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A response to Mr. Enter's YouTube account termination (Update!)

Dark Qiviut


Author's Note: As of Monday, January 26, Mr. Enter's YouTube account has been revived. With that, comments here are locked.


As many of you already know, cartoon reviewer The Mysterious Mr. Enter had his account terminated last night courtesy of multiple copyright violations from Viacom (the main corporation responsible for managing companies like Nickelodeon). He had one review taken down two days ago, and then YouTube vacuumed up his account, hitting five total videos with copyright strikes consecutively.


I posted my response on EQD's page detailing his account closure (with Silver Quill's and Dr. Wolf's videos informing others). My response is below, C&P's from EQD itself:

Quite honestly, I'm not surprised. Mr. Enter has had a really long and bitter history with Viacom since he started uploading YouTube videos a couple of years ago. And these battles weren't just reviewing the episodes. They sometimes got very vicious and bitter thanks to unabashed personal attacks on Modern Spongebob's (his One Coarse Meal and Pet Sitter Pat's reviews, along with his 11 Worst Episodes of 2013), FIM's (called Fullerton and Williams "dumbasses" in his Putting Your Hoof Down review, Ten Worst FIM Episodes [said "Fuck you" to Williams & Fullerton], mocked Fullerton in his Rainbow Falls review), and Teen Titans Go's staff (called the writers "assholes" in one of them after promising not to bash them again).* It's one thing to beat Fox (who didn't respond to the copyright appeal). It's a different can with Viacom, who feuded with Google for seven years until both companies settled out of court.


Is it possible he can get his account back? IMO, only if he's careful. Fair use isn't an end-all defense. Sure, criticism and parody fall under it, but only to an extent; look up the drama with the Nostalgia Critic's The Room review. As a result of Viacom's history with YouTube, Google could be more conservative, which is completely different from the likes of Dr. Wolf, because he was the victim of a phish. Fair use is a gray area, and its laws vary from country to country.


More importantly, the fact that Mr. Enter bashed writers in several of his reviews may not help his case; in fact, it could hurt him because his reviews were responsible for many of his fans ganging up on Casey Alexander a few months earlier. Saying the wrong words can cause a major stir in the form of mob mentality. So, yes, even though you can't control others' emotions, he's semi-responsible for keeping his fans honest at all times.


There are two good sources about fair use here and here.


*Saying you regret what you did and apologizing for it isn't enough when his past reviews were still up. If he wants to look truly honest, every one of his reviews that attacks staff should never be uploaded ever again, and he's got to publish a public apology for it.

  • Brohoof 1


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I recall a quote of his from his Whatever Happened to Spongebob review.

"Whoever came up with that. Go hurt yourself,for all the children you gave nightmares."

As much as I like Mr. Enter. I can agree that he goes too far when criticizing writers.

  • Brohoof 4
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The videos that apparently got his account taken down:


Top 25 Modern Spongebob episodes 
Top 10 Patrick's a Prick Episodes 
Top 10 Worst Squidward Torture Porns 
To Love a Patty review 
Commentary of "One Coarse Meal Review"


Kind of weird that one of his videos that got his account suspended was one that was actually praising Modern Spongebob :P


Personally I was never a fan of MrEnter, especially with his personal grudges and how he makes personal attacks the writers of stuff he doesn't like



and as a personal note, listing "Lupe's Revenge" as an Animated Atrocity was bullshit



still it sucks for his userbase at Youtube, but to their benefits they can always use alternate sites like Dailymotion.


As for why his account was terminated, I don't think it has anything to do with the insults he made at the writers, but rather Viacom being the copyright nazis they are, if that list is anything to go by

  • Brohoof 1
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As for why his account was terminated, I don't think it has anything to do with the insults he made at the writers, but rather Viacom being the copyright nazis they are, if that list is anything to go by

That (and the flagged videos themselves) I've well aware of. It wasn't the attacks on staff, but Viacom's grip on copyright against Google. I just don't think his appeal against Viacom may be as strong as his appeal against Fox. Fox never responded to the appeal, but Viacom and Google don't see eye to eye. And I wonder if his past record of bashing staff could be a barrier from getting his account back.

