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About this blog

I created this blog for the purpose of communicating what is happening in my life, be it good or bad, especially things that will affect my activity here on these forums.

Entries in this blog

Update (April 2021)

So this is an update on how things are going for me in life right now. I'm still working a job that I've had since November 2020, and even though peak season is over (the time around Black Friday and Christmas), they are still making me work a ton of overtime due to sales like a Spring sale. I think it was last week when I worked 6 ten-hour days straight, and they were going to make it 9 days straight but decided to give us a day off. I like the job, but they make us work really hard and do


I haven't really said anything about this because I wasn't sure and I'm still not sure, but my family doctor and my former psychologist that I went to have both said that I have high functioning autism spectrum disorder (Here's what it is if you don't know). So yeah, I have a form of autism. I also have depression on top of that. I also had (not sure if I still have it though) OCD. The problem is I'm not getting treatment for anything mental health related, aside from taking three anti-depressan

Between A Rock And A Hard Place

I just recently received some stressful news. My dad is resigning from his job, my mom and dad are moving to a new place far away from where they live right now, and my dad is getting another job over there. Why does this stress me out? Because I'm currently living with my mom and dad, so this means I'm going to have to move as well. I have three choices: move with my parents and leave my job because it would be way too far away to travel to, move in with my grandparents and stay in my job becau

I'm Going Back To Work

I applied for another job. This is actually the first application I sent in since around January 2020. The reason I haven't sent in any applications since then is because I worked a job from February 2020 - June 2020. I haven't put in any job applications from June 2020 until now even though I've been unemployed since then because I've been feeling extremely depressed and discouraged. It's unfortunate, because I've had depression since around January 2018. I know the job I applied for is going t




I just need to vent about a few things right now. - I feel lonely. It’s so frustrating, I feel lonely but I don’t want to talk or be around to people. I’m not sure why it is that way, but it just is. I have online friends, but I still feel lonely. I had many real-life friends at college a few years ago, but I still felt lonely then. Also, I would love to have a girlfriend, but I don’t think any girls would be interested in me. I look unappealing and horrible, I rarely show my emotions and m




2020, the year that's absolutely terrible but couldn't get any worse, right?  source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html Since 06/15/20, coronavirus cases per day have been vastly increasing in the USA. Yep, looks like a second wave of the coronavirus is heading my way. So much for "2020 couldn't get any worse".  This year has been terrible. The coronavirus hit hard, so did the riots after George Floyd's death. As if that wasn't bad enough



Quitting My Job...Again

So this is the second time I quit a job. I actually worked only three jobs in my life so far, the first one I quit because it had harsh work conditions and the labor was too hard for me (they had me lifting 100 lbs. frequently), the second one I was laid off, and the third one I just recently quit because I couldn't keep up with the demands of the job (it demanded that I go extremely fast because it was assembly line work). Anyways, I stayed at this job for several months, but recently I noticed



I'm Not Feeling Any Better

Right now I feel extremely lonely, worthless, and demotivated. It happens a lot whenever I'm not busy. And this is really a problem I need a solution to, the fact that no matter how busy I get and no matter how much time passes, I always feel depressed whenever I stop to take a breath. It's like staying busy is only masking my problems, not helping them. I'm also having other problems right now, I want to go back to college and find a career but I don't know which one to aim for. I thought it wo



A Ray of Hope Shines on My Life

I’ve been inactive for a long time until recently, only posting around five or so content each week, sometimes less than that. I kinda just posted one or two things occasionally on these forums during that time. This started sometime in the beginning of 2019 and has lasted up until a few days ago. The reason why that’s happened is because I’ve been experiencing a ton of difficulty with depression and anxiety. I had no motivation to post any content on the forums and I constantly felt depressed a



My Predicament

In this blog entry, I’ll just be talking about what’s happening in my life right now. So, I’m trying to get a job. That’s what I’ve been saying for the past few weeks now though, I need to step it up more and try harder. Anyways, I have no clue what job I will get or how long I will be working, I’m trying various things right now, but I will probably be working 8 or more hours a day once I do get one. I’m also pursuing a career right now in computer science and programming, so I’ll see



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