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Your Nightly Spectre

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Sunset nodded and smiled at the mare lighting up his horn he disappeared in a small cloud of magic, just to appear on the walls with a longsword deep inside a guards throat, still looking at Fe'are and gesturing for her to get over here.


As that happened more and more guards were dropping dead on the wall as more unicorns were teleporting in, all wearing gas mask and cloaks.  More grappling hooks appeared on the walls as an earth pony and two pegasi were also climbing over. 


On the ground a battle also broke loose as the Lunar's charged the gate. The Alarm being louder then ever. 


[so, on the walls and rooftops are two squads, and one on the ground. Each squad consists of 5 ponies, exempt for the one where Fe'are and Sunset are. The squad on the rooftop consists of 3 unicorns 1 pegasus and 1 earth pony. And the squad on the ground of 1 unicorn, 2 earth ponies and 2 pegasi.] 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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As Sunset teleported to the wall, Fe'are began to spin the anchor on the rope, as it picked up speed it made a whirring sound. She let it fly, the metal hooks hit the battlements of the wall with a resounding clink, and then she, pulling out a metal handbar, used it to grapple along the length of the rope. She pulled herself up when she reached the wall battlements, just as a guard pony swung a sword towards her. She ducked it just in time, kicking the guard’s legs from under him. The guard hit the ground with a loud clanging of metal, before he could get up Fe'are unsheathed her hoof blades, stabbing him in between his plated armour, it connected with the flesh underneath. When she pulled it out the steel blades dripped with blood. She raced to Sunsets side, blades glistening in the sunlight. Two guard ponies with sharp spears approached them, their faces angry.




The courtyard erupted into chaos, ponies in gas masks, and black clothing begun attacking guards and ponies alike. Several stalls were overturned, and Trident watched as an old, hunched over mare was thrown into them. They crashed down onto her frail body, and she disappeared from sight. Trident drew the sword at his side, as did Bingo at his side. They both charged into the fray, Trident was met with a swinging of a Syndicate earth pony’s sword, but countered it with his own. The two swords clashed together violently the vibrations shimmering through his body. The Syndicate pony swung again, this time Trident ducked it swiftly, and countered with a low jab to the ponies chest. The pony fell down to the ground on his two front legs, choking. Trident tore out the blade, turning around for anymore hostiles. Bingo was facing off two Pegasi. When he came close to hitting one, they’d quickly fly to safety, and his blade sliced through thin air. The alcohol was still strong in his system and he stumbled as he went for each strike. As Trident started towards Bingo in an attempt to aid him, one of the Pegasi finally manavoured around Bingo, and with a heavy push of his sword it pierced through Bingos back, and followed through breaking out from his neck. The Pegasi ripped out his sword brutally, and Bingos mutilated corpse hit the ground with a thump. A  few remaining guards ponies entering the courtyard from the barracks watched the spectacle with horror, and then with rage at the execution of their officer charged. Bingo had not been respected, but he had been well liked. As the three guards charged, the Pegasi as if on cue, both took to the air. The guards ponies turned around to meet the flying ponies, but they took them from the air. The two pegasi stabbed their swords through the helmets of the two leading guards, and they fell to the ground instantly, leaving the last guard dead in his tracks. The guard took flight, escaping back to the safety of the barracks building. The gas masked pegasi landed, now turning their attention to Trident. Trident stood his ground, he wouldn't go down with a fight. 

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Lume continued to follow - from a safe distance - the two Syndicate ponies, as they seemed to approach the dead end of a rooftop, near the security gates leading to a guarded district. Several Guards stood their ground, securing the isolated, safe area of the town. One of the ponies took out a large rope from its backpack and swung it to the other side, while the other one simply teleported near the gates and mercilessly stabbed one of the City Guard. Perplexed, Lume moved closer to see what was going on.


Upon taking a few steps forward, Lume halted once again. She watched in awe as a large cloud of smoke revealed a much bigger group of Lunar Syndicates getting into the fray, as the city alarms went crazy. While some of the Syndicates heavily charged the gate, the others tried to hold back the City Guards. It all happened so fast, the orange mare didn't know what to do. Searching through her backpack, she reached for a small radio device.


"Pinpoint, you there?" She spoke into the radio. "Yes, what is it?" A rough voice steadily responded from the other end. "I'm at the security gates, near the Market Place... I think the Lunar Syndicates are trying to take down the walls. They're slaughtering the City Guards." She continued in a somewhat shaky voice. There was a few seconds of silence after that. "Stay calm, Greenpark. Wait for them to settle down and find out what they're up to. If the worst happens, you know what to do." Lume closed her eyes and tightened the grip onto the communication device. She knew exactly what the voice was talking about. "...Roger that." She concluded and hid the radio back inside her bag.


