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Status Updates posted by FlareGun45

  1. I understand why people aren't really interested in most my posts, I don't blame ya! But yesterday I posted a promo to Spring Breakdown! That shoulda had responses! 

    Are people not interested in the next EG? Or did people not notice? Those are the only logical explanations!

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      For me it is just the lack of interest in EQG.


      What if aliens are controlling my miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind! :o

    2. FlareGun45


      Yeah Spring Breakdown is probably my final EG. It's likely the ONLY EG this year since the devs are focusing the end of FIM

  2. Is it me? Or does the Staff of Sacanas look like it keeps changing it's size?

  3. We're gonna get MLP! And it's only gonna take one more week, one more week, one more superduper week! One more super-spectacular, extra-magical, extra-fantastical week! :D

  4. Guess what, brahs! One more week! This is our last Saturday till the end of the hiatus! Next week is Equestria Girls, and the week after, the season!

  5. So if you say your wish out loud, it won't come true. But what if you said your wish in the opposite way? Like "I wish for something", but then to balance it out, you'd say, "I wish for this not to happen"! Then the wishes would conflict eachother, and make it a 50/50 thing, right?

  6. I hate my brain sometimes. It gets an idea of something great in MLP, then I get my hopes up, then it doesn't happen, then I get disappointed, and the process repeats. Keep telling my brain to stop, even try to put it to bed without dinner, but it just wouldn't listen! Doesn't surprise me, brains don't have ears

  7. >goes on the Everfree Northwest site and sees a writing contest to make an episode script that's gonna be read by Nicole Dubuc!!! :O

    >contest already over >0<

  8. My wishlist for season 9 has pretty much been shredded. Cause I really don't care anymore what happens.

  9. So in my list of things Spike needs before the show ends, I'm crossing "finding his purpose" off the list, cause I mean, he's an ambassador after all, and pretty much a steward to Twilight! Stewards have big responsibilities! 

    However to make it truly offical, I wanna know if he gets paid well for what he does! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sparklefan1234



      "I don't buy Spike anything.  If Spike wants something badly enough, he panhandles for it."

    3. FlareGun45


      He works for her! He should get paid! This is child labor then, is that what the show is teaching us?

    4. Feather Spiral

      Feather Spiral

      I'm guessing Celestia used to pay him in Twi's name while she was underage.

      Now that they both work in a school and bookhorse has ascended, they probably get wages accordingly? Which means, if it's anything like real life, a mountain of cash awaits Twilight and everyone else on staff gets a little above minimum wage.

      I'm sure he gets paid by the Dragon Kingdom for representing them, as well; maybe with gems, or other valuables and shinies. There may also be benefits, like diplomatic immunity (I mean Fizzle and Garble still shit-talk, but aren't allowed to hurt him) and/or having a wingman on dangerous missions, etc.

  10. C'mon season 9! Be Spike's greatest season!

    I was about to say "biggest", but when we asked for Derpy to have her biggest season, they took it too literally! :P

  11. We don't have a release date for season 9 yet, but I have the feeling it's sometime in April, which means in March we'll be getting our first synopses! At least 3, maybe 4 if we're lucky!

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Given how late we are into February, a mid-April opener (April 13 my guess) sounds all the more likely now.

  12. Somebody said they wanted to hear Flurry say her first word next season, and
    I had NO idea how much I wanted that until now!

  13. I should give all of yous a fair warning: I'm gonna start being less tolerable about certain stuff on the show not happening cause it's the last chance for it to happen, so expect me to whine like a baby, and just ignore it, I'll get over it eventually! :P I'll TRY to control it better, but I'm not gonna make any promises!

  14. Hey Truffles! We haven't talked in a while! What's up?

    1. Truffles


      Lots of work! However in general during the hiatuses, I usually go into lurker mode and take a break from MLP. Most of the posts I do do are usually short one-sentence thoughts. I saw your comments on Spike's dad the other day but all the replies pretty much covered anything I had to say so I just left it at that. XD

    2. FlareGun45


      It's fine! I'm really taking this want of Spike having more a little too outta portion so I need to take a break from all that, but it's really hard to do! XD If there was anywhere around here that doesn't involve talking about MLP, I'd have so much more to talk about! :P 

      But I'm glad you're taking a break! You're better at control over that than me, that's for sure!

  15. I might talk about Spike alot when we're talking about MLP, but I DO talk about other stuff alot! There's just not many pages on this website that allows non-MLP conversations.

  16. Hey remember that brown Kirin with the cute head-tilt? She should be at the School of Friendship!

  17. "And now the assistant will overthrow the princess!" >:)

    Careful, Twilight! Even the kindest of souls has a dark side! A ton of shows had that one episode - that ONE episode! 

  18. Yunno what's great about Starlight? She's one of Spike's few friends that NEVER abused him! Ain't she just a pal? ;)

    1. ggg-2


      Well, unless you count when Spike got caught in that time loop

    2. FlareGun45


      That was aimed towards Twilight. Spike was just accidental.

      That's not abuse! That's revenge!

  19. I feel like the dad Spike never had! How about until he gets a dad figure in the show, I'll be his dad! :3

    Twilight, wife, you better take care of our son!

  20. >In Father Knows Beast, people were pissed at Spike for breaking Twilight's heart
    >In Best Gift Ever, no one minded Twilight using Spike as live-bait

    Fandom logic!

  21. Christmas is a wonderful time of year! It's the season of getting! :D

  22. Merry Xmas, brahs! :D If you don't celebrate it, then season greetings to you!

  23. They call the holidays a time to give back, but why can't we just do it all the time?

  24. Just made a submission for Luna Day! It's a crossover between 3 Lunas! One of them is Princess Luna, but can you guess the other 2?

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