Gary S. 102 June 2, 2014 Share June 2, 2014 (edited) I have found something KelGrym might approve of. They seem to have a slightly different exegesis, though. More sun related and more worship on physical levels. Edited June 2, 2014 by Gary S. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 June 2, 2014 Share June 2, 2014 I leave for one day and my thread is infested with aliens. Typical. Not important. Look. *points to the covenant* Aliens! Well, ...........once I saw "heresy" I thought of the Noble Prophets, XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 June 3, 2014 Author Share June 3, 2014 7th and 8th Pony Waifu Weddings! This is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy.... sigh... ... ... Frostgage and Cadence. Ugh. Skype Wedding Transcript [4:24:29 PM] Kel Grym: Silence! [4:24:35 PM] Kel Grym: We begin [4:24:41 PM] Kel Grym: *plays wedding music* [4:24:43 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d) [4:25:00 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: lovely music too bad Pinkie is out getting drunk [4:25:04 PM] dakota.cowan1: Must be [4:25:09 PM] dakota.cowan1: PLAAAYA [4:25:15 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: and couldn't come [4:25:42 PM] Kel Grym: ...*sighs*... [4:26:58 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered here today to celebate the unholy union of pony and man...presumably man, I'm not sure. [4:27:10 PM] Frostgage: All man baby (heart) [4:27:10 PM] A Makusu2: We can't tell either. [4:27:20 PM] Cadance: Shut up Makusu. [4:27:26 PM] A Makusu2: ;_; [4:27:26 PM] :Flutterdash:: lol [4:27:31 PM] Kel Grym: *sees the bride for first time* [4:27:44 PM] Kel Grym: ...emphasis on unholy [4:27:48 PM] Frostgage: WHOA [4:27:50 PM] Frostgage: Shots fired [4:27:54 PM] Frostgage: Not cool brah [4:27:55 PM] A Makusu2: This is a disgrace to traditional marrage. [4:28:04 PM] Kel Grym: *shits given tally: 000* [4:28:06 PM] A Makusu2: God made adam and eve, not adam and sparkle dust. [4:28:17 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: well this just got interesting [4:28:21 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: ^ [4:28:28 PM] Frostgage: Let's hurry up [4:28:29 PM] Frostgage: I want cake [4:28:39 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d) (d) [4:28:41 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: Frosty wants dat cake.. [4:28:47 PM] A Makusu2: THE CAKE IS A LIE [4:28:49 PM] Frostgage: Cake (heart) [4:28:53 PM] Frostgage: I mean, Cadance (heart) [4:28:58 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: mmmm Pinkie would love this cake [4:29:03 PM] Kel Grym: I can't believe I'm doing this...I thought I was out of my mind with Chrysalis. [4:29:13 PM] Kel Grym: Arn't you already married? [4:29:34 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: yeah where is shining armor [4:29:49 PM] Cadance: Shining Armor and Frost have discussed this already. Frost asked him to go away forever, and Shining agreed. [4:29:58 PM] Cadance: I was pretty surprised but whatever. [4:30:01 PM] A Makusu2: Shining Armor cheated on Cadence with Champ. [4:30:08 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Yeah. My poor brother in law. [4:30:16 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: oh this just got serious [4:30:30 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: Shining Armor got taken away to Braeburn's dungeon. [4:30:57 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: braeburn's dungeon is crazy all you hear is AAAAAAPPPLELOOOOZA [4:31:09 PM] Kel Grym: *shudders* [4:31:41 PM] Kel Grym: Alright then, have divorce papers already been made and signed? [4:31:54 PM] Cadance: Probably. [4:32:04 PM] Kel Grym: Good enough! [4:33:29 PM] Kel Grym: Do you Frostgage, take this unneccisary archetype of Aphrodite that was brought into the show for no reason whatsoever except as a convenient plot device, to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sicknessand health, changling invasion and eternal banishment to Tarturus? [4:33:47 PM] Frostgage: Of course I do (heart) [4:34:36 