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Everything posted by SOHCAHTOA

  1. ^ I'm still thinking, but it's one of the ones I considered. > Pokémon gets boring after a while. v Favorite Cartoon other than MLP?
  2. Eeyup. I never said what she says doesn't matter. They're still using some of her ideas (though not all, as she wanted Cadance to be a unicorn). It just pisses me when people act as if her word was final. I'm not saying to disregard what she says, just don't immediately believe everything just because it comes from her mouth.
  3. I don't really fell the need for a new generation. I mean, it's not like Pokémon, where after sometime the novelty ends and there's no more reason to enjoy it until next generation. There are nigh infinity possibilities just the way the show is right now. The closer to a new generation I'd like seeing is maybe a focus on new protagonists, though that's more along the lines of a spin-off. And even though I'd love to see a Friendship Is Magic Spinoff with new characters on Manehatten, I'd never trade what we have now for it.
  4. In Ponyville Confidential, she wasn't embarassed that she couldn't fly, she was embarassed about the fall she took. Those are different things, even if she only fell because she couldn't fly. And who said she doesn't want to learn how to fly? You're saying that she either don't want to learn how to fly or she's disabled, just because she doesn't talk about wanting to fly? As far as we know it's normal to be unable to fly at that age. All the pegasi in flight academy in Fluttershy and RD flashbacks seemed older than she is now, and considering she lives in an Earth Pony town, I'd say she might not have someone to teach her to fly properly (even a parent doesn't compare to a full-fledged school). There's much else I could say about this, but I'd rather not repeat myself. I already talked about this before, I recommend you read the rest of the posts on this thread from the start, not only mine, but everyone's else too.
  5. It's not confirmed that she is crippled in canon. The only important person to have ever said that is Lauren Faust, and she doesn't even work on the show anymore. And you can't say she's probably crippled because or else she would already know how to fly. For all we know there might be an episode focused on her learning how to fly. But I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying, don't be so sure. It's ok to think something, but to affirm something without proof of it's truth is just bad.
  6. That would be me. Sorry for that, I just tend to treat every conversation as a debate. I love debating, I have studied about it, and there really aren't many times where I can really be intellectually chalenged in real life, so I take anyone in the internet saying they disagree with me as an opportunity to show how smart I am. I really shouldn't make everything a competition, but I rarely have a chance to do this, and it's the only thing I'm good at. Sorry for poor communication, since apparently you thought I meant to say that this whole thread was a debate, while I really meant to say that this specific conversation, between us, was some sort of personal debate. Understand? All in all, I think we achieved the true purpose of any debate, and that is to adjust our ideas to the truth. Everyone has a piece of the truth, and by talking to each other, trying to understand each others ideas and philosophies, we can expand our knowledge, our world. We connect the dots, the wisdom everyone has. We connect our worlds. "The World Ends With You", y'know? To know the universal truth, one must not only know what is right, but also what is wrong. But in the end, I guess ours was a case of "violent agreement": we started talking to each other in an aggresive manner (well, I started), but now we both know that our ideas weren't much different to begin with.
