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Community Answers
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in I'm not able to access the "Forum Games" was marked as the answer
What happens if you try again now? I tweaked a setting on the server that relates to an issue I was fixing in the Fan Clubs section earlier.
Also, are you using the "condensed" or "expanded" view in forum sections? That's these options next to the "Start new topic" button:
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Non-winter background for MLPF? was marked as the answer
@Rikifive can answer this one, hehehe.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Notifications only for status updates was marked as the answer
I think I figured this out. There isn't a direct way of doing this but I found a way to do it through the magic of activity streams. I set up two streams: one for your followed users' statuses, one for your friends' statuses. You can find them in the navbar:
Then once you're viewing a stream, you can enable email notifications for that stream:
Is this what you're looking for, @Cash In?
Aside: Activity streams are super powerful and you can create your own to keep up with any kind of content on MLPF you like.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Various Problems was marked as the answer
Thanks for writing these issues up, @Luna the Great of all the Russias. The screenshots are much appreciated.
The missing prefix was an artifact of merging the "technical issue" and "technical issues" tags in the backend when I was doing some tag cleanup the other day. I didn't know "technical issue" was being used as a prefix here and that that would remove it as an option, so... whoops! I added "technical issues" as a prefix option. Fixed. This was from when I tinkered with adding support for tables to the editor for @Brony Number 42. Unfortunately it wasn't a very successful experiment. Acknowledging the issue. This is a theme issue that arose during the last upgrade of our backend software, Invision Community. I hope to fix it or find someone else who can in the coming days. -
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in All Activity gone? was marked as the answer
It's a temporary bug. We were working on setting up a new search engine for the site and it's temporarily borked (and the profile activity tabs use the search function under the hood). Hoping to have it fixed up today or tomorrow.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Subscription Question was marked as the answer
Thanks for your interest in subscribing, @Lunar Echo!
Once you have a subscription (of any tier), you can cancel it at any time through User Menu > Client Area > Purchases. You'll reach a screen that looks like this:
Once you cancel, the subscription will remain active until the date it was paid through, then expire instead of renewing.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Is this website owned by Hasbro in terms of MLP was marked as the answer
MLP Forums is owned by Poniverse, a fan-run nonprofit organization. We are in no way affiliated with Hasbro - I added a note to the footer clarifying this.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in I'm getting ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR error message was marked as the answer
@@tberty, I'm guessing you ran into this error while trying to log into your Poniverse account? There was a misconfiguration there that allowed poniverse.net's certificate to expire, which @AppleDashPoni and I just corrected. Are you still getting it?
If yes, please reply with the following info:
your browser and the version of it you're using the URL you experience the error on If not, I'd appreciate if you can let us know that, too.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Am I Safe Here? was marked as the answer
I'm Poniverse's chief techpony. I'm happy to answer any specific questions you have about Poniverse's security but will also provide some general information in this post.
First, a disclaimer: no one can promise perfect security. An element of unpredictability exists in any system humans are involved with.
There's always room to improve but I like to think that we take reasonable steps to protect information that Poniverse is entrusted with, particularly considering this entire organization is a massive hobby project for all involved.
The vast majority of our servers can only be accessed through our internal VPN. We block all ports by default in our firewall and only open/forward the ones we need. Access to the VPN and to individual servers is given to staff on a need-to-have basis. We outsource payment card processing to Stripe and PayPal, both PCI-compliant payment processors. If you're making payments to Poniverse, your credit card number never touches our servers. Our sysadmins use tools to manage all of Poniverse's servers at once, which limits our chances of a server getting compromised because no one remembered to update that old password on it. We won't reveal your email address, IP address, or other private information to third parties without your consent unless we're reporting criminal activity to law enforcement.To be clear, Poniverse's partners are third parties. The various conventions that have their forums here do not have access to Poniverse's records of your email and IP addresses. We don't mess around with your password. Our central login portal at Poniverse.net is the only site that you ever have to enter your Poniverse password into. All sites that use Poniverse logins use something called OAuth 2.0 to avoid ever touching your password. This vastly limits the number of ways that a hacker could intercept your password. Your password is hashed with bcrypt, a modern algorithm that the security community approves for this purpose. It is not possible for us to retrieve your actual password from the version of it that we store. The login portal uses HSTS. Most of Poniverse's sites use a modern HTTPS setup to encrypt traffic between you and Poniverse. Note that MLP Forums and Pony.fm are served entirely over HTTPS. I hope that sheds a little light on things. Let me know if you have further questions.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Commission Pricing (Exchange rates) was marked as the answer
We always charge customers and pay artists out in US Dollars. Any currency conversion is the responsibility of the customer (if buying something) or the artist (when receiving funds), and we encourage artists to consider this when setting their prices. How would introducing an intermediate "virtual currency" change the amount of money that artists receive or that customers pay?
