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Why Season 5 is my favorite of FIM

Dark Qiviut


For a while, season two was my favorite season, followed by 1, 3, and 4 depending on my mood. (Four's a better season than three, but I found it less fun and enticing to watch beyond a couple of episodes: Pinkie Pride and Testing Testing.) Season five changed that:

  1. Cutie Map is the best season premiere.
  2. Slice of Life is a wonderful, seriously underrated, hilarious thank-you letter to the fanbase and an excellent 100th episode in its own right.
  3. Season featured the best episode for Applejack (The Mane Attraction), Twilight (Amending Fences), and the CMCs (Lost Mark).
  4. Cutie Re-Mark is the best two-part finale and seriously underrated.
  5. The Cutie Map, Amending Fences, and Lost Mark are three of the five best episodes of the show. Lost Mark competes with The Best Night Ever as this show's best.
  6. Best villain (Starlight).
  7. Scare Master is easily the second-best Fluttershy episode.
  8. Easily the two best redemptions of the show (Tiara, Starlight).
  9. For the most part, excellent characterization for Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight, Spike (secondary roles only), and Applejack. I had major issues with some of the characterization in season four, particularly Pinkie Pie and Twilight. Pinkie Pie was in character for the entire year. Fluttershy and Twilight improved for the most part.
  10. Prior to this season, I was a very vocal critic of the Twilicorn, and season four did no favors by shoving her role to the side and one-dimensionalizing her character for the most part. Season five took advantage of her role as Princess of Friendship (for better or worse), brought back plenty of that adorkable flavor that made her so endearing, and used her growth and maturity over the seasons to further impact the episodes (AF, Cutie Re-Mark). Twilight convincing Starlight to give the Magic of Friendship a second chance and becoming her teacher is her finest moment as Equestrian princess. At this time, season five (and portrayal of Twilight) turned me into a Twilicorn supporter, not dissenter.

Now, my order is 5 > 2 > 1 > 3 ≥ 4.

  • Brohoof 9


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I still find 2 to be better than 5, not a big fan of "The Cutie Re-Mark" for rushing Starlight's reformation or DT's reformation in "Crusaders", but "Amending Fences" and "The Cutie Map" were amazing, and I'll give "Slice of Life" a lot of credit for putting in a great message.


I'll agree with you on Twilight getting more flavor this season, but a couple of things that really brought the quality of the whole season down for me were the lackluster new characters (yaks, Svengallop, Hooffields and McColts) and general underuse of the new theme.

  • Brohoof 1
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Why do you think slice of life is seriously underrated? I mean, the majority of people did like it. 

Far too many people focus on the fanservice only without paying much attention to the story. Understandable, of course; after all, SoL is a celebratory episode. I like it because the story is very good and, to echo Silver-Quill, more true to real life than most character-centric episodes. Hundreds of stories intertwine purely out of shared space, and that's exactly the case here.

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Now, my order is 5 > 2 > 1 > 3 ≥ 4.

Season 5 is definately a great season, but i have some disagreement with your points and some... agreement too :D


1. Return of Harmony still the best premiere ever, fantastic villain, high entertainment value. Cutie Map is great premiere, but it is downgraded by the finale (Premiere Starlight > Finale Starlight), but i still love Starlight so...


2. I agree with you.

3. I agree with you, except Applejack's case. Applebuck Season's still her best episode (Amy wrote it too :3)

4. Cutie Remark is better than Twilight's Kingdom in my opinion. Twilight's Kingdom is seriously overrated, Tirek is just some generic power hungry  villain, Celestia's plan is really bad (they know Discord can sense the power and they didnt even break the Glass...). Cutie Remark has more dangerous villain, Starlight is the most "try-hard" villain in the show, but she lacks long term plans, just want to mess with Twilight... You have to agree with me that the Ending music sequence ruined the finale :)). Everyone hates that finale for Starlight's "mundane" motivation and quick reformation (due to music sequence).

My favorite finale in order is Canterlot Wedding (the song, the plot twist, fan favorite villain)> Cutie Remark > Magical Mystery Cure > Best Night Ever and Twilight's Kingdom in the bottom.

5. Amending Fence, Lost Mark are Gold/Platinum of the show. 

6. After the finale, Starlight downed to the second best villain in my book (When i watched Cutie Map,I just thought she will dethrone Discord...). Blame the Finale! 

7. I think Putting Your Hoof down should be... Wait... You can hate me, but i love that episode...

8. Season 6 will determine their reformations are good or not. I find Diamond face heel turn a little quick, she must apologize to Scootaloo to complete her Redemption... I hope Starlight is not another "nice Sunset Shimmer", i want that pony still has her egdes.

9. The best characterization in season 5 is Pinkie Pie. I love her performance in Mane Attraction. Pinkie in season 4 is so horrible that i want to skip every scenes she talk (she is my best Mane, i cant stand that). 

10. Season 5 Twilight is the slave of the Map, i dont like that. Her progression as a Princess in this season is not significantly improved. Two episodes are not enough.

  • Brohoof 2
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I put it off for a really long time (in fact, I just started S5 about a week ago), but so far I'm really liking it. Wish I had watched it sooner.

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