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Rant # 2 - MLPforums Moderating

Motion Spark


blog-0301374001353804445.jpgHi y'all, and welcome to my second rant blog. This issue that I'm going to address is really delicate and probably risky for my account, but I want to take the risk, because I won't keep my mouth shut when it feels like something it's unfair to me and because this is a problem, that for me, still has the wound open and hasn't fully healed.


I think that the moderating system has a big flaw. Now, is not about the work they do to keep in balance this forums, in fact, they do an AMAZING job, it blows my mind, and they are less than 50 people that set the boundaries for this site to not to become a wild jungle XD.


My problem with the moderating system (note I said moderating and not mods) is that they are not consistent and they have different views and actions in terms of moderating which can create a state of confusion and injustice to some users of the forums.


Let me tell you my story of how I got 225 warning points for posting porn in the forums and then you will decide if this is a lost cause or not, BTW the warning points have been slowly reducing to 175 points now. This issue is a month old, since I got them by the end of october, but didn't do anything about it because I was emotionally drained and weak at the time to argue with a mod about how unfair my warning poinst were. I just accepted them and moved on.


Anyways, there was this silly thread called "*stares at you*", some of you may know it. The purpose of this thread was to silly pictures of anything staring at you, as simple as that. It was a fun thread. But I just saw a really creepy image of Applejack or Pinkie Pie, I don't remember well, that stared directly at your eyes. It was very well drawn, what caught my eye were the very realistic eyes that gave you a really deep and penetrating gaze. So I thought that it would be funny to post a picture of female feet wearing very fasnionable high heels and panties at the level of the ancle, indicating that they just dropped. That's it, it was merely a picture of feet, nothing else. Well I pasted that image as a reaction of the other picture and quoted "when you look at me like that I get weak on my knees" or something like that. I thought that it was really fun, yes, a tad strong but not even close to be NSFW content.


Anyways, my post got ignored for about 2 or 3 days, until BAM! I got the warning that my post got deleted and that I was given 225 warning points, instead of reacting like I would normally do, because I thought that this was SO unfair to me, I just accepted them because like I said before, I was feeling down. I didn't even know what mod gave me the wp because we were in Halloween and half forum changed their username and profile picture to something complete different. Honestly I don't care anymore who gave me the warning points because I want to give this message to all the mods on the site equaly. The funny thing is that I saw at least 2 mods lurking in the thread before I got the warning points.


Well, the reason I got the points was that even though there wasn't any explicit nudity, the image was highly suggestive. Please! I've seen plenty of these kind of images on here and status updates with ridiculous amounts of suggestion and they don't get punished like I did. It's like if I post a picture of a woman wearing nothing but a really big long sleeved shirt and she has a messy hair. Everything is covered up except her thighs and legs, and I would get warning points because even though there was no visible nudily, it suggests that she had sex the night before. That's ridiculous.


I was even scared to post my drawing of human Rarity wearing a bikini because I thought that it was very suggestive. I want to say loud and clear that do not agree with my punishment and I think that it was unfair to me, but also I want to let know other users what happened to me. If you know me, you may know that I'm kinda blunt, very direct and my words are strong, but I always remain humble and I do not insult anyone when I refer to them. But with things like these, I just not gonna end up doing anything, because it's still bugging me, even it's been a month since it happened.


Let say, that I agree about my warning points, then, I expect users to get punished for posting "suggestive" content in the forums. I've seen A LOT of these. What I'm talking about, is equal rights for every user on the forums and consistency in the moderating, I really don't want to think that there is favoritism in here. I really don't want to.


My entry seemed really heated up, but it's not, I'm just being direct and honest to you all, like I always do, I'm not afraid to speak my mind and let you know what I think


everyone is more than welcome to give me their thoughts on the matter ;)

  • Brohoof 13


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You could've always just made a moderation dispute. Tends to be more productive than ranty blog posts. Have a nice day~

I don't know what a moderation dispute is. And I wanted to be informative more than other thing. It's not like I'm going to get my points removed or anything.

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I don't know what a moderation dispute is. And I wanted to be informative more than other thing. It's not like I'm going to get my points removed or anything.




Moderation disputes are a type of support ticket whereby you request a second opinion on warnings that you've been given. Think of it as an appeals court, whereby your issue is considered by folks that were not involved in the original warnings.


