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Everything posted by SOHCAHTOA

  1. That's exactly what I believe on, and something I have brought up priorly (althought fragmented, with more words then needed, and divided between a few different threads). You did a good job on surmising it, and you could come up with this on your own though. Great minds think alike, I guess. Also, reading your signature immediately made me imagine making a dark blue pony with a rainbow cutie mark, just for troll.
  2. I don't think It would be sad for her to never fly. She's a good character either way. As I have stated before, it is highly unlikely that she really is disabled physically. My reasoning for that is a few pages back, And while I understand if you don't want to go search for it, don't expect me to repeat myself. Warning though: it's a Wall of Text. Now, regarding if she'll ever fly in the show, I'm not sure. I can totally see they doing an episode where she learns how to fly in some season (specifically, I think this can only happen in the first episode focusing on her of any given season). But even if she'll someday learn how to fly, I can still see the show never even bringing up the subject, considering it's an episodical cartoon. Hasbro intends the episodes to be seen in any order. I don't think It would be sad for her to never fly. She's a good character either way. As I have stated before, it is highly unlikely that she really is disabled physically. My reasoning for that is a few pages back, And while I understand if you don't want to go search for it, don't expect me to repeat myself. Warning though: it's a Wall of Text. Now, regarding if she'll ever fly in the show, I'm not sure. I can totally see they doing an episode where she learns how to fly in some season (specifically, I think this can only happen in the first episode focusing on her of any given season). But even if she'll someday learn how to fly, I can still see the show never even bringing up the subject, considering it's an episodical cartoon. Hasbro intends the episodes to be seen in any order. Wrong. Lauren doesn't even work on the show anymore. Although the people that are working on the show may do what you thought.
  3. ^ I try not to get kicked out of my parents house ;P but that's only because I'm still seventeen. > I can't wait to have a job. I'll settle for anything I can find, and be happy about it (I'm not one to complain about what I have), but I do have high aspirations. v Do you like your job? Do you wish you could be in some other job instead?
  4. Interesting. But I don't think Celestia would let even Spike see the tree if it really is the thing that granted her her powers. It probably just tastes better than regular apples. ("Interesting" seens to have become a catchphrase of sorts for me in this forum. Well, you guys are always saying interesting things, and I'm not much a fan of "Fascinating")
  5. ... Evolution? Seriously guy, how did anything came to be in Equestria? I don't think the origin of the Alicorns was any different than that of the Pegasi or the Unicorns.
  6. EDIT: Dang, Ninja'd. Receives paper saying "Where are the numbers! There are only letters!" Inserts confusion.
  7. About the second part of what you said: You misunderstood what I said. For a Pegasus and a Unicorn to have an Alicorn foal is nigh impossible, and if it happened it'd be a mutation, something very rare. And since it wouldn't be a "true" Alicorn, it wouldn't have a the flying prowess or the magical capabilities of a real Alicorn. What I'm saying is, a Pseudo-Alicorn would basically be a normal pony with both a horn and wings, unlike the princess, with each having a unique body model. As how alicorns came to be, I believe they used to be a race of many separeted from the main three, but Discord's rule affected them, and they had to team up with the other races. Discord wiped out most Alicorns, but the ones that lived after he was defeated became royalty. Let's not forget that Equestria isn't even the size of the USA. Considering Blueblood and Cadance, I'd say Luna and Celestia have at least a few cousins who are Alicorns, as well as second-degree cousins, third-degree cousins... and the farther removed they are, the less Alicorns in the family. Remember, just because we don't see many Alicorns it doesn't mean there aren't enough of them to populate a small town, it just means they're too far from each other, and by this point most of them are as "royal" as the Counts, Dukes and Barons that do exit today. Nothing more than rich people with titles passed down the family. I believe however, that Luna and Celestia are the only Alicorns (or ponies, for that matter) with immortality (or at least very slow aging) and the only ones with such power, as Cadance is a Alicorn but she was both shown aging normally as well as being far weaker (Power Of Love aside, but for that she needed help from her fiancee). Note that there's no need for a sucessor to the throne. Celestia is more than a thousand years old, and unless she was in some kind of stasis in the moon, so is Luna.