  7. The machine sounds the sirens. The police are now coming. YOU CANNOT HIDE. Insert car tire.
  8. Ok. First of all, you misunderstood what I meant. I admit it's my fault from the way I worded it, but I never meant to say Pegasi consciously use magic. Yes, as you said they have an innate magic, just as earth ponies have an innate magic related to nature. In Winter Wrap-Up, they're forbidden from using magic willing. If everyone was forbbiding from using any kind of magic, even innate magic, then earth ponies would also be debilitated from participating. Second, everything has a reason. Are you familiar with TV Tropes? You know the trope "Magic A Is Magic A"? Everything has a reason to work the way it does, even magic. And you're trying to say that they can just control the air currents and the moisture in the air without magic? We, humans with all our heavy machinery can't do that. They do this through magic, and I'm sorry for not elaborating further but to me this seens so obvious that it is magic, I don't understand how you could possibly say it ISN'T magic. Could you at least tell me how else they do it then? Also, you seen to be completely disregarding everything I have written here before, about the biology of a pegasus, about physics. As I said before, they don't NEED magic to fly, it just allows then to fly better. The main problem I'm having with this discussion is how misinformed you seen to be. I understand that it's only a show, that we shouldn't be treating it so seriously. But we are treating it seriously for fun, and if you can't treat it as seriosuly as I am, then you have no place debating agains't me. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying you can't show your opinions. I'm just saying you can't possibly expect to win a debate if you don't have at least as much information about the subject as your adversary. Third, comparing yourself to the heavy sinners does not make you a paragon of purity. Outside, you can be the nicest guy, but in a forum populated almost solely by good people, you need to learn some humility, or else you're one of the many jerks amidst the nicest people in the internet. Like me. And finally, good that you agree. But in your first post you made it sound as if you thought that was the only possible solution. And I realize I'm freaking out over nothing. It's one of my flaws. Do you know the difference between knowing you have a flaw and actively trying to improve upon it? Because, as bad of an habit as it might be, I like discussing with people. And we don't need to be enemies. The best part about debating is to, in the end, learn something new. I know I'm gonna regret posting this. I have this terrible habit of making enemies at every forum I enter. I know soon I'll get calm and regret posting this. But I stand by my word. What I said, I want you to hear, even if it makes you hate me.
  9. 's'okay, I admit I should have said it in some other way too. I just get so peeved in situations like that. I have a short fuse. I'll try not to get so angry from now on, or at least not to make any assumptions about you or others before I'm sure I'm right about it. But considering what you said about you, this might not be our last time arguing for no reason. And that's bad. Let's try to avoid it.
  10. I have a tendency to imitate the expressions characters are making when I'm watching TV shows. So when an angry character is on focus, I make an angry gace, when a character makes a really big smile I do one too... and when characters are sad I start crying. This Day Aria in particular is the thing that managed to make me cry for the longest amount of time.
  11. ^ Rice (what? Technically, it's a cereal, and I don't like any other cereal) > I'm thinking on making a pokémon fangame, and it might have an alchemy theme. I already have all the tools, but I still haven't started working. I wish I wasn't so lazy. I'll try not to say anything else about it, since advertising something you're not even sure you'll ever really make is not a good idea. v you know RPG Maker?
  12. The machine screams, "AGAIN?!" Inserts chewed bubblegum.
  13. I never said you were wrong. Telling your opinion to others does not make you a villain, and I never said it did. You completely missed the point on what I was saying. The thing is, what made you look bad was acting as if someone telling their opinion about your own opinions was something wrong. You talked about it as if you were being bullied, as if the other person was trying to force their opinions on you. You said you're free to show your opinion, but when someone showed their own opinions disagreeing with you you acted as if they were doing something terrible, and that's the hypocrisy I mentioned. I do owe you my apologies though. You at least showed yourself worth of respect, and not as ignorant as I though. I don't wanna discuss about who's right or wrong about which episode was best, because everyone has their opinions, and no one is less right than the other. Just don't act as if anyone disagreeing with you is attacking you personally. Everyone has the right to tell their opinion, and if you don't agree to what someone said, you should either stay quiet, or say why you disagree, not start acting all deffensive. About the thread's actual subject: after some thinking, I have come to the conclusion that the third season really has been the worst season so far. But I know the difference between when I dislike something and when something is actualy bad, and I can tell the quality did not drop from past seasons. It is just using a different formula. The Crystal Empire: I understand why everyone is saying it was boring. I still