Silently, Lume continued to observe the gory fight between the Guards and the Syndicates that went on. As more and more ponies were assassinated and the battleground decreased in size, she kept getting closer and closer the walls until she reached the very end of the rooftop. At that point, she didn't even noticed that she wasn't hidden anymore.

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Sunset felt satisfied with himself after killing the guard pony, after all his father was taken away and murdered by the Guard in Saddle Arabia. Even if the crime happened so far away the people responsible for it were in this city, and even worse... they owned it. 

But this is where the Lunar Syndicate came in. Here he found allies with similar goals to his, and they were on the track of accomplishing these goals. 


The stallion pulled the longsword out of the guard ponies throat, pushing the body off the wall. A feeling of un-safety crept up on him but quickly lifted as he was joined by Fe'are. But sadly he was also joined by two spear wielding folks, a great weapon for tight quarters like these. But before anyone managed to deal the first strike a Syndicate assassin unicorn teleported between the enemy, kicking the pony closes to the edge off and planting a huge crystal spike in the others body just to have him join his dead friend in the battlefield below.


He quickly spoke out to both. "I need you two to open the western gate, " He pointed at a heavily fortified part of the wall on the opposite side of where the two are standing" that will make things easier for a 2nd squad on the ground to join the fight down there, one squad is clearly not enough. I suggest you go on th- " He paused as a flintlock pistol shot muzzled his ear. Having him kneel down partly from pain and partly trying to keep away from any more fire. 


Sunset Sands looked over at Fe'are. "I suggest you sneak inside while I keep the guards attention away. " 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Mister Re


Mister Re over thought his infiltration, he scrapped over 30 plans within 5 minutes. Each failed conception was frustrating, aggravating and irritating. There was no way to teleport inside or either create a distraction. The guards followed an almost impenetrable rotation with little blind spots. No silent way in.


"Dammit! I can't do this. You can go. I might just die trying." Mister Re took another drink of scotch.


The red maned mare empathized. This world wasn't meant to be lived in, it was meant to survive in. The colt she saw was irrational, trying to blame the leader of some syndicate when it was his fault that she died. Even worse, maybe he didn't care that his wife did. What was he thinking anyway? She wondered. Red dew had experience with crazy but none like this. The cravers weren't as bad as him because they weren't logical and were predictable; he wasn't. Strange complexion he had. Unlawful revenge or lawful? Red Dew was beginning to question her own moral standings, it was an obscure process.


"I have one way that you and I can get in but the catch is your gonna have to get stabbed."


"Tell me how that is gonna work and I'll do it." He didn't hesitate.


"We can't teleport directly inside because i don't have the vantage point from the positions that we've been allotted. I can if your blood is somewhere in a large enough volume inside I could use that to get inside.Where so the battle start so we can. Also, pay me extra." They both came out of the tent and back into the black market.


"Town square's being attacked. All remaining guard members to battle now." The shout echoed through the tunnels.


"Guess we found our opening." Red Dew teleported, grabbing Mister Re with him. "To merriment and battle we go! Wee!"



Mister Re understood the chaos. Alarms, the sound of blood rung in his ear, it was a call to action, to murder, to war, to glory. No glory without the guts to show one another. Blood is shed as swords clash like the clang of percussion but the applause were replaced by screams and the encore was another fight. Re could see merchants, guards and customers rushing seemingly nowhere. The runners leaped out of existence after they escaped the corner of his eye.


"Looks like there on ponies on the walls..." Mister Re observed that, two guards being murdered into the 'safe area' of the gate. "Red dew could you get me one of those uniforms, the ones with the gas mask."


"Sure thing boss." She was gone for a moment or two, came back with cloak and gas mask. "Here you go." she teleported back to outside to fight.


"Time to infiltrate." Mister Re ran into one of the wall's guard towers, with his glass bottles attached to an ignition rope, which if pulled would break the glass and release hydrochloric acid.


At the top he was met with two guards with charged horns running toward him. They shot at him and he quickly receded into cover and prepared to throw. 1... 2... 3... Mister Re threw an acid jar into the face of one of his attacker. The horror shocked the other into a freeze that ending in a second, about the same time a glass jar kissed his now melted face.


"The story is... I was separated from my squad. I came to help. " Mister Re's jars clanked as he ran, avoiding the bullet storm. He had six jars, five were patronized. The last one was incremental, it contained a pint of blood, his own. He was pinned for a few moments in one of tower."I'm going to give them the Trojan blood and pretend to die. Say it's the cure. To tell em to trust me, I know the lord commander and my father knows his secret. Perfect plan?"


Secret was a vague thing, every pony has one. Mister Re knew, just 'knowing' a secret would earn trust or distrust. Hopefully, the jar would find within itself in the command center. Hope,a funny thing that is. He thought as the bullets and magical projectiles whizzed by. "Hope. There such a thing?"