PM] Kel Grym: And do you...Cadence...bleh...take this guy to be your husband. *secretly hopes Cadence is a changeling* [4:34:49 PM] Cadance: I do indeed. (heart) (heart) [4:34:55 PM] A Makusu2 gets ready to object [4:35:07 PM] Kel Grym: Does anyone object? *crosses fingers* [4:35:13 PM] A Makusu2: I LIKE TRAINS [4:35:19 PM] Frostgage: I like trains too [4:35:21 PM] A Makusu2: Also, Octavia is best pony. [4:35:24 PM] A Makusu2 runs away naked [4:35:30 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: trains are best mode of transportation [4:35:30 PM] Frostgage: Bye Makusu (heart) [4:35:41 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: see ya makusu [4:35:55 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: OBJE-...No I am fine with this. I am just waiting for a twist at this point. [4:36:16 PM] A Makusu2: So, what happens if I do object? [4:36:19 PM] A Makusu2: Like, is the marrage off? [4:36:22 PM] A Makusu2: How does that even work o_o [4:36:24 PM] Fluttershy: *watches Makusu run away* Well, least he didn't moon everypony... [4:36:26 PM] Gunnery Sergeant Dusty: You get killed. [4:36:35 PM] Frostgage: No objections. Or else. [4:36:46 PM] Pinkie: Well I'm back and what is this an objection? [4:37:02 PM] Frostgage: This isn't a Phoenix Wright game. No last minute objections. [4:37:12 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: ^ Don't tempt me [4:37:19 PM] Fluttershy: Oh, hi Pinkie. [4:37:25 PM] Kel Grym: ...why am I going through this subjugation? [4:37:37 PM] Frostgage: Yo minister. Can I kiss her or what? [4:37:38 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: Pinkie: hi flutters how's you husband doing? Mine is perfect [4:38:11 PM] Kel Grym: Yes. There are no sane objections. Even though there should be. I pronounce both of you hitched in the name of Celestia. You may kiss the bride. [4:38:31 PM] Frostgage: Frostgage kisses Cadance… Passionately. [4:38:34 PM] Frostgage: TAKE THAT! [4:38:37 PM] Kel Grym: ew I will perform 300 Hail Celestia's to repent for this atrocity. The second marriage was less blasphemous. It was still painful. Lyra x Noire de Panzer Skype Wedding Transcript [4:44:54 PM] Kel Grym: *Plays Weddin Music* [4:44:58 PM] :Flutterdash: hugs and consoles Flutters, as they settle in for the next wedding. [4:45:22 PM] Kel Grym: *steps to podium* [4:45:41 PM] Kel Grym: I've seen some things man... [4:46:03 PM] Kel Grym: I don't think anything can surprise me now. [4:47:04 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered here celebrate the holy matrimony of user and background prop. [4:47:27 PM] A Makusu2: Dude, that pony is hot. [4:47:32 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: Background prop for best pony [4:47:45 PM] Kel Grym: I see the groom is here...where is the bride? [4:47:48 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: well that is best background pony but not as beautiful as Pinkie [4:47:55 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: Pinkie: *giggles* [4:48:00 PM] *Fluttershy smacks Makusu* Show some respect. [4:48:01 PM] Lyra: I am here~ [4:48:15 PM] Kel Grym: *looks around confused* Um...where? [4:48:35 PM] Lyra: Here~ there~ everywhere~! [4:48:47 PM] A Makusu2: Fluttershy, you just redirected my blood flow to the general area of my hips. [4:48:56 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: i think my eyes are spinning [4:48:56 PM] Frostgage: Lyra, raise your hand so everyone can see you. [4:49:12 PM] Kel Grym: Ponies do not have hands, that's ridiculous. [4:49:24 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: this is Lyra we're talking about [4:49:25 PM] Lyra: *Lyra waves hooves frantically trying to show her location* [4:49:28 PM] :Flutterdash:: Lyra, Sing Anthropology! [4:49:58 PM] Kel Grym: *sees Lyra* Ah! there you sorta just...blended into the background. [4:50:02 PM] Kel Grym: *roll snare drum* [4:50:14 PM] Pinkie: HEY THAT'S MY SNARE DRUM! [4:50:40 PM] Flutteshy: You'll behave Makusu, or else I'll give you The Stare. [4:50:48 PM] A Makusu2: That sounds so erotic. [4:50:53 PM] Pinkie: oooooh