Moderation dispute tickets have resulted in warnings being rescinded, moderators being 'talked to', and similar.

  • Brohoof 7
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Moderation disputes are a type of support ticket whereby you request a second opinion on warnings that you've been given. Think of it as an appeals court, whereby your issue is considered by folks that were not involved in the original warnings.

Moderation dispute tickets have resulted in warnings being rescinded, moderators being 'talked to', and similar.

Thanks Zoop. I really don't know who gave me the points. I know that in Halloween was finn from adveture time. I didn't even cared to check his profile, I dont even know if my issue would be attended after 1 month.

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And to be honest with ya, I think there is favoritism going on here...


Keeping this site friendly, fun, and safe for work is the job of both the members of the community and the staff. If you see something that is in violation of the site rules, then you should report it. We comb through lots and lots of posts, and we catch quite a few things. However, some things still slip through the cracks. There is no "favoritism" at work here, and there is really no need for exaggerated conspiracy theories. This is a public forum provided as a service to the community and staffed by volunteers. There is no great, evil network of power-hungry monsters here. The staff consists of students and other normal people just like you. I can assure you that we are not laughing madly and randomly handing out warnings to those that are not part of our secret cabal.

  • Brohoof 4
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sounds like proactive moderation vs. reactionary moderation is in play, which was a heated debate topic when we had Boatload I.


Proactive is nipping potential problems in the bud before they erupt, HOWEVA it is left completely subjective and open to interpretation


Reactive is not doing anything until there's a report because someone reported it because they found it offensive or whatever


I'm not sure if it is posted anywhere in the FAQ or site rules but it should be stated that the forums goes with the PROactive moderation philosophy so people at least know that. It can be frustrating when something is open to interpretation where one party feels its innocuous while the other finds it inappropriate and the party that finds it inappropriate has the power to enact punishment on it.


I guess the tl:dr version is, when thinking your post might be borderline suggestive: when in doubt throw it out, as in don't post it.

  • Brohoof 1
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i agree with this, i had a post that was removed for back seat moding, but it wasn,t even that and it was completly on topic and that post was removed and i off topic argument is stil on the thread.

and i don't like how it take only one mod to consider somthing removeable because i know a few mod saw that argument and my post but my warning was dished out 5 hours after and i could do nothing against it because it gave me a 2 day ban as well. and even when that was over i was to afraid to appeal againt it because i didn't want to get banned again

  • Brohoof 1
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I can assure you that we are not laughing madly and randomly handing out warnings to those that are not part of our secret cabal.

could of fooled me considering how warning point are all that are give and there is 0 chance of a issue ever getting defused and even when its all done and a few hours pass then the warning points come.

  • Brohoof 1
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People who complain and who are yelling at the staff for doing their job are those who have been given out a high amount of warning points.


But instead of creating a ticket about it, they wait for someone to start a thread/blog about it so that they also can join in and make the staff look even worse. Not that they succeed but still.

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People who complain and who are yelling at the staff for doing their job are those who have been given out a high amount of warning points.


But instead of creating a ticket about it, they wait for someone to start a thread/blog about it so that they also can join in and make the staff look even worse. Not that they succeed but still.

i'm breaking up with you


joking of course...... maybe


tho i'll agree with you with the warning point thing i do have over 500 warning point but i don't constantly complain because i avoid mod like the plague out of fear of getting banned and you know that i'm treading rely lightly with my posts (the fact that i'm doing soft shipping)


and there is a reason why more people step up once some one else make a point that they have wanted to make against the mod, because they lack the confidence and are afraid that they may get in trouble with the mod in the future if they were the once to start it. i can damn well say if i did what Sparky did you wouldn't see me for another 2 days

  • Brohoof 1
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Well... I once posted something about "Banned from Equestria (Daily)" (Note: Do NOT play this game!) and I got lucky for deleting it before anyone could ever see, so I still managed to save me from banning for sure...


I actually didn't got warning points for nothing I didn't do wrong.

Actually, some time ago, there was a roleplay, and things became going into overaged PG and I tried to avoid so by showing off. That made me get into a big argument fight that ended up well, actually, but I still got warning points for ALL the posts I've done arguing...

Yeah, for a comment this is kind of "TL;DR".