  • Brohoof 1
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If his channel got taken down, then many others should be taken down as well. There are plenty of reviewers that thrive on talking about how horrible some shows' quality are. 

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I'm not a huge fan of his videos, but I hope he can get this sorted out, if only because the idea that no one can even fart in Viacom's general direction without it spazzing out and going mad with C&D Fever irks me.

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Here's what bothers me: It's not the fact that Viacom is being a copyright Nazi. Hell, every corporation does that. I do agree that he tends to take it too far with the personal attacks, but at the same time, I like him because of his unabashed opinions. But at the end of the day, isn't that just all they are? Opinions? 


No, what bothers me is that there is no freedom of speech. I understand the first amendment does not cover such things as libel and slander. But calling someone an asshole or a dumbass is not slander. A personal attack, yes, but not slander. Because it's not fact. It's only his opinion of that person. Just like his opinions of these shows are only opinions. 


And I don't think he's going to apologize. I do watch his videos, and when I couldn't find his channel, I checked his DeviantArt page. In a nutshell, he's probably going to fight it and he's not going to make an apology. He's already reuploaded a handful of his videos to DailyMotion. 


Do I feel bad for him? Nah, not really. I think he was kinda asking for it with the personal attacks. But do I think it's right? No. And if this does go to court and the judge or judges rule against him, they're basically allowing companies to walk all over someone's first amendment rights. Because like I said, calling someone an asshole or saying "Fuck you" is not slander. "This guy is an asshole because he wrote a bad episode" is just an opinion. Now do I think he owes an apology to Casey Alexander? Yes. Very much so. 


I'm kinda on the fence with this thing, though. I think karma has sorta bit him in the ass for this. But what kind of world do we live in wherein you can't express an opinion and not be sued for it anymore? That's what scares me. 

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@, Mr. Enter's biggest problem with his reviews is his irresponsibility. If there's one thing he constantly overlooks, it's how powerful his words are. His passionate fans follow his account every day waiting for a review, rant, or praise.


Fair use may be somewhat textbook, but like what I wrote earlier, there's a gray area. When reviewing and commenting on content, then he can argue fair use. (IIRC, he can only use it if he gets sued for it, and a disclaimer doesn't always work.) But when you cross that line into saying something personal, then like it or not, you're not expressing an opinion anymore. You're attacking the person him or herself. Calling the writers of Teen Titans Go! "assholes," mocking Casey Alexander as an "idiot," suggesting the people who animated the gross face of Spongebob during Whatever Happened to Spongebob to hurt themselves, and saying "fuck you" to Fullerton and Williams crosses blatant lines critically and intellectually.


He's responsible for getting Casey Alexander harassed online by bashing his Twitter on Youtube and calling him an "idiot." By telling the people to "go hurt themselves" over a repulsive gross-out joke isn't fair use, but expressing a threat of violence. That won't get you anywhere; chances are he's blacklisted from many companies, and Viacom's one of them.


YouTube gives you the ability to express freedom of speech, but Google's a private company with lines, too. If he was banned for several community strikes, then Google's using their freedom of speech to kick him out. But because he only got copyright strikes on reviews (four negative, one positive), it's a completely different game.

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Oh, dear! I liked his reviews. Although I can agree that he's rude to some writers.


This is why i fear uploading things onto Youtube: copyright laws.

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"*Saying you regret what you did and apologizing for it isn't enough when his past reviews were still up. If he wants to look truly honest, every one of his reviews that attacks staff should never be uploaded ever again, and he's got to publish a public apology for it."


Is it me, or are you on the side of one of the stupidest companies on earth. I don't like to get into an argument but you need to realize something: art (including animation) needs criticism. Criticism is the first step to improvement and better art.


You say that Mr. Enter was far too harsh. True, he could be rude and blunt.


However, Just because he was personal with his reviews doesn't say that he was making legitimate threats. You could say that the Nostalgia Critic uses too many bad words but that isn't enough to completely say “every one of his reviews that attacks staff should never be uploaded ever again, and he's got to publish a public apology for it.”


