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A mixed feelings blog post from someone who is unhappy at the moment



A word to you if you made the mistake of reading this blog post: don't count on other people to make you happy. The only person you need in this life is yourself. If you can't be happy by yourself, you won't ever be happy with other people. And if you already do that, good. Don't ever count on someone else to keep it that way. You'll just get burned.


I'm still recovering from my breakup a little over a week ago, and that ties into this all. In fact, it's the only reason I'm unhappy right now. Everything else is going anywhere from pretty damn good to peachy.


Now I had been thinking about ending it with her for some time now. But I didn't want to. I didn't want to just give up. I don't just give up on people I care about. I will exhaust and even break myself for the people I care about. I do what I can for those I'm close to, even if it comes at my own expense. So when I decide to let a girl into my heart, she's at the top of my list. It's a bigger deal than anyone can imagine to me. So even if I had been thinking about ending things with her, I wasn't going to actually do it until I made sure I exhausted every resource I had at my disposal to make sure it would be the right move.


She just ended up dumping me. Told me that she wasn't ready for a relationship. She apologized for pushing me away for the last two months.


I'd get upset when she didn't return my phone calls or answer my text messages. I wouldn't say anything about it because I know she has a busy life. So I just wrote it off as she had something going on and couldn't get to me and she would when she could. I did that to myself for two months. And when she dumped me, she admitted to actually pushing me away for the last two months. So now that I look back at it, I had every right to be upset with her. She really was ignoring my phone calls.


Okay so we broke up...It hurt pretty bad. But it's nothing I haven't dealt with before. It's not like every time this happens, my heart breaks any less. I'm just getting more and more jaded with the more disappointment I have to deal with. I was right for being a cynical bastard about dating. Thus I have returned to my previous state of mind: it's a waste of my time, energy, money, attention, and other unnamed resources. I have more important things to which I should direct my focus. Like my career. I was right for saying "Screw love and all it has to offer." Because the only thing it's got me is a short period of happiness followed by a longer period of crippling doubt, anger, and disappointment.


So yeah, I was hurt about the breakup. But now I'm fine with it. I've come to terms with it. Mostly.


What really has me upset is this: she said she still liked me and that we could still be friends. Now I said at the beginning of our relationship that things would never be the same again. Well guess who was right on that call as well? Yeah. So I'm two for two. Now since the breakup, I've given her a little time to herself as I have definitely needed some time alone too. To cope. To move on from what happened. Was I angry? Yeah. Am I angry about it now? Kinda, but I'm not letting it wreck my day like I was a week ago. So she said that we could still be friends. I'm cool with that, really. I was glad to hear that we could continue to have a platonic relationship. After all, before we dated, she was one of my best friends. I could talk to her about pretty much everything and she had always been there to offer me some encouragement in my time of need. And while I was dating her but my calls were being ignored, I really just missed my friend. So when she told me we could still be friends, I was delighted to hear that.


So after giving her a little time, I sent her a text message. Just said a quick "Heya" just to see how things were going. I wasn't going to say anything until I heard back. Here we are now. It's been about 2 days now and I still haven't got anything back. Nada.


Now...now I just feel betrayed.


So I'm about to the point where I'm going to bring this up with her. I don't care about the dating thing, really. I just want my friend back.


I feel betrayed and I feel like I failed. I have a pretty intense fear of failure. That I'm not going to be good enough. It already hurt enough that she had dumped me and told me I did nothing wrong. I failed in that. Now I can't even get her to engage in small talk so we can begin to rebuild our friendship. So now I have failed twice. And as much as she can say I didn't do anything wrong, I have 9 other voices in my head screaming at me that I failed. Few things crush my spirit than the thought that I failed.


So that's it. I'm done being passive about this and brushing off this constant being pushed away. I need to say my piece to her. Because I do nothing wrong, but I'm the one who gets dumped and pretty much excommunicated? What's fair about that? This isn't my fault and I'm done feeling like I'm the fuck-up here.


I was already happy before we got together. I thought I was ready to have a girlfriend and that would make me even happier than I was. But as it stands I was robbed of my happiness. Now I feel betrayed, lonely, angry, and like a failure.


So I say again: don't ever count on other people to make you happy. You don't need anybody but your fucking self. Learn to be happy with you and what you have. And don't even try to let other people make you happy because they'll only let you down.


It's nice to know that people are still fickle as fuck.

  • Brohoof 5


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I'm not sure if this little ramble of mine will be helpful to you at all, but it may do, so I'll leave it here.


I've been the person to end every relationship I've ever been in. Every. Single. One. And it was rarely if ever because the guy did anything wrong. He didn't fail. If anything, failed because I couldn't form a lasting romantic attachment. I look at the relationships I've ended as being entirely my fault, and it cuts me up because I hate hurting other people.


I have managed to carry on friendships after ending relationships, but that's an exercise in managing a truckload of guilt and awkward vestigial feelings that are still dangling all over the place. It's possible, but it's certainly not easy. She could still be struggling with that.


