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Status Updates posted by Fluttershy4life

  1. Pop a molly and I'm sweatin WOO

  2. Dog passed away today...and oh yeah...Happy Passover?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      Thank you all so much, I really do appreciate it

    3. Fluffy Pinkie
    4. Dreadmallon


      I can relate to your situation, and I give my deepest apologies for your dog.

  3. Tired all day...now that I have to go to bed and wake up at 4 am I ain't tired...fml -.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      It's so annoying I'm super hyper suddenly :P And all day I was so tired I wasn't dealing with ANYONE'S BS at work

    3. longgone


      Read a book in bed? That helps me.

    4. Fluttershy4life


      I'll probably do that :P if i don't i'm gonna be miserable tomorrow

  4. Just realized that Marina and the Diamond's album Electra Heart is my life currently in a nutshell

  5. I love how the librarians trying to get people quiet at my school are louder than the students they are trying to make shut up

  6. Despite the fact that I tore a muscle...best birthday ever.

  7. cat got on my keyboard -.-

  8. Finally was able to do a double pirouette...and got a giant splinter in my foot too...totally worth it!

  9. I have never felt more happy in my life...I have a feeling everything is going to be okay :)

  10. You were never really there for me. But you were always number one.

  11. The new episode..what was that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      I couldn't finish it so I skipped to the ending. It just seemed too fast. I mean Twilight becoming a PRINCESS was the whole point of the series and they squeezed it into one episode.

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      yeah... the earlier portion is actually kinda pointless. I mean its kinda cool to see the other Ponies doing eachothers jobs, but its all so compacted together and gets solved so fast.

      The whole episode should have started with the whole Coronation thing and moved on from there.

    4. Fluttershy4life


      Exactly! The animation or something seemed a bit...off...for me too.

      I don't know, the show really has gone downhill. It's really depressing.

  12. My parents are listening to brony music...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      I didn't even show it too them...they found it themselves. I was upstairs watching something on YouTube and I heard the song "Deae Lunae" playing from my Mom's computer downstairs...don't know how to feel about this

    3. ~/XC- BRONY\~
    4. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      This sounds hilarious.

      When I had my MP3 player I played some of Mic the Microphone in the car and she wondered who this cool new rapper was... then she listened to the lyrics to find out it was about Ponies and laughed hysterically!

  13. Lost glasses...the world has become a gigantic low quality blur

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      IT'S AWFUL! :( I miss seeing the world in HD. Glasses people problems :P

    3. longgone


      Lol, my left eye has crappy vision, but my right eye is alright. One day I forget my glasses at home so I spent the whole day at school looking through my right eye


      #Glasses people problems

    4. Fluttershy4life


      SAME HERE!!! My left eye is wayyyy worse than my right. Probably going to have to do the same as you tomorrow.

      or I'll have to wear my old glasses, which don't do anything at all anymore.


  14. After being stalked on Facebook and being asked out by a random 19 year old I am never stalking anyone ever again. Ever.

  15. I hate to say it but I kind of like the song Thrift Shop.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      I'm hunting, looking for a come-up, this is f*cking aweeeeeesommmmmmmmeeee

    3. ~Master~ Button Mash
    4. NavelColt


      I'm in your grandads' clothes. I look incred-i-ble. I'm in a big-ass coat, from that thrift shop down the road~

  16. This is what happens when the siblings come home: 6 hours of endless bickering o.O

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      *is left out of the Fluttershy party*

      Yeah well I'm right smack dab in the middle of 2 younger siblings and 3 older ones.

      They all argue! I'm never really away from bickering.

    3. Fluttershy4life


      The whole family was last night XD it was pretty brutal and hilarious at the same time!!

      And awww it's okay Colon :( You can be a Fluttershy at heart ;)

    4. ~SadisticFluttershy~


      I'd totally be like Arnold Schwarzenegger and say the one line he's said in several movies *Ahcem*


  17. 1000 songs on iTunes <3 :D

  18. Just had a bad case of the munchies...haven't had that in forever

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      COLON!!! :D I'm like currently writing you a novel in PM :3 I have so much to tell you


      And oh wow Colon you would do that!!! :D I just got really randomly hungry and invaded our kitchen like a maniac XD

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Then again... I was on a certain substance that is infamous for giving one the munchies! ;)

      Oh my partying days! :P

      But can't wait to see what you have to say in your PM! :D

    4. Fluttershy4life


      Yeahh that would explain it!!! ;) I got mine on...nothing! XD


      And I hope so!! :D Goodness so much to write..my fingers hurt from typing so much! :D

  19. Apparently I am actually a natural at soccer, if I actually try.

    1. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Well do you want to play soccer?

      I'm sure be fine if you put your mind yo it!

    2. Fluttershy4life


      Lol it actually was kind of fun to be honest XD I don't think i could go into it but it was fun to discover something new about myself! :D

  20. I own South Park shot glasses now, *wants to get hammered*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      *lifts Cartman glass* let's do this colon! :D

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      *lifts bucket* okay!

    4. Fluttershy4life


      YEAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D This is gonna be a fun day

  21. Going to be in the newspaper wearing my Rainbow Dash shirt! :D

  22. Going to be in the newspaper wearing my Rainbow Dash shirt! :D

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