the stare [4:51:01 PM] Frostgage: Frostgage says something witty. [4:51:03 PM] A Makusu2: I'm with Pinkie on this one. [4:51:52 PM] Kel Grym: Ok, so Noire...I can call you Noire, right? You uh...wanna get hitched to Lyra? [4:52:14 PM] :Flutterdash:: Goddamnit Makusu... [4:52:18 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: You can call me Noire. Yes, I wish to get hitched to Lyra [4:52:22 PM] Frostgage: NOIRE [4:52:25 PM] Frostgage: Here's your ring [4:52:41 PM] A Makusu2: YES FLUTTERDASH [4:52:46 PM] A Makusu2: Good job. [4:52:55 PM] Kel Grym: You promise to take really really good care of her? Till death do you part? Even if she gets old, fat and ugly? [4:53:59 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: GODDAMIT Makusu *lightning bolt falls on head* [4:54:01 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: Yes I promise to take really great care of Lyra. Till death do us part and even if she gets old, fat but I am not sure she can get ugly. Is that even possible? [4:54:23 PM] Kel Grym: I don't know if it would matter, she's hard to notice to begin with. [4:55:39 PM] Kel Grym: And do you Lyra, take this unidentifiable user to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, for better or worse, until death parts you like Moses parts the Red Sea? [4:57:30 PM] Lyra: I do take this...unidentifiable user?...I can identify him perfectly fine..but okay I guess. To be my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, for better or worse, until death parts us like Moses parts the Red Sea. [4:58:50 PM] Kel Grym: Then by the powers invested in me by the ULC, I pronounce you man and wife, in the Holy name of Celestia. You may kiss the bride. [4:59:37 PM] Noire Ze Panzer kisses Lyra [5:00:14 PM] Frostgage: Can we eat cake now? [5:00:27 PM] A Makusu2: THE CAKE IS A LIE Congrats, Noire*scratches head*...(what was her name again?). 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frostgage 7,975 June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 -snip- Best weddings ever. I married Cadance and I ate lots of cake. Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 YES!!!! WE'RE UP NEXT *squee* XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 June 3, 2014 Author Share June 3, 2014 YES!!!! WE'RE UP NEXT *squee* As soon as I can get Emerald's wouldn't have it would you? Pm me if you do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 As soon as I can get Emerald's wouldn't have it would you? Pm me if you do. No, I don't have it...........I PM'ed him, requesting it, but never got back to me. XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 June 3, 2014 Author Share June 3, 2014 No, I don't have it...........I PM'ed him, requesting it, but never got back to me. Oh well. We'll wait a little longer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 June 3, 2014 Share June 3, 2014 Oh well. We'll wait a little longer. Alright..... I'm gonna add you right now, XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I used to be a stranger 7,994 June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 (edited) This post has been redacted by the author. Edited May 6, 2021 by Blue Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 Hey, Kel.......i'm gonna be on around 6 PM EST NYC TIME. As well as on skype, for im gonna hit the gym. XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightwing 12,978 June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 (edited) Just a question.... Does this marriage system work between user x user? Edited June 4, 2014 by Lightwing ~~ Forum Rules - Forum FAQ - What do you think of me? ~~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 June 4, 2014 Author Share June 4, 2014 Just a question.... Does this marriage system work between user x user? Now were getting serious. Yes, I can and will do those, however they can only be legally regarded as a rehearsal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Now were getting serious. Yes, I can and will do those, however they can only be legally regarded as a rehearsal. that "is" getting