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Here No Longer


Well, here it is. The inevitable political blog post... In this post I will make short summations of my beliefs on a variety of topics. I'm doing this for four reasons. Firstly, so that way I don't feel the urge to post in the toxic cesspool that is the Debate Pit (Debate Symposium is way too polite of a name for it). Secondly, it feels like they confuse some people with the narrow-minded perspective of every issue being left vs right. That ISN'T always the case! I agree with the right on some things, but mainly on things that, from a more nuanced perspective, are not really left vs right issues like neo-liberals or neo-conservatives would want you to believe. And thirdly, to say f*** you to the fake left democrats of the world. My voice will be heard whether you like it or not! And lastly, I do this because I really don't feel the need to explain them to those who choose to object to them. If you see things differently, fine. Just don't start s*** with me. Also, I'll give a trigger warning. If you are easily offended, stop reading this post now, because I guarantee you'll be screaming at me later.


  1. Guns. Guns should be legal as long as they aren't FULLY automatic (even burst-fire is potentially fine) or have a magazine size larger than 20 rounds. 
  2. Taxes. I believe in a very progressive tax bracket. I like the idea of a 49% tax on the highest bracket, and on the lowest maybe 4 or 5%. Also, GET RID OF THE TAX HAVENS! 
  3. Drugs. I see no problem with legalizing a lot of them. Maybe not crystal meth, but for marijuana it's only common sense I think. Also, we should END this war on drugs. It is HARMING more than it is helping! Dense-a** sheep and their alternative facts (also known as obvious LIES that they decided to BELIEVE) are not helping.
  4. Immigration. I believe that dreamers deserve an opportunity to prove themselves, but drug lords don't belong here. I believe that immigration should be CHEAPER (it costs over $1000 in stupid-a** fees to get a green card for f***'s sake!), but I also believe that sanctuary cities are downright WRONG. Yeah sort of in the middle on the whole issue. But I have to say this: both sides of the issue are completely moronic, but in some ways each of them are right.
  5. Healthcare. I believe in Medicare-for-all for everyone. Politicians shouldn't get special privileges, and we shouldn't be thrown to the curb. 
  6. Corruption. It's everywhere, and it HAS to STOP! Or else we may no longer have any right to call ourselves a "democratic republic" (though it is true CONGO is supposed to be one)...
  7. Miitary Spending. NEEDS to go WAY down! We spend 3 or 4 f***ing times what China does and our military is HALF THE SIZE! Not to mention most of this spending goes towards things we will REALLY never need! 
  8. Abortion. I frankly think that for the most part pro-lifers are a bunch of fruitcakes, that frankly have no idea what they're talking about. I see no issue as long as it is done before 29 weeks, though I can see numbers lower than that.
  9. National Debt. Should be the first priority to pay it off, or else all of our necessary welfare programs will suffer. Not even to mention that it will eventually affect the way other countries see us.
  10. Trade. We need less of these dumb trade unions and we need to increase tariffs on imported goods.
  11. Racist Cops. They do exist! There IS some degree of legitimacy to Black Lives Matter. Albeit, a small degree of it. In about three cases on national news that I remember (of a decent few...), the cops should have been charged, one with first-degree murder (yes FIRST DEGREE, not SECOND or THIRD!). Aside from those few cases though, Black Lives Matter is WRONG. However, I do agree there is a problem here that should be addressed. I have a hard time believing there isn't a little discrimination somewhere in this. Just a little though.
  12. American Flag vs American Principles. Principles win, every time. So in other words, I don't support the idea of forcing people to stand to the Pledge. It is frankly more patriotic NOT to considering that it is an extension of freedom of speech, in the exact same sense as the right to have a Confederate flag. I think if you support forcing people to stand to the pledge, it's VERY hypocritical of you to also turn around and pride your heritage for being traitors to the union. By the way, yes, I have no issues with the Confederate flag.
  13. "Religious Freedom Laws" regarding Gay Marriage- They are ridiculous. If they didn't make wedding cakes for Trump supporters, would YOU want the right to sue them? The right likes to make this issue into something it is not. There is NOBODY saying that it should be illegal to NOT serve them. They're saying that a**holes that don't serve them have every right to get sued for it.
  14. LGBT Rights. Being LGBT, I fully support them, until they trample on other people's rights or until they force pro-gay propaganda down the throats of elementary school kids (which my dad inaccurately told me was happening while quite obviously not evaluating the credibility of his source). Since I saw this thread, I say the most important thing to solve this issue worldwide is time as well as tolerance for those who don't support us. They won't accept us if we force the issue on them.
  15. Autistic Rights. This isn't one you hear about everyday probably. Autism Speaks is EVIL. Period. They are a HATE group that deserves no funding. If anything, the head honchos of this c*** need to go to JAIL! I believe in the right for people with Autism to live their lives the way they are. We don't need a cure for this, we just need society's acceptance. (I say we here, because of the nature of my perspective on the issue. I believe that I have Asperger's Syndrome, the mildest form of Autism).
  16. American Justice and Prison Systems. Both NEED fundamental reworks from the top down. It spends too much money, treats prisoners too well, and has too many people in it. Also, private prisons should not f***ing exist. It's sick to make money like that. My proposition involves shorter sentences in harsher prisons, so that way we don't have to pay to keep them there or for luxuries they don't really need. Things like weight rooms, like actual cafeteria food (From what I've heard, the luxuries they get food-wise are ridiculous)... You know, things there are no reason why prisoners should have access to, but also so they have a chance to get back into society and maybe contribute if prison really made them realize that they don't want to be criminals.
  17. Affirmative Action. Affirmative action is a bad thing. It is fundamentally bad for everyone, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Native American... IT'S BAD ALL THE WAY AROUND. Unqualified Blacks getting jobs over more qualified Blacks, Whites, or any other race is WRONG. Job opportunity shold be equal for everyone, not more equal for blacks who don't belong in the jobs they have than everyone else.
  18. Minimum Wage. Well, here's a hum-dinger. I think it should be FLEXIBLE, and not just a single value, as taxes are. I'm sorry Bernie, but increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour will hurt small businesses everywhere. It sounds good until you get to there though. The better idea is for the IRS to start doing their JOB! Deliver forms to both workers and company owners asking about how much the workers make, how many employees the establishment has, and how much the establishment earns. Based on the later two of the values, calculate how much they should pay the workers. From the first value, ascertain whether that amount is being paid. If the forms contradict each other, trust the worker. They have much less reason to lie about it.  Also make this wage increase or decrease wit inflation or deflation. Sounds like a slippery slope, I know. But this is probably better than setting it to one number for everyone.
