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A serious question for fellow Christians.

Gone Airbourne


Is homosexuality acceptable under a Christian perspective?


This is a topic that I found elsewhere from someone else. Now I have a very serious question to other Christian believers out there.


Leviticus 20:13


13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.


Okay let me get this straight gay people should be punished under death right that is what is said. For the longest time I detested gay people and was very closed minded to many things but as of two years past I have really become more open minded to things. Gay people are like anyone else they are human beings wanting to find happiness within' this life. What right does anyone have to strip someone of that right there? Why would a all loving God wish upon death to gay people? That if I start to think about it is pretty sick. Death really people? what condones that? I don't have any problems with gay people should they not have a right to be happy in their life? So please I would really like some feedback on this with honest answers because it is really confusing to me as a Christian to hear this... Thanks


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Well, I believe that they should have a right to be happy. Besides, it's not our place to judge. It's not supposed to be acceptable, but at the same time I think us fellow Christians tend to stick our noses where they don't belong. Don't worry about it! Remember, it's not our place. =w=

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I know what you are saying that christians do tend to stick their noses in matters that does not concern us. But seriously though my main questions lies with what the bible says about homosexuality. Is death really a suitable punishment because that seems really harsh... I know we ought naught to worry but it is a concerning topic to me as a Christian myself if you know what I mean.

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It doesn't mean we should go kill all the gays.


In fact, the Bible commands us to "love our neighbor as ourself". It does not tell us to "love heterosexuals as ourself".


Keep in mind that this was God speaking through Moses to the Israelites long before the New Testament. There were a lot of laws back then that no longer hold true since Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. (Example: sacrifices)


Homosexuality is a sin, but it does not make a person any worse than a heterosexual. Instead, looking down on a person for his/her homosexuality is a sin. (Take the log out of your own eye etc.)


That's my take on it, at least.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm not writing this from a Christian perspective as I'm Atheist and have a very poor idea of what's in the Bible.


From what I understand, while some Christians use Jesus to justify their hatred of LGBT people, Jesus never actually condemned homosexuals in the New Testament. Old Testament, well, you just quoted it, so I won't go on about it. And as you said, why would an all-loving God condemn His children for being of a different, "unnatural" sexuality? During my brief venture with Catholicism I never understood that.

  • Brohoof 1
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My family is Christian, and i'm a teenager, so I kind of think of myself as Agnostic. So i'm not the best resource.


But I just want to say that homosexuality in my eyes is perfectly fine.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've wondered about why God considers homosexuality a sin myself, being Christian and all.

In all honesty, homosexuality never sat right with me, and this wasn't something that I was conditioned into thinking. My guess is that homosexuality violates something on the spiritual level, stuff that can't necessarily be shown in detail but simply deciphered through intuition.

If God had intended for homosexuality to be a part of human nature, He would have just created another man to be a companion to Adam. But He didn't, God made a woman, and He made this woman out of Adam's own flesh. I believe this to be a spiritually symbolic event implying that a woman is what spiritually completes a man, and vice versa. To reject this and go for someone of the same gender would be a "sin" against, not just God and His laws and image, but against oneself. In a way it might be compared to the "God void" humans have within themselves. It is something only God can satisfy, and while other things can be used to try and fill this void, they provide only a temporal satisfaction that inevitably lead to suffering and perdition.

As for the death penalty for homosexuality.... a lot of things had that penalty, such as adultery. This doesn't mean we should go and kill all the gays (as someone else here said already) or adulterers, but back then such a penalty was placed for a reason and usually for sins that are abhorrent to the nature of humans. Also, to prevent a rise in diseases and sicknesses, similar to how there were laws regarding the banishment of lepers from the Israelite camp.

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I am a Christian (kinda struggling with my faith,but still), and I'm perfectly fine with homosexuality. The fact that it is observable in other species of animals and is observable in nature proves that it is natural in my opinion, not to mention how you said that an all-loving god would not condemn his children in such a way.

And to those who say gays go to hell, I give to them this:

"That whosoever believeith in him shall not perish, but have eternal life" ~John 3:15

Would that not prove that gay Christians are just as capable of going to heaven as straight Christians?

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I am a Christian (kinda struggling with my faith,but still), and I'm perfectly fine with homosexuality. The fact that it is observable in other species of animals and is observable in nature proves that it is natural in my opinion, not to mention how you said that an all-loving god would not condemn his children in such a way.

And to those who say gays go to hell, I give to them this:

"That whosoever believeith in him shall not perish, but have eternal life" ~John 3:15

Would that not prove that gay Christians are just as capable of going to heaven as straight Christians?


Interesting, because last I heard, it's important not to "anthromorphize" creatures when doing naturlistic observations. Animals are not humans, they do not bear the same image and nature we do. The "homosexual" acts they engage in could be for a number of other reasons, not because they themselves are homosexual.

With the so called logic of, "It's observable in nature", necrophilia is perfectly fine because some animals engagenin it too.


As for "gay Christians", I would like to see one example of an actual Christian (not a person who merely thinks God exists) who has claimed to be gay, and how their lifestyle can be reconciled with Biblical statements.

The verse which you quoted is obviously in reference to salvation from sin, which if we're going from a Biblical, homosexuality would go along with that. If someone is to be saved from sin, then they would change that particular way of life as well.

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Please for all the fellow homosexuals that might be reading this: I mean absolutely no disrespect. I'm just giving my views on the issue.


Ah yes, a fellow Christian seeking help. I think where the "you're gay, you should be punished with death" comes from another verse that really clears things up:


"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 6:23


In essence, we all deserve to die. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Sin is inescapable, but because God loves us so dearly, he sent Jesus to pay the price for which we deserve, death. 


And you know what else? I think people overlook what they're saying when they say "people should do whatever they desire as long as it makes them happy". Well, people can make themselves happy by stealing, lying, hurting others, murdering, drinking too much, taking too many drugs, molesting children, raping women, and every kind of sin you can think of.


"What about homosexuality? It doesn't harm me, and it shouldn't harm you."


Well, a random person who goes out to get drunk doesn't harm me either. The only person you're really harming is yourself in that situation. 


Homosexuality is a very tricky thing for Christians to come to bearings with. I personally believe being gay is a choice influenced by the kind of environment you grew up in. I personally have not heard of 1 gay person who once told about something that happened to them that scarred them for life and changed their view on life.


As unfortunate as it is for a lot of gays, it's really hard to let go of strong desires, and sex is one of those strong desires. Personally, I have a hard time letting go of thinking about having sex with my future partner. The Bible says that a man who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart, and that's something that a lot of teenagers struggle with. We can still stop ourselves, and we can choose to just say "no, I'm not going to do that" and move away (just like every other sin). 


Even with all of that being said, the one thing that sickens me about my fellow Christians is that we are in no way showing any love by bossing around people and forcefully telling them how to live. That within itself also goes against the Bible. God calls us to love others, but He also calls us to preach His word. Does that mean that we should force it upon anybody? Absolutely not. You will never win anybody over to Christ if there is no love, and that gives Christians a bad name, and it's part of the reason why so many people reject us. 


I only encourage you that even though you might disagree with someone else's views, love them. You may not approve of their lifestyles, but you shouldn't stop loving them, ever.

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