serious, . *hugs Spitfire*, i'll just stick to my waifu, *squee* XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 June 10, 2014 Author Share June 10, 2014 (edited) 9th & 10th Pony Waifu Weddings! I've been super lazy. Let's get this show on the road Panama X Lightning Dust! Emerald Starlight X Thunder-Wing X SpitFire! It's a double double whammy! Pegasi and Polygamy! Skype Wedding Transcript Pt 1 [6/4/2014 4:10:55 PM] Kel Grym: Ready....set....Go! [6/4/2014 4:11:02 PM] Kel Grym: *plays wedding music* [6/4/2014 4:11:11 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d) [6/4/2014 4:11:19 PM] Jump Cut: (d) [6/4/2014 4:11:23 PM] RATX5: (d) [6/4/2014 4:11:41 PM] Jorguil Ferris: no thanks alcohol taste nasty. [6/4/2014 4:11:46 PM] RATX5: lol [6/4/2014 4:11:50 PM] Kel Grym: They're too many alchoholics in my church... [6/4/2014 4:11:50 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (coffee) [6/4/2014 4:11:56 PM] RATX5: (beer) [6/4/2014 4:12:03 PM] Panama: Rat, stop, you're a rodent. [6/4/2014 4:12:07 PM] RATX5: (heart) [6/4/2014 4:12:18 PM] Jump Cut: *switches to water* [6/4/2014 4:12:18 PM] Jorguil Ferris: needs mountain dr.peper emote [6/4/2014 4:12:28 PM] Jump Cut: agreed [6/4/2014 4:12:51 PM] Kel Grym: AHEM! [6/4/2014 4:13:46 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered her on this auspicious day to celebrate the holy union of Pegasi and Panama, within her Holy House of the Faith. [6/4/2014 4:14:25 PM] Jorguil Ferris: "looks around for the two to be wed" [6/4/2014 4:14:48 PM] Panama: Hehe. Alliteration. [6/4/2014 4:14:49 PM] Kel Grym: These two entities, one fictional property of Hasbro, and one presumably real, shall be forever more linked by laws of marriage, effectively making Panama property of Hasbro. [6/4/2014 4:15:02 PM] Panama: ... [6/4/2014 4:15:09 PM] Panama: I can live with that. [6/4/2014 4:15:15 PM] RATX5: LOL [6/4/2014 4:15:20 PM] Jump Cut: he says stuff like that [6/4/2014 4:15:20 PM] Jorguil Ferris: wait isn't panama a town? [6/4/2014 4:15:26 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Country [6/4/2014 4:15:27 PM] RATX5: No [6/4/2014 4:15:33 PM] RATX5: It's a country you dipshit [6/4/2014 4:15:33 PM] RATX5: (heart) [6/4/2014 4:15:35 PM] Jump Cut: *facehoofs* [6/4/2014 4:15:49 PM] Jorguil Ferris: Thanks RAT [6/4/2014 4:16:00 PM] Kel Grym: Not withstanding the legal loophole of Hasbro possibly owning Panama the country, let us continue. [6/4/2014 4:16:12 PM] RATX5: lol [6/4/2014 4:16:20 PM] Kel Grym: Is the bride present? [6/4/2014 4:16:36 PM] RATX5: Yep [6/4/2014 4:17:47 PM] LD: Yes. [6/4/2014 4:18:07 PM] Kel Grym: Excellent...*scratches head*...when did you get in? [6/4/2014 4:18:28 PM] Panama: That doesn't matter. I wanna go back to cuddling my body pillow. [6/4/2014 4:18:37 PM] Panama: ...Er, lightning dust, that is. [6/4/2014 4:18:47 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: hey guys sorry I'm late Pinkie saw a baloon [6/4/2014 4:18:48 PM] Pinkie: Something floaty [6/4/2014 4:19:15 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Oh dear. [6/4/2014 4:19:30 PM] Kel Grym: Alright then...GROOM! * fixes panama with gritty stare * [6/4/2014 4:19:50 PM] Panama: YESSIR MR. MINISTER SIR [6/4/2014 4:20:06 PM] Jorguil Ferris: "fell asleep" [6/4/2014 4:20:18 PM] Kel Grym: *shadows grow deep on ministers face* [6/4/2014 4:20:22 PM] Jump Cut: *looks at Jorguil* [6/4/2014 4:20:26 PM] Kel Grym: *thunder cracks outside* [6/4/2014 4:20:28 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d) [6/4/2014 4:20:29 PM] Princess Sugar Cuddles: *pokes Jorguil* [6/4/2014 4:20:38 PM] Jorguil Ferris: hmm? [6/4/2014 4:20:46 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: *just sits here with Pinkie* [6/4/2014 4:20:56 PM] Princess Sugar Cuddles: *points at the two ponies* [6/4/2014 4:21:03 PM] :Flutterdash:: For the love of Celestia.... [6/4/2014 4:21:07 PM] Jump Cut: *notices Applejacks hat is still on* *removes the hat* [6/4/2014 4:21:18 PM] AlicornAcolyte: I'm just cruising through happy hour here. Hurry up! [6/4/2014 4:21:37 PM] Jorguil Ferris: "watches" [6/4/2014 4:22:05 PM] Panama: ...this is less organized than Poland in 1939. [6/4/2014 4:22:08 PM] Panama: I love it. [6/4/2014 4:22:11 PM] Jump Cut: lol [6/4/2014 4:22:12 PM] Kel Grym: You gonna be this pony's everything until the bitter end, right? You gonna be her man? Her real man? Even if that means having to crawl through the jungle with a severed leg and risk being tortured by the enemy to be there with her? ....