think it was better than the first two episodes, darker than the first two episodes of the second season (since Discord was still starting the chaos, he didn't get the time for the fire and brimstone and puppetponies), and to be frank, the only parts of A Canterlot Wedding I like are This Day Aria and when Cadance and Shining Armor defeat Chrysalis. So, all in all, it's still my favorite two-parter (whily it didn't had the dynamic of the other episodes, if we were reading the scripts everyone would agree this episode was cooler), and Ssombra is the best villain, for the reason I listed before. Too Many Pinkie Pies: It wasn't bad per see... just boring. They get an episode full of pinkie pies, and pinkie barely has any chance to show her reality warping powers? I say, they wasted a great opprtunity, and it's not the plot of the episode that made it bad, it's how they made the episode. One Bad Apple: That song reminds me of Alvin And The Chipmunks... *shivers* ... Other than that, it was a pretty great episode. Not the best, but it still won big time compared to many episodes of the previous seasons. Magic Duel: Trixie returns as a threatening villain? That in itself sounded awesome before watching the episode, but it was even BETTER THAN I THOUGHT IT'D BE!! It was Awesome!! Sleepless in Ponyville: Episode focused on Scootaloo, made canon what many fans already though about her and RD, RD saves Scoots, and Luna makes an appearance giving advice about how courage is not having no fears or avoiding your fears, courage is staring you fears to DEATH! Wonderbolts Academy: Lots of things were awesome in this episode. I don't even know where to start. The only thing that disappointed me was Spitfire acting as a Drill Seargeant. I know that it's not impossible for a laidback character to act seriously when on job, but I personally think it'd be better to introduce a new character to act as a trainer of the cadets. Other than that, everything was awesome, but specially Sowflake! Apple Family Reunion: Didn't like the song, and Apple Bloom wasn't the only that wanted to hear more about Babs... D: I wanted to learn more about the Apple family, but Applejack didn't let me! In general, I have to say that I liked this episode as much as Applejack, once she realized she wasn't making anyone happy. But I didn't like the song. Spike at Your Service: I've already watched so many shows with an episode with this exact plot. I'm not gonna say MLP is stealing, since I doubt any of what I saw was the original, but I never liked this plot, in any show I watched.
  14. Oh yeah, twisted metal! God that was awesome, I can't believe I didn't mention that. Only car game I ever liked other than mario kart. Also, Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories. God, that game was so awesome, but so impossible to play till the end. And Legend of Legaia. I barely played it, as it was from my uncle that I almost never visited, but it was one of the best things ever! While Chrono Trigger was the best rpg ever, it is Legend of Legaia that I miss, if only because I only played it's beggining, while I played Chrono Trigger till the end. Most likely though, because I can just download a rom of the ds Chrono Trigger if I want to, but I can't find a ps1 emulator that works on my pc.
  15. Apologies in advance for not reading all posts in the thread. My opinions: first of all, if not because he's smart, just realizing there was a cycle would be enough for Discord to try something new, and seeing as the only thing he hasn't tried yet is NOT using his powers for evil, I'd say he has little choice. After all, even if predictable, that's not as boring as repetitive. Second, I hate how's everyone's all "But he's the spirit of Chaos!". What these people forget, and what stated right around the start of the first episode of season 2 is that he embodies Chaos, Disharmony, and Evil. He is not a force of nature, he is a sapient being, and if you really think about it, the reason he fails at all in The Return Of Harmony is because of his own plan. It is because he made a plan. The downfall of every character who considers himself chaotic is to make a plan. It was Discord's downfall, the Joker's downfall... but it was their own intelligence what ultimately caused them to fail, because their whole success comes from acting as forces of nature, and they always fail when they show signs of individuality. But if anything, this proves that Discord is an intelligent being who is not forced to just do what's considered "chaotic". For cheese's sake, he's a character, not a thunderstorm. Now, about the episode itself... well, it has fluttershy, it has discord, it has fluttershy and discord interacting... best episode ever. Regarding over what will happen by the end of the episode, I believe anything goes. Who knows, Discord might decide that it will be funnier to be at the winners side, he might fail to reform in the end (and fluttershy will learn that some people don't have kindness, not even in the cores of their hearts. some people are conpletely evil). EDIT: And about why do it. Maybe Celestia had a change of mind. When he first returned, she was too blind with rage to consider anything like this, and she might not have tried this before because after a few hundred years you kinda forget about the living statue of the god of the very opposite of the thing your kingdom is based on. You, it didn't seemed relevant. She might have thought he would never break free. After all the chaos calmed down, she started wondering if there wasn't a more permanent solution to this problem, and started looking for ways to make it safe to free him. Anyway, that's my theory.
