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My first time watching Doctor Who! ...I love it. ...Brilliant.



I finished watching Series 1 and 2, and I am happy to know this exists, and also happy to finally watch it!


I love his (the Doctor) attitude, he always seems to know what to do no matter what the situation.

I love the way he talks and acts towards others. One minute he is mad, the next he is as calm as ever. It's hilarious.


As for the companion(s), they are awesome. They get to travel with the Doctor and have some fun adventures through space and time. ...I am jealous.


The TARDIS on the other hand ...is as cool looking! I love the blue box look. This is what makes it different from other spaceships: it actually looks like something human-made!


The episodes are of quality and seem to follow everything accurately (according to my past classes in high school)!


Everything about this is awesome! Plus, good writing!


I really don't know what else to say, others could probably explain it better than I can!


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Out of curiosity, when you say Series 1 and 2, do you mean the ones from 2005+ starting with Christopher Eccleston, or the ones from 1963+ starting with William Hartnel?


Not that it changes my response much: Welcome to the Whoovian fandom. :)


In case you need the information: the 2005+ ones are usually known as 'New Who', while the 1963+ ones are usually known as 'Classic Who'. Technically the new ones are a continuation, not a reboot, so as time goes on as you catch up with the new series, you'll run into lots of references to the classic series that you might not recognize. However, I only recommend trying to watch the classic episodes once you're prepared for a bit of culture shock. First, the original series was done a long time ago, for very little money, so a lot of it was done as if it was 'live' with little or no retakes. Secondly, a lot of the early episodes are missing due to some rather nasty mistakes by the BBC Archives. Thirdly, it *was* a long time ago, with a completely different mindset.


If you're a fast reader, and you really want to catch the classic references, then it might be better for you to get ahold of digital copies of the 'TARGET novelizations'. Target was the publishing house that the BBC used to put the print versions of the episodes out. They're very fast reads to begin with, but there are *lots* of them. :)

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I just started it as my brother got the box set and it's really excellent, I agree! c:

That is actually how I started to watch it! My older brother got the box set with the sonic screwdriver!

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