  8. Because there are few Alicorns already, and two of the three known Alicorns "too important" to breed (both immortal, so they have no reason to breed, and having someone to take care of personally would just be unnecessary work). As rare as it may be, I doubt this is it. There would be more known Alicorns, even within Ponyville. I believe Alicorn is not a thing where "they're both unicorn and pegasus at the same time". They're more than that, a unique race on it's own. While I believe no Alicorn parents might have Alicorn offspring, that's rare, like a mutation, and may even happen between two earth ponies. Also, I think there are unknown (at the time) male alicorns, and that, mutations aside, a foal can only be an alicorn if the parents are also both alicorns (so I don't think Shining Armor and Cadance would have Alicorn foals.) I think it is the inverse. They're so skilled in magic BECAUSE they're Alicorns.
  9. Well, Scootaloo is hardly what one would call "perfect", even if she could fly. Besides, as of now, Lauren Faust no longer has any bearing on the show. Accepting what she says as truth is understandable (see Word of Dante on TVTropes), but let's remember that the show may contradict her word later, as they did with Cadance. Besides, the fact that no one in-show has acknowledged Scootaloo inability to fly makes me think it's normal for her age.
  10. I saw something similar before. I'll attach it here. My theory is that a thousand years ago (that was a busy year) there were lots of alicorns as a separate race. They were almost godlike and so lived higher than the highest mountains, and higher than the highest clouds, above all the other species, so removed from pegasus, unicorns and earth ponies as aliens are removed to us. After Equestria founding by the three tribes, and an undetermined amount of time, the Windigos, in hope of regaining their food, awekened Discord, to create chaos and strife. And Discord did just that. The ponies that weren't suffering, or causing suffering to others, were arguing, giving the Windigos plenty to feast. But Discord looked up, and he saw all those uppety snobs, and decided to mess with them too. Caught amidst the chaos, the Alicorns had no choice but to enter the conflict, joining the three tribes. Eventually, the two princess Alicorns, found the elements of harmony, Discord exact opposite, and used them to defeat him. But Discord had already killed most Alicorns, including the king and queen, with only the younger generations of the royal family surviving: Celestia, Luna, and their many cousins, and second degree cousins, and third degree cousins... you get the gist. The royal family's big. I also don't think all Alicorns are immortal, that's a characteristic unique to Celestia and Luna. Probably has something to do with their magic, as they seem to be constantly emanating magic, while Cadance who has much weaker magic ages normally.
  11. Ok. After some absence and continued research on the subject (GOD, I love long words!) here are my new conclusions. According to Twilight's Technobabble in Hurricane Fluttershy, Pegasi fly not by pushing the wind to below them (or at least not only doing that), but rather by manipulating the moisture of the air around them. This explains why they can stand on clouds as if they were solid objects (although other flying animals have also been shown standing in clouds, meaning they too share this inherent magic). This more or less confirms my theory that they flew using magic, but the other half of my theory is not affected (if you want to know what theory I'm talking about, I posted it in another thread, but don't worry, it's irrelevant, at least at the moment). Basically, what that means is... irrelevant. That does not at all affects why Scootaloo can't fly. But I'm posting it here anyway for good measure. Finally, there's something I realized just a while ago, and it's really a blow to my ego that I couldn't think of something so simple before: Scootaloo "disability" (as I have stated before it's nigh impossible that she has any physical disability) is the lack of natural magic power inherent to flying animals. Granted, I don't believe on that, but all possibilities must be considered. I am still of the opinion that baby pegasi eventually lose their capacity of flight and must them be taught how to fly again, and that Scootaloo must have flown as a baby. However, Pound Cak​e specifically, I don't think he'll forget to fly, because he appears to possess super strenght, and let's not forget that one of the key factors of flying is the capability to hold up your weight on flight. I'd like to bring up the fact that Sweetie Belle (a filly Unicorn) situation with Pumpkin Cake (a foal Unicorn) mirrors that of Scootaloo (a filli Pegasus) with Pound Cake (a foal Pegasus), but this thread is for discussing pegasus flight abilities, not anything else. Besides, I believe anything that we discover about pegasus flight will be true about unicorn magic.
  12. Well, my friends see me as quite confusing. While around them I tend to act as a cloudcuckoolander, so whem I told them I like MLP, and tried to get them on the show they just dismissed it as my usual random nonsense. Thankfully, they didn't judge me, but only because they already expect me to say things they consider crazy, and so didn't take me seriously when I tried telling them that it was a cool show
  13. The vending Machine then turns into an arcade machine of the game pacman. Pacman jumps from the screen and eats you. Then the ghosts escape and chase pacman. Then it goes back to being a vending machine. Inserts Pinky (the ghost).
