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Status Updates posted by FlareGun45

  1. Don't forget to vote tomorrow! Unless you already voted, in that case, I don't care if you forget or not! :3

  2. Would it be funny if Scorpan turned out to be an annoying hardcore Spike fan like some of us? Like Spike's personal Fame and Misfortune! 

    I wouldn't be insulted! I'd find it funny! XD

    1. ggg-2


      How would he know about our little buddy?

    2. FlareGun45


      Me and several others think Scorpan was the one who found Spike's egg and grew attached to it, but then gave it to Celestia as both a peace offering after what Tirek did and because he thought it would give the egg a better life!

      Also back in MLP G1, Spike and Scorpan were close friends! 

      Now if he comes on the show, yunno that Twilight's the closest thing Spike has to a mom? Scorpan could be like a fatherly figure, and I thought it would be meta if he turned out to be one of the Spike fans that just want the very best for Spike! XD

  3. Trust me! I'm well aware that me talking about Spike too much is annoying! :P But hey, at least we're not as bad as the Starlight fans! >:)

    1. FlareGun45


      It was a joke! :P Glimglam's my 2nd fav character! I mean if you can't laugh at yourself, right? ;)

  4. I see you! OvO

    Are you still there?

  5. Yunno I'm surprised to never have been banished on this site! I've done some questionable things here on the past, at least I think so. So it's pretty surprising!

    1. FlareGun45


      Oh so "banished" doesn't mean "ban"? Ok maybe I can give it a try then! How do ya get banished?

  6. Our house is ready for Halloween! Not many people in our neighborhood decorated though which is upsetting.

  7. Yo mama so stupid, she went to Turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving! >:)

  8. Rawr I'm cute react spam!

  9. My mom watches the show with me and even she doesn't like Spike's crush on Rarity! She's not even much of a fan in the show and she thinks that! She loves Spike too, second to Fluttershy!

  10. HotDigityDemon makes a really good point on Apu! I think ya should watch this!


  11. Is this haunted room ACTUALLY stretching? Or is it your imagination? And in case you didn't notice, this chamber has NO WINDOWS and NO DOORS, which gives you this thrilling challenge, to find... a way out! Of course... there's always MY WAY! >:)

  12. Some folk are playing RDR2, and here I am, playing GTA 4 again! XD

    1. FlareGun45


      I can't, brah, it's not released on PC yet and I don't have a One or a PS4!

  13. Why do you have more followers than me? We're like... the same person! Sorta. Personality wise.

    1. FlareGun45


      Well congrats regardless! ;)

    2. FlareGun45


      I'll consider that! ;) 

  14. So y'got Red Dead Redemption 2? How is it? Compared to the first one, how do ya like it? :D

  15. Hey can ya do me a favor? Follow me, for no reason! Please? :3

  16. "Oh for the love of Scorpan!"


  17. Remember when MTV meant Music TeleVision? Now it means Moronic TeleVision! XD

    1. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      Yeah, like a lot of cable TV networks now, it's just another worthless propaganda tool. >_> In all fairness, it did suck before selling out to the establishment though. 

  18. Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin'... into the fuuuturrrrrre!

  19. These forums need a pool table, I feel like playing pool!

  20. There is nothing more cringeworthy than when SpongeBob ripped off Squidward's toe nail with his sofa! DX

  21. If you don't eat your meat, y'can't have any pudding! How can ya have any pudding if y'don't eat your meat?!

  22. I ain't ever gonna go on the new Titanic as a cruise! That has bad vibes written all over it!

    1. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      yeah... sounds dangerous. especially scary is the year of 2022.

      I wouldn't even go watch Titanic II movie sequel...

  23. I'm sure we can all agree that Hasbro selling their company to Disney would be an AWFUL idea! Not only would it make Disney one step closer to taking over, they would NOT take care of our beloved horse friends!

  24. Hello... hello... hello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone home?

  25. Wow! It's cool outside! :D

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