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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Delirium

  1. Back from my short break from this site.

    1. duidamasterXD
    2. Thunderchild


      Glad to see you back. You know your soul belongs to the pones, right?

  2. Yeah, I'm going to leave the forums for a little while.

    1. Jokuc


      Alrighty, see you when you return :)

    2. Thunderchild


      Take it easy man-come back safe.

  3. I'm thinking of leaving the forum for a little while.

    1. TimothyHD


      Aww.. I hope you come back soon!

    2. Thunderchild


      Sometimes it's good to take a break from things-don't be gone too long tho.

  4. So Equestria Girls isn't coming to Australia until august?

  5. (In Skyrim with mods) I used a spell to turn into Pinkie Pie, killed someone in the middle of the street and no one cares. The people of Whiterun just love Pinkie so much!

    1. Fender


      Killing that person must've made them smile. Only Pinkie Pie.

  6. I hate it when people in BF3 sit in the spawn doing nothing while waiting for a vehicle to spawn

  7. Me and my friend need more people to play ArmA 3 with, anyone want to join?

  8. Anyone wanna play some BF3 on ps3?

  9. Me and my friend just ran through a airfield in ArmA 3 without weapons or armor. And we survived!

    1. Fender


      Enemies were just looking at us like "Hey dere guise."

    2. ____
  10. Got that Mortal Kombat game that was banned in australia. Gonna give it a try, even though I am terrible at fighters.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ParsoOfEquestria


      I knew we got an R rating, but I thought they were going to make that the new MA seeing as most games that would have originally been rated MA are now R

    3. Delirium


      Still waiting for L4D2 to get uncensored.

    4. ParsoOfEquestria


      yeah, how dare they take away our blood and gore on a blood and gore game >:|

  11. BF3 on PC for me: Can't connect to server.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Delirium


      I'm in a server now. If you want to play just message me. I'm more of a console player of this game though. Only like level 10 on PC.

    3. Retro*Derpy


      Username? Mine's bobthecableman7

    4. Delirium



  12. I think my depression is coming back.


    1. Thunderchild


      Hey-congratulations. You're like, popular and stuff, you know?

    2. Delirium
  14. This new banner is nice :D

    1. skullgal56


      its hugs friend day!

    2. AmarisNsane


      Yes! ^^ It's adorable! <3 It's just made of smiles!~

  15. Going to play a bit of Black Ops 2. Anypony want to join?

  16. Equestria girls is looking really good now, in my opinion.

  17. Almost went flawless in a Black Ops 2 match

  18. Haven't played Black Ops 2 multiplayer in a while.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You are not missing out on much. I have not played it in a while. I hit prestige master and became a bit...bored

    3. Discorded Bluenote

      Discorded Bluenote

      It is that easy to get to master? I might not get it then...

    4. Jokuc


      nah it's not easy for the average player. I am kind of good I guess :P

  19. Just 2 more weeks until holidays....

    1. Thunderchild


      Cool-going anywhere nice?

    2. Delirium


      Nah, I barely leave my house. I'm just gonna be staying up all night and sleeping all day when they come around. Like I always do. I've always liked the night more then the day.

    3. Thunderchild


      Yeah-that'll change when you get a few more miles on the clock mate.

  20. Whenever someone is at my house, I always lock myself in my room until they leave. Anyone else do this?

    1. Fender


      Yeah, if it's like...an electrician or something.

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