{I'm catching up to Sunset and Fe'are}




She walked in a discretionary calm as she journeyed though the district barriers toward the junkyard. Age and decrepency only worsened as she her travel beyonded the average streets and so forth. The walls and connected buildings were begining to show signs of scuffle and unnatural destruction. Graffiti littered the walls with propaganda underneath. 'Celestia is dead', 'All is lost', 'Their fault, their fault' were the most memorable of them. Humbug laughed at this, on contrast she was scared to admit that they actually creeped her out. The smeared texts were everywhere, repeated and horrid like she was in the mind of psychopath. Alone, she was. Alone, she never wanted to be.


"Hummmmm, mmm-mmmum hmmm, nnnm,nmmm hmmm..."


Humbug calmed her frustration as she hummed. The closed-mouth melody she began was a simple whisping sound at first then proceeded to grow in volume. The green mare carried her own mind to peace, all the while attracting wandering infectees from inside buildings, abandoned alleys and wrecked residences. They heard the resonating peace in the form of a walking earthquake and followed. They wanted better, better than the nothing world where they wait to die. They wanted to feel the sound. Walking on, with sights on the lock, Humbug didn't even look back at the masses that gathered. Her ears were cloaked from the sounds of gurgling, moaning, pain.



Reality fades when she hums, that was her biggest problem. The moment she come out of the trance, she's usually in trouble. Like now.


"Crap sticks." Humbug found herself in crowd of infected, closing in. "Not again."


"hm... hm... hm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm." She stopped her harmonics and began humming awry: cacophonies increased, tempos changed irregularly, notes began sour and ended as so. The crowd began to thin out around her, forming a respectable proximity. Humbug sighed in relief.


"SHUT UP, SHUT UP! I'm going to kill you! I'm gonna kill you now! Die!" A Craver jumped from a window. Her noises provoked the immoral soul into a fit of rage.drew nea The masked pony traversed the crowd by killing each and every one.


"Not good." She didn't stopped her hum to prevent her from being infected. It was saving her and going to kill her at the same time. The killer drew nearer as a.shark would with prey. A hook apeared from within the garbage piles and waved salvation.


"She took the hook. Pull back!"

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Just like a spectator witnessing the massacre of a gladiatorial contest, Lume remained motionless on top of the building watching the seemingly endless confrontation between the City Guards and the Lunar Syndicate. From both sides, reinforcements arrived each second, contributing to a real clutter of blades clanging and explosions.


"Celestia above..." The orange mare silently recited to herself in utter astonishment. Even though the members of the Dead-Watch gang were notorious for their acts of thievery and assassinations, Lume was frozen in that situation. She didn't know what to do: would she help the Guards, the Syndicates, or neither? Would she just let them lay waste on each other and contribute to the malaise of the community? In the worst case scenario to both options, she could end up dead as well.


Eventually, Lume grew tired of doing nothing. She turned back and reached for her radio once again.


"I'm going down there." She warned steadily into the radio. A few seconds of silence took over after that. "...Pinpoint? Do you copy?" She called once again. "...Yes, yes! Uhh, sorry about that, Greenpark. Our humming comrade got in trouble once again, but she's fine now." The voice at last responded. Lume brought a hoof to her forehead and sighed, annoyed, for she knew exactly who the humming comrade was. Lume then began walking away. "Anyway, Pinpoint, I've got a plan. I'm going down there through the--" The mare was abruptly interrupted when one of the rooftop planks underneath shattered, sending Lume downwards and inside the building.


The orange mare crashed on top of a table, breaking it. Feeling a considerable amount of pain due to the fall, she slowly got back up onto her hooves and started looking around, afraid that the noise she'd made had attracted the infected. The room she fell into was very dark, but Lume could barely see a staircase leading to the bottom floor.


"Greenpark, what happened?" The voice from the radio asked, firmly as always, yet somewhat concerned. "I'm okay..." Lume responded, still a little dizzy. "Sorry, gotta go now. Have to be quiet." She turned off the radio device, putting it away, and carefully proceeded through the abandoned, dark building, trying to find her way to the streets outside.

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"Humbug, you can't just risk yourself like that..." Pinpoint scolded Humbug, who obviously wasn't listening.


"Yes, yes. Blah, blah." Humbug rolled her eyes and started walking away. "But thank you, any how."


Humbug shuffled her purple mane and made her way to her own home. Inside the Junkyard was a shanty town. The piles of trash were cleaned and recycled to make a small fortified town within Canterlot. The compound acted like a gated community, it had a good, almost impenetrable defense. Only major problems were getting clean water inside, with that fire was also a problem. She thought about what Pinpoint said.


"Sometimes I don't know my limits..." She sighed. "...That's why I practice."


