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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Delirium


  2. Checking out peoples profiles randomly is fun :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      ^I find your diplomatic skill, interesting. :D

      Stalk me if you can now, Pinkie. >:3

    3. Delirium


      I'm having way to much fun doing this....

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Now you know that I'm a part of Lord Inglip's cult. >:3

      By the way, if you've planned to see my profile, isn't not random anymore?

  3. *playing Metro: Last light on Ranger hardcore mode* *Has restarted from checkpoint at least 4 times because I keep getting detected on this one part* ''I'LL DO IT THIS TIME!'' *gets stuck* ''._.'' *turns off console*

  4. Is there anyone on the forum that actually likes being alone?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ____


      I do like being alone, if its raining and cold. Don't know why.

    3. Delirium


      I love the rain :D

    4. Fender


      Rain is amazing. As is the cold. :3


      Being alone is a great thing sometimes, but never too much.

  5. I forgot my mother gets angry at anything and will call you a idiot (or yell death threats) at you for forgetting something

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Riclo


      What do you think causes your mom to act in such a way? Is it just who she is?

    3. Delirium


      Yup. Something horrible happened in 2011 (Right around christmas as well) Which caused a lot of things to happen. I don't want to go any further then that.

    4. Riclo


      Okay then. I just hope your mom manages to change the way she acts a little.

  6. Anypony wanna help with something on minecraft? (xbox)

  7. Me and my friend on Minecraft are having trouble building something. Anyone wanna help? (xbox version)

    1. ____


      Lolyup :3

      Oh wait, I'm nowhere near home

  8. Just brought Ranger mode for Metro: Last Light. Time to replay it ''The way the game was meant to be played''

  9. What game to play, what game to play....

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      Bleh, I played CaveStory for 15 minutes then got bored. Pinkie, do you have Saints Row 2 or 3?

    3. Delirium


      Yup, got Saints row 2 on PS3, 360 and PC and the third on 360 and PC. Though I would prefer to play on console so I don't have to turn on my gaming rig and update everything.

    4. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      You should play one of them then. I get endless fun from either one. :P

  10. Mondays............ ._.

  11. Why do I keep getting this MattyBRaps person in the suggestions on youtube?

  12. This game Receiver is amazing. (Even though I keep dying xD )

    1. ____


      Yeah, games can do that XDD

  13. Just brought the game Receiver. It's really intense.

    1. ____


      Yeah, I know what you mean.

      You been to the convention yet?

    2. Delirium


      What do you mean?

    3. ____


      Weren't you going to go to a...never mind.

  14. I seem to be gaming less and less.

  15. New banner is.... alright.

    1. ____


      Preferred last one.

    2. Delirium
  16. How is everypony doing today?!

  17. The moment when I just want to be left alone but no one will leave me alone.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Delirium


      Friday in australia :D

    3. Betez


      Well it's Thursday in Indiana :(

    4. Zerrodo


      You Australians and your proceeding time zones.

  19. You know those things where it is just a bunch of songs from a certain genre for one hour? Has anyone done that but with brony music?

  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ekOtn7L1N0 This is pretty much what I think of the new xbox reveal
    1. Fender




      You watch the Angry Joe Show too??? :D

  21. Call of Duty: Ghost doesn't look that bad in my opinion.

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