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crazy silly blog flying through the sky at 12 G's

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FULL WILD CARD RECAP: Most Attractive Pony Tournament 2016

Vote in this year's MAPT here! : http://mlpforums.com/topic/145433-the-most-attractive-pony-tournament-2016-let-the-season-begin/page-2   Jinxed Trix Hits Brix   Despite becoming an instant favorite on MLP Forums since her debut in Season 1 and a universally recognized beauty, there was one thing the "Great and Powerful" Trixie had never been: a winner in the playoffs of the Most Attractive Pony Tournament.   On Monday, that didn't change. A game that seemed well within the showpony's reac




I can feel it, even though it's just in something I'm writing! Picture this: you are Snowdrop. You're sitting on a cloud in the sky. You can't see. The wind ruffles the feathers in your wings. And it's freaking cold up there. What happens next?   That's the whole idea. You are Snowdrop. Or at least, a guy you can relate to is. Throw in a pack of smokes, and the fact that you are Snowdrop in the time of the Mane 6 when Snowdrop is supposed to have passed away a long time ago...and that's going



It's Time to Thaw Out 'Snowdrop'

MLP: FIM has the most harmonious and creative fandom that I've ever been a part of. We share our enjoyment of a great show, and we're part of a tremendously active community where new projects are constantly popping up all around us. What with limited time and real-life demands, It's impossible to give all of those stories, songs, and animations the attention they deserve. Sometimes it takes months--even years--for one of them to really sink in.   Which brings me to 'Snowdrop'.   You all pro



Season 5 Episode Plots Leaked

That's right--I got 'em all. I have no proof so you'll just have to trust me on this one.     5:1, 5:2 - Princess Celestia accidentally transforms Diamond Tiara into an alicorn princess. Chaos ensues.   5:3 - Flash Sentry from the Equestria Girls universe visits Ponyville. The Mane 6 spend the whole episode talking about how hot he is.   5:4 - Cheerilee goes back to school--in Prance. Sacre bleu!   5:5 - A spell gone awry causes Celestia and Luna to switch bodies with Snips and Snails




Rar-efied!       Carousel Boutique being closed for the day is about as common an occurrence in Ponyville as a Parasprite invasion. Yet on February 10, 2015, one is likely to see colored lights flashing behind the shaded windows, Pinkie Pie's confetti flying out of the chimney, and a sign on the door reading "CLOSED FOR FABULOSITY--FRIENDS, GAWKERS, AND WELL-WISHERS ONLY."   The proprietor has earned her day off. Being the Element of Generosity, the most popular clothing designer in Pony




Rarity Outshines the Sunset   Everypony's favorite fashionista patiently awaits her next challenge.   Prior to the playoffs, Sunset Shimmer promised her growing fan base that she would win the Celestial Trophy and return to the human realm. She would keep only one of those promises.   Supremely confident after a convincing win over Princess Celestia in the wild card, the mysterious antagonist ran straight into a wall of "fabulosity" as Rarity reminded everypony why she was the #1 seed in




Twilight Returns With a Vengeance   "I know that things have changed. I have new responsibilities. I have more challenges to deal with." Twilight Sparkle stated in her first post-game interview. "But I really wanted to win this game." "Yep," an exhausted-looking Spike groaned beside her. "She really did."   Twilight demonstrated a rule of physics: what goes down, may also come up again.   Twilight's journey through the Most Attractive Pony Tournament was much harder than last season's. T



Why Bronies Can Do Better Than FIMfiction

I don't expect many people to agree with me on this, but hear me out.   FIMfiction. Everwhere I look, I see it held up as the go-to place for fan fiction in the MLP fandom. I see it chosen as the default option for brony writers all over the world. I read about how it is the only website that offers us a complete experience as both readers and fans of MLP: FIM. And I agree. FIMfiction is indeed all of those things. It's a unique resource for all things writing + ponies.   It is also the most



Beware for I am loaded

Hey everypony. Don't expect too much out of this blog because I'M KINDA DRUNK   Just watching the MST3K'd version of Manos The Hands of Fate and drinking some grape juice. With vodka, and gin, and some Sprite. Pretty neat mix.   DID YOU KNOW that nobody really likes gin by itself? It's too strong. Tastes almost medicinal. Put something else in with it. I really should try a Rainbow Dash mixed drink. It's supposed to be vodka, gin and triple sec--with blue kaokao. That's the only ingredient I



'Canon' vs. 'Cannon'

Greetings everyone, this is Tails the Lyra fan and occasional grammar Nazi. I am taking five minutes out of my day to teach you a spelling lesson that will last a lifetime, because I care and I don't want us to look foalish anymore. Ready? Here it is.       can·on noun 1. an ecclesiastical rule or law enacted by a council or other competent authority and, in the Roman Catholic Church, approved by the pope. 2. the body of ecclesiastical law. 3. the body of rules, principles, or st




Don't mind me, I just felt like parodying Cupcakes AND bad fanfiction in general. Basically going against everything that was posted in the Fanfiction Writing Guide posted by Dawn Rider. http://mlpforums.com/topic/52513-ezns-fanfiction-writing-guide/?view=getnewpost Enjoy.   cupcaeks v2 by tailsisnotalone omg hello fluttershy said pinkie pie. she was jumping up and down alot while flutter shy just looked at her to shy to say anything. um h-hi p-pinkie p-pie if thats



The Two Extremes of Season 3

I came to this realization while answering a question from Firebolt about why I don't like Magic Duel, so thanks Bolty. I thought it was worth mentioning to everyone else and it's as good a reason as any for which eps of S3 are my least favorite--and why it's been my least favorite season overall.   In retrospect, I think Season 3 was all over the place--not just its quality, but the tone of its episodes and how much attention it paid to the bronies as opposed to the kids. The show balanced th




PSYCH. Yeah, you know I'm not that guy. But I have a point here. Why do we keep seeing discussions like this?   Being a brony is the best thing that's ever happened to many of us. It started a new chapter of my life, a much happier one. There's not one of us here that doesn't enjoy being a part of all this, watching the show and seeing the work it's inspired (whether Hasbro likes it or not xD).   So why the constant rumor-mongering and debates about stuff that hasn't happened yet? Why repe



MAGIC BOWL RECAP! And the Most Attractive Pony is...

