushed it roughly back into the bookshelf. She held the necklace with a hoof, bringing it nearer to her face. "What are you?" She asked it, as though she expected a response. The red ruby stared silently back at her.

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Still hide under the table, Rising listening to Stellar, hopefully get more information about the box. Rising look carefull under the table, seeing Stellar asking her necklace ... wait necklace? She didn't have one, when Rising meet her. Then something inside him said, that it must somehow the box ... it's calling him. Too much thinking, he don't realize, that he isn't really under the table anymore.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Stellar heard a noise, and she spun around. Her necklace followed, and swung like a pendulum when she stopped. She saw Rising, who'd been hiding under a table, for how long Stellar didn't know. But now he was out, he'd clambered out from his cover, making noise as the table was pushed slightly aside, and now he was in full view of Stellar. 

"What are you doing here?" Said Stellar, irritation in her voice. 

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