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Status Updates posted by FlareGun45

  1. Happy Birthday fellow Birthdayian! :D



  2. Sup brahs? It's my birthday! :D HURRAY! 25! Quarter of a century old! My life is a quarter of the way over.... yaaaaay....

  3. Season 9 leaked spoiler for a second, I have something that's just popped up into my head.

    If the Elements of Harmony get destroyed in the season premiere, that means the Tree of Harmony is gonna lose magic. Would that mean Twilight's castle would start losing power, including the map's power which would become staticy or something?

    1. FlareGun45


      No, just not alota people have alot to say about these! :3

    2. ggg-2



      It could be like the series premiere where the Elements get shattered only to be immediately brought back by hope and friendship.

      Corny, yeah. But hey with a premise like this show, it fits like one of Rarity's edible gloves.

    3. FlareGun45


      I was actually hoping they'd stay shattered until the finale where the 7th element would restore them.

  4. I really do hope season 9 is the final season. It's been a great show, but I really need to move on. No I'm not watching G5, not because I don't like it, but because I need to end this addiction. One last season (don't care if it's confirmed or not), and I'm outta here. After next year, it's over for me. Letting ya know now.

    1. FlareGun45


      Cause it's interfering with my personal life. I'm gonna be making movies soon, and I need to finish college so I can get there. This show is slowing me down, and after next year. That's it, brah. No G5 for me, at least not right away. Maybe I'll watch it in the future for idea purposes, but I gotta go.

    2. FlareGun45


       Cause I keep going on these websites! Instead of doing something better and more important! :P 

  5. Ok well I can't figure out how to make a poll, so lemme know in the comments what you want me to do! 

    I have a full list of made-up season 9 episodes containing a synopsis for each one, characters who'll appear in it, and notes for each one so you'd know what the story would contain! Some episodes even has a detailed summary of the episode itself! 

    So lemme ask you this: Do you want me to post the first one tomorrow or wait till the season ends in the U.S.? Either choice, each episode I have (other than the 2-parters) will be posted daily.

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      I personally don't mind now (while hiding early-release content and leaks under the spoiler tag). Fire away! :D

    2. FlareGun45


      Well they're not done yet tho. :3 Episode 8 needs a remake cause I got a better idea for that one and I'm still doing the finale's notes

  6. Hey can I make a poll here on my page?

  7. Jeez what am I doing with myself? Constantly looking for a season 9 leaked image! :P I can just wait till next March or April and we'll know everything about the season 9 premiere! 

    I'm trying to look for the image that shows a brainwased Spike, CMCs, and Student 6. I can find every other image from Grogar, to the shattered Elements, but I can't find the brainwashed picture!
  8. If they made an MLP Manly Years Later special, I bet Rarity would become chubby! :3 Hey it would look cute on her!

  9. Anyone remember this gameshow? :3


  10. This song is awesome! 


  11. I just followed Noel MacNeal on Twitter, one of my childhood heroes who's still doing good as of today! If you didn't know, he was Bear in the Big Blue House!


  12. Oh lookie! Pear Butter is a pony emoji! :3

  13. Ahmed Best has a YouTube channel now! Please go sub him: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7-EnAAGNilzMoXWTqBQYog

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      I wasn't "pointing fingers"; I was just asking for simple clarification.

    3. FlareGun45


      Sorry, just lookin' out for a friend! ;) 

    4. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      Truth be told, I've always been rather neutral toward Jar Jar.

      And even if I dislike a character, it never applies to their actor too; that would just be what people call "fandumb."

  14. I already made a season 9 episode list! But I'm not posting it until all the English versions are released! Should I do that or wait for the season to be done on Discovery?

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      I don't mind either, but personally, I'd like to see it as soon as the Australia version.

    2. FlareGun45


      It's the best one I ever made, that's all I'll say (ooo rhyme)! ;)

    3. Dark Qiviut
  15. Hey brahs! I had my name changed cause "FlareGun45" is gonna represent my pony stuff, while the other is gonna be everything else. I'm gonna be making movies soon and I'd like to keep my YouTubing life and my pony life separate. 