{Edited Version}


"Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm, hmm, A pirate's life for me. Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm, hmm. A pirate's life for me."


Humbug sat in the center of her circular abode, a half sphere with little to no furniture. Only two things were allowed here: a bed and a mirror. The mirror to seek identity and a bed to seek dreams. She was a trusting pony, mainly upon herself. Trusting any one else was a mistake to her. Among a den of thieves, it was understandable. Much to her dismay, she couldn't escape. They needed her as much as she needed them. The Dead Watch gang wouldn't be the same without her. She was the gate keeper of the infected. She was the alarm of dead watch. She was the sound of their fury. The mare keeps morality high within this fragile society. Where one tipping block could end in bloodshed. It was careful work, Humbug never repeated the same hum for a extended period of time or otherwise someone would notice. Humbug, the peace keeper.


"Hm, hm, Hm, hm, Hm, hmmmmm, Hm. Hm. Hm." She moved the bed to the center and hummed to the ceiling. Echoes went and came.


"hm hm hm hm hmmm hmm hm hmmm hmmmmm." She went outside and climbed her dome home. "Wonder what Lume's doing?"

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Fe'are returned the shot of the flintlock, with a shot of her hoofblades, biting hard on a metal lever it caused the three blades to eject from their sockets. They flew with impressive velocity, embedding themselves in the guardponies neck. He let out a sickening gurgle, and toppled to the ground. "I'm going, I'm going," Fe'are shouted over the chaos of the battle. 

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Mister Re felt the sadness. Through the shallow pools of red that came from mare and colt alike, the eyes that stared forever more that closed with the wave of his hoof and the hate still active that reined through the living bodies as the battle raged on, he felt it. It reached something inside, within the within, and took something out. Darkness, the pure soul of evil, was seen now behind his mind. There, There. As if being seen was its weakness, it crept back inside once more. Fear is a weapon of self-slaughter. I fear self-slaughter. What do I fear then? Myself.


The slash of a sword took Mister Re by surprise. The blade contacted two of the jars, one of blood, one of acid and broke both. Re took this opportunity to play dead, as the sword melted before it contacted actual flesh or the plastic over it. He was in the position laying down, lying on one of his hooves to make sure his uncovered face didn't touch the boiling red he lay upon now. The solution dissolved some parts of his cape.


"Another of these bastards down." One said.


"There goes another one coming toward the west wing." The other said.


Mister Re had his eyes closed but could imagine two guards with golden armor and arms at the teeth. Both them looked experienced, too experienced  for him to suprise attack. One 'Boo!' to these guys would end with sharp metal point to the neck. They the feigned pony left to dispatch the other syndicate that was running toward them. Re waited for a minute, two, three and got up.


"Ch-change of plans. I guess I have to join them."




Mister Re saw a mare the other side after passing another guard tower. They were going opposite directions. She was glowy yellow, like a sun on earth. She carried hoof blades for battle. 


"Help." Mister Re controlled his collapse, laying onto his hooves.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Sunset ran on the wall, hoping to be followed by Fe'are. He felt that his back was safe and the only things he had to fear was the problems ahead and below him. Once in a while he heard and saw shows flying towards him and either not getting to him and hitting the wall or just going past him. 


Slowly he was reaching the post on the wall where the gate controls were. Before now he didn't have a problem with guards since his friends from before did a relatively good job clearing them out. But now two guards came out to confront him, a pegasus and a unicorn. 


His first move was casting a spell on the unicorn to disorient him from his charge and the next thing he did was ram him with his body and get behind him. Seeing the entrance to the heavily guarded outpost not too far away form him he quickly took out a shrapnel grenade from behind his cloak and tossed it inside, as soon as it was heard hitting the ground more sounds went out of the building as sudden screams filled the air. One heavily wounded guard crawled outside, metal nails and bolts stuck all over his body. 


Suddenly Sunset Sands snapped out of observing all the destruction and quickly rolled on his back, just to see a levitating spear going for his body. Rolling to the side he avoided the blade by hardly a centimeter. teleporting up he pulled out his sword and begun a fierce battle with the unicorn. A thing that caught his eye was that he was fighting a mare, which rather surprised him because in Saddle Arabia mares were not allowed into any sort of official military groups other then nurses.

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@MisterRe and @ 

(OOC: Let me know if anything is wrong with this post, also keep in mind Trident is a non-essential character, and can be killed off at any time.)


