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Everything posted by Jeddaven

  1. Where it's applicable, yes, I find that grimdark if out of place in MLP, but it's great in applicable settings. Warhammer 40k is a perfect example.
  2. What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?" "European or African?" ""I don't kno-*is randomly launched off of cliff*" We are the knights... Who say NEE!
  3. Both make me want to brutally murder the artists, along with: Nearly ever rapper ever, especially Young Money. Bieber. Selena Gomez. etc. I pretty much universally hate American pop and rap. Strangely enough, I love J-Pop.
  4. Western Civ, French I, English and Literature I, Geometry, Advanced Biology. I did WCiv already, but I still have the rest to go. French tomorrow, then math, English, and finally bio. Then I have a 3 week holiday break, so I'm looking forward to that.
  5. Used to, but now that I know know I'm most likely going to die (unless this happens: http://2045.com/ideology/), there's really no point in it. Who knows, though, maybe technology will find a solution someday.
  6. Damnit, I just missed rarity. Thank the heavens my avatar is a Q, I could snap my fingers and you explode in a cloud of sentient water bottles. John De Lancie: An omnipotent god-like being and the embodiment of chaos, because he can.
  7. Hell, since I'm new, I might as well ask a few questions. 1. Is it possible or likely that firearms might exist in the world of MLP, despite not being showcased in the show? What about other weapons? 2. If there is any, what is the extent of electronic technology in MLP? What about communications? Radios, phones, carrier pigeons, etc. 3. Transportation? Is it possible that cars, aircraft, etc. could exist? I'll admit, most of this is all because I'm normally lore-hound I like to know the lore of what I'm interested in down to the last detail.
  8. Don't you think it might seem a bit spontaneous, still? I love twilight (she's my favourite pony, and might even be my waifu if Hinata Hyuga didn't exist. Haha.), but I think her earning of skills, I think her learning of them should be slower and more gradual in the future. It's not a huge issue for me, and it doesn't really need to be corrected since it's only very little so. In my opinion, at least. In other words, I don't care how powerful she gets, as long as it takes time and she doesn't randomly learn spells as a form of Deus Ex Machina. She's certainly not a Mary Sue, if that's what you mean.
  9. I might have to agree with you here. I may be a newbie to the series, but this seems like it's set up for one of those standard "person(pony) x is bad at y or is impeded from achieving or being good at y, endures rigorous training and/or overcomes impossible odds, achieves y" kind of plot-lines. I'm not a fan of that kind of cheesy stuff (and I see it nearly everywhere) , so I'm inclined to agree that Scootaloo should stay the pony she is, in a manner of speaking.
  10. I'd like to apologize for the short length of the following post, I'm a bit pooped writing-wise. Just recently finished a Western Civ exam. That really took a number on me. Name: As you approach the name section, a gigantic three-headed dog growls, barks, and snaps at you until you back away... Age: As you approach the age section, a gigantic three-headed dog growls, barks, and snaps at you until you back away... About me: Gamer, brony I may be a newbie, but I still love the show!), whovian, trekkie, WoW fanatic... Yep, I consider myself to be something of a nerd. Not the socially inept stereotype, the kind who dedicates a lot of time to different fandoms and maintains a healthy social life. I play WoW, BF3, Planetside 2, CoD:BLOPs 2(That and BLOPs are the only CoD games I can stand), Scribblenauts: Unlimited, Garry's Mod, and a number of other games. My favourite youtubers are penguinz0, PewdiePie, Tobuscus, UberHaxorNova, and a few other channels. Oh, I'm also an avid roleplayer. Political Affiliation: Meritocrat. Chances are that you haven't a clue what meritocracy is, but, in essence, it's where leaders are elected based on their skills in applicable areas, rather than a vote of any kind This is usually done through various kinds of testing and evaluations. As for the major US political parties, I align with democrats on most social issues, and republicans on most geopolitical/international and economic issues. Religion: Nope! I'm an Atheist. Nationality: Canadian, I'm from Calgary Alberta. If you're from Edmonton, beware.
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