  19. Federal Funding for College. The government needs to start paying up for it's country's future. Colleges basically rob their students blind of hundreds of thousands of dollars. All for what? A piece of paper that will get you a job in a year maybe while the interest on your student loans (which you will have unless you have RICH-A** PARENTS!) stacks up. Also, they should only pay the colleges a reasonable amount of money and any need for more than what is necessary here should be a federal offense for the bookies and the higher ups.
  20. Death Penalty. I consider it unusual, and unfitting punishment. Note that I didn't say cruel, because it's actually quite the opposite. It's too humane! They should rot in jail instead! Also, the death penalty actually isn't cheap either. They have to maintain the execution chamber and all, which I'd suppose costs an insane amount of money, not even to mention most death row inmates now stay there for DECADES before getting executed because of all the red tape! Just put them in for life with no parole. Treat them to the suffering they deserve. Also, not even to mention in the case of those that actually aren't guilty, they'd get the chance to prove it (of course if anybody would f***ing listen to appeals!).
  21. Fake News. Needs to go. Period. No more CNN, no more Fox, no more MSNBC, no more of that. And, yes, the government actually does have the authority to delegitimize them as far as I know, and it's not really being utilized because of all of the FREAKING CORRUPTION! What could replace it is actual journalism, of course if the corruption went away. Also, they need to stop praising EVERY politician that dies. Seriously, I could care less about George HW Bush, and how it's plastered everywhere that he's died is ALREADY beginning to annoy me. Seriously, WHO SHOULD REALLY CARE? He was a mediocre president who's best political moment (My opinion) was calling out Reagan on his economic policy.
  22. Gold Standard. Here's where I actually go right on economics. The Gold Standard is necessary right now. We need less inflation, so that way the poor's money is worth more, and so that way there's less for the rich to make, with the government basically making notes willy-nilly whenever they want.
  23. The United States as a whole. Not great, but not terrible either. Sure, we technically are the world's largest terrorist organization, and we don't get all of the freedoms listed in the constitution (thanks for the false advertisement, f***ers!), but at least we have the semblance of a democratic society here and that's enough for me. I did a ranking of nations based on how much I'd want to live in them, and the US ranked around 16th on the list, so not bad at all in that sense.  As for voting? I have a question. Would you rather be shot in the back or shot in the face? Or neither? I choose neither. Meaning, I don't freaking vote, because there's NO POINT when your only options are BAD!
  24. Socialism as a whole. It's BADLY misdefined by the right and the fake left in an attempt to delegitimize actual leftist economics. Why? I don't think it's that hard to figure out. The word has had a completely unfair stigma surrounding it since the Cold War, almost exclusively because the Soviet Union was a TYPE of socialist and we didn't like them. Communism and Socialism are NOT the same thing. Communism is an authoritarian brand of socialism, and I think believing otherwise is frankly a show of bias and a laughable lack of knowledge about how the left REALLY is.
  25. Trump as a president. I already went into this in a Debate Pit post (which was my mistake that I'm surprised I'm not seeing the effects of), but he's a pretty freaking bad president. Trump may have done some good on the Korean front, but I'm starting to think that the peace would have happened without Trump in office, and I'm starting not to understand why that didn't come across my mind sooner. After all, he's the one and the same guy that nearly started a freaking WAR with them over his own freaking ego, and the same guy who's already killed HUNDREDS of innocent people ON PURPOSE...  (And yes, there's no logical reason for this source to lie). What saves him I my mind is that he IS tackling important issues such as corruption in the government, although very slowly. But nonetheless it hardly excuses him from being, by definition, a TERRORIST. It also doesn't help his case whatsoever that he's totally SCREWED the economy for the working class. I was already concerned about the tax policy, but it's worse than I thought. The rich are being allowed to have their cake and eat it too... Seriously, trickle-down economics does NOT work, and it NEVER has. Let's see how we like living in the 1880's again... Seriously, that's what this is becoming. A modern version of the 1880's partially THANKS to Trump! I don't care if you say "but he didn't initially propose it" because HE ALLOWED IT TO GO THROUGH. And that's more than enough to say that he is going to cause the financial train wreck just waiting to happen...
  26. Democrats. I can't STAND them, for several reasons, but I have to go over some misconceptions that BOTHER me. First off, they are FAR from left-wing, they only pretend they are which I and others will point out is full of s***. Secondly, they aren't GOING LEFT! SOCIETY'S GOING FURTHER RIGHT! I think that's a freaking no-brainer at this point, but apparently it isn't because society is TOTALLY oblivious to the entire phenomenon! Democrats are literally NOT changing whatsoever. They're a bunch of hawkish, corporatist LIARS who have no moral compass and have NO IDEA how to criticize Trump when he shoots himself in the foot at every opportunity! Saying Trump is bad without an actual argument is actually giving him more SUPPORT! It makes me think even more that their agenda is actually to silence the actual left-wing in the United States. Also, the people who support them still must either be naïve or moronic. Yes, there's literally NO other explanation why ANYONE would support people like Hillary Clinton or ESPECIALLY NANCY PELOSI! None, whatsoever. It doesn't help that most of the people that support them complain about literally everything under the sun, and try to justify it with total nonsense!
  27. Republicans. They're a bunch of deranged, hypocritical, spiteful lunatics, and I must say so are a large fraction of their supporters. These people complain about lobbying. What about all the money the NRA pays Republicans for propping up their agenda? Then they complain about spending. If you really cared, you wouldn't advocate spending so much money on the military... They complain about the constitution. The Patriot Act is the most blatant breach of our rights per the constitution I've ever seen, and a REPUBLICAN put that into law! They complain about snowflakes. What about Religious Freedom laws, what about the controversy with the pledge, or what about half of what your favorite Fox News moron says about "leftists"? 'But that's the truth' Bulls*** it's an opinion DON'T YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE?!?!?! For f***'s sake, you're WORSE than the people you complain about! Just stop calling everyone you don't like an SJW and come up with real reasons to not like things! Get a freaking spine, too! You really need one, you vile piece of crap!


