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What is up with people?

Solar Wind


Why do people feel the need to express their opinion so bluntly and openly? If you are an atheist great im happy for you, if you're a republican, great im happy for you. Yelling about how much you cant stand gay marriage, and about how Obama is ruining the nation is so old and annoying. We live in a modern society and in a modern society there are certain things people choose not to talk about.


Politics, Sexuality, Religion, and other persona beleifs are subjective. Everyones is different. Ranting about that stuff is'nt going to make people see your point it is simply going to make them argue their point to you. I know im being hypocritical by making this blog about it but honestly I know im not the only one.


My moms used to tell me something every day before I went to school.


"Remember. Religion, and politics are forbidden topics. Aint' no one gonna agree on everything you say so dont force people to! Let them have their opinions and you keep yours..."


Now isnt that that the truth! When I was six years old I never appreciated these wise things my mom used to tell me. Now here I am almost 15 years old and Im throwing myself into every political disagreemnt there is. Atleast I have managed to stay away from religion as much as possible though.

Also the by far STUPIDEST thing I see now a days is when people openly rant and rave about LGBT marriage and other LGBT subjects. Why do you care what two men or two women do? Same thing with abortion why should you give a damn if a woman doesnt want a baby? Its not your decision so just chill breh. Love and tolerance remember? I know im not following that myself but some of the people are saying real nasty, spiteful shit to people because of their beleifs. L&T :)


Also heres the picture of the post! This was made by @Mayuen, She created this amazing vector out of an original Fluttermac pic. Go give her all your bro-hoofs cuz you know she deserves them! She even got my OCs amazing Tats! :D


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I never understood this way of thinking... Talking about something isn't forcing your beliefs on anyone and just because someone has a different thought and opinion on something doesn't mean you can't talk about it


I think the biggest benefit of communication is the sharing of ideas. Many times you won't like what someone has to say but that doesn't mean it holds no value. It does - that value is in challenging your thoughts against theirs. It helps to reinforce or even change your beliefs or theirs.


These are very controversial topics where everyone is likely to have a different opinion on something. I think the moment we stop discussing them is the moment real progress in influencing each other for the better is halted.

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I never understood this way of thinking... Talking about something isn't forcing your beliefs on anyone and just because someone has a different thought and opinion on something doesn't mean you can't talk about it I think the biggest benefit of communication is the sharing of ideas. Many times you won't like what someone has to say but that doesn't mean it holds no value. It does - that value is in challenging your thoughts against theirs. It helps to reinforce or even change your beliefs or theirs. These are very controversial topics where everyone is likely to have a different opinion on something. I think the moment we stop discussing them is the moment real progress in influencing each other for the better is halted.

What progress comes of mindless arguing? If someone rants about SOMEBODY ELSES sexuality than all their doing is contributing points of view that do NOT concern them. Then they get attacked because of this and pushed into an argument they can not win. If two men want to have sex, let them. They didnt grab you and yell, "Hey were gonna go bang!" They do it on their own time. People shouldnt contribute views to topics that dont concern them, because it doesnt concern them. Which of course is pointless because no matter what I post here on a blog in the middle of a my little pony forum, no one will mind and will continue to debate things they have no buisness in. Like if a man wanted to ban abortion, hes not the one having a baby, hes not the one who would have to go through the pain of delivery, hes not the one who would be stuck with the C-section scars.

It doesnt concern him so why does he care?


Please answer me? Why?

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Why do we so openly talk about our opposition to gay marriage? Because homosexual people so openly talk about how they are for gay marriage. So what is the difference? I see tons more threads about how gay marriage is a good thing than threads about how it is a bad thing. I see no difference and for you to suggest as such is hypocritical. Also, the love and tolerance thing is never an absolute. We are flawed humans, not perfect sentient life forms. We are bound to have our own biases, our own views and beliefs, and our own hot button topics. I have yet to hear about someone so perfect as to love and tolerate everything. Even Jesus Christ got angry at the moneychangers


Matthew 21;12 Then Jesus went into the temple of God[f] and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’[g] but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’”[h]

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Religious/political discussion != heated arguments. It is very possible to have a normal, level headed conversation about any topic. The problem becomes when people insult the other. The internet has this the most because everyone is anonymous. That is why I hate anonymous representation. It does nothing to benefit anyone in a discussion.

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>says it's stupid when people express opinions openly and bluntly

>expresses his opinions about it... openly and bluntly


Sorry, had to :)

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There is a difference between debate and pointless argument for the sake of winning an argument. There is nothing admirable or virtuous, or even worth while, about arguing something for the sake of simply winning the argument; that is simply sophistic, plain and simple. However, civil debate, true oration and Socratic dialect, seeks to discover the truth, and there is nothing higher in this world than the truth and knowing the truth. I know that many people like to believe that everything is subjective these days, but call me old-fashioned, I simply can't agree with that; I believe that in this world there are objective truths, eternally true throughout the ages, and that it is through seeking, learning, and coming to know these objective truths that we improve ourselves, our souls, and become more virtuous.

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I agree with most of your points. We shouldn't care what two men or two women do together, that's their business. Also, people's political opinions will always be different, so there's no point fighting about it. However, I have to disagree with you about abortion. It's murder. It doesn't matter if the creature has been ejected from the mother's uterus yet, it's still a human. And now Obama's new law makes it legal to abort the baby AFTER it's been born. (Seriously, am I the only one who sees a problem with this?)

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It doesnt concern him so why does he care?


Please answer me? Why?


Because it does concern them. People want to know right from wrong and good from evil - well at least I do - and debating these things help to an extent (I know it's a bit hypocritical of me to say but personally I think talk is cheap and actions serve as a much better way of influencing people).


But even so at the very least, talking about things can help people see different viewpoints and understand each other's points of view and I think that's another big thing about it - people just want to be understood and acknowledged.


Whether they use their newly found intellect to force their ideology on others is another topic entirely.

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It's because we like our opinion to be heard. I mean, it's harming no one. And if it harms you (not you, but people) then you shouldn't be on the internet, since people like to say their opinions.


Also, it helps opens ones mind to new ideas. I'm not saying we should force them, but we should suggest it to them.

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Iv'e just hit a point were i don't rely give a fuck anymore iv'e seen and been through enough shit to know that everyone will be like a stone wall to people whose opinions and beliefs are different.


I mean there are people who think Homosexuality is 'evil' and 'wrong' because of there upbringing and beliefs (and Christianity isn't the worst when expressing that) but I believe that we live in the 21st century and we have evolved from time were black people were considered property, and that women had no rights and all to dominant opinions were that of the white male, so why not Homosexuality? why stop now? (but were wining the battle for equal rights anyway, so meh)

and as for the assholes who have a problem with 'Gay pride' and people being open (or too open about there sexuality) think of it this way, if you haven't been persecuted and outcast not to mention savagely beaten and hospitalized for being you cant rely take you seriously. however i'll agree you use of the word pride is a little wrong i like to think of it as 'Gay celebration' that way it gets coupled with all the other celebrations.

but that is my opinion feel free to try and change it :)


(and I should stop now before i start rambling)

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