    1. Moon Glow

      Moon Glow

      Nice! I do the same thing :-D I have several art accounts on respective sites that are under one username while my professional life is settled under another

  16. I got the feeling the Storm King's staff could play a major role in the incoming future of the series, cause it was never destroyed! If you didn't know, the staff used to belong to Scorpan and he made from the Tree of Harmony, which is what it said on the 'behind the scenes' book, and it was originally supposed to be in the movie back when it had more continuity to the series. If Scorpan's coming back next season, then we might expect the Storm King's staff to as well, probably as his personal Pillar item if there's a seventh Element of Harmony!

  17. Yeah maybe I shouldn've posted that Cozy Glow theory right away lol! XD Shoulda waited till the Australian release! I'll bump during the time

  18. Why do I feel like such an outsider to even this fandom? A bunch of outsiders? I thought I'd fit right in.

  19. After episode 24, I'm pretty content with...

    ...not knowing where Spike came from. Cause he doesn't care, why should I?

    But I do hope he cares for his future, his purpose! If the origin story ain't happening, we can at least know what his destiny is! Every child goes through that phase of what they wanna do in life, and I'm sure he will next season!

  20. The moment you realize...

    what Sludge did to Spike

    ...is the same exact thing Rarity's been doing to him since the beginning!

  21. Dr. Wolf is a BRILLIANT man!

  22. Tonight's the night! In a little more than 2 hours, we'll finally see if this is the episode us Spike fans have been waiting for! If you're not gonna see it tonight, don't sweat it! I won't spoil it for ya! ;)

  23. Maybe Cozy Glow isn't really a filly? Maybe she's just a little adult pony?

    1. FlareGun45


      That voice is TOTALLY fake! I know that for sure! No pony has a stereotypical voice like THAT! That's G3 stuff! :P

  24. The developers are unintentionally teasing my theory! If this doesn't come true, to be fair, there were alot of evidence supporting it! Here's the list in the spoiler tag!

    I mean, first off, Spike and Smolder look more similar to eachother than other dragons! Look at that little yellow thing under their lips; do ANY other dragons have that (other than Scales)? And look at their bellies, their feet, the little circle thingy on their knees, and look at the little 3 fins on their ears!

    Second, similar personalities - both sarcastic and snarky, but also always there for their friends! And also both aren't like other dragons because they both like cute things!

    Third, their interactions! How they interacted in Molt Down with Smolder offering her insight, but also teasing him, like what a big sister would typically do to a little brother (hint hint)? And then they bond with their firebreathing contest?

    SO MUCH EVIDENCE! I didn't pick this theory lightly! I put little hints and puzzles together to create this theory! Whether it comes true or not, it would be the best idea the writers would ever make! Would work great for both Spike's character AND Smolder's! I really want this theory to come true! Not for my sake, but for Spike's sake, and for the overall show because it would be an amazing twist!

    So nervoucited for the new episode tomorrow! This is when I'll see the lotto numbers! Will I win or lose? Or will they not confirm it? I dunno, brahs! But one way or another, it's been a great theory, and it was really nice having it! :)

    1. FlareGun45


      If you're right and this is Spike's final episode, then all I ask is to give him THE BEST EPISODE EVER! End his story arc... WITH A BANG! >:D

  25. We're really close to episode 24 now, the big one! The one I've been waiting for! Or so I think... I'm gonna prepare myself for the worst though if this episode turns out to be a disappointment. Cause if that happens, I will be uncontrollably angry. I can't stop that, but I can stop myself from complaining about it nonstop on here and putting my anger out on others.

    Gonna do my episode reviews up to What Lies Beneath to get 'em outta the way, and then if the worst comes, I will be taking some time off from here. So wish me luck! I will need it! Gonna prepare myself for this like I'm preparing for a hurricane, and since I live in Florida, I know how to do that! ;)

    1. Megas


      "Written by Dave Rapp and FM DeMarco"

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