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I have no idea what I'm doing, and I don't care...

Entries in this blog

Philosophically dissecting a quote based on my opinion.

Do you know of Lord Alfred Tennyson? If not maybe you know his famous quote from his poem "In Memoriam A.H.H."   "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."     Essentially it is saying that love is such an important experience that even the pain of losing someone you love is better than not having loved that person at all. It's an idiom used by many people, and, in my personal opinion, I disagree with what this quote states.   Love is such a fantastic emotion.

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Just got news

Not the greatest news. News I really didn't want to recieve at all too, but it happened anyway.   My father passed away several hours ago. Saturday, April 6th, 2013 at 1:50 AM.   Mother called me up about an hour ago. I'm surprised she's not a wreck like I am. I never got along with my father. He was a conservative Russian man. He was violent and strict, and a little abusive. I still cared for him though and knowing that he died so young, at the age of 69, is pretty heartbreaking. I called m

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

You get to see moving pictures of me?!

Well, I've finally decided to get a video of me. One where I'm talking about Fluttershy or showing my house off? Nah, one where I perform a dance with my shirt off because I feel like doing so.   If you're weak of heart I'd suggest you leave. If you have trouble looking at the male body, I suggest you leave. If you're scared, then I suggest you run.      

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

This is unexpected

My friend Nick has bought plane tickets for me and him to go to France.   He has guilted me into accepting, since he can't return the tickets for a refund. I mean, France is a great place but I didn't want to go on a vacation at all. He is probably doing this for a chance to see if he can win me over. Sounds strange, but he's been wanting me in that certain way for a while now.   Apparently he can't grasp the concept that I'm straight, but going to France will be hopefully fun. I was there f

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri's reviewing of reviewing reviews

What...? What'd I say?   I don't know, I didn't sleep well last night so I'm a little air headed now       I should review things, because my opinion matters. I'm literally better than everyone on here, so.....yeah... (Psst....It's sarcasm)   In all honesty I wouldn't mind giving my extended and I'm pretty sure pointless opinions on certain things. Preferably literature and the arts, though I wouldn't mind switching it up and talking aimlessly about anything else. Hey, I'm from the USSR

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

This is strange

My brother, the alcoholic, partying, addictive personality of a man, told me over the phone yesterday that he found his dream girl. Told me he wants to marry this woman, and personally I feel like he's just joking with me. He's in his thirties and I've known him all my life obviously.   There's almost no way he'd fall in love with a girl here in Alaska. He knows almost everyone in the town we live in and I haven't seen him be in real love. He's the kind of guy who is what the Americans call a

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer


My life has has become a routine. Some days I go do something, but I can't very often because I can't leave my friend alone for a long period of time. I honestly don't mind helping him recover from his injuries, and watching movies with him is always fun.   But I can't help but feel that doing this has given me the realization that my life is boring. Is not my friend's fault at all. It just makes me remember the past more. Though the life I'm living now is much more stable than the past, and

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Trying my hand at literature

I've read countless classic novels, and I've written several essays, lectures and short stories in my days.   So I thought to myself. "Hey, maybe I should try and create an actual story about my OC Dimitri." I'm not being over confidant or bragging at all. Everything I've written has been in Russian, and reading tons of classics doesn't make me an expert at this....   I might as well try. I've been a little obsessed with the idea of Dimitri using dark magic and being corrupted from his usual

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Immense Hatred

Here I go again... -_-     Is hate something that can be in a complete and pure form? Can a person hate another being with such firm feelings of disgust?   I believe so. I've felt such feelings under the influence of a wave of depression then hollowness that followed suit after December of 2006. I might have had my outlook on life changed by what happened to me. I'm sure anyone in my shoes would feel exactly the same. I mean, of course they would. You'd have to be extremely strong to not h

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

My opinion of Happiness

Hey, me again   Well, this time I rant idiotically about happiness. What makes me happy? Few things nowadays actually. Before the most tragic thing in my life happened my wife was the thing that made me happy. When I was sad she cheered me up immensely.   Just by looking at her smile it cheered me up. Seeing her pearly teeth shine, I remember the dimples on her face too...I'll never forget how she smiled at me. I'll never forget her.   Now though, lets skip two years after my wife passed

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

My opinion of Love.

Now, I'm talking about real love. True love. Something that is the feeling for another human being with such great romantic, happy, protective, feelings.   Is it achievable? I believe so, I know so. My wife was my soulmate. She was a wonderful, angelic soul. Able to know that I am not perfect and have flaws. She accepted my flaws and considered me perfect for having them. I can safely say that I have experienced the truest love. I wanted to spend my whole life with her, but she was taken from

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Man, I love Space.

