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Status Updates posted by FlareGun45

  1. There are 2 possible story arcs people are theorizing for season 9: Student 6 as the new Element bearers and the Seventh Element! Can we fit both in one season?

  2. Oh hey, the Haunted Mansion is on TV! Decent movie, but I like the ride better! :3

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      The one with Eddie Murphy?

      P.S.: Never been on the ride -- or to Disney World, for that matter.

  3. This is the first time in a long time that I watched a new episode of SpongeBob live on Nickeloden! The Night Patty and The Grill is Gone, both pretty good episodes! The show's gotten so much better since Stephen (the creator) came back on it! Not as good as the first 3 seasons, but it's fun to watch again!

  4. Hey, I mighta forgotten, but is there an MLP episode about "hazing"? If there hasn't, there should totally be one! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FlareGun45


      Hazing can be a kid-friendly story moral to go through! It just depends on how they do it!

    3. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      then Discord is definitely using hazing all the way...

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Newbie Dash, that comes the closest. Also one of the worst episodes ever, in my opinion.

  5. AWWWW! I coulda had 100% on this quiz, but then I rethought two of the answers, and now I got them wrong! Whyyyyyy? XD

  6. Woke up today with a bad pain in my lower back! Ouchie wouchie! DX

    1. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      Get well, dude!/)

      take it easy on your back. never pull the weights with your spine.


  7. Hey how do you usually take notes in class? Notepad or laptop?

    1. Jeric


      Notepad. Studies show you absorb and retain information better with a traditional approach. 

  8. Brahs, you're not gonna believe this. I'm on a Disney group, and we're talking on a post about how Disney is just increasing prices? Someone told me "Being at Disney is a privilege, not a right. The increased prices keeps out the 'garbage people'."

    I mean wow, dude! Can ya believe this?

  9. Sup brahs? 'Nother day, 'nother editing class! Only this time I gotta quiz coming up! They're not really easy in this class, especially when the professor really loves to change slices really fast before I take notes! XD

  10. Nightmare Night what a fright! 🎃

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Give us something sweet to bite! :fabulous:

  11. Y'still decorate for Halloween? I'm just about to get some Halloween stuff outta the warehouse!

  12. Dang it Disney!!!! They just cancelled the bloody remake of Knights of the Old Republic! Can ya believe it? It's stuff like this that makes me not want to work with them!

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Knights was a masterpiece

  13. Anyone have any advice to get Equestria Daily outta my life? I really don't wanna be there anymore, but it's really hard to get rid of it!

  14. Hey What happened to the season 9 waiting thread? Season 8's over, so it was time to make it!

    1. FlareGun45


      I know, but what's the meaning of it?

    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      I think there's been a crackdown because of too many similar threads about S9-beyond.

    3. FlareGun45


      It's a waiting thread though, to replace the season 8 one cause it's offically over. The least the locker coulda done is tell me WHY they locked it

  15. Is everyone available? I'm about to post my season 9 episode ideas now that everyone is done with season 8! You brahs and sistas ready? :D

  16. My aunt's gonna get hit by Michael! I wish her the very best!

    1. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      I hope she stays safe! Hurricane Michael is looking really threatening, I hope she isn't in Florida on the coast.

  17. Happy Leif Erikson Day! Hinga-dinga-durgan!

  18. I hope the gift pairings in Best Gift Ever aren't common pairings. At least fot Spike, there are 4 ponies in the Mane 6 he doesn't interact with a lot, so it would be really nice if he was given the chance to give one of them a gift and vice versa instead of Twilight or Rarity for a change. :)

  19. Jeez people seem to think Spike only considers the Mane 6 family and no one else the way they talk. What about Discord? Big Mac? Starlight? TWILIGHT'S FAMILY most importantly? They're his family too technically if Twilight adopted him. When is he gonna be shown bonding with them?

  20. Hey it's almost egg nog season!

    1. Dabmanz


      That reminds me I might try and make my own.

    2. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      I am looking forward to that! :pinkie:

      I don't think I even had egg nog last year, so I gotta make up for it this time around! 

  21. Look at them yoyos, that's the way you do it!

    You play the guitar on the MTV!

    1. Dabmanz


      I haven't seen anyone use a yoyo in a while.

  22. Oh hey I was at Wal*Mart today, THEY HAVE THE SMILEY STICKERS BACK!!!! :D

  23. Are there any females mods here?

    Not that I'm trying to hook up or anything....

  24. I can never get enough of Weird Al's polkas!

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I'm not that big of a fan of his polkas (though I've listened to them and I think they're better than most polka I've listened to (not willingly of course)), but I really like his parodies that stretch into all kinds of other genres. Honestly, I still can't think of a rap song that's actually good (at all really) in it's own way like "White and Nerdy" is.

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