It’s impressive that you can say something this harsh when a reviewer like the Angry Video Game Nerd (who has had an entire episode with a character that is a piece of feces) gets away scot-free. I’m not bashing on the Angry Video Game Nerd; but I’m making a legitimate point when I say that being blunt isn't a reason to axe an account.
Finally, and this is a matter of opinion but I’m certain other people can agree; Mr. Enter made legitimate points to bash on the writers. He only got extreme when the writers truly had a reason to be bashed.
I’d like you to watch this scene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HqBvv_cJd0) and the episode “The Splinter” from SpongeBob. Also keep in mind that the writers didn't just make a few mistakes, they wrote many, many, many terrible, stupid and sometimes cruel episodes for a children’s show.
Simply put, the world needs criticism, the world sometimes needs harsh criticism; Mr. Enter wasn't the calmest of reviews but it’s another example of why Viacom  is one of the worst companies on this planet, and why this world will never get better if it doesn't grow up. I wasn't even that big of a fan of his reviews (I thought they got harsh at times) but when I read this I needed to respond. 
“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.”
-Winston Churchill
I respect your opinions, but I never will agree with them.
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@@Lucid Dream, Obviously, you never read any of my posts or blogs on this board. I'm one of the most critical people here, both positively AND negatively. Look at my whole resume of critiques on FIM episodes, Thomas & Friends episodes, and miscellaneous stuff like Breadwinners and the "it's for kids" excuse.


Also, you definitely didn't read my blog posting so thoroughly. Right in the middle, I posted this:

They sometimes got very vicious and bitter thanks to unabashed personal attacks on

Modern Spongebob's (his One Coarse Meal and Pet Sitter Pat's reviews, along with his 11 Worst Episodes of 2013),

FIM's (called Fullerton and Williams "dumbasses" in his Putting Your Hoof Down review, Ten Worst FIM Episodes [said "Fuck you" to Williams & Fullerton], mocked Fullerton in his Rainbow Falls review),

Teen Titans Go's staff (called the writers "assholes" in one of them after promising not to bash them again).

Writing criticism is definitely needed, and sometimes you should be blunt. But there's a very big difference between calling out the the writing as garbage and treating the writer as garbage.


There are so many reviews of him actually attacking staff, and it's not just Nickelodeon.


Finally, and this is a matter of opinion but I’m certain other people can agree; Mr. Enter made legitimate points to bash on the writers. He only got extreme when the writers truly had a reason to be bashed.


Are you kidding me?!


If you or anyone out here honestly believes there's merit in bashing and attacking the writers, you kidding yourself. Many of the episodes (and cartoons) written by them are mediocre at least and awful at worst. But there's absolutely ZERO excuse to bash or attack the staff, period. The second he bashes the staff, the quality of the writing and word doesn't matter anymore. Instead, the quality of his character gets called into question, and his opinions are nullified.


Just because his fans agree with him doesn't make their opinions or attitudes correct. The idea that there's reason to bash staff is extremely poisonous and disrespectful to the animation industry. You want to go out and call out the quality? Good. But there's a line you NEVER cross, and Mr. Enter and many of his overzealous fans crossed that line way too many times.


Next time, thoroughly read the blog.

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Are you kidding me?!   If you or anyone out here honestly believes there's merit in bashing and attacking the writers, you kidding yourself. Many of the episodes (and cartoons) written by them are mediocre at least and awful at worst. But there's absolutely ZERO excuse to bash or attack the staff, period. The second he bashes the staff, the quality of the writing and word doesn't matter anymore. Instead, the quality of his character gets called into question, and his opinions are nullified.


First off, leave your interrobang for fiction when I'm not around.


Yes, it's bad to be angry at the writer, but it's his style. I don't agree with an angry style (I get the idea though that you do, based on your counterargument's tone and your "it's for kids" blog entry).