Quick list of my who I think were the best and worst president in our nation's history:

Best: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Harry S. Truman, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight D. Eisenhower

Worst: Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, Ronald Reagan, Warren G. Harding, George W. Bush (Junior), Donald Trump


I may edit some of this later on, and I'll more than likely expand it also. But regardless, I really want the toxicity in this blog post to stay at a minimum, because that's part of the point anyways... (which is funny to think about now because I've already had to deal with a ton from fake leftists and a few right-wingers that lurk around the Debate Pit (Symposium is FAR too polite of a term for the place) and try to pick fights by accusing people of things they know are complete and utter bologna, ether that or blatantly lie about their opinions in posts, because that happens too.) 

  • Brohoof 3


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Damn. LOL I actually read one of your tags and I like how you said that you aren't a liberal, but based on what you've said here, you sound like a SLIGHT one. Not an AVERAGE one, not an EXTREME one, but a SLIGHT one. I dunno. I kinda like this idea of posting your political views. I figure that I'LL do it as well! (P.S. I disagree about Eisenhower being one of the best, tbth.)

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29 minutes ago, AveryGamerDude said:

Damn. LOL I actually read one of your tags and I like how you said that you aren't a liberal, but based on what you've said here, you sound like a SLIGHT one. Not an AVERAGE one, not an EXTREME one, but a SLIGHT one. I dunno.