  14. ^ Impossible not to. > Thinking on changing avatar to unicorn, if only because I don't know how the hay earth ponies pick books from shelves. v Do you know how?
  15. Receives Nightmare Moon (try figuring for how long the plants and animal life would last without the sun) Inserts keyboard.
  16. Oh, I get it, it is very tall but it's still supposed to be a child, right? Now it makes perfect sense, and it doesn't look wrong at all (well, it still looks a little bizarre, but iat least it makes sense) However, Bohtty does bring a point about the colors. While they are overused, the real problem is that they are absolutes. It looks unnatural. Never use maximun or minimal shading. Bohtty, two things. That cutie mark is not a modified version of Twilight's, it's a compass rose. Never heard of one? Second, if the ponies on pony generator look bad, it's because you don't know how to use it. Simple as that. But don't feel offend, I'm not very good at using it either. The pony generator requires you to have either good memory or foresight to make good ponies, which is why mine looks so bland (well, frankly, I wanted him to be bland, but I couldn't make a cool pony if I tried). Finally, do you understand the concepts of a Mary Sue, "im scootaloo"? Well, the first sign to one is hair colored in a bizzare way just to be cool, specially multi-colored hair. Now, what defines bizarre hair color depends a lot on the series, but in mlp I'd say it is hair of two colors that are nowhere near to one another. Most ponies in the show have monochromatic manes, and those that do have manes with 2 or more colors tend to have close colors, such as Twilight's purple and pink mane. Rainbow Dash is an acceptable exception. So, what I'm saying is, while it's not required to make a good pony, a mane like that will make others see your OC as amateurish. Finally, if you do decide to change the mane color to a more natural shade (i'm not saying change the color, just using a lighter black and a duller red), then don't forget to change the cutie mark so it doesn't have ms paint colors. EDIT: Also, why does he have eyelashes? And what's 'is name?
  17. Hmmm... his head... that's a female head. And he has eyelashes. The "abnormal look" Azure refers to is the fact that his body is too big (not tall- thick) for this head. His wings also seen too small. you might want to try the other head and wing models in General Zoi's pony creator, or else make his neck thinner. Other than that, it seens good, and I bet It would look awesome if you just used the right parts.
  18. Receives ancient mayan rock writings that translate to "Gotcha" Inserts a pony without a cutie mark.
  19. ^ Always lose, but I like playing anyway > Making ponysona v OC is an Earth Pony?
  20. Gets Luxord and Xigbar. Inserts Pokémon White.
  21. I think it's a really interesting idea. (I've gotta stop using the word interesting. I use it too much) I feel kinda stupid for not considering that before, as I proud myself on counting on all possibilities. The idea that Scootaloo is malnourished is valid, and one that hasn't been brought up yet. So, as of yet, there are two most likely possibilities: 1) Scootaloo is malnourished 2) The baby Cakes are prodigies I still think the second one is more likely, as filly Twilight showed nowhere as much magical capacity as Pumpkin Cake, and the fact that nopony in the show has mentioned Scootaloo inability to fly, at least to me, means that it is not unexpected for her. On the other hand, if the baby Cakes really were prodigies, somepony would have mentioned that by now, and also Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Twilight already knew they'd show great capacity to fly and use magic as soon as seeing then in the hospital, meaning their abilities are most likely not that far from usual.
  22. Get's a wooden katana (someone please get the reference) Inserts samurais!
  23. Hmmm... Interesting. Yes, I do believe it would come faster to those in areas where these abilities are basically requirements. Regarding the idea of Magic Surges, I believe it's the same term used to describe two unrelated events. I have formulated a somewhat complicated theory that can explain both, but I'm still struggling for the right words. Well, I'll try my best to explain it here: Ok you know how in physics there's potential and kinetic energy? Well, that's how I imagine magic to work. Let's see... ooh, I know! Let's pick as an example magic points or mana in rpgs. This is potential magic, the capacity to use magic. Note that it has no effect on the physical world at all. Then there's what I'll call applied magic, which is magic actually affecting the world. Knowing a shrinking spell means you have potential magic to use one, but it's only considered applied magic during the instants you're actually shrinking something, for example. Now, it's simple from here isn't it? Babies have Potential Magic Surges, and they can turn that potential magic into applied magic however they want. Unicorns at the age of fillies or colts, however, get Applied Magic Surges. They didn't choose it to happen that way, it just does, almost as if the magic itself was sentient. Huh... did that made sense? I'm no good at explaining things. I hope you guys understood what I meant
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