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About Woohoo

  • Birthday 1991-12-17

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    Bellevue, WA
  • Personal Motto
    Why does anyone do anything? Sheer, absolute boredom!

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  1. What is Arnold's last name?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RainbowDashie


      actually, i thought so after making my comment

    3. Thrashy


      I believe the creator said something to the effect of his last name being "something Grandpa commonly calls him", so to me, that says his name is either Arnold Arnold or Arnold Shortman...


      ...That is, assuming you're talking about Arnold from "Hey Arnold!" and not just any ol' schmuck named Arnold. In which case, never mind me.

    4. Woohoo


      Wikipedia says his last name is 'Shortman'

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