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open Fruits Basket Equestria Edition roleplay

Alicorn Fluttershy

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A long, long time ago, God decided to invite all of the animals to a banquet. He sent out word for all of them to come to his house the following evening, "And don't be late!" he said. When the mischievous rat heard the news, he decided to play a trick on his neighbor, the cat. He told the cat that the party was the day after tomorrow. The very next day, all of the animals lined up for the celebration. The rat led the way, riding all the way there on the back of the cow. Everyone had a wonderful time, except for the cat, who missed the whole thing.


this is the story of how the curse came to be, and in a land called equestria they were born they were called  the rat, the cow (ox), the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the ram, the monkey, the rooster (bird), the dog, the boar, and the cat and whenever one died another of the same animal was born, and they kept it a secret for they were ordered to by the Head of the family. And thus the Sohma family has always been cursed. for whenever they are embraced by the opposite gender, or are under a great deal of stress they transform into their zodiac animal.


and now you will take on the role of a Sohma or a pony that interacts with them. 


the link for signup is



hope you can join us!


All was calm at Sohma house, all that is except Momiji's room where he was frantically searching for his backpack. he had gotten carryed away with throwing his stuffed bunnies around and had lost it in the jumble of bunny ears bunny faces and bunny tails. he searched frantically hopeing he would find it in time to get to school.

Edited by Alicorn Fluttershy
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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


Kigura was walking through the halls when she noticed a large ruckus coming from Momiji's room. She opened the door with her forehoof to see the bunny tearing the room apart. "What the hell is going on here? Do you have any idea what time it is? You're going to be late for school." She tried to tell him. "This room is such a mess.." She sighed to herself, as she glanced around Momiji's room.

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Momiji only glanced at Kagura, knowing her from her voice "i gotta find it! i gotta find my backpack! i know its here somewhere!

i can't go without it. i won't go without it. i need my backpack!" he looked around the room once more before spotting it on the end of his bed. just where he had left it. "ah there it is" he knew Kagura would probably be rollong her eyes at him but he didn't care. he grabbed his backpack and said cheerfully "i'll be going then! see ya later!" he walked right past Kagura and out the door

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Meanwhile at the small house that a few of the stranger sohmas lived kyo could feel his ear almost twitch

"Guh....momiji....at this point I think I can sense him....or something....hey, yuki! Get your butt down here! Time for school" after a few seconds of silence "come one you damn rat! You're gonna be late for school!" ...for a second he pondered if he should go, but the he thought "nah..."

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Yuki walked inside the house cleaning the dirt from his hooves and said," I am up you stupid cat. I was having to tend to the leeks in the garden since early this morning since somepony, decided to train till it was too dark to see last night. So they walked through the garden like a fool."

Yuki finished cleaning the dirt from his hooves and grabbed his saddlebag, looking ready to leave.

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"Hey! I had a very good reason for that! Besides, I don't exactly have a watch so how was I supposed to know it was getting that late!?" Kyo walks over to the door "now I gotta go kick something, just be glad it's not your stupid muzzle" kyo continues to walk outside to start kicking a post

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"The fact the sun had set wasn't a clue as to the time?" Yuki muttered to himself while shaking his head. Yuki then calmly grabbed Kyo's saddlebag then set it next to Kyo and said, "Lets just get going already. And stop kicking that post you've already broken three this week and, your repair work on them was shoddy as usual. You could at least put your idiotic temper to good use and work on orchard bucking trees."

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"Fine! Damn rat..." Kyo slips his saddlebag on and walks over to the door "and maybe I will, if it means seeing less of you" (and I don't know what else to put here so I'm just gonna fill this out more till I finally get to the minimum amount of characters or something )

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Yuki gives a slight sigh, gathers the last of his thing, takes a moment to make sure his mane was still alright after the work in the garden, and heads out the door saying, "We need to get going, otherwise we will be late; save your petty remarks for later."

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"Heh, I bet I could beat you to school, wanna race?" He stood there swiping the ground with his hind leg "ready....set....go!" Before yuki can react, kyo is already galloping his way down the path, maybe not even caring if yuki was following or he was being his old cocky self not thinking he could catch up.

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Momiji saw Kyo comeing up the path at top speed "Kyooooooooooooo Kuuuuuuuuun Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!! its not that far! you will make it in time!" Kyo ran right past him but then he spotted yuki. "ah Yuuuuukiiiiiiiiiii kuuuuuun! i dreeeeeew yoooooou a piiiiiiiiiictuuuuuuuuuuure!" and as Yuki jogged up he handed him a pretty well done picture of a smileing rat. momiji smiled with pride thinking it was his best yet.

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"Good Morning Momiji", Yuki said with a smile. Then Yuki looked over the picture and said, "This is very good Momiji, you have been practicing it would seem. But aren't you running a bit late? I don't want you to start picking the bad habits someponies have now, okay?" Yuki said in a firm but gentle tone, with polite good natured smile on his face.