*eyes narrow* right? [6/4/2014 4:23:17 PM] Panama: I've already lost both nipples in servitude to Lightning Dust. [6/4/2014 4:23:32 PM] Panama: Nothing can come between me and this supposedly fictional character. [6/4/2014 4:23:35 PM] Jump Cut: º_º [6/4/2014 4:23:43 PM] Kel Grym: Yes/No [6/4/2014 4:23:50 PM] AlicornAcolyte: :| [6/4/2014 4:23:52 PM] Panama: Yeah sure. [6/4/2014 4:24:12 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: Pinkie: I've had parties shorter than this wedding [6/4/2014 4:24:26 PM] Kel Grym: *gives panama appraising stare. after a while looks up to sniper in rafters and gives signal to stop taking aim* [6/4/2014 4:24:41 PM] Kel Grym: Excellent! [6/4/2014 4:25:05 PM] Panama: Panama is utterly, blissfully oblivious [6/4/2014 4:25:26 PM | Edited 4:25:55 PM] Jump Cut: Applejack: and I've been through an apple buckin’ season quicker than this weddin [6/4/2014 4:25:32 PM] Jorguil Ferris: ever get that tingling feeling like something was aiming at you jump? "whispers" [6/4/2014 4:25:54 PM] Kel Grym: And do you Lightning Dust, take this schmuck to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness, death, better, worse, and possibly herpes? (Celestia forbid) [6/4/2014 4:26:03 PM] RATX5: LOL [6/4/2014 4:26:11 PM] Frostgage: HI GUYZ [6/4/2014 4:26:16 PM] Frostgage: What'd I miss [6/4/2014 4:26:23 PM] Pinkie: I think I'm getting sick *coughs* [6/4/2014 4:26:34 PM] Jump Cut: *whisper* “yah kind of” *Applejack nudges Jump to pay attention* [6/4/2014 4:26:55 PM] LD: Yes, just legally bind this idiot to me. [6/4/2014 4:27:41 PM] Jump Cut: *thinks* a bit rough don't you think? [6/4/2014 4:28:20 PM] Kel Grym: Okay then. Ya'll asked for it. By the authority of the ULC I pronounce both of you husband and wife, in the name of Celestia. You may kiss the bride and do other things to her, but those other things are preferred to be put on hold until after you are away from the church and public in general. [6/4/2014 4:28:31 PM] Jorguil Ferris: "I am getting that feeling at the moment." [6/4/2014 4:28:49 PM] RATX5: *CLAP* [6/4/2014 4:28:51 PM] Princess Sugar Cuddles: *Cries loudly* [6/4/2014 4:29:01 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (^) [6/4/2014 4:29:02 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: Pinkie do you need a cough drop [6/4/2014 4:29:03 PM] Pinkie: no I'm fine *cougs harder* [6/4/2014 4:29:04 PM] Jump Cut: *Claps* [6/4/2014 4:29:09 PM] Princess Sugar Cuddles: *gets ready to catch the bouqett* [6/4/2014 4:29:32 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: maybe you should sit down [6/4/2014 4:29:33 PM] Pinkie: no i wanna party *cough cough* Panama does the kissing and shit like that [6/4/2014 4:30:01 PM] Jump Cut: Applejack: Pinkie you alright sugarcube? [6/4/2014 4:30:26 PM] Pinkie: Yes just got a slight cold *coughs really hard* [6/4/2014 4:30:26 PM] RATX5: Inb4 Husband and Waifu jokes [6/4/2014 4:30:35 PM] Kel Grym: that's a wrap Skype Wedding Transcript Pt. 2 [6/4/2014 7:59:41 PM] Kel Grym:...another day another dollar. [6/4/2014 8:00:55 PM] Panama: Is it okay to have my waifu with me? I don't want an altercation to start or anything. [6/4/2014 8:01:03 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *stands on alter* [6/4/2014 8:01:04 PM] Kel Grym: Sure [6/4/2014 8:01:09 PM] Kel Grym: *notices nicholas* ...sigh [6/4/2014 8:01:16 PM] Kel Grym: do not desecrate the alter! [6/4/2014 8:01:16 PM] Panama: But, I mean, spitfire and LD. Not a good mix. [6/4/2014 8:01:42 PM] Kel Grym: Whatevs, so long as no one desecrates the alter. [6/4/2014 8:01:45 PM] Jump Cut: *puts arm around Applejack* [6/4/2014 8:01:53 PM] Kel Grym: Ahem! [6/4/2014 8:02:08 