I'd like to apologize for the short length of the following post, I'm a bit pooped writing-wise. Just recently finished a Western Civ exam. That really took a number on me.
Name: As you approach the name section, a gigantic three-headed dog growls, barks, and snaps at you until you back away...
Age: As you approach the age section, a gigantic three-headed dog growls, barks, and snaps at you until you back away...
About me: Gamer, brony I may be a newbie, but I still love the show!), whovian, trekkie, WoW fanatic... Yep, I consider myself to be something of a nerd. Not the socially inept stereotype, the kind who dedicates a lot of time to different fandoms and maintains a healthy social life. I play WoW, BF3, Planetside 2, CoD:BLOPs 2(That and BLOPs are the only CoD games I can stand), Scribblenauts: Unlimited, Garry's Mod, and a number of other games. My favourite youtubers are penguinz0, PewdiePie, Tobuscus, UberHaxorNova, and a few other channels. Oh, I'm also an avid roleplayer.
Political Affiliation: Meritocrat. Chances are that you haven't a clue what meritocracy is, but, in essence, it's where leaders are elected based on their skills in applicable areas, rather than a vote of any kind This is usually done through various kinds of testing and evaluations. As for the major US political parties, I align with democrats on most social issues, and republicans on most geopolitical/international and economic issues.
Religion: Nope! I'm an Atheist.
Nationality: Canadian, I'm from Calgary Alberta. If you're from Edmonton, beware.