I kinda like this idea of posting your political views. I figure that I'LL do it as well!

(P.S. I disagree about Eisenhower being one of the best, tbth.)

I don't like calling myself a liberal for two reasons:

1. Because I believe that the mainstream neo-liberal is not legitimately a left-winger. Most of the things they say that actually sound like left wing ideas usually get abused to try to woo more naïve leftists into actually voting for them. Even when they implement it also, they usually abuse it in one way or the other.

2. Because I can't stand liberal politicians. They are entirely corrupt, and have this trend of putting on a show that makes them look better than they really are. But yet again conservative politicians are that way as well. 

But I do agree with some of the stances taken by liberals, on some issues, but I also agree with conservatives on a couple of things as well. However, I agree with Bernie's and Noam Chomsky's stances on most things. I'm closer to a socialist than a liberal to be honest.


I personally consider him among the best mainly because he paved (as close to literally as it could get) the way for our highway system. He's the one who implemented it back in the 50's.  He was also about as far left as a Republican could get, even at that time when some were even as far left as Bernie is. He literally said Medicare-for-all was only common sense one time. But yet again, I could be overrating him. May put Woodrow Wilson in that slot instead, as he was one of the creators of the League of Nations, which would be the predecessor to the UN.

Edited by ~Dusky~
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"until they force pro-gay propaganda down the throats of elementary school kids"

Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you think pro-gay propaganda is?

  • Brohoof 1
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4 minutes ago, Sun Wukong said:

"until they force pro-gay propaganda down the throats of elementary school kids"

Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you think pro-gay propaganda is?

Pro-gay propaganda is propaganda that's sole purpose is to make people believe they have to support gay rights. Even being LGBT myself, I have to say that nobody should have to be. It's kind of against the idea of democracy to make people think a certain way.

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6 minutes ago, King Kremling said:

Pro-gay propaganda is propaganda that's sole purpose is to make people believe they have to support gay rights. 

I don't really see the issue. 

I mean, don't schools already make "people think a certain way" by teaching kids things like it's wrong to bully others?  

Edited by Sun Wukong
  • Brohoof 1
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Just now, Sun Wukong said:

I don't really see the issue. 

I mean, don't schools already make "people think a certain way" by teaching kids things like it's wrong to bully others?  

So you don't see the issue with the concept that you aren't able to think what you want? Go to China then and see how you like it there.

That's because it is wrong. There's a serious difference between setting boundaries and forcing beliefs on other people.

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4 hours ago, Santa Barik said:

So you don't see the issue with the concept that you aren't able to think what you want?

But is that really the case here? It's just teaching kids to be nice towards each other. 

4 hours ago, Santa Barik said:

That's because it is wrong. 

So? It's still forcing kids to "think a certain way". 

Edited by Sun Wukong
  • Brohoof 1
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1 minute ago, Sun Wukong said:

But is that really the case here? It's just teaching kids to be nice towards each other. 

So? It's still "being made to think a certain way". 

Yes, it is the case here. You're teaching kids to accept homosexuality. That's a little different than tolerating it.

Not really, no. It's just telling them not to do something that they shouldn't be doing.

Edited by Santa Barik
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You know, it is not so often that I see people being so consistent with their beliefs, it is something I find lacking among people nowadays. I commend you for being so consistent

  • Brohoof 1
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1 hour ago, JonasDarkmane said:

You know, it is not so often that I see people being so consistent with their beliefs, it is something I find lacking among people nowadays. I commend you for being so consistent

That's a nice compliment that I never expected, considering that I offend both the right and the fake left both pretty often, but I guess when I think about it it's because both groups very frequently contradict themselves. The liberals of the fake left constantly manipulate the first and second amendments so they don't get their feelings hurt and they hate guns, while the far right constantly acts like they love the constitution, but they keep supporting things in complete violation of the principles behind it, because "America" or something. I'm pretty sure the bill of rights is more than just a guideline.

I really didn't expect this from you personally after slamming Trump for the train wreck of a president that he's been. It shows a level of maturity that I don't see often discussing politics any more. Usually what happens is that somebody else gets their underwear in a wad and bashes me whenever I say anything. Whether it be my fringe right father that acts like he hates Alex Jones but believes in the exact same things he does, or a specific group of people on here that attack me because they don't like what I have to say, even though I agree with them on more than they want to believe I do...

Edited by Santa Barik
  • Brohoof 1
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Little late to this, but number 22 in your list makes you my dude. Fiat currency is right up there with climate change in threats to our country, perhaps even more so considering that Weimar conditions may encourage people to seek Weimar solutions. Agree with you on quite a bit of the other stuff as well. Cheers m8.

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