PM] AlicornAcolyte: *is alone again* [6/4/2014 8:02:19 PM] Panama: Panama hugs the shit out of Lightning Dust [6/4/2014 8:02:35 PM] Whipped Cream: *asks Thunder-Wing what time it is* [6/4/2014 8:02:43 PM] Jump Cut: Ali when is Twi going to show up for one of these weddings? [6/4/2014 8:02:48 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *mouths 9:02 PM* [6/4/2014 8:02:50 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered her today to link up Spitfire with Thunder and Emerald into the Voltron machine of polygamous marriage. [6/4/2014 8:02:52 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Three weeks [6/4/2014 8:03:11 PM] Jump Cut: jeez thats a long time from now [6/4/2014 8:03:23 PM] Kel Grym: *agitated he has to talk over everyone* [6/4/2014 8:03:26 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Her project remember? [6/4/2014 8:03:31 PM] Whipped Cream: *smiles* [6/4/2014 8:03:34 PM] Kel Grym: SILENCE!!! Panama hugs the shit out of Lightning Dust... silently. [6/4/2014 8:03:48 PM] Kel Grym: This is a holy-ish matrimony! [6/4/2014 8:03:48 PM] AlicornAcolyte: :x [6/4/2014 8:04:09 PM] Kel Grym: *sighs*...can't go one where was I? Both grooms here? [6/4/2014 8:04:17 PM] Nicholas Rojas: yes [6/4/2014 8:04:25 PM] Whipped Cream: Yupperz. [6/4/2014 8:04:37 PM] Kel Grym: Good. Bride? [6/4/2014 8:04:45 PM] Jump Cut: *Applejack knocks Jump hard on the head* [6/4/2014 8:05:28 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *turns to locate Spitfire* [6/4/2014 8:05:47 PM] Spitfire: Of course! Look at this! I get two husbands. I'm awesome! [6/4/2014 8:05:59 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *smiles* [6/4/2014 8:06:24 PM] Whipped Cream: *smiles also* [6/4/2014 8:06:58 PM] Jump Cut: *whisper* pig roast [6/4/2014 8:07:09 PM] Panama: That's nasty, Jump Cut. [6/4/2014 8:07:25 PM] Jump Cut: *Applejack knocks him so hard his eyes go different direction* [6/4/2014 8:07:38 PM] Kel Grym: Alright then...lets get this started. Do you Emerald and Thunder, agree to be the respective husbands to Spitfire, through better or worse, sickness and health, and are completely willing to subject yourselves the travesty that often entails polygamy? [6/4/2014 8:07:47 PM] Nicholas Rojas: I do [6/4/2014 8:07:58 PM] Whipped Cream: Of course I do! [6/4/2014 8:08:03 PM] Kel Grym: ...really? [6/4/2014 8:08:06 PM] Kel Grym: Even to death? [6/4/2014 8:08:12 PM] Whipped Cream: Hell yeah! [6/4/2014 8:08:22 PM] Nicholas Rojas: I will walk to the Valley of Death if i must [6/4/2014 8:09:00 PM] Panama: But would you cut off your nipples for her? [6/4/2014 8:09:01 PM] Panama: ... [6/4/2014 8:09:07 PM] Whipped Cream: I would jump over 60 busses on a motorcycle going through a fire hoop if I had to. Fluttershy nudges :Flutterdash: to wake up [6/4/2014 8:09:18 PM] :Flutterdash:: Oh, right a wedding, i'm awake! [6/4/2014 8:09:32 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d) [6/4/2014 8:10:03 PM] Kel Grym: ...alrighty then. And Spitfire...You solemnly swear to accept these two as your husbands and you as thier wife, forever and ever more, through bullshit and fire, until you kick the bucket, amen-ra santa clause and such? [6/4/2014 8:11:14 PM] Spitfire: Yeah, I guess. [6/4/2014 8:12:23 PM] Kel Grym: Such conviction in your voice... -_-...Then by the power invested in me by some online church and under the Holy authority of Celestia, I pronounce you Husbands and Wife. Yall can kiss each other in whatever order suits you. [6/4/2014 8:13:05 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *grabs Spitfire and kisses her* [6/4/2014 8:13:13 PM] Nicholas Rojas: in tango style [6/4/2014 8:13:35 PM] Whipped Cream: *totally French kisses Spitfire for 3 minutes* [6/4/2014 8:13:45 PM] Kel Grym: ... [6/4/2014 8:13:46 PM] Kel Grym: Ew. Way to go're winners! (weirdos) Next wedding.... Mine. Edited June 10, 2014 by The Real Pinkamena 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicHooves 2,705 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I was "Whipped Cream" if anyone wanted to know. