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  1. Fhaolan's post in [Trivial Issue] MLP:FiM Canon Discussion > "Season 9 Discussion" and "Specials and Shorts" lack custom icons was marked as the answer   
    I banged out two icons... and sent them to the current staff. It looks like they've implemented them, so there you go. If someone comes up with something better, though, feel free.
  2. Fhaolan's post in Welcome Message Code Error was marked as the answer   
    Huh. That's weird as heck. The PM'ed welcome message should use bbcode, not html. Sometimes the forum software 'translates' things when it shouldn't. I'll have a peek and see if I can figure it out.
  3. Fhaolan's post in Is there anyway to narrow the Everfree Character Database to my characters only? was marked as the answer   
    Over in the upper right-hand corner is your display name and a little down arrow. Hit the down arrow and you'll get a dialog box with 'Your Content'. Click that link. Now comes the completely random-seeming thingy: Ont the left-hand side there's a 'Pages' content type. Go there, and under that the list will change and 'Characters' will be highlighted (hopefully).
    Why exactly it's set up that way and called 'Pages' is another IP.Board bit of bafflement, we haven't gotten around to doing any customization to that bit so that's the way it works out-of-box for the forum software we use.
  4. Fhaolan's post in Cannot properly add YouTube to my contact methods was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, this is a bit of weirdness, because YouTube changed the methodology for the linkages... I have an idea, but I'm not 100% it's going to work, or if it's even reasonable. Give me a bit of time to do some research...

    Okay, there's now three different YouTube fields available when you edit your profile. One for the old YouTube name, if you have an old account that allows for that, one for the Channel ID which is probably the most common now, and one for the Custom Channel name (the /c/ one). Only fill out the one you want to have appear on your profile.
    I do admit it might be confusing to look at in the editor. I put in descriptions to keep them separate while editing, while still preserving the simple 'YouTube' tag that people looking at your profile would see, but I'm not 100% convinced it flows. Any suggestions are welcome, but know I'm a bit limited in what I can do in there without involving futzing with code.
  5. Fhaolan's post in How do you start a blog? was marked as the answer   
    I knew we had a FAQ entry for this, but I had a heck of a time finding it. We're gonna have to look at how our FAQ works more.
    In any case, try this, it might help: https://mlpforums.com/page/faq/_/navigating-and-using-mlp-forums/what-are-blogs-and-how-do-i-createuse-them-r68
  6. Fhaolan's post in Testing Forum - What Is It? was marked as the answer   
    The basic idea behind the Testing forum is so everyone has a space where they can check how the various BBCodes and other formatting works, as well as draft posts on a longer-term basis than what IP.B (our forum software) allows normally.
    To answer the other questions:
    1) Yes, Admins and Global Mods can see the testing forum, mainly so if anyone asks for help we can go in and help them with whatever they're working on.
    2) Like Personal Messages, the Testing forum is still covered by the Global Rules, so NSFW stuff, real spam, etc. is a no-no. Creating lots of test posts to store info though is fine. When I think 'spam' I'm thinking more along the lines of bot-produced advertising spam.
    3) Yeah, it looks like a normal forum to us. I know I go in there occasionally to check for spam-bots, and of course just to use it for testing.
    4) I... honestly don't know if we can set that forum up for self-moderating threads. I'll see what I can dig up on the technical side, and see what the consensus is among the Admin-types about it from a process point of view.
  7. Fhaolan's post in PG-13 vs Grimdark (Restrictions and community culture) was marked as the answer   
    Huh. Not entirely sure why this has gone unanswered. Okay, I'll do the best I can.
    1) No gore basically means no flying bloody bits and the like. No Sam Raimi-type fics, for instance. Injuries, illness, even death are fine but it's more about the level of description. If you really put your mind to it you could describe a simple bruise as the most horrific thing ever with extreme detail and focus. That's the kind of thing not allowed. Also using the 'wait for approval' flag on posting anything that you think might be questionable is a good option. (as long as it's in good faith, and you're not using that function just to be mean-spirited.)
      2) There's very likely many here that would appreciate that kind of content. But there's also a many here that have absolutely no interest whatsoever. That's what happens when you have a large user-base like this forum.