This website: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html   Is just fantastic. When I'm bored or depressed about...everything because I'm like that...I enjoy looking at all of the pictures on this site. History is my number one subject, but space and astronomy also interest me greatly.   Every day a new picture is added along with a great description and several links to pertaining articles or videos. Since I get depressed so often I find myself on this site a lot. This is one of my many pleasur

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

I must be really lucky or something.

Well, past two days I've been feeling God-Awful. I've been hit with a big depression I guess.   When this happens it usually doesn't last long or hurt all that much, but I feel just horrid this time. So much sadness, is very weird. Hurts really bad this time. Not much in my life has really been wonderful. I have had many bad events happen in my short life. My life seems filled with awful things.   Weirdest part is, every time I try to kill myself it doesn't work. Since came to America I put

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Stability of the Mind and a personal altercation with myself.

The mind is a fantastic thing. How it works is fascinating. Intelligence, rational thinking, memory, motor functions, it's all so interesting.   I mean, I have no idea how I manage to stay sane. It's probably the alcohol....but I doubt that. Strong will power is something I don't really have especially when it comes to emotions. I might be smart, not bragging at all, sure I went to college young and have my doctorate but who really cares. I'm still screwed up in the head.   Can one retain th

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

A poem...I guess...

I am fascinated with wordplay. I love all forms of literature and I love the classics. (The Illid, The Republic, Capitalism, Shakespeare, Hawthorne, Wells, Clemens (Mark Twain) )   I'm no scholar in it though. I've read and understood and loved the books, but I can't create anything as epic and well thought out.   I'm not great at it in Russian or English, but I thought I'd give it a try. I've translated it into English from my original one.   Don't expect anything great. In fact I think

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Russian Culture....from where I grew up.

As you all know I was born in the Soviet Union in Leningrad. After being born there my parents went back to the small town we lived in. I grew up very strangely, my mother was a very religious woman who celebrated our culture constantly and my father was a full communist.   Normally you don't have religion in communism, but I guess I've made an exception         Well I have certain little things I do and believe in that most wouldn't understand. Little nicknames are something that Ameri

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

My idols and why they're my idols.

You all know me by now. I was born in the Soviet Union and grew up in Post-Soviet Russia for all of my life.   Even though the Union collapsed in 1991 (Actually, it fully collapsed in 1993) my parents and many of my neighbors in the small village I lived in, retained the ideals of communism.   In my village we hated Stalin and every man who was in charge after him.         The only good communist leaders were Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) and his close friend Lev Davidovich Bronsht

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Красивый ангел (Beautiful Angel)

Today is the day I've been dreading since the end of December last year.   Six years ago today was the worst day of my life, and will forever be the worst day of my life.   My wife died six years ago today, and every year since her death I've been in a bad mindset. I always wondered how I didn't end up killing myself these past years. Some kind of miracle I suppose.   For the first two years I was invoked in "other" activities and was a emotionless "hollow man". After that I became utte

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Worst dream I've ever had (Warning...sad..for me...)

A couple months ago I used to have extremely depressing dreams all the time. Since 2006 I had them constantly.   They stopped right around the same time I got into MLP. (Coincidence?)   But last night I had one of the worst dreams I think I've ever had. I usually remember my dreams and my mother told me from a young age to always record my dreams in a journal.   Well this dream combined a tragic event in my life with MLP. I woke up in tears and was having a panic attack. That hasn't happ

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer


Hey it's December, the month I hate the most.   As if any of you care, though I hope you at least give a thought, I might not be here.....for a while.   It's been like this before, I get depressed around the holidays because my wife died during them. It's hard to think about still.   I might "snap" out of it sooner though. Here's hoping I'll be back (or maybe not even leave )     Thank you for supporting me with all of your great personalities

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

Fun times in the Lawyers Office and Bar

Well, all day yesterday and most of the day before yesterday I've been involved in certain legal matters.   Now, I don't trust many of you....in fact I'm sure most of you are planning to kill me and I only trust maybe one person and I think that person knows who he might be......so I won't say how the meetings went ( )   In the lawyer's office first thing that happened was a receptionist freaked out on me when I walked into the building with my revolver. Now my revolver was holstered but v

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer


"I have Fluttershy by me and now Dimitri can't get me"-HistoricallyInaccurate         "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my wife go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look

Dimitri Hammer

Dimitri Hammer

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