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All things Fluttershy

Entries in this blog

Pony waifu Keychain

I was bored and I did a thing today. I made a waifu/Fluttershy keychain.   I took one of my several Fluttershy vinyl figures and made one of them into a keychain. Of the specific vinyl figure I used, I've got 5 in total...So making one into a keychain didn't hurt too bad. It's not the blind bag Fluttershy either. I'm not sure what she's from, but she's a bit bigger than a Blind Bag. She stands a little over 2'' tall, where as her blind bag counterpart is only 1-3/4'' tall.   I used a picture

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

My MLP Merch Collection.

I was bored enough...So I rounded up 99.9% of my merch, and took pics of it all. I've posted bits and pieces of it before...but never the whole thing.     Took me awhile to round it all up and take pics.   Not sure what I prize the most in it.....Probably all my Fluttershy merch. :blush:As well as my Glow In The Dark Zecora, and BronyCon Exclusive Rarity card. Both of which were given to me by my friend, who was a massive Rarity fan...but he's since lost interest in ponies, and moved away..

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

Fluttershy's Parents and Background

We don't know much, if anything about Fluttershy's background, her parents or anything.             I've had this headcanon about it for awhile now....So here it is.           1: Her parents:   Her parents grew up in Las Pegasus. They met each other at an air show they were both performing at. They had never met each other previously. but they were part of their own flight group.They were pretty famous pegasus, by Las Pegasus standards anyways. They both talked, getting to know

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

A Few Reasons to Like Fluttershy

Anytime I get a chance to gush about why I love my beloved Butterfly Butt, I take it! Seeming DashForever and ghostfacekiller39 did one for their respective fave ponies, figured I'd jump on the proverbial bandwagon.         Alright. Let's get this train of adorableness going.       1: She's Adorable:   She's without a doubt one of the,if not most adorable of ponies. From her voluptuously flowing pink mane to her turquoise eyes of kindness.,Well, I guess that's just her head...BUT l

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

My MLPF Anniversary!

No, not my anniversary with Fluttershy as my waifu....THAT was back in October. And it was our 3 year anniversary .     I'm talking about my 1 year forum anniversary! Yes it was one year ago today that I signed up on to these forums.     ~~Has it really been one whole year /365 days/8765.81hours? Seems just like yesterday I started perusing these here forums. Time really does fly eh? What started out as a random late night Google search, has turned into so much more. I started out as

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

Gamershy - Custom Xbox Controller

So, a couple weeks ago, I ordered all the parts needed to convert my boring black Xbox Controller into something more exciting, a Fluttershy controller!   Well, today they arrived in the mail   So, I got all the parts out, pushed back my keyboard so I could have a work area....With Formare Fluttershy watching over the build, closely.     I also got the special screw driver I had, that's required to take a wireless controller apart.         Let the disassembly begin!   There's

Stitch by Stitch...

....stitching her together, Fluttershy's tail.   So, a long while ago, my moms dog got a hold of one of my Fluttershy plushies, and ripped her tail off...I didn't have the motivation to re-attach her tail, until the other night. So tonight, I decided to give a go at it...first time stitching a plush back together...   Tell me what y'all think? I think I did pretty good for a 1st time.            

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

Insulting ponies. It's not cool.

I've been meaning to write this blog for a little while now, I've just kept forgetting to. But with what went on in the March Madness topic, it gave me the momentum and inspiration I needed to write it.           I hate it when I scroll through a topic, or see a status update that degrades or insults my favorite pony. Some people are complete pompous douchebags when it comes to insulting a pony as well. It's not just one thing that they'll say, which should be enough, they start a whole

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

Popularity and You.

This has been a popular topic as of late. What started out as an innocent thread, of giving shout outs to some friends or other members. Has turned into the latest fiasco, on the forum. Honestly, there's no harm in that.Let people give shout outs to their fave members and friends.   The people that are over reacting and complaining about these threads are....well...over reacting and acting foolish. You don't like it? don't post. Posting and whining, just makes you look like you're begging f

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

Get to know Flutterdash a bit better.

Because Why the buck not....   ~I'm 25 ~I'm gay/bisexual ~I'm ever so slightly transgendered. ~I wear glasses ~I have red hair ~I'm 5'6'' and 140lbs ~I can be sarcastic at times ~I love hanging out with friends ~I don't do parties ~I try to be witty, even if it doesn't wok out. ~I try to be kind and generous towards everyone. ~I have been riding a bike since I could walk. ~My mountain bike is my pride and joy. ~I'll always be a kid at heart ~Fluttershy has always been my waifu ~

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

So it begins....

The contest every Canadian loves and hates. The contest that signals spring is right around the corner! The contest that makes you come back for more....     That contest being......                         ......R-R-R-R-R-ROLL UP THE RIM TO WIN!!!    

Flutter's lover <3

Flutter's lover <3

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