It looked bigger in the post-posting thing.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not to be a dick or anything, buuuuut that 100 character limit can be bullshit (Sometimes).


I'd like it better if it was a 50 or 75 limit.


And thats how the roleplay disscusion forum came to have a 75 character limit.


Now back on topic; I agree with your point completely, but it must have been because one of the more sensitive mods came on the thread.

  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly, I haven't seen any "injustice" from any of the moderators and I think they do a lovely job at keeping the forums safe and organized. I fail to see what kind of prejudice the mods have against certain members and what not. If you think your content is going to be a tad risque, then just don't post it, simple as that. Don't hate the mods for doing their job.


If they didn't, then Feld0 might hit them over the head with a wet noodle. :(

  • Brohoof 1
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What i will agree on is that if you have a strong connection with a moderator, and he happen to review your case, chances are that the moderator might skip the part with handing out warning points. Of course it depends on what you have done.


i'm breaking up with you




i can damn well say if i did what Sparky did you wouldn't see me for another 2 days

I doubt that. i really do.

You have the right to complain. All staff members knows that.

  • Brohoof 1
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That's why I left Everypony.com: the staff were out-and-out hypocrites. I've been on the recieving end of mod bullying before, and it sucks ass, especially if you have no avenue of appeal. But if you have an avenue of appeal here, don't be afraid to use it, and use it well.

  • Brohoof 1
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People who complain and who are yelling at the staff for doing their job are those who have been given out a high amount of warning points.


But instead of creating a ticket about it, they wait for someone to start a thread/blog about it so that they also can join in and make the staff look even worse. Not that they succeed but still.

I agree.



Honestly, I haven't seen any "injustice" from any of the moderators and I think they do a lovely job at keeping the forums safe and organized. I fail to see what kind of prejudice the mods have against certain members and what not. If you think your content is going to be a tad risque, then just don't post it, simple as that. Don't hate the mods for doing their job.


If they didn't, then Feld0 might hit them over the head with a wet noodle. :(

That's the problem, you haven't seen anything, and it's not possible that you can see everything unless if it's a public thing, like SpeedyTransition's banishment. I remained silent about this for a whole month.

And in what I put more emphasis is that my post got ignored by other mods for about 2 or 3 days, if I deserve that punishment, it should be by all mods equally, and not just 1.



That's why I left Everypony.com: the staff were out-and-out hypocrites. I've been on the recieving end of mod bullying before, and it sucks ass, especially if you have no avenue of appeal. But if you have an avenue of appeal here, don't be afraid to use it, and use it well.

I don't think we have that situation over here. >.>

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I doubt that. i really do.

You have the right to complain. All staff members knows that.

well i'm not taking risks, because whats to stop that mod i appeal against from looking for a reason to give me a warning point (note it just takes one off topic warning and i'm gone for 2 days) and considering that mod is an Alicorn i dought my ticket would even be noticed

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well i'm not taking risks, because whats to stop that mod i appeal against from looking for a reason to give me a warning point (note it just takes one off topic warning and i'm gone for 2 days) and considering that mod is an Alicorn i dought my ticket would even be noticed

You are practically saying that the staff wants to implant fears in our heads, you shouldn't be scared of anything as long as you follow the global rules, and I highly doubt that mods would look for reasons to give you warning points, but if that is what you feel, you have all the right to complain.

  • Brohoof 1
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those fears are already there is only one mod who i have the slightest bit of faith in, the rest I try to avoid even the ones who are my friends because of my flare ups and my habit of drifting off in my post it easy to pick any of them and poof warning. and this was exactly how i was banned from Equestria Forums so don't tell me i'm being paranoid

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those fears are already there is only one mod who i have the slightest bit of faith in, the rest I try to avoid even the ones who are my friends because of my flare ups and my habit of drifting off in my post it easy to pick any of them and poof warning. and this was exactly how i was banned from Equestria Forums so don't tell me i'm being paranoid

oh no! I don't think that you are being paranoid!

  • Brohoof 1
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When there is a site with a 1,000+ daily users on it, of course there is going to be inconsistency. MLP Forums is barely a year old. I'm sure as the staff becomes more experienced and settles in as a more mature community, there will be more consistency in terms of the moderation system. I'm sure the mods are also always willing to talk if you have any concerns about the site. :)

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