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My vivid dream last night (The best dream ever)

Harmonic Revelations


(The dream enclosed in this is not a prophecy, I don't think this will or can ever happen)



Last night, I had what I can only say is the best dream ever, and it was really vivid, so I'm going go try to describe it. It was a very epic dream (In that it felt long and had a lot of events). I've heard that these can be once in a life time dreams and it was really vivid and weird and a few of you members were in it. So yeah, I just thought i'd post a blog about it, especially since I don't usually remember my dreams so well.


Below the line there are the events that transpired in the dream. It should be noted that in my dream, everyone referred to themselves by their usernames. I assume this is because I do not know what some of your real names are. For some reason everyone had a floating nametag with "L" and a number I can only assume was their level next to it.



I was in my bed and I sat up. Floating above me was the disembodied head of Gandalf. He spoke to me, and said


"In order to save MLP Forums, you must collect the shards of the internet stone."


And then I was all like "Okay".


So I ran outside to save you all and that's when I saw a Pelican parked in my garage which I was sure was not there before. (Here's a picture of a Pelican from Halo, in case you don't know what one looks like)



So I climbed into the pilot seat and took off. I continued flying and eventually I saw a large glowing light and I assumed one of the pieces must be there. I then landed, and got out. For some reason, Marco ~ Ace Attorney was there and he had a sword. He told me,


"Harmonic, you're an asshole, but you're going to need this." and he handed me the sword. And then I ran inside the building and fought a giant raptor. And then I ended up defeating it, wherein beams of light shot out of it and it exploded. Then a shard of gem came out and I picked it up. Suddenly several users appeared around me, and said that they had been freed.


I then went back to the Pelican and saw that it had been stolen by Marco so I instead rode a black bicycle with neon blue stripes with a mounted machine gun. I drove around fighting jackals.




Then I finally reached my destination, another glowing beacon. Outside was Key Gear who told me some very useful and cryptic advice, namely "In order to kill the giant squid, shoot it in the eye" before Key Gear then handed me a harpoon. I walked inside and saw a giant squid, pondering for a few moments, I decided to shoot it in the eye with the harpoon, whereupon a shard flew out of it and it died. I grabbed the shard and combined it with the other shard and then some more users appeared.


I then ran outside and saw that it was raining, but what was more troubling, helicopters with the letters "P.E.T.A." on them were now firing at me. I then saw Marco had come back with the Pelican he stole and decided to fight the helicopters by shooting at them. Once he had defeated them, he gave me my pelican back. I got inside and flew again, then I saw another beacon, when I landed, I saw Evilshy was standing there. Evilshy looked at me and spoke "Harmonic, you must take this, and kick some ass" he then handed me an AK5, which I knew was the standard Assault rifle in Sweden.



He then nodded and walked off, so I walked inside the building. Inside I saw the owner of P.E.T.A. We had an epic battle and it involved a lot of explosions from flaming bottles they were throwing at me. After I defeated them, another shard came out. This appeared to complete the orb by about 3/4. I knew there was one more piece. When it was joined together the rest of the staff appeared, including Chigens, who I then kissed. However, Chaotic Discord had bad news, I still had to find the last shard, and free Feld0. He said that he wished he could help more but he couldn't.


Then I hugged Chigens and said "I'll be back soon" and I went and got back in my Pelican. I flew to a giant tower in the center of the ocean, the letters "HASBRO HQ" were written on the side. I knew this would be my final battle, I landed on a platform and ran inside to face the most evil of all. I saw Hasbro's legal team, they all spoke in a demonic way. They said,


"Harmonic, your signature has copyrighted material in it, I'm afraid we're going to have to destroy you."


I then said:


"No way, the future belongs to the people who love and tolerate, not to those who only care about profit." They then laughed.


They started throwing flaming C&D forms at me while I fired my weapon, instead of blood, dollar bills flew out of them when I shot at them. I did a front flip to dodge some of the projectiles. I eventually killed them, where beams of light shot out of them and they said:


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" they then exploded, leaving behind a final piece of the shard, I took it and combined it, the orb glowed, and Feld0 appeared in a wave of magic. He was glowing and his level had the infinity sign next to it.


He looked at me, smiled, and said:


"Harmonic, you have saved us all, here, take this"


and he gave me a jewel encrusted sword with a gold handle and silver blade. I sheathed it on my back and ran outside, where everyone was all happy, and all of the members were gathered around the tower. Chigens ran up to me and kissed me and said "YOU DID IT!" and Marco was there too and he said "Still not as good as I could have done."


Then I woke up.

  • Brohoof 7


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"Caugh caugh" How come all the people are mods/admins/community stewerds tongue.png

Because I don't talk to a lot of normal users on a regular basis.


However I am good friends with at least a few staff members, and I'm dating Chigens.


As for Marco, I go on his art stream every Saturday.


I don't control my dreams, either, so that is something to take into account.


I'd say the only regular users I talk to at least once a day are ~Chaotic Lightning~, Leatherbehlt and Melancholicmemory. I talk to Golgo pretty often as well. 


There actually were a few regular users in my dream but some parts of the dream were not suitable to be posted here.

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There actually were a few regular users in my dream but some parts of the dream were not suitable to be posted here.



  • Brohoof 1
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Dude, I've had the exact same dream. Small world, I suppose. Also, I want to be in your next dream, Harmonic. Please tell your subconscious that for me. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Well that was an interesting read, though I must say I'm disappointed by the distinct lack of a certain tortoise :P.  Cool dream!  I was especially fond of the disembodied gandalf head and the legal team literally bleeding money.  You should turn this into a fanfiction!

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Whaaaat. Why must you have such an epic dream? Seriously this sounded like something that should be a freaking story.


Maybe you should turn it into a story Xd. although to be honest it almost is really.


Epic dream, seriously I wish I could have your type of dreams.. I hardly dream anymore, and no ponies are even in it, much less the MLP forums.

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Whaaaat. Why must you have such an epic dream? Seriously this sounded like something that should be a freaking story.


Maybe you should turn it into a story Xd. although to be honest it almost is really.


Epic dream, seriously I wish I could have your type of dreams.. I hardly dream anymore, and no ponies are even in it, much less the MLP forums.

I have always been a pretty vivid dreamer. I keep a dream journal and that helps.



Also, I might turn it into a story, but I'd have to edit it because as it is it's a bit to random to be turned into a story.

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