  16. I remember one video game figthing series from when I was very little... I don't remember it's name, but all characters had the power to become half animal (there was this half-tiger, the half-bunny...) I dunno, it was such a long time ago. There's also some other fighitng game i don't remember well from the snes. There was a ninja, an old woman that one of her moves was to kiss the enemy and then become young... and a character called keith, and he wore a white shirt and blue jeans. I'm terrible at remembering things from last week, what's to say from when I was a kid. But the only game I really, REALLY miss is Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64. That was the only FPS I ever liked. Everything else is replaceable.
  17. First of all, the canon has mentioned that they fly thorugh magic. Not only did the show creator have mentioned that EVERY pony has some sort of inherent magic, but Twilight explicitly states that pegasi fly by controlling the moisture in the air. Second, she doesn't need to ever learn to fly. We already like her as a character, and saying she needs to fly to be happy is the same as saying wheelchair-bound people can't be happy. Third, I have already pointed out how it is impossible for Scootaloo to be physically impaired. I'm not gonna repeat myself on why, just read my page 4 wall of text. If you can't do even that, you have no place in a serious debate (what I'm saying is, read all that before answering, or else you'll just be making a fool outta yourself). Fourthly, read your post aloud. If that start didn't sound extremely pretentious to you then you really need to learn what's pretentious. You didn't read all the posts in a thread with 5 pages, you talk about us as if there were only two sides of our argument, and you talk about not picking sides as if it somehow put you above us. Without any information on what we said you assume you have come up with an idea none of us was capable of coming up with in 5 pages of discussion, and it's even more insulting considering how misinformed, simple and wrong your idea was. Seriously dude. I try not to argue with people I realize won't learn anything anyway, but you don't seen like such a bad guy. You just overstimated yourself, and I do believe you can at least learn from this, otherwise I wouldn't be posting this. You're one of the least annoying jerks I've found on the internet, but a jerk is a jerk. If you can learn from your mistakes, good. If you'd rather tell me you're wrong, than try to do so. There's nothing I love more than a good debate. However, as much as I love an audience, unless you plan to explain how I'm wrong and your initial theory is right, or unless you agree with what I said about why scootaloo can't fly, don't post it here. If it's going to be personal, pms exist for a reason. EDIT: And I know how much of a jerk I am being myself in this post. But I couldn't just leave it the way it was. I, at least, am being a jerk to someone who deserves. EDIT2: In hindsight, I apologise for my manners in this post. You didn't deserve someone being this much of a jerk to you, specially since you weren't doing anything on purpose, and you wasn't even being a jerk to anyone specifically. However, while I apologise for what I said, I do not retract my previous statements.
  18. Saint hypocrisy! I'm... I'm not even gonna say anything. You wouldn't take what I say at face value anyway. No point in arguing with someone that you know you can't convince they're wrong.
  19. Charity Drive
  20. Hmmmm... if I had a Cutie Mark... what do you guys think would be a good cutie mark for someone whose talent is helping people? Because I do enjoy doing that. Otherwise, most likely a book, as I love doing research, about all sorts of things.
  21. As Cadance seem to age normally, I'd say that immortality or long life span, that's a trait unique to the sisters. Regarding being almost divine, Celestia and Luna still do it different then any deity in fiction. In fiction, Gods that are as laidback as celestia tend to not care about the mortals, while Celestia seens to dislike her royal duties and likes when, at the end of The Best Night Ever, she just joins her student and her friends in the donut shop for chit-chat. While deities in fiction who want attention tend to have either a more Nightmare Moon approach, or just desire attention in the form of people believing in them, because believers make then stronger. On the other hand Luna genuinely wants others love, and doesn't depend on them for her powers.