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Kyo looked at momiji for a second as he ran past, but he was distracted and tripped on a rock as he was running "gah!!" He slid some distance before he finally came to a stop "gah......that hurt.... Dammit momiji! This is your fault!" Kyo then proceeds to give momiji a nugie for it

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"WAAAAAAAAAAA KYO HURT MEEEEE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" momiji looked to yuki for help and continued to make a racket. when kyo finally let him go he perked up and cheerfully said "Goodbye Yuki and Kyo!don't worry about me. I know a shortcut!" and he skiped off down the street towards the two trees and a fairly well hidden path threw the woods that lead directly to his school.

momiji started to sing just because he liked to not because it annoyed Kyo. really he haden't even thought of that.

Who's in the forest strolling?

the Birds and the Bees sing Momiji

Frogs in the pond are calling

Momiji yes its true

the trees raise their leave together

who need the sun when we have you?

Who's in the forest strolling?

the birds and the bees sing momiji 

frogs in the pond are calling

Momiji yes its true!

(if you want to listen to the song i put it here)

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"Gah!! Let's get outta here before that song drives me nuts!" Kyo starts to gallop down the path again just to get away from the annoyance called momiji (again, I have no idea what to put so here's some more fillers text to pass the time with till something happens or something of the like happens)

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Yuki shook his head and sighed, clearly thing to himself, "That stupid Cat". Yuki then quickly collected himself, made sure he hadn't lost anything, and began to follow after Kyo to get to school, hoping he would make it in time, he didn't want to be late because of Kyo's actions last night.

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when Momiji got to school carrying his rabbit plush backpack the 3 usual bullys were waiting for him. they hadn't done anything drastic to him ....yet. teaseing, name calling, nothing Momiji couldn't shrug off in 5 minutes. but it was about to get alot worse.

"HEY BABY!" the ringleader called at him. the other two were dumb to say the least and only joined in to stay on the ringleader's good side. "YEAH BABY!" they called. Momiji figured that would be all the did that day. He was wrong. he continued walking.

"I WAS TALKING TO YOU MOMIJI! you otta listen to people when they talk to you!" the ringleader punched him in the face and the followers joined in punching and kicking until the schoolbell rang.


momiji got up with ripped clothes and a black eye his plush backpack had a rip down the seam and the picture he had drawn of Kyo was torn to peices. the contents of his lunch was scattered all over the schoolyard. he walked towards the school doors depressed and battered. the rest of school was no better. he had to go hungry at lunch for obvious reasons and afterwards the bullys nearly beat him up again if he hadn't been fast enough to leave carrying his torn bunny backpack behind him


Momiji decided to go to Shigure's house after school so he could clean up before going home

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School wasn't very exciting, as usual, went to class, kyo went up to the roof for lunch, cats swarmed him while he was up there, and....a strange white cat with a purple collar and a tuft of fur tied up on the top of its head "who are you? Never seen you before...." In the distance he swore he could hear a pony saying "opal?" But thought nothing of it, the rest of the day was uneventful, when it was time to head home, kyo met up with yuki at the entrance

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Momiji walked up the steps to Shigure's house carrying the leg of his backpack, which had fallen off on the way there. He entered the house saying "Gure San! It's Momiji! I'm visiting after school! I drew a picture of you! (In science class)" Momiji came into the house and sat down at the table in the middle of the room

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Kisa didn't like school today because other ponies were mean to her, so after school she walked with Yuki and Kyo so that she would be able to talk to Thoru. "So where is sissy, is she at work today" Kisa asked Yuki looking at him with her adorable brown eyes.

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"I believe Miss Tohru is at work unfortunately, and it is likely she won't be home till late. I'm not very good at cooking of course ;but I can cook better than Shigure and certainly better than a certain Cat, would you care to join us, we would appreciate the company?" Yuki said with a smile.

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"Hey! I can cook you damn rat! I've cooked before, she said it was....nevermind, so, you gonna join us kid?" He said almost reluctantly, but it would be a change of pace from just the normal 3 he's used to eating with most of the time (fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiler)

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Momiji didn't hear anyone answering his calls but decided to wait for Yuki and Kyo to return. He looked around the house just for something to do. He wondered if Shigure was even in the house. He looked at the clock. "Yuki and Kyo should be home soon!" He exclaimed. He started humming a happy little toon

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((Lets see if I can play as Shigure good enoughalso do we have someone playing as Hatori yet?))

Shigure woke up and rubbed his eyes trying to get a clear sense before getting out of bed and getting dressed before heading downstairs and seeing Momiji.

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"Oh ok I guess I'll see sissy when when we both get the chance, but I'll be happy to stay with you guys for a little while" Kisa said with a cute smile on her face giggling at the two fighting. "I wonder what Hero is doing, he said that he will be busy today, I think he might have homework" Kisa said to herself.

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