    3) Send a PM to myself or any of the admins for that. I'll be honest, it won't likely be approved because of the 'Advertising' rule, not because of the 'NSFW' rule, but you won't get into trouble for asking.
    And the answer for the second post: Suicide is definitely a no-no. Depression runs rampant in all fandoms due to their nature, and Bronies are not an exception to this. Anything that could encourage suicide shouldn't be tossed around casually.
  8. Fhaolan's post in can you change your username? was marked as the answer   
    Hi @,

    Not... really, no. You've already found the Display Name change function, and that's as much as we have at the moment. Because this site uses a universal login shared with all other Poniverse sites, and a couple of non-Poniverse sites, changing the login name would need to happen at the universal login level and be pushed to the subscriber sites. At the moment the universal login that we are using doesn't have the feature to push logon name changes to the subscriber sites.
  9. Fhaolan's post in How to link to a profile inside a post? was marked as the answer   

    The @ bit doesn't actually do anything. It's a syntax hold-over from other systems. You could just put
    [member=Tidycablez] and it works just fine.
  10. Fhaolan's post in Can't see past posts in Find Content was marked as the answer   
    Feld0 tells me that the Search function (which runs the My Content feature) was mucked up... again. He's done a dive into the system and rather than just patching it, rebuilt that function. It should be working now on a more permanent basis.
  11. Fhaolan's post in More recent topics won't show up in My Content page? was marked as the answer   
    Feld0 tells me that the Search function (which runs the My Content feature) was mucked up... again. He's done a dive into the system and rather than just patching it, rebuilt that function. It should be working now on a more permanent basis.
  12. Fhaolan's post in Content not showing up? was marked as the answer   
    Feld0 tells me that the Search function (which runs the My Content feature) was mucked up... again. He's done a dive into the system and rather than just patching it, rebuilt that function. It should be working now on a more permanent basis.
  13. Fhaolan's post in Cannot Scroll Pony-emoticons was marked as the answer   
    Okay, Feld0 thinks he may have fixed this. You might need to clear your browser cache, however, as I had to do that for Chrome.
  14. Fhaolan's post in How do I delete my profile comepletely? was marked as the answer   
    If you send in a support ticket (https://mlpforums.com/index.php?app=nexus&module=support&section=new&utm_source=website&utm_medium=navbar&utm_campaign=ux) we'll try to remove any Personally Indentifiable Information from your profile and posts. Other than that, we don't ban on request or delete accounts.
    I'm told that no-ban policy is due to the sheer volume of people who 'ragequit' and then come back the next day wanting to have everything restored.
    The no-delete policy is because deletion will also remove any posts, comments, or other interactions leaving odd holes in the forum conversations where people reply to things that no longer exist.
  15. Fhaolan's post in The Mod queue was marked as the answer   
    Not as far as I can tell. You don't have any posting restrictions. There is a checkbox for 'wait for approval' in the post options that you might have accidentally checked. Or it might be one of the forums that automatically shunts all replies into the mod queue, like this one (Site Questions & Technical Support).

    Huh. Yeah, I found your posts in the queue, but they weren't marked as being 'queued'. That usually happens when the 'wait for approval' checkbox got clicked.
  16. Fhaolan's post in Character removed was marked as the answer   
    Hi Novaburst, do you mean: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/smoky-gears-r9454
    It doesn't seem to have been removed. The search functions are a bit wonky sometimes so if you used that to try to find it, it may not have been working right then.
  17. Fhaolan's post in Animated Forum Banners was marked as the answer   
    The system says it can take a .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png but I don't think we've ever *tried* to load an animated .gif in as a banner... at least if we have it was before I was staff. It might be an interesting experiment, but we do have a good number of banners in the hopper right now waiting for a reveal, so it might be awhile before we can get to one.
    Also due to the size of the banner, the filesize of an animated .gif might be... unfortunate for anyone with a limited bandwidth or data cap. So we'd have to evaluate the file once it was made to see if it would be too onerous for a banner.