The virtual currency would still need to have an exchange rate against at least one fiat currency - DeviantArt's points, for example, are priced at 80 points per US Dollar; they're not offered in any other currency.
I'm unfamiliar with Steam Dollars but Steam has region-specific pricing (I see Canadian pricing often being cheaper than US pricing after currency conversion), which means that the amount of monetary value that Valve and the developer receive depends on the customer's location. Is that what you're looking for?
Though this might seem more equitable to customers in various economic climates, I see it creating an accounting nightmare and being unfair to artists. And only switching the currency won't change how much you actually pay - if we were to switch to say, the Canadian Dollar, artists will adjust their prices to compensate for the CAD's lower value.
If it's currency conversion fees that are eating your money (ie. your bank or PayPal taking a 2.5% cut from the conversion), there are techniques to minimize those:
maintaining USD bank accounts + debit/credit cards (these should be readily available in most countries since the USD is so popular) using a currency conversion service instead of your bank to buy USD (there should be a few exchanges in your city that offer better rates; there are also online exchanges like XE.com) using a technique like Norbert's Gambit to buy USD -
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Unicorns of Fluffy Pinkness was marked as the answer
This is possible - you can prepay for 6 or 12 months at a time from the subscription's page (this is possible for all subscription tiers, not just the Pink Fluffy Unicorn). I can set up other billing terms for a subscription if you want, too.
Unfortunately, permanent perks would be disingenuous to offer, as they're out of step with our financial reality. Permanent perks might encourage a few large donations in the short term, but someone who receives them will then have zero incentive to ever donate again, while possibly even being under the false impression that their contribution will continue benefiting the community forever.
Most of Poniverse's expenses are recurring (server bills, domain renewals, mailbox rental, software licenses, etc.), which is why all donor and subscriber perks come with expiry dates (donor perks expire based on how much you pay; subscriptions recur and expire by definition). Knowing that twenty people donate $10 every month allows for much saner financial planning than getting the occasional $200 and having no idea how long it needs to last.
There's a hypothetical exception to this: a contribution so large that it allows us to employ someone for a nontrivial length of time. Think hiring a software engineer for a year to build out a bunch of new features that we'll all use for years to come. It would be on the order of five or more figures - at that point, I doubt your motivation to donate is based on getting perks that never expire, but there'd be a conversation about recognizing your contribution in an unusual way.
Where getting a title is concerned... you can have the Subscriber title for about 2.5 coffees/month. The "Pink Fluffy Unicorn" tier is ridiculous by design.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Rainbow Dash Loading Sprite was marked as the answer
It's now Buffy. Credit to Fhao for animating her and our other mascots.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Uploaded .aiff song...receive error was marked as the answer
That's definitely a bug - I'm on it!
@@C. Thunder Dash,
This has been fixed; Pony.fm should be a lot more accepting of whatever you try to upload in the future. The track is available in your account area now, ready to publish!
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in My Subscription has stopped showing. was marked as the answer
It looks like our billing system did something funky. I'm looking into it now! Sorry about that!
Update: Your subscriber status is now fixed, Emerald Bolt. Thanks for your support and for alerting us about this!
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in What are the benefits of Poniverse web hosting. was marked as the answer
Hi @@Tel Locus,
From a support standpoint, our hosting functions as unmanaged shared hosting - meaning that we expect you to generally know what you're doing with setting up and operating your website. Our role is to provide you with a fast, reliable server to run your site(s) on. You get a cPanel account with SSH access.
That said, should you need help with something, I'll generally be able to at least provide some pointers, and support should be a comparatively personal experience since we have few enough hosting clients to personally remember you and your needs.
We don't have hard limits on CPU or RAM usage like larger hosts often do, and the number of sites you'll be sharing a server with is very small (low double-digits at most). That means your site won't be suspended during a traffic spike, and you can generally expect speedy performance from it. I realize performance is subjective but the main thing here is that we don't oversell resources and we have no motivation to cram thousands of sites into a single, underpowered box.
Hosting with Poniverse does not create an affiliation, partnership, or cross-promotion agreement with Poniverse, just to be clear. You can, however, request that we link to your site from the upcoming subscriber thank-you page on Poniverse.net as part of the perks at that level.
