Man, I love Space.
This website:
Is just fantastic. When I'm bored or depressed about...everything because I'm like that...I enjoy looking at all of the pictures on this site. History is my number one subject, but space and astronomy also interest me greatly.
Every day a new picture is added along with a great description and several links to pertaining articles or videos. Since I get depressed so often I find myself on this site a lot. This is one of my many pleasures in life.
My brother, my friend, my dog, MLP Forums, my library of classics, History, physical fitness, Astronomy, and Эмма are the only things and people that make me happy anymore and I'm glad I have all of them. If I lost anything or anyone from this list, I'd become more depressed now than ever. Losing one single thing from this list and I'd spiral into a depression I probably wouldn't be able to get out of.
Thankfully they're all here to stay and most are here to help me. Love you guys
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