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 ...........and obviously, im Nicholas Rojas......................i may change my UN however. XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 June 10, 2014 Author Share June 10, 2014 The Ministers Wedding and Funeral Day Minister Kel Grym X Pinkamena (Cupcakes) [4:50:02 PM] Kel Grym: I'm ready for my big day! [4:50:20 PM] Kel Grym: How about you Pinkamena? [4:50:36 PM] *** Pwincess Huggies has changed the conversation topic to "WEDDING TIEM!!!" *** [4:50:58 PM] Pinkamena: ... [4:52:11 PM] Pwincess Huggies: Her is some wedding music. [4:52:18 PM] Kel Grym: Where is the deputy minister? [4:52:46 PM] AlicornAcolyte: *meditating in corner* [4:53:28 PM] Kel Grym: *scratches chin* [4:53:36 PM] Kel Grym: What are you meditating about? [4:54:16 PM] AlicornAcolyte: The ultimate truth of Celestia. [4:55:14 PM] Kel Grym: I see. [4:55:40 PM] Kel Grym: um... [4:55:48 PM] Kel Grym: Are we going to get this show on the road? [4:55:54 PM] Jump Cut: to the church? [4:56:01 PM] Kel Grym: were in the church [4:56:19 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Are we ready? [4:56:27 PM] Kel Grym: Yes! [4:56:27 PM] Jump Cut: oh the 2nd church [4:56:47 PM] Pwincess Huggies: Wedding music below [4:56:55 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Okay! Places!! [4:57:08 PM] Kel Grym: *is giddy* [4:57:12 PM | Edited 4:58:01 PM] Jump Cut: *Jump Sits down in a pew* [4:57:30 PM] Pwincess Huggies: *Sits in a seat* [4:57:43 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d) [4:57:50 PM] Jump Cut: (d) [4:58:05 PM] Pwincess Huggies: Beautiful music isn't it? [4:58:17 PM] Kel Grym: Yes [4:58:19 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Yes, yes... [4:58:22 PM] Pinkamena: ... [4:58:22 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Now... [4:58:31 PM] AlicornAcolyte: SILENCE!!! [4:58:42 PM] Kel Grym: *farts* [4:58:48 PM] Kel Grym: ...sorry. [4:58:51 PM] Jump Cut: *facepalms* [4:59:08 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Ahem... [4:59:59 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Today, we have come together in this hallowed halls, to see the marriage of one and the other. [5:00:16 PM] Kel Grym: *nods* [5:00:19 PM] Pinkamena: ... [5:00:33 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Is our Minister ready for his vows? [5:00:41 PM] Kel Grym: You betcha. [5:01:01 PM] AlicornAcolyte: What about his... Love? [5:01:08 PM] Pinkamena: ... [5:01:15 PM] Kel Grym: *looks at Pinkamena* [5:01:19 PM] Kel Grym: Yes, she is. [5:03:09 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Any last words minister? [5:03:45 PM] Kel Grym: Why would you ask that, ha ha! [5:04:05 PM] AlicornAcolyte: You are marrying Pinkamena after all. [5:04:12 PM] Pinkamena: ... [5:04:22 PM] Kel Grym: *looks at Pinkamena* [5:04:33 PM] Kel Grym: I dont see what you're getting at. [5:04:43 PM] Pwincess Huggies: ... ^u^ [5:05:18 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Nevermind. I'm sure you'll both be very happy. She's a killer catch. [5:05:20 PM] Jorguil Ferris: talking about hitmare the game brillant so many ways to finish the levels and get the target. [5:06:13 PM] Pwincess Huggies: brb [5:07:12 PM] Jump Cut: *looks around the church* [5:07:24 PM] Kel Grym: *taps foot* [5:07:42 PM] Pinkamena: ... [5:07:49 PM] Pwincess Huggies: Pwincess Huggies is back [5:07:49 PM] AlicornAcolyte: We are waiting for Princess. [5:07:59 PM] Kel Grym: *sighs* [5:08:22 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Anyway, any objections or remarks? [5:08:34 PM] Kel Grym: *looks around* [5:08:47 PM] Jorguil Ferris: no objections just regards to the chef. [5:09:02 PM] Jump Cut: no objections here [5:10:25 PM] Kel Grym: *whispers 'vows'* [5:10:43 PM] Pinkamena: ... [5:11:51 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Well, enjoy each other throughout your life, I pronounce you now, man and wife. So let us hear through alcohol a hearty good cheer to one and all. [5:12:14 PM] Kel Grym: *face palms* [5:12:17 PM] Kel Grym: he did it wrong. [5:12:20 PM] Pinkamena: ... [5:12:48 