The Syndicate Pegasi made the first move, one flapped his wings, taking flight and swinging to Tridents right flank, the other flying to the left. There was no way Trident could fight them both at the same time, but then the Pegasus on the right was hit by a javelin, he died instantly and his body fell, pinned to the ground by the large javelin. Trident didn't have anytime to see who'd thrown it when the Pegasus on his left was on him. He blocked its first swing with a clash of his sword. The sound of metal on metal rung through his skull. Trident followed the block with a jump, tackling the Pegasus out of mid air, taking him by surprise and sending them both crashing down to the ground. There was a sickening crunch as the combined weight of Trident, and his City Guard armour proved too much for the Syndicates bones to handle. As Trident pulled himself up, sword at the ready, the Syndicate pegasus was already dead, his body contorted from the numerous bones that had been broken. Trident swallowed the repulsion that was about to manifest itself physically from his throat, and turned to face the chaos once again. 

The marketplace was completely destroyed, almost all the stands had been toppled over now. Many of the patrons, and stall ponies were face down in the dirt, or had managed to flee. There were City Guard bodies scattered around the rubble, and a few Syndicate ones. There was still a few skirmishes, but the City Guard seemed to be gaining control of the marketplace once again. He looked up to the walls, and saw another skirmish happening up there, two ponies were cutting across the walls, heading for the control room of one of the gates. The Syndicate must've had more reinforcements waiting outside! He knew they couldn't afford more hostiles gaining entry, so he started to race up a nearby staircase, taking them two at a time. He needed to stop those two ponies, and fast. Three other City Guardsponies must've realised what he was trying to do, because they fell in behind him, and all four of them reached the top of the wall, puffing and looking around desperately for the two syndicate ponies making their way to the control room. The female one had broken off, and was making her way to the main gate control room, leaving the stallion to keep the rest of their forces distracted. The wall shook as a grenade went off, and Trident had to grab the side of the battlements to steady himself. Some weakened sections of the wall broke off, and Trident heard them crash on the streets below, there were a few screams as the rubble squashed a group of awaiting Syndicate soldiers. 

"You two, get that stallion!" Said Trident taking command in the heat of the moment "You," he said gesturing to the remaining one, who had a bleeding cut on his front leg. "On me, we will get the mare." 

They all begun galloping towards their targets, this was it, if they failed, all was lost. They were all that stood between Victory or Defeat for the City Guard. Trident felt the responsibility weighting down on him like a ton of bricks. He could do this, he would kill that mare, they'd parade her around the fortress, and the Syndicate soldiers waiting outside would flee. He'd save them all, he knew he would. This is what he thought as he and the bleeding guardspony at his side ran towards where Fe'are was fiddling with levers in the control room, and the other two guardsponies raced towards Sunset unbeknownst to more City Guards charging him from behind. 

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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The masked stallion fiercely fought the two guardponies, them having the weapon and number advantage. Overall Sunset could see that things were not going to well for him, and just when he thought things were bad then things got worse, he heard two more guardponies charging from behind him.


The first thing that came up to his mind was a teleportation spell. And it takes concentration and a short amount of time. That short amount of time would mean a spear down his throat before he could do anything. 


Then another idea came, jumping off the wall. But he knew that wouldn't work. And besides he is a distraction, if he leaves then the rest of the guards will go after Fe'are. And teleporting back up just wouldn't work while in flight.


Last thought that went threw his mind was to simply duck and have the guards charge into each other, but the guards are not that stupid.


Before he could think of a good plan the reality caught up to him. The guards were almost there, and he was surrounded. Here came the last resort. 


Pulling out another grenade and showing it for all the guards to see. 


"Stand down or I WILL use this. " 


The guards simply laughed and took a few steps back to possibly avoid the blast radius. 


Sunset was stuck again, he couldn't do anything. But since the grenade was already in his hand he might as well tried and throw it. And so he did. The unsecured grenade flew at one of the guard ponies who swiftly deflected it with his hoof, making it fall of the wall. 


"Nice last resort you masked scum... get him!" One of the guards shouted to his comrades.


They all charged at once, and Sunset felt as if he was staring Death in its very eyes. He had no means of escape and he was heavily outnumbered. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Innocence had left her body as an explosive shattered her bones and sheared clean both skin and flesh off bone. She was now simply gore and a rag doll. Her limbs strewn apart like if it was fabric, un-knotting a compilation of ligaments and joints. Each remnants of her body streamed down the outward side of the wall along with Mister Re's face. The head, separate from the body and empty of meat, plopped against a part of the wall that didn't collapse. As the debris slid down, it created death domino effect More death... Re put the mask tucked from behind him and beneath his cloak.

"I can't let my morality get in the way anymore. I have to do this.Though I'd never had to do this again." He said while taking cover.


The bloodied white colt took out a roadside flare and the biggest jar in his holster. The whole thing was made of plastic, stagnant to acid but venerable to heat. He uncapped it and lit the flare and burned holes into the plastic circle. Then he put the cap back on and stuck the burning end of the flare outfacing the jar, its base covered in extra plastic to avoid the base being dissolved. Lasty, everything had to be covered with a burlap sack with opening tied at the bottom of the jar.  Now, it was done. A makeshift chemical weapon. All he had to do was swing the acid from the tied open of the sack and throw. From there the solution would boil almost boil at a rapid rate, creating a plume of death in the area of. There were two draw backs First, wind could blow the smoke back, which would kill the user. Second, Pre-mature detonation, Which would also kill the user.