I do need to agree on one thing, personal attacks are unprofessional; it was uncalled for that Mr. Enter was that angry at a TV show writer. But it's no excuse for saying that he deserved this.


But think about it, is it worth defending writers that write episodes that lack thought and are ruining television.


Once again, its his style you cant punish a critic for his style. First amendment. If you don't like him, ignore him, okay?


Finally, calm down. Please just calm down and if you want a debate, I'm fine.


On one condition, I don't want to debate a person that uses caps lock in his arguments, says "are you kidding me" and forgets that debate is the art of a peaceful, calm rebuttal between two parties. I don't know what kind of grudge you have on him, but this is mlp forums.

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@@Lucid Dream,

  • Being "his style" is not an excuse. You can be angry without getting too personal. Mr. Enter crosses that line constantly.

    Also, I tend to write my commentaries in the form of lists, but I don't have an emotional style. My reviews, emotions, and writing play hand in hand. I'm not interested in a fake persona.
  • But it's no excuse for saying that he deserved this.
    I never said he deserved it. I said:

    Quite honestly, I'm not surprised.

    Just by his past history, you can tell his account was in trouble, even when the strikes and claims were dropped. It was only a matter of time when a hammer was going to drop on his YT page.

  • But think about it, is it worth defending writers that write episodes that lack thought and are ruining television.
    That's not justification whatsoever. I don't have to deface a writer to know its writing quality.

    If there's one thing I know, a writer can write well in one series and write poorly in another. Take a look at how well Merriwether Williams wrote for in Spongebob and Camp Lazlo in comparison to FIM. Casey Alexander is the same; he writes really badly in Spongebob, but can write well, and he writes, well, meh in Uncle Grandpa.

Once again, its his style you cant punish a critic for his style. First amendment. If you don't like him, ignore him, okay?

YouTube is a subset of Google, a private company. There are specific rules and guides for every single user on YT to follow. Google gives you freedom of speech, but even they have their limits before content violated their Terms of Service. If what a YouTuber is doing is disrupting the service, then YouTube can punish him or her by suspending the account. If this disruption comes from a person's "style," then YouTube can unleash a barrage of community strikes (which Mr. Enter didn't have).


You're completely wrong about the First Amendment. The First Amendment only means the government can't prosecute you. On YouTube, even when someone loses their account, they're still protected by the First Amendment lest they say or do something that can get them sued or prosecuted. They just can't use their services (though the people can sue the company if their services are rejected for government-protected discrimination).


Just as he has the ability to criticize bad products, I have the ability to criticize his character and skill as a reviewer if he goes too far. I take reviewing seriously; when my morals are crossed, I'm not afraid to criticize.

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You know, I like the irony of when Mr. Enter once made an Admirable Animation about an anti-troll/cyberbullying video, yet he used to insult and threaten well-known writers for TV shows. His apologies don't help either.


I kind of used to think that it was both Mr. Enter's rebelliousness and Viacom's strict copyright laws, but now that I'm thinking about it it's really more Mr. Enter's fault for getting his account terminated. Not just for how much he overreacts, but for how he'll take on any copyright infringement. It's something to see him get the rights for Fox content, but from the strikes from Viacom he has gotten he should've known by now that what he's doing would lead to dangerous consequences. 


It does make me wonder how he'll deal with copyright infringement if he ever goes back to Youtube. I could see him uploading his videos the way they were, except his Viacom videos. In fact I think he should first deal with getting the rights to use Viacom's content before making a new account. What are your thoughts on this?


Nice response, by the way.

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He only got extreme when the writers truly had a reason to be bashed.


Then you have to admit he is at the very least a poor writer with his YT scripts to have to leverage such 'eloquent' colloquialisms as he did. To me, it doesn't matter if he gets back up or not, but considering how poorly he conducted himself, I he earned this battle. 


Remember YouTube folks ... when your face gets out there ... you become a brand. 


Act accordingly :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Guys, Mr. Enter's YouTube account has been revived. Since Viacom never responded to Mr. Enter's DMCA appeal, it doesn't come as a surprise.


As a result, this conversation can be considered closed, for now.

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