You're the only one who can tell you how to feel, but I don't believe you've failed. Relationships are fickle things, they can fall apart for no reason whatsoever, and that's not always a reflection on the people who were in them.


There's one thing in all of this I do believe is 100% true, though: "If you can't be happy by yourself, you won't ever be happy with other people." That is sage advice. Other people can make you feel better through their presence, but I believe true happiness comes from within. While it feels great to share that happiness with other people around you, it's essential to be happy with yourself. It makes people gravitate toward you, and those people around you will reflect that happiness back like mirrors.

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Sorry to hear that, man. But you shouldn't give up on finding someone who will go the distance with you. So many people find a lasting love, you will too, I hope.

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If you were thinking of breaking up with her for a while, it wasn't a relationship worth continuing. Spend your time making yourself happy than blaming her for feeling like it may be difficult to talk to you now that you are no longer in a relationship. Have you also perhaps though that she may be busy and that is why she did not reply, or did you automatically assume she is ignoring you to HURT UR FEEELINGS? Perhaps you should look at your own shortcomings as well rather than piling the blame on her? :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Let's do a little experiment here.


Right now, I'm holding a bag. In this bag are thousands of sheets of paper. Each strip of paper contains a random number between 0 and 100.


Eagerly, a kid sticks his hand in the bag and expects to find a number greater than 90. He has a good feeling about this, he thinks. Things are going well, and today is his lucky day. He's pretty confident that the number he'll draw will be something high. The excitement of it all makes him happier than he ever was before. This is it; if he gets a 90 or higher, he'll have a better life for sure.


As he unfolds the sheet of paper, the number on it is revealed to be a four.


What? Only four? But there are supposed to be 70's, 80's, and 90's in the bag! What happened there? Why couldn't he be the one to draw something at least average? Four out of a hundred is abysmal!


The kid rips the sheet of paper apart and kicks the bag away. "This is a waste of time! I don't even want to try anymore; all these numbers suck ass!" he claims.


Have I made my point yet?


What it appears you're trying to do is examine random data to create a pattern from that. For example, "oh, this cloud looks like a pony, so all clouds must look like ponies." Pretty silly, right? We know a pony-shaped cloud doesn't say much about other clouds.


We know how clouds work. They're pretty random. If you look at the sky for a long enough time, you'll see clouds of all shapes and sizes. Eventually, you probably will see one that looks like a pony. Keep looking at random data, and you'll eventually find what you want to see, based on chance alone. It's the infinite monkey theorem, if you're familiar with that.


So, with this in mind...


Everyone is different. Everyone has different needs, desires, and expectations when it comes to relationships. You can't blame yourself for this, and you can't blame her. Definitely, whatever you do, do not generalize and blame all people. That's even worse.


The success of a relationship is basically a random event. When you first start off, you don't know what's going to happen. You don't know how compatible you are with her. It's completely natural and normal to try to analyze the situation and draw conclusions about yourself and others based on the outcome, but those conclusions are all fallacious.


Your mistake here was having high expectations in the first place. It's easy to over-glorify relationships at first, especially when everything is new and exciting. What you have to keep in mind is that yes, there is a chance that it will all end in heartbreak. You're not wrong there, and it's okay to be a little cynical.


But don't use that newfound knowledge to avoid relationships entirely. Okay, so you had a bad experience. Perhaps you've had several bad experiences. Join the club. I don't know one person who's been dating and hasn't had a bad experience. It happens to everyone. Don't think that bad experience means you can't have good experiences, because those exist, too.


The thing is, you have to realize that relationships are neither as bad nor as good as everyone makes them seem. Don't get your hopes up for love to fix your life, because that's unlikely. But at the same time, don't expect every experience you have with love to be bad--that's unlikely, too.


Everyone is different. The world is filled with all kinds of people. Just because one person doesn't love you doesn't mean someone else won't.


You shouldn't use this experience as a reason not to let someone else into your heart in the future. In fact, I encourage you to do the opposite. Kick this girl out of your life--she's already hurting you enough as it is. Keep her in the past and move on. There are plenty of other girls to talk to, and the more experience you have, the better your odds will be of finding someone who is actually good for you.


Don't let this be a lesson not to try; let this be a lesson to try more. You will experience all these things, and that's completely normal. Maybe you had bad experiences in the past, and maybe next time it won't be better. It's the truth, I'm not gonna sugar-coat that. But if you keep at it, you will almost surely find a better, happier, and healthier relationship based on probability alone.


Tl;dr: Don't avoid another relationship fearing the same thing will happen again. However, don't go into another relationship with the same naivete you had in the past. Maintain a balance between the two, and try to be reasonable. Be aware of all possible outcomes, good and bad, and expect even the unexpected.

  • Brohoof 2
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I agree with what Regulus said.



there will be other fish in the sea and if not that girl there will be others, so don't let this ruin your chances at finding love.

though I do agree with finding your own love because some times in life you will find your self alone. we all have dark and gloomy days where nothing good seems to happen, but we need to remember that we'll survive this.

tomorrow is another day to fulfill our dreams.

:3 you need to make it through the storm before you can get to the rainbow on the other end.


I hope you find happiness.


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