{Edited Version}


Mister Re sprinted over the trench that the explosion created, trying his last ditch effort upon finding a trusting syndicate member on the wall. His hooves weighed like win and moved just as fast. It was burst of speed that he never thought possible. The part that he entered lacked in guards, maybe because they concentrated the guards in a certain area. And the area was coming up.


"Looks like some one is in trouble." Mister Re got his last two munitions left: the gas bomb and the single acid jar. He threw the regular one in an angle that its splash would hit the back hind leg of the two. The second ones were spared as he sprinted forward past the debilitated guards and threw them at the second group surrounding Sunset. The poisonous gas steamed from the burlap sack and encompassed every uncovered part of their armor. It got into their lungs, liquidizing it partially. Soon, from screams to gurgles, they were nothing but dead.


"Why, hello soldier?"

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Just as he thought his life was to an end thousands of memories passed his head, some happy, some sad, most reminding him of why this fate had reached him, and some why he even bothered in the first place. Sunset expected spears penetrating his body any half a second down, yet nothing came. Was this his death? He didn't know, what if he already died and this calmness is wherever you go after death? What if time stopped for him? 


Suddenly his consciousness came back to him as a masked pony spoke. Sunset snapped out of his trans and spinned a quick 360 degrees inspecting his surroundings. Screaming, wounded guards, and his savior, a fellow Syndicate pony. 


Looking at his savior he just felt like hugging him or her for some reason. His emotions were hidden by his gas mask, which he was somewhat happy of. 


"I owe you my thanks, and my life. " He spoke giving the stranger a slight bow. "I hope I may someday repay this debt, but for now I have a job to finish. " He turned to the outpost on the wall, trying to find Fe'are, finding her and also two guards following her. The next thing that caught his eye was two more guard ponies rushing at him, both female pegasi, possibly twins but not identical ones. 


Drawing his blade once more he prepared for any sort of combat to follow, he felt a bit bad about killing mares, it just seemed wrong to him. But this was his duty now, and they were on the wrong team. 


The charge felt strong, but Sunset quickly found a weak spot that he was planning to use. 


Two guard mares charged and lunged their spears strongly forward, but Sunset expected it and slid below then cutting ones legs with his sword and bringing her to the ground and at once breaking her armored friends wing. 

Next thing he did was stood steadily and bucked the mare with his rear hooves as hard as he could, forcing her to fall off the wall and unto a wooden stall below, impaling her upon a sharp piece of wood. The other mare just looked at him with fear in her teary eyes filled with pain and silently begging to be spared. 


Sunset had his longsword aimed at her throat, eyeing her badly cut hooves. It felt painful having to deal the strike at first and looking at it was even worse. For once in a long time he started feeling remorse for his enemy.

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Re brought his hoof down on the two of the guards that he had managed to injure and not kill. Both strikes were non-lethal, ending their painful consciousness'. You'll both live anyway. Might as well sleep He thought as left the two.  It seemed a fit fate for them. They were willing to give their lives for what they believed in. Re admired for such honor. Second chance, a lot of ponies deserve it here and now, especially in times of war.


"I'm coming wi..." He didn't notice the scuffle happening behind him but was well aware that it was almost over. A blade gleamed as his sword swung back for the final blow. Then it happened.


"I'm coming with you." Re recomposed himself after the murder. "Where's the rest of your squad?"


The cloud of acidic juice dissipated, making the path clear again but  its tread muddy with liquid pony and soft bone. They had to move soon or more of them would come Re was out of weaponry that he designed on his own. It came time for a real weapon. Mister Re picked up two swords and holstered them. The battle rages on.

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Sunset held the longsword the ponies throat, taking one more glimpse at her he was just overcome with the pity. 


Sparing the mares life and lowering his blade he turned to his masked companion. 


"I was to serve as a distraction, but it looks to me that we killed 9/10th of the guards already. Fe'are might need our help, she if followed by two guards and is to open the gate. If we continue down the wall we might meet up at the outpost. " He looked around to try and find his team mate again, which didn't take much time. "Most of my squad died in some infected attack on our main base, me and Fe'are are the last two, more are to be assigned once this is done. " 


As he finished talking he started running to the gate control outpost, which was no longer really guarded, all he expected to encounter was a gate operator and maybe one or two guards. He gestured for the other Syndicate soldier to come along.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Re ran toward Sunset sands.


