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Between A Rock And A Hard Place



I just recently received some stressful news. My dad is resigning from his job, my mom and dad are moving to a new place far away from where they live right now, and my dad is getting another job over there. Why does this stress me out? Because I'm currently living with my mom and dad, so this means I'm going to have to move as well. I have three choices: move with my parents and leave my job because it would be way too far away to travel to, move in with my grandparents and stay in my job because it is close to them, or live on my own close to where my job is and stay in my job. I have a month or two, maybe three, to make a choice. I have no idea what to choose though. And to add to the difficulty of making this decision, I've been having bad depression for a few years now and it's getting worse despite being on the most anti-depressants I've ever been on in my life (I'm currently taking three different anti-depressants). To make things even more difficult, I am getting a different counselor/therapist because the one I've been going to isn't helpful anymore, so that is another big change that is happening right now. As if that isn't stressful enough, the place where I work doesn't have enough work to last everyone all day so they are sending people home early every day, which means they get a lower paycheck including myself. If I go to live on my own, I might not have enough money to support myself. I don't know what to do. I'll try to make a choice soon, but I made this just to let everyone know what I'm going through right now.


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I'm sorry your going through a tough time right now and I hope things get better soon. Maybe you should move with your parents because you could get a better job there and you won't feel so alone. This is just a suggestion though and I do hope things get better for you soon *hug*

  • Brohoof 3
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At the very least you are getting a different therapist, hopefully the new one helps you out more!

As for your choice, look into a job at the new place your parents are moving to. If it pays higher and is a better job you should move there. If not, you should move in with your grandparents and save money. Why would you want to buy an apartment and waste money on rent if you can stay with your grandparents and save? You need to think about the money of this, in terms of savings, and making and saving money, it will only benefit you. 

I'd say you should rule out getting your own place and staying at your job. Either you find a better job in the new location, or you stay with your grandparents. It would save you lots of time, stress, and money. You don't need the added stress of rent right now in your life. 

I hope my advice helps you, I care for you.

  • Brohoof 4
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I'm sorry to hear that you are having tough life events. Maybe you should live with your grandparents since they are close to your workplace. You would only add more stress to yourself if you had to live alone.

Maybe you should find another job that gives high earnings. I hope my, @Califorum, and @Flying Pencil's suggestions can help you.

  • Brohoof 5
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I'm so sorry things have gotten so stressful for you. But I'm going to have to second what the above commenters said. Whatever happens, I'm right there if you need me.

  • Brohoof 5
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Sorry you have to go through all this, my friend.

If I may offer some advice...

I would not try to move in to a new place on your own just yet. If all these things in life are stressing you out, then you don't need the additional stress of making rent or any other bills from living independently. It would be nice if you could find someone to live with, maybe share the house and the expenses equally, just to help you get use to doing it on your own. Not sure if that is an option you have right now. Depends on who your IRL friends are right now.

Outside of that, the other two options might be your best bet. If you're having trouble deciding which is the BETTER option, I'd say try to think of the absolute worst case scenario in either option, and find out which you are willing to put up with.

  • Brohoof 6
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You can always come talk to me if you need a friend, epic. Its tough right now but I’m sure you’ll choose what’s best for you!

  • Brohoof 2
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Hi Epic, not sure if I can help you with an advice in your situation, but if you need anybody who listens you can write me :) I'm sorry you're in this situation and hope it going better soon

  • Brohoof 1
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Some very helpful suggestions have already been made. My personal suggestion that I hope you will find applicable is to make the decision as you go along with your life as is for the time being, research what would be the best option of the three (I lean most towards moving in with your grandparents for right now, since living on your own and finding another job with higher pay are both not so easy right now), and not worry. I have the same issue at my job right now too, not enough work for 40 hour weeks which leaves me with only 20-30 hour weeks, but I'm worrying about nothing because I have plenty of money saved up and I know that the work always comes back. You have plenty of time to make up your mind, so just talk things over with your folks and make your decision based on what you find in the coming weeks. You're in a far better position than you were last year, so I trust you'll easily overcome this trial. :fluttershy:

  • Brohoof 2
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