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Those are the reformed vows. [5:13:05 PM] Jump Cut: you allowed him to be in charge [5:13:31 PM] Kel Grym: I know, but i thought he would at least say something that would necessitate both of us saying, "I do." [5:13:59 PM] AlicornAcolyte: There were no objections. [5:14:11 PM] Kel Grym: That's not the point -_- [5:14:40 PM] AlicornAcolyte: We have a straightforward ceremony these days. [5:14:52 PM] Jump Cut: like vegas [5:15:14 PM] AlicornAcolyte: And now, it's lunch time. [5:15:29 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Donations are accepted for the church in the back. [5:16:12 PM] Kel Grym: ...alright then I'll do it for myself. I'm still a minister after all. Ahem...I do hereby solemly swear to take Pinkamena as my bride and love forever and ever... [5:16:43 PM] Kel Grym: *turns to Pinkamena* [5:17:07 PM] Kel Grym: And do you swear to take me as your husband forever and ever until death does us part? [5:17:19 PM] Pinkamena: …I do... [5:17:27 PM] Kel Grym: Splendid [5:17:34 PM] Kel Grym: *Turns to Ali* [5:17:50 PM] Kel Grym: Now say, "You may kiss the bride." [5:18:40 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Please kiss her. [5:19:19 PM] Kel Grym: *Turns to Pinkamena and very cautiously plants a loving kiss on her cold unfeeling lips.* [5:19:28 PM] Pinkamena: ... [5:19:40 PM] Kel Grym: I'm so excited! [5:19:45 PM] Kel Grym: I'm married! [5:19:56 PM] Jump Cut: *weakly and slowly claps* [5:20:22 PM] AlicornAcolyte: This has cut into my lunch... [5:20:48 PM | Edited 5:21:12 PM] Zizkil M.: *Claps loudly* [5:20:50 PM] Kel Grym: pfft. Deputy Ministers don't get lunch. [5:21:11 PM] Jorguil Ferris: Well at least none of use ate any of the treats she brought over ho boy would that just end the whole party. [5:21:35 PM] Kel Grym: Why? Her baking tastes just fine to me. [5:21:41 PM] Pinkamena: ... [5:22:14 PM] Jorguil Ferris: you ate one didn't you? [5:22:19 PM ] Zizkil M.: I hope pinkamena made cupcakes [5:22:39 PM] Kel Grym: I did. [5:22:44 PM] Kel Grym: It was kinda salty but not bad. [5:22:47 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d) [5:23:03 PM] Jorguil Ferris: you might wana get checked. [5:23:19 PM] Jump Cut: *lights cigar* [5:23:24 PM] Kel Grym: ... [5:23:26 PM] Kel Grym: ... [5:23:28 PM] Kel Grym: ... [5:23:31 PM] Kel Grym: oh dear. [5:23:41 PM] Jorguil Ferris: Kell!? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sasuke 328 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Sorry I had to leave at the start!! Dinner time 燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶燕麦奶 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 June 21, 2014 Author Share June 21, 2014 HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE, EVERYONE!!! ...also, I'm not dead! AND HAIL CELESTIA!!! 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicHooves 2,705 June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 WHAT!? THE SUN?! OH NO! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 hey, who's up next to get married? XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 June 25, 2014 Author Share June 25, 2014 I know, but what makes it hilarious is that I'm actually a real minister, legally. I secretly do this in hopes that the hardcore pony waifu crowd catches wind and becomes jealous. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 June 25, 2014 Share June 25, 2014 I know, but what makes it hilarious is that I'm actually a real minister, legally. Wow.......tbh, I did not know that. Anyhow, I want to ask, who's next in line? For I must be ready with Spitfire to attend Miaq and Fleetfoot's wedding, XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 June 25, 2014 Author Share June 25, 2014 Wow.......tbh, I did not know that. Anyhow, I want to ask, who's next in line? For I must be ready with Spitfire to attend Miaq and Fleetfoot's wedding, Haven't heard much from Miaq. Actually I completely forgot that he requested that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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