Lyra 'Bowls' Over MLP Forums   It was just another Saturday in the big city. A river of vehicles crawled and honked their way through the streets. Teenagers with allergies in the dozens and noses in their smart phones shuffled down the sidewalk. A 30-ish man looking down on his luck made a beeline for the nearest bench where he sat every day.   To its inhabitants, this tired tableau of human civilization was nothing special. But it was the most amazing thing that Lyra Heartst



FULL CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP RECAP! Most Attractive Pony Tournament 2013

View the final round, the Magic Bowl, here! http://mlpforums.com/blog/213/entry-3094-magic-bowl-recap-and-the-most-attractive-pony-is/ And review last week's Divisional results here. http://mlpforums.com/blog/213/entry-2743-full-divisional-recap-most-attractive-pony-tournament-2013/   Kindness Flutters On   “Fillies and gentlecolts,” Mayor Mare announced grandly, “Allow me to introduce the winner of the PFC Championship game and one of two ponies going on to the very fir



A Case for Octavia and Lyra in the Magic Bowl

A Case for Octavia and Lyra in the Magic Bowl   You probably know about the Most Attractive Pony Tournament by now. If you don't, the name speaks for itself. You go in and vote for the ponies you find most attractive until only two are left, and those two square off in the 'Magic Bowl.'   Well, this week the voters decide which ponies get there, and the matchups are Lyra Heartstrings vs. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy vs. Octavia. Does your mind automatically say "well, Twilight of course!"



FULL DIVISIONAL RECAP! Most Attractive Pony Tournament 2013

Alfonzo's Most Attractive Pony Tournament continues with the Magic Bowl. Vote here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/44455-the-most-attractive-pony-tournament-2013-conference-championships/ And check out last week's Wildcard results here. http://mlpforums.com/blog/213/entry-2609-full-wild-card-recap-most-attractive-pony-tournament-2013/ Next week's Conference Title results are here! http://mlpforums.com/blog/213/entry-2910-full-conference-championship-recap-most-attractive-pony-tou



Hey, it's a ~cHaOtIc BlOg~ =_=

~What's with~ ~everypony~ ~putting weird symbols~ around their names and/or calling themselves ~Chaotic Somebody~? It was cool when Harmony and Discord were doing it, now it's just getting old.   Yep, that about sums it up really. I would expect it on another board but it just looks silly here. Reminds me of an old (bad) forum I was on when everybody became obsessed with the word "ocelet."



FULL WILD CARD RECAP: Most Attractive Pony Tournament 2013

Lyra Stuns Dash in Thriller Lyra entered Cloudsdale as the weakest contender in the league and left with an unforgettable 4-vote win.   Fans of Rainbow Dash flocked to the sky from all over the forums—tailgating, drinking cider, swapping pictures of their favorite Pegasus and preparing to celebrate an easy victory before the Divisional round. None of them got to celebrate as a 6th-seeded background pony named Lyra Heartstrings pulled off the biggest upset of the competit



How to spell "definitely"

Well, I guess you can just look at the title and see the correct way. But yeah. Why can't anyone spell this word? It's not "defintly," it's not "defiantly," it's not "defnitley." I should also point out the difference between these two words because they are mixed up all the time:   Definite / definitely: for sure, certain, without a doubt. (pronounced DEF-in-it-ly) Defiant / defiantly: stubborn, rebellious, uncooperative. (pronounced dee-FY-ant-ly)   I don't usually quibble over this stuff



Screw Walmart

Nah, this isn't one of those ridiculous overly liberal anti-Wal-Mart screeds. Those are the same people who bitch about Wal-Mart constantly but still sneak in there every weekend to buy wine coolers and scented candles. Screw 'em, they're part of the problem. People complain about Wal-Mart changing communities and ruining local business, but they have only themselves to blame because they chose to shop at Wal-Mart. If they really cared that much, they wouldn't give that new Wal-Mart any business




*In a dream. But please, don't let the shameless false advertising in the title stop me from sharing this totally loony story with you.   It's so ridiculous I have to type it out before going back to sleep, or I'll forget it or stop believing I ever had it. It also must be related in full detail, making it a bit too long for the "What Are Your Dreams" thread but ideal for a blog, so here it is.   I was over at a relative's house. My aunt and uncle's place , to be precise. It



My night just got 40% cooler!

Warning! Several drinks were consumed in the making of this blog, which makes it dangerously fun and random. This is the incoherent story of how my day received not just one, but two, shots of Rainbow Dash's trademark coolness.   So yeah. Today I finally got........ My Rainbow Dash shirt in the mail!!!!!   This is automatically the sweetest shirt in my closet. Except I haven't put it in the closet yet, it's still hanging from the window just so I can look at it. I wore it to the liquor



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