  18. Fhaolan's post in Threads being approved was marked as the answer   
    It's a weird glitch in IP.Board (the software the forums run on). If someone on moderation queue posts in your thread, *you* get that message when that post gets approved. It's built-in, so there's not a heck of a lot we can do about it right now.
  19. Fhaolan's post in Non-removable Quotes was marked as the answer   
    The IP.Board WYSIWYG editor has some... odd quirks. In the top left-hand corner of the editing icon bar there's a thing that looks vaguely like a paperclip. Click that and it will switch you to BBCode mode where you can actually *see* the square bracket codes that are creating the quote boxes. Then you can delete them.
  20. Fhaolan's post in Banner Designer was marked as the answer   
    Here you go:
    Occasionally we have banner contests as well. I don't know when the next one is coming up.
    Also moved the topic to Site Questions, as that seemed more appropriate.
  21. Fhaolan's post in Noob in training was marked as the answer   
    Since you stated you needed to submit 5 things, I'm assuming you mean the 'minimum post requirement' that some of the forum (like Roleplay World) is under. It's not uploading things, by the way, it's making five posts in any of a variety of places around the forum, like Show Discussion, Octavia's Hall, etc. If it's a place that your posts don't count towards that minimum, it will say 'Post count will not increase in this section.' Like it does under Welcoming Plaza.
    For that, you just do what you did for your post here. In fact, your post here counts towards your five posts. 
    However, the posts have to be meaningful. Not just spam posting to get past the minimum. That's against the rules and against the spirit of *why* there's a restriction on some parts of the forums. The restriction is there to put a bit of a barrier in front of potential trolls for places that are more sensitive to that kind of thing. Life Advice, Roleplaying World, etc. are very attractive places for trolls to go and mess around, so the minimum post restriction was put in place.
  22. Fhaolan's post in 5 posts to Muffin should be 10-15. was marked as the answer   
    This isn't an official answer, just my opinion based on what I've pieced together from personal experience. So take it with a grain of salt.
    The type of trolls that would be stopped by a 10-15 post requirement are the ones that are already being stopped by the 5-post requirement. The trolls we currently get aren't likely to be deterred by increasing that requirement.
    Basically, the posting requirement only covers some of the forums. It can't cover all of it, because how the heck would you get the five posts if you had to have five posts to be able to post? So there has to be places you can post with no restriction. As long as those places exist, that's where the trolls are going to start. We can't stop them from initially posting in those places. All we can do is hope that they are silly enough to start out with Troll-like posts so that members can report the posts and the trolls get sussed out that way.
    So the minimum number of posts is really only there to protect the more sensitive areas by slowing the Trolls down. Life Advice, and similar places, where trolling can do more damage. And it's really a psychological barrier. Is the troll determined and disciplined enough to post X number of non-trolly posts in order to get into those areas? Usually they're not. Only a small number seem to get past that barrier as it is.
    Those that do manage 5 posts don't seem to be the type to be deterred by an additional 5 or 10 posts. If anything, they seem to be the type to be encouraged by it as it gives them a challenge to overcome in their crusade against the Evil Bronies! Or they didn't start as Trolls, but were originally perfectly nice members who became embittered and vengeful over time. The minimum post requirement doesn't do much to stop either of those kinds of Trolls.
  23. Fhaolan's post in Are we allowed to preemptively add members to our RP list? was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, nothing saying you can't have people pre-loaded to the RP.
    Though I'm a little confused as to why they can't post to the OOC. Or why there's only 1 slot. There can be as many slots as you want as DM, and there's no restrictions to posting to OOCs (providing they're on-topic of course. )
  24. Fhaolan's post in Forgetting emails? was marked as the answer   
    Likely, yes. You would file a support ticket here: https://mlpforums.com/index.php?app=nexus&module=support&section=new&utm_source=website&utm_medium=navbar&utm_campaign=uxwith details of what happened.
  25. Fhaolan's post in Any way to delete old topics you've created? was marked as the answer   
    Hi Princess C,
    You can 'Report' your topics and ask for them to be hidden, but they may not be depending on the other responses in the topics. We have to take into consideration the other posters in those topics and what they wrote, just to be fair.
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