"That was some scuffle. I didn't realized that any ground units survived. The horror of it all. I didn't get to go down there and kick flank like I do." Re's voice tried and failed to sound gruff, his imitation was inconsistent ranging from the most high pitched of voices to the lowest. "I wonder who did it in the first place. I heard that the real pony behind this stole some of our medical supplies as well as some documents."


Re pulled out a sword and inspected its tip. "The end of this sword would someday meet with the neck of that vile scum. So anyway... what happened to the mare that lead the charge?"

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Sunset continued running.


"The Lord Commander ordered her hung by her own gut on the borders of our base for the pony behind everything to see his doing. Not sure what else beyond that. " 


The stallion picked up a random flintlock pistol from a dead guard along the way.  


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Sunset continued running.


"The Lord Commander ordered her hung by her own gut on the borders of our base for the pony behind everything to see his doing. Not sure what else beyond that. "


The stallion picked up a random flintlock pistol from a dead guard along the way.

Re continued to follow. "Ew... I can't believe. I just can't believe that..." He tried to hide his disgust and concern for his wife. The tears streamlined down his face. Good thing he was wearing a gas mask.


"I'm Re by the way." Sadness began to well up inside his stomach. Mister Re felt a moment of weaknessas he stumbled.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Well, it is gross, can't say I agree with the method all the way, but I trust the Lord Commander in his decisions. Anyway, I almost died myself in that attack. But I can't say it didn't leave scars, or should I say... burns. " 


Sunset stopped and took a look at the guards sneaking up after Fe'are. Taking aim with his pistol he shot, the bullet nuzzling one of the guards, but not in any way enough to kill him or severely wound him. But surely alerting Fe'are of the guards on her back.


"Damn inaccurate piece of metal."


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Well, No guts no glory."


Mister Re took his time to ready his weapon as they slowly approached. They were more experienced, veteran guards. They did not charge like the rest of them. This was going to be difficult, being that he wasn't a real fighter. He preferred outsmarting his enemies than hoof-to-hoof combat. 


"Looks like we got company. Never rely on a gun to do a stallion's work."


Re took off his mask and put his second sword in his teeth and proceeded into battle.

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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@@MisterRe, and @Lume WMj 

OOC: Sorry this took so long to write guys, was just not in the zone, and didn't want to make a half-done post. So here it is, the deciding fate of Fe'are, and Trident. 


Fe'are left the control panel, and begun heaving at a winch in the centre of the room. As she did so she heard the distinctive crunch of gears, and a rattling of metal as chains pulled at the metal gate below. The floor reverberated as she pushed all her weight against the winch, pulling the gate up. She looked up as there was an explosion from a flintlock musket, from behind her. A guard pony stood in the doorway, apparently trying to sneak up on her. He looked surprised, as the bullet ricochet off the side of his armour, and implanting itself into the control panel. Realising he'd been spotted he charged at Fe’are, she doged his initial swing of his sword, having to release the winch as she side stepped him. There was a resounding boom as the gate fell back to the ground, and the entire control room shook. Hails of dust, and splinters of wood dropping from the ceiling. The sword swung harmlessly past her, and hit the winch she'd just released. It created a painful ring as metal hit metal. The charge of the first guard, was then followed by another guard. This guard, swung his sword at her just as she had dodged the first charge. Still recovering, she was unable to react in time. The sword sliced her just above her front right leg, luckily only grazing her. As the guard pulled back her sword for another strike, Fe'are dashed forwards, he swung again, but she ducked. Her hoofblades embed themselves deep into the guards neck, and he coughed sickly, before falling to the ground gasping for breath. She pulled out the hoofblades, which created a soft squelch as it left the pony’s flesh, then turned to face the remaining guard.



He’d missed the mare with his first swing, hitting the winch with a horrible clash. As he spun around ready to counter a move, he thought was coming he instead saw the mare stabbing his comrade with sharp, metal hoof blades. He stood helplessly, as his comrade fell to the ground choking in his own blood. The mare spun around, her face contorted with blood lust. Trident gripped his sword harder, and narrowed his eyes. It was either her or him, and it surely wasn’t going to be him. They both charged, and met in the middle with a clash of her hoof blades, and his sword. She held both her hoof blades up, crossed over each other, and holding back his swords blade, which he tried to push down upon her. But it was to no avail, they were locked in stalemate, every inch that he gained against her crossed over hoof blades, was then lost again as she pushed back. He groaned, his teeth clenching trying to gather the strength to ultimately bring the sword down upon the mare. All his focus was locked on the edge of his sword, and he felt a sense of victory, as he began to finally gain proper ground. Inch by inch he advanced closer to the mare’s head. Her hoofblades unable to hold him back, her strength wavering. He’d won this, Trident already felt the triumph of his victory. Then the mare let go. Her hoofblades no longer held his sword and he fell forwards with the unrestrained force. The mare took the opportunity, side stepping, and stabbing him in his right flank. He gasped, as he hit the floor. His sword clattered out across the ground, out of hoofs reach. As blood from his wound leaked out onto the control room floor, he continued to gasp. The hoofblades having pierced one of his lungs. He made a pathetic crawl for his sword, but the mare put her weight onto him as she placed a sturdy hoof on his back. He swivelled his head around to see the face of his conquerer, at the same moment she delivered the final blow. He was already dead before his head hit the ground. 

