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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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About Jibbs93

  • Birthday 1993-02-11


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    Dublin, Ireland

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  6. Did a quick search and I was surprised to see that there wasn't any discussion going on about this bundle! The original bundle was Swords and Sworcery, Psychonauts, Amnesia and LIMBO, with Bastion as well if you paid the average donation. They also added Braid, Super Meat Boy and Lone Survivor on the 7th June. You get them for free if you had already paid for the bundle. If not, they're available if you pay above the average as well. I got it, and every single game is fantastic. I finished Bastion the other day, it is such a great game, the presentation is innovative, and the music is top quality. Only six days left on it, so give it a bit of thought if you haven't gotten it yet! It works the same as the older bundles, you get to choose how your donation is split between the developers, charity, and the company running the bundle. https://www.humblebundle.com/
  7. I don't think it's a matter of them being less advanced than us with regards to technology. They don't have the same need for a washing machine or a dishwasher as we do. These appliances were designed to make household chores more efficient. Unicorn magic would probably be quicker than a machine at washing dishes and clothes. Of course, different species have different abilities. Earth ponies and pegasi don't have magic, so maybe they would have a need for machines. However, we haven't gotten a proper look at a pegasus kitchen, and Sweet Apple Acres tends to take a more traditionalist approach to what they do anyway. The bakery could employ unicorn cleaners for their kitchen for all we know. The technology that they do have seems to be either essential to everyday living or something that can't be replicated by unicorn magic, such as hospital equipment and arcade machines. All in all, I think it's unfair to judge ponies against our advancements in technology when our lifestyles are so different.
  8. Don't worry, I'm well aware of that. There's actually a bottle of Poitín in my house. =P
  9. I'm debating between two that I created yesterday, I'm not too sure as to which I should use yet. First one is this one, who I'm thinking of calling Skylight, but I think this one looks too much like Spitfire. And this one is my alternate, I'm not too sure what to call him either. Thinking along the lines of Moonshine or Moonbeam, something like that. Can anyone help me out with this predicament?
  10. Hmm, I thought this would have more to do with pony-related alcoholic beverages, like Applejack Daniels. That being said, I'm really bad at that sort of stuff, but I'll give it a go... Rainbow's Dash - I see it as a flavoured spirit of some sort. Twilight Sparkling - Sparkling wine... I'm going to stop before I embarrass myself even further...
  11. May The Best Pet Win was the first episode I ever saw, and I enjoyed the characters quite a lot. So then I unknowingly started from the first episode of season two, watched up to the latest episode, then watched the first season. Been hooked since the first episode I watched!
  12. I think they all got caught out by an unpredictable scenario. 1) Twilight managed to make an out of the blue connection between the six ponies that she had just met over the course of a day and the elements of harmony. Nightmare Moon couldn't have predicted this. 2) Discord was winning, he had all the Mane 6 under his complete control. If it wasn't for Twilight's connection to Celestia through Spike, then he would have succeeded. I doubt Discord knew about that connection, and was shocked to find that the Mane 6 had managed to get out of Discord's control. 3) Chrysalis couldn't have predicted that she would have been defeated by the power of Cadence's and Shining Armor's love, she herself referred to it as a 'wonderful yet ridiculous sentiment'. It's obviously never occurred before, so she couldn't have been prepared.
  13. Celestia, guide me through my computer engineering exam tomorrow. XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jibbs93


      @Devin I'm in an integrated course at the moment, we do a bit of everything for two years and then choose what to do, but I'm certainly planning on specialising in computers!

      @Onix I was thinking that myself after posting this. XD

    3. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      Oh, cool. We're learning how to make circuits and identifying logic gates in our class through the use of breadboards and wires. Maybe you could help me sometime, if that's ok with you? :P

    4. Jibbs93


      Haha, I'd honestly help you if I could, but electrical isn't one of my strongest points. We haven't done logic gates in-depth yet either, I think we're covering them in second year.

  14. I see, I never knew that. I wasn't trying to say Illustrator is better than Inkscape though, just that you'd be better off using Illustrator over Photoshop if you were between those two. Although it's probably more about preference at that stage. Sorry about the misunderstanding!
  15. I don't know about the vectors in the banner, but some are drawn from scratch, and some are drawn using screenshots taken from the show. Inkscape is an open source vector graphics program that some people use. Others use Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, but Illustrator is better that Photoshop for the job of vectors. If you want to view/download vectors, check out the mlp-vector club on deviantART. They have tutorials on their page if you want to try your hand at making your own as well! =)
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