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Status Updates posted by FlareGun45

  1. We gonna have Spike and Thorax interacting again this season before the show's over? Their friendship was something unique! Like Starlight and Trixie's friendship!

  2. We got alota six groups in this show, and probably so potential ones too!

    We got the Mane Six: Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, AJ, and Flutters

    We got the Student Six: Sandbar, Smolder, Yona, Gallus, Silverstream, and Ocellus

    We got the Pillar Six: I can't spell some of their names, but yunno who they are

    After today's episode we got our Starlight Six: Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, Maud, Mudbriar, and Terramar

    And if Spike were to have his own six, we got Spike, Big Mac, Discord, Ember, Thorax, and Scorpan when he debuts in the future!

    And for the CMCs: we got Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Babs, and either Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon or the Manehattan CMCs

    The devs must really love their sixes!

    1. CypherHoof


      Well, the mane 6, student 6 and pillars are all aligned with the Elements, so that makes sense.

  3. Isn't Cholula hot sauce great with fries? :D

  4. Ponies are asleep - post mods!

  5. A human and a pony have a baby - what do you get?


  6. I don't wanna make a post about this, but I gotta ask... do you think Spike is part of the Mane 6?

    Then why call it 6 instead of 7?

    1. Sparklefan1234


      No I do not. :twismile:

  7. Did Celestia have a plan for Spike at all?

    I'm gonna get alota joke replies aren't I? XD

    1. FalconBrony


      I'm trying to think of a good joke reply but I don't want to drag on

  8. Yunno what's great about putting all my marbles towards Spike being the hero of the finale? If it doesn't happen - the show will already be over, and I won't care anymore! :3 So either way, I win!

    1. Kion


      Wait I’m surprised why won’t you care?

    2. FlareGun45


      Well it's not really about him being the hero - it's his accomplishments actually being addressed and he'd finally find his place among the Mane 6 which would become 7, at least I hope so! Really, all I want is a satisfying conclusion from him.

      But even if it doesn't happen - the show will be over, and it will no longer matter! ;)

  9. had such a weird dream last night! It was so bad that I was moaning in my sleep, and my mom heard it! I heard the moaning from the dream! It's like I was calling for help to get outta there!

  10. I've been thinking about it all wrong, about Spike's "destiny"! There are many meanings to it, and I keep thinking he has a new career coming up, but no, that's not it at all! He's happy with his current job! The thing is: his destiny is not a career, it's a PROPHECY!

    1. Kion


      I hope if the mane 6 do become rulers of equestria at the end of the season. Spike stays with Starlight at the school to help her with her new role as headmare. Because i think Starlight will need his help a lot more than Twilight will.

  11. This comic truly inspired me! 


    I still dunno what's coming for Spike, but, this could be one of the possibles! Not this comic altogether, mind you, and probably not since the beginning, but... I got the feeling Sparkle's 7 isn't the only time he'll be manipulative! ;) Maybe it's not this though. Maybe Spike's hidden victory is something else!

  12. I'm gonna try to control my posts about questioning what's coming for Spike. It's not gonna solve anything making those posts. No more theories, no more headcanons. I'm just gonna wait and see what's coming for Spike. All I know is that something's coming for him. That's it. And I'll just wait for the answer to come.

  13. Just because Spike is happy where he is, doesn't automatically mean he won't be happier doing and achieving other things! :D

  14. Stay on the right path, even if you hafta go alone.

    I'm one of the only people that believes there's more to Spike's arc than we're getting. If I gotta go alone, then so be it. He needs SOMEONE to root for him. Hopefully I can be enough for him to pull through! :)

    1. Kion


      It’s not just you I’m also there for spike and knows there something truly great for him that we have yet to see. 

    2. FlareGun45


      Then we shall be there rooting for him! :D Let's go Spike!

    3. Kion


      Yep all hail spike. So far he’s performed the best out of  every character this season. Hopefully it Stays that way and Starlight comes in second. You know Me and you have a lot in common we both really love Starlight and spike. 

  15. Discord: "Use the friendship, Twilight! Use the friendship!"

    Twilight: "I can't! I lost the elements!"

    Discord: "Forget the elements! The elements are bupkis. I found them in a Cracker Jack box. The friendship is in YOU, Twilight! It's in YOU!"

  16. When I keep telling people how awesome HB (my future series) is gonna be, I realized no one believes me yet, cause they dunno the story! They never seen a trailer! Duh! How can people be interested in something without visual proof? That's gonna take some time though....

    1. Sparklefan1234


      What does HB stand for? 

    2. FlareGun45


      It stands for my future series!

      Sorry, no spoilers

    3. Sparklefan1234


      Cool! Good Luck! :-D

  17. If things were better in real life - maybe I wouldn't care what happens in FIM. FIM is just a safe haven from real life - and seeing Spike get cheated, it's not even safe at the haven, yunno?

  18. Yunno who deserves to get punished more than anyone else in the series? FRIGGIN' SLUDGE!

  19. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    Too nervous for season 9! Don't wanna see Spike get cheated again! He dudn't deserve it! He's too good of a person!

  20. Holy Wizard of Feelings I'm getting tired of these hints and teases! It's one thing for the show to not do something, but constantly tease us about it... Discovery just loves to constantly Rarity us!

  21. If Spike ever wanted to know where he came from, why doesn't he just ask Celestia or Luna? If they dunno the answer, they can at least put him in the right path! There's his starting point! Question is, what's taking him so long?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FlareGun45


      Or he doesn't even know they might know? All Twilight said was that he was given to her as an egg, she never said that he came from the school, maybe he doesn't even know?

      Even if he DOES know, he's friends with some dragons now! So the Dragon History thing shouldn't stop him now!

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Maybe not, but I guess it depends on what his family is truly like. 

    4. Sparklefan1234



      Question is, what's taking him so long?


      Because, he's stupid? :sealed: 

      I mean, he knows that he was hatched by Twilight at PCSFGU so he should ASK CELESTIA! :glimmer:

  22. I don't mind people insulting me. I can handle it! It's the ignoring I can't stand.

  23. https://www.derpibooru.org/1997920

    Aren’t you just the cutest derp? Aren’t you just the cutest derp? Yes you are! Yes you are! <3

  24. Every time lately I've been going to Applebees, and their service is so slow! There's not even alota people here!

  25. I really wanna make a post talking about whether or not the seventh element arc will come, but I'm not gonna until after episode 3.

    Despite the Student 6 looking like they're gonna be next-gen elements, does that mean no more regular elements? I'm not sure yet, that's why I wanna see that episode first before jumping to conclusions.

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