  22. What's the genwunners problem with the new gens? What's the problem with fans of something when they reboot/remake that thing? The generic "They Changed It, Now It Hates". I'm not going to elaborate further, because I'm too lazy, to move the gears of my brain. As I said, I'm too lazy to think, so I don't tend to compare things. To me, all two-parters, and The Best Night Ever, were awesome, while the rest of the episodes were great. And while some were better than others, I don't see any need to decide which was better, if I like then one way or another. But one thing that makes me mad is people saying King Sombra is "lame", or some variation. These people don't realize that Sombra is awesome, the thing is he just didn't get any awesome moments onscreen. Before being defeated, he was more powerful than either princess alone as they had to work together. You can't compare him to Discord, because Discord's a reality warper: he's an unfair comparison agains't anyone, and can only be defeated by the Elements of Harmony, which seem to be capable of defeating anything (game breaker. humph). You can't compare him to Chrysalis, as she only defeated Celestia because she just had a feast on The Power of Love (even Chrysalis herself was surprised when she defeated Celestia). Also unlike any other villains, he invented the thing he uses as a weapon, and was powerful enough to make a kingdom disappear in thin air for a thousand years. He made all the Crystal Ponies forget about the crystal faire, as it was the only thing that could defeat him. He found the only book in a library of comparable size to the Library of Babel that contained information about the faire, and ripped the only relevant page. And let's not forget all the barriers he put in the way to the Crystal Heart. First, it was in his castle, where he knew no Crystal Pony would even dare getting close to. Second, the secret passageway was hidden, and the only way to find it other then knowing about it beforehand was genre-savviness, the next barrier is designed specifically agains't genre-savviness, the stairs would take too much time to be crossed by any Crystal Pony (since they're all earth ponies), and reaching the Crystal Heart triggers a spell that allows Sombra to start corrupting the empire from inside without even have to control it, as well as locking whoever got the heart inside it. Literally the only reason he lost was because Spike tagged along with Twilight, something Twilight did not want initially. And the only thing he did was wait. To those complaining he had few lines, he might just be a villain who prefers efficiency to drama, seeing how Dangerously Genre-Savvy he was. Or instead it might have something to do with the "thousand years awake while frozen solid", or the "body turned into a black gaseous matter". I mean, don't you think his sanity would be affected somehow? Destroying him entirely, in my opinion, was the wise thing to do, since he's the only villain so far who's evil without any reason. Nightmare Moon wanted attention, Discord wanted amusement, Chrysalis wanted food. Sombra's just a bastard. A Magnificent Bastard. But villains like him, efficient villains, are no fun, so I think it was wise of the production team to give him so little focus. EDIT: Sorry for the long rant. I have a tendency to write walls of text. Also, You might be wondering how I figured all that out if I don't like to think. Well, simple, I have others to think for me (I read TV Tropes Fridge pages on My Little Pony). Although I liked him even before reading all that, although that might just be because I didn't bother about thinking on wheter or not he was a good character.
  23. I forgot to bring up, that I'm from Brazil. Brony is still not a mainstream thing, and we don't even have a wikipedia page for it :/ the one of my friends that showed some interest in watching it, I had to show him the english wikipedia Brony page through msn. And he laughed at it, until I told him I watched the show and liked it, at which point he said he might watch it later (though he hasn't done so, as of yet. At least he didn't dismiss it as me being weird, as he read about adults watching mlp in the us).
  24. Faust doesn't work in the show anymore. It is not confirmed in canon that Scootaloo is disabled, but remember, the opposite is also not affirmed. So, don't need to be so worried, but if she ends up being right, don't tell me I said it was a lie. For now, it is just a not-truth, which is not a lie.
  25. Don't worry 'bout that, there wasn't much of a discussion on the subject to be derailed. You at least stayed true to the thread's name. I don't think Alicorns are gods, deva or anything like that, myself. They seen to be very powerful, but mortal, with Cadance as the best example. Only Celestia and Luna fit your description, but they still show very "human" traits (in this case pony traits). In Luna's case a desire for love and acceptance, while in Celestia's case, a very casual and laid-back personality. What I'm saying is, I don't think there's anything supernatural about the Alicorns (not any more supernatural than the rest of the Equestria). However, this is still my opinion, and I realize that by no means what I said disprove your headcanon.
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