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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~This city is dying. If I didn't know better, I'd feel sorry for these ponies. But I've learned that the only thing that we all have in common...

Is that we all have skeletons in our closets.~


One of the unwritten tenets of the late Thieves' Guild was that you never quit the job. And, as a matter of fact, this belief holds a grain of truth. Roac had once known an assassin, who once said, "As long as there are two ponies left alive in the world, one of them is gonna want the other guy dead."


And that was true for a thief, or at least Roac thinks so. It was simple equine nature-- no matter what happens, a pony will always want what he can't have, especially if someone else else has exactly that.

And that's where he came in.


Roac managed to snap himself out of his brooding just before he fell off the rooftops that he used to get around. ~Gotta be careful. If I fall, that's it. Game over.~


Regaining his speed, the wingless griffon leaped across the alley, and on to the next building. His pupils shrunk and his eyes widened with horror as he felt the roof give way, sending him falling down into the townhouse. He managed to catch a part of the wall, slowing his fall to the point where he hit the ground unharmed.


But he wasn't silent.


As he struggled to regain his bearings, he heard a voice coming from a nearby hallway.


"I hear something. I'm going to go check."


Roac swooped behind an overturned table. As he peeked out from behind, he saw a stallion. He was covered in blood from several open bug bites, and his glassy, unfocused eyes stared off into space with a hopeful expression.

"Hello? Is somepony there?.. Please, can you help us? I have a wife and a daughter... If you have a cure, or something that we can actually eat, it would mean the world to us..."


Roac came out from behind the table. This stallion was sick, and blind, from the looks of it. No medicine could cure his condition.

It was for this very reason that Roac started wearing longer sleeves, other than the fact that winter was approaching quickly. The wingless griffon pulled a burlap cowl over his beak, and then grabbed and drew his bow.


And then he let the arrow fly.


Walking out of the townhouse with 3 less arrows, he thanked his lucky stars that he hadn't gotten infected. He wasn't quite sure if griffons were susceptible, but he didn't want to find out


He didn't feel remorse for what he did. In his eyes, it was a necessary end to unnecessary pain. For those ponies, the night Roac Dustfeather fell through their roof was the most important night of their lives.


For him, it was simply Saturday.


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[Mister Re, the guards I shot were far away, they were after Fe'are not us. But lets say those are some other leftover guards[last ones on the wall].


Sunset Sands prepared but before he even got in defensive stance one of the guards got shot with an ice arrow that buried itself deep in his body, soon followed by the other guard, both fell to the ground deadly wounded but not yet dead, no longer a threat.. 


Turning his head to the rooftops, the direction from where the arrows came he noticed a hooded archer, but before he could get a good glimpse the pony was gone, jumping down and expanding his/hers wings and gliding down to the street. 


Not thinking about it a second time Sunset continued going towards the control outpost, entering it he froze. 

In front of him in a doorway to the main control room stood the gate operator, a pistol aimed at the unwary Fe'are. The masked stallion burst running at him, The Operator noticed and went back to aiming, clicking the trigger and firing at the mare, quickly turning himself back towards the charging pony he took out a sword.


Sunset had his blade drawn, as soon as he reached his target he slashed, two blades loudly meeting, locking them together. The next thing Sunset did was cheat his way out of this one by simply pulling out his own pistol and shooting the pony in his chest, and him being armor-less helped. The stallion stayed quiet before he started choking on his own blood and falling limp, Sunset tossed him to the side and sheathing his pistol.


He turned back to Fe'are. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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As Roac made his way back home, to his Clocktower (which had stopped working, and is rumored by many to be haunted), he saw a large fight brewing. It seems that the Watch had a situation on its hooves.


He recognized the attacking uniforms as the Lunar Syndicate-- he was not for or against their cause, but the master thief saw an opportunity when he saw one. He climbed into what looked like a control room with two other soldiers already inside, nailing an approaching guard in the eye as he drew his pistol.


"That was close."


((And, because I haven't fully described him;))


Suddenly, a wingless griffon (my avatar) appears in the doorway, aiming a bow towards the other entrance. He's wearing a black, hooded leather outfit, which covers most of his body. He also has an eye patch covering his right eye, and a short cape.

As the griffon shoots, you see that his target was a guard, who was about to ventilate Sunset's skull with a musket round. He turns to the two of you, speaking with a deep, cynical voice.


"That was close."


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