Finally, there's the warm and fuzzy feeling of financially supporting Poniverse while getting a useful service for yourself!
Feel free to PM me with details about your site's requirements - that'll be the best way to see if our service is a match for your project.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Trouble with an old playlist was marked as the answer
Hey @@BlueBrony,
The Pony.fm forum is a great place to post issues and feedback for Pony.fm! Thanks for the report.
I have good news - your playlist is intact but the tracks are not showing up due to a glitch. I'll dig into this and fix it soon!
I've fixed the bug! Your playlist now works again, @@BlueBrony.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Commission Payment Methods was marked as the answer
Hi CinnamomPop,
You can pay for commissions via credit/debit card directly (which runs through Stripe) - there is an option for this on the checkout page in the shops.
If you don't have access to a payment card, we can also process money orders - you can get these with cash. PM me to arrange this!
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in My latest song not showing up on profile (issue with quotation marks?) was marked as the answer
I re-opened the issue on GitHub. Looking into how this one happened - and I'll write a script to go back through all the duplicated accounts and merge them.
Update: this is now fixed, for real.
Your tracks are all there on one profile now, @@Jack Fox Grayson, and the duplicate account has been disabled (if you happen to still be logged in with it, you'll be shown the option to log out - click that and log back in, and you'll be back in your original account).
Technical details on what was going on, if anyone is interested.
The issue with quotes and username syncing is separate - that feature is actually non-functional on Pony.fm right now, and MLP Forums disallows quotes and many other characters because IP.Board does not handle them correctly on the backend. Pony.fm and MLP Forums themselves have not been directly linked for a couple of years, since both sites switched to Poniverse logins. Thanks for reminding me to make a note of the issue!
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Song Upload Issue: "There Was An Unknown Error" was marked as the answer
This is now fixed! Pony.fm got a nice speed upgrade in the process, too.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in No new songs in "Your Profile —> Recent Tracks" was marked as the answer
I'm closing this thread because it turned out to be the same issue as this one, which was solved.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Unable to edit previous tracks was marked as the answer
That looks like exactly what happened - you somehow ended up with two Pony.fm accounts that were both named Electron. Thanks for providing all that info - it helped a lot.
I found two accounts:
https://pony.fm/electron/content <- this one, which was created on May 24, 2013 and has several tracks published in 2014 and one published on August 9, 2015This looks like your original account and there's no Poniverse account tied to it. the account that published this trackThis had your current Poniverse account tied to it, but because it has the same username as your original account, its profile was inaccessible. I just discovered the bug in Pony.fm's integration with Poniverse which created that second account on Pony.fm, and I'm going to get that fixed.
In the meantime, I re-linked your original Pony.fm account to your Poniverse account and moved all of the new account's data to your original one. Log out of Pony.fm and log in again, and you should have access to everything again!
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Character Database being cleared? was marked as the answer
Thanks for bringing this up, Chip Circuit. I'm testing HTTPS on MLP Forums, and it looks like the character database didn't like that.
I set up a workaround for this, so links to the character database are working again. Nothing has been cleared.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in What does Poniverse and the forums run on? was marked as the answer
@@Pinkie-Guy, you a dev perchance?
Here's a little list of what's behind our services:
MLP Forums is built on IP.Board PonyRoleplay (not launched yet) is on XenForo Equestria.tv is a CyTube fork Pony.fm and Poniverse.net are custom-built entirely by us, using the Laravel and Angular.js frameworks. Most of our code is in PHP, and MariaDB is our database of choice.
We have 12 active virtual servers, most of them running Ubuntu Server and on one of two dedicated servers. They're similarly specced, but we have SSD's in one box and HDD's in the other:
Intel Xeon E3-1245v2 32 GB RAM Software RAID1 OS/Environment: Proxmox VE -
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Embeds on posts don't load over HTTPS was marked as the answer
Thanks for bringing this up.
While MLP Forums doesn't officially support HTTPS, we do try to load assets over secure connections when possible. It looks like we have a ton of content that has HTTP URL's hardcoded from before we did this, which can be fixed with a script. I've made a note to get this script made and update these assets to be secure.
I noticed that the thread you linked to has a number of HTTP Imgur embeds as well; I'll have this script address those as well.
Twilight Sparkle ✨'s post in Search function appears to be broken currently was marked as the answer
We needed a little extra time after this weekend's server migration to bring search back online. Enjoy!